Pge monthly report partnership june2013

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Monthly Progress Report Partnership Name: Your Name: PG&E Program Manager: Reporting Month and Year:

LGEAR Tulare/Kings Maureen Hoff Dave Christensen June 2013

I. Expense Summary Table

Admin Marketing Implementation SER

$968.39 $681.75 $5,990.57 $99.00

Budget To Date Invoiced to Date Total [Includes T&M Contract Current Amount Month] $4,466.26 $18,000.00 $4,259.04 $32,000.00 $18,859.23 $65,000.00 $3,250.35 $65,000.00




Budget Item

Current Month Billing

$180,000 .00


% Remaining Budget

$13,533.74 $27,740.96 $46,140.77 $61,749.65

75.19% 86.69% 70.99% 95.00%



II. Energy Savings Summary Table

Total Energy Savings


Installed Savings To Date Current % of Plan Month

To Date Cumulative

% of Goal

Gross Installed kW Gross Installed kWh Gross Installed Therms

III. Program Overview (Non-Strategic Energy Resources Activities Only): 1. Please give a summary of project activities per budget category over the past month including major milestones, meetings, and lessons learned. Please exclude SER activities.


a. Administration: GAAP accounting and bookkeeping services. b. Marketing: c. Implementation: In lieu of the June monthly partnership meeting, implementing partner and City of Visalia partner attended the SEEC Best Practices Forum in Sacramento June 19th through 20th. 2. Please explain any changes in program emphasis, schedule, or overall strategy and explain how you have accommodated this change. No changes occurred. 3. Please list any changes to contracts, contractors/subcontractors, contractor/subcontractor responsibilities, and staffing changes (include contact information of any new subcontractors or staff). The San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization hired a new staff member, Sarah Farell, who will start work July 2013. 4. Please describe your near-term plans for project implementation over the next two months. No changes for near-term plans. 5. How can PG&E assist with helping this program succeed? Same continued support. IV. Customer Satisfaction N/A 

Customer Complaints and Resolution. Please include any complaints related to Program delivery and actions taken to resolve.

Customer Satisfaction. Please include customer feedback related to services, equipment, and the value customers’ found in participating in the Program.

V. Strategic Energy Resources (SER) Activities

In the table below, please provide a description of your SER activities for the month. SER activities include the following:


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Strategic Plan Initiatives (if applicable) Expansion Items (if applicable) Climate/Energy Planning (if applicable)


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