ME&O Self Staff Event Report
Date: 05/06/2013
Jurisdiction: Kings County
Event Name: Kings County Employee Recognition BBQ Location: Kings County Government Center – Courtyard in front of Admin bldg.. Address: 1400 West Lacey Blvd.
Display: pop-up tent, table, 2 chairs,
City/Zip: Hanford, CA 93230
End Time: 2:15pm after return travel
Public Hours: 11:30am- 1pm
Additional Costs Incurred: mileage
Event Attendance: 900
Staff: Maureen Hoff, Shalon Anderson
Attendee Demographic: community; County employees Estimated Contacts: 300
Report Written By: Maureen Hoff
Start Time: 9am travel, 10am set-up
Topics of Interest: windows, solar
Promotional Items: 600 VIEW brochures (500 leftover) 30 SCE LGP books (0 leftover) 75 SoCalGas/EUCA blue tote bags (0 leftover) 33 SCE LGP green tote bags (0 leftover) 150 VIEW keychains (0 left over) Various SCG brochures: G:\Association\SJVCEO\VIEW Partnership\ME&O\Outreach
o 200 customer assistance programs (most if not all leftover – this crowd would not have o 50 mail in SCG shower kit (0 leftover) o 100 - 45 Ways to Save (did not pass these out) o 100 EUCA related brochures (0 leftover) o 100 safety related brochures (not passed out until later in event, about 80 leftover) o 25 scratch and sniff natural gas cards (23 left over – people liked as demo only) o 100 branded sticky notes (7 leftover) Comments: This was the first time VIEW had a booth at this event. The Kings County employees were very receptive and enthusiastic about the event and the VIEW materials. We spoke with PG&E, SCE, and SCG customers and were able to provide them with giveaways, EUCA brochures, and several different SCG brochures. We did not have any SCE or PG&E specific materials but were able to discuss with their customers how to go online and get more information. If we attend this event again, I would suggest bringing many more tote bags (our booth was the only one giving them away!) and other giveaways. Booth location was under an overhang so we did not need the pop up tent.
G:\Association\SJVCEO\VIEW Partnership\ME&O\Outreach