Pace manual summary

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Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Replica7on Guidance Package for Local Governments

What’s in the manual This PACE manual serves as a resource for local governments to assist them with the development, implementa;on, ongoing management and sustainability of PACE programs. It provides in-­‐depth informa;on about how exis;ng PACE programs are opera;ng, including a discussion of financing mechanisms, planning parameters, process implementa;on and other key aspects of PACE. This manual also provides an accompanying “Document Library” intended to give local governments a jump start in establishing a PACE program by providing sample documents to establish a PACE program, to set PACE program policies, to contract for related services and to establish ongoing PACE program opera;ons. Each of the program planning and opera;onal chapters contains “Lessons Learned” per;nent to that chapter’s discussion. Finally, answers to ques;ons frequently asked of California PACE program managers are provided.

How to use the manual

This manual is designed for local government officials, decision-­‐makers, staff, and public advocacy groups interested in establishing a PACE program in their region. Policymakers interested in understanding what PACE is, its advantages and disadvantages, and the future of PACE should focus on the Introduc;on. Advocates of establishing a PACE program may wish to focus on the Introduc;on and Case Studies to understand the poten;al benefits of and possible models for a PACE program. Local elected officials deciding whether or not to implement a PACE program should refer to PACE Program Considera;ons. Staff assigned to implemen;ng a PACE program should refer to Development, Launch, and Ongoing Opera;ons chapters and the Document Library for an understanding of the process and tasks involved with sePng up and opera;ng a PACE program, including administra;ve, legal, and financial challenges.

Access the manual online at: > Resources > For Local Governments. The manual is also saved on your SEEC Forum flash drive.

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