San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program March 2013 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: The monthly partnership meeting was held on March 21st at the Visalia Chamber of Commerce. Most of the efforts of the first quarter and in March have been in preparation of the new program cycle. At the March meeting the following was discussed: a new meeting format to begin in April in order to allow for greater sharing of utility program opportunities; a one-time marketing taskforce meeting was determined to be the best use of time to discuss all marketing-related items for the entire partnership cycle; potential Regional Network Energy benefits and what will likely be the most beneficial for the VIEW partnership; as well as upcoming opportunities for peer sharing at the Central California Local Government Partnership meeting and SEEC Best Practices Forum. Implementing partner worked hand in hand with jurisdictions and utility account reps to help identify potential projects. The City of Visalia utilized the partnership’s new technical assistance (TA) request form in order to request an audit. This TA form was adapted from another local government partnership and shared as part of Peer to Peer small group meeting discussions. In addition, the City of Visalia has been working with implementing partner to fine-tune the data in Portfolio Manager to help identify potential projects. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: The February reimbursement request had yet to be approved at the end of March by utilities due to several Regional Energy Network (REN)-related expenses. Implementing partner opted not to resubmit the request without the REN-related expenses due to the fact that editing and resubmitting invoices is extremely time-consuming and costly. Management from the utilities has been in talks and evaluating what REN-related expenses will be allowed for submission across all partnerships. Upcoming Milestones The next monthly Partnership meeting will be April 18, 2013. The Central California and Central Coast Local Government Partnership meeting will be April 9th in Coalinga. The partnership will have a booth at the County of Kings Employee Recognition BBQ on May 7th. The partnership will have a booth at the Porterville Prospect Education Center Earth Day on May 10th.