San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program November 2011 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: In lieu of a monthly Partnership meeting, the inaugural VIEW the Success! luncheon was held on November 3rd to recognize the achievements of the participating jurisdictions, as well as receive feedback from the group for the future of the Partnership. All seven of the eight local governments in the Partnership were represented, as well as elected officials from Kings County and Managers from both utilities. All partners were very pleased with the event and considered it a great success. Rhonda Mann, from Kings County sent the following note: “We all had a very nice time. It was nice to show them that I do have a reason for all the things I do. And next direct install I will have lots of support. They plan to help me hit the street and rally the county. They all thanked me for the invite. They even asked questions about the power strips and some of the other stuff I work on. Doug was wondering how come we only did the 600 on the power strips. I explained they had to be all installed and running or we had to pay for them. I consulted with IT on the best locations for installation where we would benefit the most. They were very impressed that we worked with everyone. I really appreciate all you and Courtney's hard work. It was also very good food. Thanks again.” The City of Hanford and Kings County have requested that the 2012 VIEW the Success! luncheon be held in Hanford, as they are so excited about the work they both have planned for 2012. Jurisdiction personnel have started asking about the 2012 date (November 1) as they all want to get their local electeds confirmed. All in all, a very successful event. Implementer, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization project manager and staff, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Fluoresco, and Tulare County met on November 1st to discuss EECBG project status, address issues and find resolutions so that the project can start work again. Implementer met with vendor on November 8th to discuss details for the marketing brochure reprint for 2012. Approximately 1,300 Plug Load Occupancy Sensors were installed in Tulare County by Lynksys. In order to ensure the SCE Express Efficiency applications were processed in time the implementer assisted SCE and the County in completing the documents. The remaining ≈4,000 units will be installed in December or January. The SCE Program Manager and implementing partner have obtained a proposal from a local, job-training contractor to install the remaining units. The proposal is under review.
Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: The County of Tulare’s Assistant Administrative Officer has put a stop work order on the EECBG lighting project due to a list of issues and concerns with the installation process. Implementer, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization project manager and staff, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Fluoresco, and Tulare County have been in contact to discuss project status, address issues and find resolutions so that the project can start work again. If the County opts to not complete the project, the remaining funds can be transferred to another local government in the EECBG consortium. The SJVCEO will make every effort to see the majority of funds remain in SCE service territory, or include potential therm savings projects in the SCG service territory. The implementing Partner has been working with all eight jurisdictions to gather details relating to energy accounts in order to provide a comprehensive portfolio review, and prepare the facilities for upload into the EPA Portfolio Manager system. The project was originally scheduled to be completed in June 2011. Due to staff cutbacks and lack of time jurisdiction partners have not been able to provide necessary information in a timely manner. The implementer has revised internal projections and confirmed with the jurisdictions that the project will now not be complete until the first quarter of 2012. The City of Visalia is on the fence about participating in the Partnership efforts, or to go it alone using funds from Flight 15.6. Implementer remains in regular contact with the City to encourage them to participate so that all jurisdictions complete the work. Implementer and Utility managers are working to ensure submission of application for incentive on ARRA funded projects with all eight jurisdictions. Upcoming Milestones Implementer will continue drafting language to address Partnership strategic plan menu selection 4.1.3: general plan update efficiency language template for presentation to the Partners in December 2011. The Program Manager and Implementer will meet to strategize next steps in assisting the City of Tulare to pursue Gold Tier status. The last Partnership meeting of 2011 will take place on Thursday, December 1st. Implementer will travel to Alhambra on December 20th to participate in a Peer to Peer Working Group to discuss the Energy Leader Model and partnership structure. The Statewide Best Practices Coordinator will release the first Best Practices Fact Sheet from a southern California LGP in December. The fact sheet will feature the Partnership benchmarking efforts and highlight the Benchmarking Made Easy how-to guide.