Sce xxxx 2nd quarter 2013 lgear san joaquin

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2013-2014 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

Program Name: LGEAR: San Joaquin Program Number: SCEXXXX Quarter: Second Quarter 2013 1.

Program Description: LGEAR is a partnership program structure, which involves the creation of energy partnerships with cities and local governments to set energy efficiency goals and generate measurable, verifiable energy savings through identification of specific energy efficiency projects and community outreach activities. Projects are referred to Southern California Edison’s (SCE) and Southern California Gas Company’s (SoCalGas) core programs and can be residential or non-residential, including small, commercial and industrial businesses, municipal and other governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations. Low income and demand response programs will also be included.

2. Administrative Activities:  The following activities took place in San Joaquin: o Completed all Partnership activity monthly and quarterly reports, as requested by the IOUs, and required by the CPUC, and submitted on time. o Maintained efforts toward document retention per the terms of Partnership implementation agreement. o Provided GAP services in accounting and bookkeeping. o Continued active participation with the implementer partners’ Peer to Peer group. 3. Marketing Activities: o A marketing taskforce meeting was held on May 6th at the Tulare County RMA building. Partners discussed how best to utilize marketing dollars and tie efforts into Strategic Planning efforts. Ideas included minimizing the use of the expensive Mobile Education Unit, utilizing community members to assist with outreach, implementing a green building challenge for community and municipal facilities in 2013, and having an educational Roadshow in 2014. The big picture is to tie outreach efforts into the efforts that are being directed by the CPUC and the Program Implementation Plan. o The partnership had a booth at the County of Kings Employee Recognition BBQ on May 7th. About 900 employees were expected to be in attendance and it’s estimated that direct contact was made with at least 300 of these individuals. o The partnership had a booth at the Porterville Prospect Education Center Earth Day on May 10th. About 1,000 students, parents, and teachers were in attendance and it’s estimated that direct contact was made with at least Southern California Edison



2 Quarter 2013

2013-2014 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

600 of these individuals. Children were very engaged and enthusiastic when asked how they could save energy at home and school and were given tips on how else they could save. 4. Direct Implementation Activities: o Implementing partner, local government partners from Visalia and Kings County, and utility partners attended the Local Government Commission Central California partnership meeting at Harris Ranch in Coalinga on April 9th. Topics included regulatory and financing updates, the “5 Cities 5 Days” small business campaign, an overview of the Regional Energy Network, a presentation by Courtney Kalashian related to the Peer to Peer efforts, and partner led discussions on various topics. o The monthly partnership meeting was held on April 18th at the Visalia Chamber of Commerce. Each utility presented on current program offerings. o SJVCEO Project Administrator, Maureen Hoff, participated in a four webinar series presented by Mark Jewell from the Energy Efficiency Funding Group (EEFG) titled “Learning to S.E.E. (Sell Efficiency Effectively)”. o Implementing partner participated in the April 30th Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) webinar titled “Local Energy Efficiency Programs Achieving Results”. Local government staff and consultants from the City of Berkeley, City of Chula Vista, and Claremont presented on efforts implement successful energy efficiency programs and approaches to meet community-wide energy and GHG reduction goals. o The monthly partnership meeting was held on May 16th at the Visalia Chamber of Commerce. Barbara Spoonhour presented on the Home Energy Renovation Opportunity (HERO) program which offers low cost financing for energy efficiency and renewable projects. There was also a presentation on the Southern California Regional Energy Network (SoCal REN) offerings from David Cohen and Doug O’Brien of The Energy Coalition and David Myer of Build It Green. o Implementing partner participated in a June 10th call with Marc Costa from The Energy Coalition for a peer share meeting to discuss project tracking and technical assistance requests. o In lieu of the June monthly partnership meeting, implementing partner and City of Visalia partner attended the SEEC Best Practices Forum in Sacramento June 19th through 20th. 5.

Program Performance/Program Status:

Southern California Edison



2 Quarter 2013

2013-2014 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

 Program is on target  Program is exceeding expectations  Program is falling short of expectations Explanation: The San Joaquin Valley partnerships have been well received. SCE, SCG, new utility partner PG&E, and the partners are working on activities to customize existing energy efficiency programs and to continue to capitalize on the success of the partnership in its first cycle. 6.

Program Achievements (non-resource programs only):


Changes in program emphasis, if any, from previous quarter (e.g., new program elements, less or more emphasis on a particular delivery strategy, program elements discontinued, measure discontinued, budget changes, etc.). No change in focus.


Discussion of near-term plans for program over the coming months (e.g., marketing and outreach efforts that are expected to significantly increase program participation, etc.) 


San Joaquin Valley: o Preparation of partners and plans for the new 2013-2014 transition cycle. o Continual updates to Partnership website to highlight marketing events and other partnership activities/programs o Support jurisdictions in efforts to achieve community savings and tier level advancement through the new community savings menu options

Changes to staffing and staff responsibilities, if any: Deanna Cox Fernandez unexpectedly left the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization. The SJVCEO hired a new employee, Sarah Farell, in June who will begin work in July 2013.

10. Changes to contracts, if any: None 11. Changes to contractors and contractor responsibilities, if any:

Southern California Edison



2 Quarter 2013

2013-2014 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

None 12. Number of customer complaints received: None 13. Revisions to program theory and logic model, if any: None

Southern California Edison



2 Quarter 2013

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