San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program May 2014 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: • In lieu of the standard one-‐hour monthly partnership meeting, the Partnership participated in an event at the Visalia Campus of Fresno Pacific University on May 15th and invited members of the local EDCs and other local governments to join. The event, hosted by LGC, was a Local Government Regional Workshop: “The Dollars and Sense of Energy Efficiency”. Participants were engaged and provided feedback about the need for local contractors in the San Joaquin Valley and a greater number of effective training programs. • The partnership had a booth at both the City of Visalia Earth Day event on May 3rd and the County of Kings Employee Appreciation BBQ on May 6th. Information about low-‐ and no-‐cost energy and cost saving measures were distributed to all attendees. • Implementing partner visited all Eastern VIEW Partnership cities to distribute and request signature from Public Works Directors in order to submit CISR (data release authorization) forms to the utilities for 2014. • SJVCEO Executive Director, Courtney Kalashian, is participating in rolling cycle workgroups for 2016 and beyond. • Program Administrator, Sarah Farell, attended the UCLA Anderson Energy Innovation Conference in Los Angeles. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: • SJVCEO has reviewed the City of Visalia’s EE Measures under contract with TEN. Need to ensure projects are correct and on track. Upcoming Milestones • In lieu of the June monthly partnership meeting, implementing partner will attend, and encourages local government partners to attend, the SEEC Best Practices Forum in San Diego June 18th and 19th.