VIEW Partnership Monthly Report March 2010

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San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program March 2010 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: Jurisdictions worked with implementer to schedule 2010 MEO calendar. The MEU Second Unit was booked through SCE and OSS for nine community events in 2010. A Jurisdiction Needs Assessment was developed and provided to the “test subject” Tulare County. The 2010 Needs Assessment is 14 questions, with a space provided for written comments. The assessment is broken into three parts including: General Informaiton, Energy Knowledge Base, and Partnership Evaluation. The implementer will distribute the assessment to the seven other partners during the month of April, and schedule follow up calls and face to face meetings to review with the Partners. SCE, SCG, Implementer and County of Tulare met via conference call to determine the best approach to move up their Partner Tier Level. The County is in a unique position, in that their municipal participation level is 62%, while the community participation level is only 2.3%. The call focused on innovative ways to reduce energy usage in the unincorporated areas of the County, specifically in the Ag industry, which accounts for 98,054,178 in annual kWh—almost ten times greater than the next closet usage segment. At the March meeting SCE explained the On Bill Financing in detail with the Partners. Two Jurisdiction identified potential projects that they would like to submit for OBF. Upon further review from SCE with the City, Tulare had to remove their submission. The implementer is in regular contact with jurisdictions to obtain more project ideas and is tracking these in an Excel spreadsheet. Implementer began work to reach first benchmarks embedded Strategic Plan goals 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 4.1.1 and 4.1.3. Additionally, the implementer went through training on the Energy Star Portfolio Manager and is prepared to begin input upon final decision from the CPUC. The Partnership, through the implementing partner, began work on a marketing plan for the 2010, and 2011-2012. This will be treated as a living document and further developed with jurisdiction input at the ME&O Task Force meetings each month. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: All partners are concerned that their OBF projects make the list and want to make sure that they are considered when the program roles out. All partner jurisdictions continue to be concerned about losing marketing and outreach dollars. The group consensus remains that locally based outreach efforts are more effective because of regional diversity, and local understanding of the market. Upcoming Milestones The City of Lindsay will hold the first self-staffed partnership event at the City of Lindsay Earth Day event on Saturday, April 3. There will be a VIEW booth with volunteers from the City (both English and Spanish speaking). The partnership will loan the banner, and provided promotional materials to the City for the booth.

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