View self staff event report pec earthday

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ME&O Self Staff Event Report

Date: 05/10/2013

Jurisdiction: Porterville

Event Name: Porterville Prospect Education Center Earth Day Location: Prospect Education Center Address: 645 N. Prospect

Display: pop-up tent; table and 2 chairs provided by event organizer; VIEW banner; tablecloth Start Time: 9am travel, 10am set-up

City/Zip: Porterville, CA 93257

End Time: 5:00pm

Public Hours: 10:00am- 2pm

Additional Costs Incurred: mileage, meal after event Staff: Maureen Hoff, Courtney Kalashian

Event Attendance: 1,000 Attendee Demographic: community; children; young adults; faculty and staff

Report Written By: Maureen Hoff

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Estimated Contacts: 600

Topics of Interest: EE around home – ways children can help to save energy around the home

Promotional Items:  600 VIEW brochures (150 or so leftover)  100 tote bags  250 CARE brochures  25 scratch and sniff natural gas cards Comments: The Porterville Prospect Education Center Earth Day celebration features various booths with some sort of environmental focus. This was the third year the VIEW partnership has had a booth. Giveaways included energy efficiency-themed coloring sheets, energy saving tips, partnership brochures, SCE and SCG tote bags, CARE brochures, and a few scratch and sniff natural gas cards. Children were asked how they save energy at home and school and were given tips on how else they could save. Most of the children were very engaged and enthusiastic. In years past, children colored at the booth, but the event seemed much more rushed and children were hurried along from booth to booth. As the afternoon approached and the temperature rose (it was HOT!) most attendees seemed lethargic and ready to go. Next time we attend this event, it is recommended to bring more giveaways or some sort of interactive display. And large bottles of water!!!

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