San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program June 2015 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: • Implementing Partner and the City of Visalia participated in the sixth annual SEEC Conference in Sacramento on June 17th and 18th. • Implementing Partner participated in Local Government Partnerships Peer to Peer conference calls and in-‐person meetings to discuss billing issues, data procurement, and other topics. • SJVCEO Program Administrator Sarah Farell worked with the City of Visalia to fix SCE and SCG benchmarking issues, including data overlaps and gaps, on Portfolio Manager. • SJVCEO Program Administrator Samantha Dodero worked with registered participants of the Kill-‐A-‐ Watt Krackdown challenge on benchmarking and EE projects. • SJVCEO Program Administrator Samantha Dodero conducted outreach to VIEW Cities and communicated with the contractor for the Mobil Home Direct Install program. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: • SJVCEO Program Administrator Sarah Farell has been working with EEFG and SCG representatives to determine successful workarounds in E.P.A. Energy Star Portfolio Manager. Meter shares and data uploads have rendered unsuccessful and manual uploads will be necessary going forward. Upcoming Milestones • The next monthly VIEW Partnership meeting will be held on July 16th at Tulare County’s RMA Plaza in Visalia.