SEEC Forum 2014 PG&E Resource Handout

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2014 Statewide Energy Efficiency Forum

PG&E Resources for Local Governments Purpose


Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) would like to direct California local government partners to the following electronic resources for more information on the topics covered at the 2014 Statewide Energy Efficiency Forum.

PG&E Local Government Homepage: A summary of local government services

PG&E Community Data Web Portal: PG&E makes advanced data available to local governments to support strategic outreach and climate action planning

GHG Emission Factors Info Sheet (Updated April 2013): Presents PG&E’s GHG emissions factor (CO2/kWh) on an annual basis for 2004 – 2012

PG&E’s Proposed Green Option: Describes PG&E’s proposed rate to make the option of 100% renewable energy available to customers.

Businesses and Municipal Facilities 

Energy Efficiency Financing: Describes 0% interest loans for commercial and municipal customers

LED Street Lights Turnkey Replacement Program: Replace street lights with more efficient light emitting diode (LED) technology

Time-Varying Pricing (Time-of-Use and Peak Day Pricing): All California business customers will be placed on a Time-Varying Pricing rate structure

Third Party Program Quick Finder : Scroll to the bottom of the page to find third party programs. Some of the more popular programs include: o

School Energy Efficiency


California Wastewater Optimization (CalPOP)

Incentives by Industry: Quickly access information by industry

Benchmarking through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager: Learn how to automatically track energy consumption and receive an energy rating

MyEnergy: Businesses can manage their PG&E services online in this onestop-shop

Households June 2014 For more information, please contact GovtCommPartnershi

Energy Savings Assistance Program: No-cost energy upgrades for qualified low-income renters and owners

California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE): Lower energy rates for income-qualified households

Home Money Saver: Find incentives for home upgrades and appliances

Energy Upgrade California: Comprehensive, bundled energy upgrades for homes

“PG&E” refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2012 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Sustainability and Strategic Planning

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