Sce energy leader partnership value

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Energy Leader Partnerships


Local Governments Joining with Southern California Edison to Advance Sustainability ENERGY LEADER PARTNERSHIPS Local Governments Leading by Example

2. Municipal Retrofits

Southern California Edison (SCE) is joining together

SCE will work with local governments to help audit

with cities and counties to help achieve a joint vision

municipal facilities and identify promising retrofit

of sustainability.

opportunities. Local governments will be eligible

Through the Energy Leader Partnerships Program, SCE provides support to local governments to identify and address energy efficiency opportunities in municipal facilities, take actions supporting the California Long-Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan and increase community awareness of demand side management (DSM) opportunities.


1. Forming the Partnership SCE and one or more local governments enter into a formal agreement to work together to identify and meet the goals of energy savings, demand reduction and environmental sustainability. A Partnership team is formed consisting of representatives from the local jurisdiction and SCE to implement the Partnership’s objectives. In certain partnerships, multiple local governments may choose to particate jointly through a third party implementer who partners with SCE.

for enhanced Partnership incentives — above core SCE incentives — designed to address financial constraints in the public sector. With the Energy Leader model, these incentive levels are reached and then increased as local jurisdictions reach milestones in energy savings.

3. Strategic Plan Actions SCE will support local governments in meeting long term sustainability goals in climate action planning, code compliance, reach codes and other strategic plan initiatives.

4. Marketing and Outreach to the Community SCE will help Partners learn about and leverage the full range of demand side management programs and services, including energy efficiency rebates for residential and business customers, demand response programs, solar training and rebates. The Partnership will co-brand messaging with the local government and use local communication channels.

Energy Leader Partnership Program Model The ELP program has 4 tier levels – Valued Partner, Silver, Gold and Platinum. All Partner levels receive SCE support consisting of Marketing, Education, Outreach & Training, Technical Assistance and Direct Implementation. Achieving pre-determined threshold energy savings goals in city facilities and community-wide will trigger advancement to the higher incentive tiers.

To reward and motivate Partners toward more energy efficiency, the Program offers increased incentives as Partners move progressively up the tiers




SCE will bring a team of resources to ensure

There are numerous benefits to being an

Partnership success. Once you become a Partner,

Energy Leader Partner.

the SCE team will meet with you monthly to provide guidance and support towards implementation of Partnership goals.

Project Manager Your assigned SCE Partnership project manager will oversee the Partnership and coordinate the programs and budget to help you succeed.

Account Manager In addition to the other customer support services SCE provides, your dedicated SCE account manager will help you identify retrofit opportunities and identify all financial incentives available to you.


Reduce government operational costs and thereby reduce utility bills


Demonstrate a leadership role in the community


Help achieve local government greenhouse gas reduction goals


Fully leverage SCE programs and services in your own facilities as well as in your residential and business community

EASY TO PARTICIPATE For more information on how to become an Energy Leader Partner, contact your Region Manager or send an email to:

Region Manager Your SCE region manager will support you with communications to senior local government

management to help communicate Partnership plans and successes.

PARTNER’S ROLE As a Partner, your role is simply to be committed to working together with SCE to achieve the goals of the Partnership. Each Partnership will address the goals in municipal retrofits, strategic plan actions and DSM marketing and outreach. For the Partnership to be successful, the entire team must have a long term commitment to achieving these goals. As a Partner, you will select an energy champion to serve as an active member on the Partnership team and to act as an advocate for the Partnership within your jurisdiction.

Southern California Edison energy efficiency partnerships and programs are funded by California utility customers and administered by Southern California Edison or third party contractors under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Program terms and conditions apply. NR- 639 -V1-310


Energy Leader Partnership Program Working Together to Empower Our Local Governments and Communities Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Energy Leader Partnership program works with cities and counties to meet energy efficiency goals, enable local governments to lead by example, and help develop a long-term vision incorporating integrated demand-side management solutions. The program has moved local governments to become more sustainable, reduce energy usage, save on energy costs, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2010, SCE’s Energy Leader Partnership program has led local governments to these accomplishments: Our partners have completed energy-saving projects in municipal facilities, generating energy savings of more than 53 million kilowatt-hours of energy – this is enough electricity to power over 7,500 homes for one year. As a result of their energy efficiency projects, our local government partners have received more than $8 million in utility incentives. SCE has contracted with more than 80 partner cities to perform more than $24 million in work that directly supports the California Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan. Three of our partnership cities have reached the top tier level (Platinum) in the Energy Leader Partnership program, which means they have completed energy-saving projects equal to 20% or more throughout their cities. An additional fifteen cities have reached the Gold tier level by achieving 10% or more in energy savings. We are working with our partnership cities to develop more than 100 energy action plans. These plans include a long-term vision for energy efficiency which, when implemented, can generate tens of millions of kilowatt-hours of energy savings. Our partners’ energy-saving projects reduced electricity grid demand by 8,188 kilowatts helping to support grid reliability. SCE’s Energy Leader Partnership program empowers, recognizes, and rewards our partners who participate in our programs and work together with us to save energy and costs, and help the environment.

Energy Leader Partnership Model 2013 – 2014

Platinum Level Recognition Levels

Gold Level Silver Level Valued Partner


20% kWh Savings

• Silver Level enhanced incentives

• Gold Level enhanced incentives

• Platinum Level enhanced incentives

• Technical Support

• Technical Support

• Technical Support

• Technical Support

• Strategic Plan Support

• Strategic Plan Support

• Strategic Plan Support

• Strategic Plan Support

• Co-Branded Marketing & Outreach Support

• Co-Branded Marketing & Outreach Support

• Co-Branded Marketing & Outreach Support

• Co-Branded Marketing & Outreach Support

Basic EE Criteria Plus:

Basic EE Criteria Plus:

Basic EE Criteria Plus:

• Commitment to Long Term Energy Efficiency Leadership

• City initiates Energy Action Plan

• City completes Energy Action Plan

• City implements Energy Action Plan

• Commitment to Partnership goals including energy savings in municipal facilities

• 5% kWh reduction for city facilities

• 10% kWh reduction for city facilities

• 20% kWh reduction for city facilities

• 1 Community Menu Item

• 1 Additional Community Menu Item

• 1 Additional Community Menu Item

• Co-sponsor marketing & outreach to the community on EE programs

• Co-sponsor marketing & outreach to the community on EE programs

• Co-sponsor marketing & outreach to the community on EE programs

Basic DR Criteria:

Demand Response Criteria

10% kWh Savings

• Valued Partner Level enhanced incentives

Basic EE Criteria:

Energy Efficiency Criteria

5% kWh Savings

Basic DR Criteria Plus:

• Enroll in California’s Statewide Flex Alert and implement an internal educational campaign

• Distribute Energy Solutions brochure to partner employees

• Complete an Integrated Demand Side Management (IDSM) audit at all eligible facilities greater than 200 kW

• Enroll one (1) eligible facility in a Demand Response program and develop an Event Curtailment Plan for participating facility

Basic DR Criteria Plus:

Basic DR Criteria Plus:

• Enroll 25% of eligible facilities in Demand Response Programs and develop Event Curtailment Plan(s) for participating facilities

• Enroll one eligible service account into one of SCE’s Auto Demand Response Programs and reduce load with automated controls or conduct a community forum with at least 50% of the program content Demand Reponse focused.

• Conduct one (1) co-branded DR awareness item from Marketing & Outreach Menu

• Enroll 50% of eligible facilities in Demand Response Programs and develop Event Curtailment Plan(s) for participating facilities • Conduct one (1) additional co-branded DR awareness item from Marketing & Outreach Menu

* Based on cumulative kWh savings from 2006 (Percentage of total municipal energy use)


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