An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
Vigilmetrics June 2014
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MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
Disclaimer: This document is an introduction into Vigilmetrics’s MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework. This document is not a proposal. The purpose of this document is to present to the reader with a potential performance delivery path, through which they can approach some of the challenges that are currently being experienced. The contents of this document have been developed with little detailed insight into the full issues, concerns and challenges being experienced at the readers company and therefore some of the methodology and approach may not be optimal in some instances. This document is presented purely as an indication of the type of work that Vigilmetrics can perform, should the need or the demand arise.
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An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
Contents 1
Our Understanding of Your Challenges .......................................................................................... 4
The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Wheel ........................................................... 6
An Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6
An Overview of the 11 MISSISSIPPI Steps ............................................................................... 7
Advancing Your Organisation Up the Maturity Curve ............................................................ 8
The Implementation Gap (Phase 1) ................................................................................ 9
The Informatics Gap (Phase 2) ........................................................................................ 9
The Improvement Gap (Phase 3) .................................................................................. 10
The Innovation Gap (Phase 4) ....................................................................................... 10
Proposed Benefits of the Vigilmetrics Performance Delivery Approach ...................................... 11 3.1
High Impact ........................................................................................................................... 11
Sustainable ............................................................................................................................ 11
Strategic relevance................................................................................................................ 11
Actionable, tangible, implementable.................................................................................... 11
Optimal Decision-making ...................................................................................................... 12
One version of the truth ....................................................................................................... 12
Line of Sight........................................................................................................................... 12
Do what we say we do! ......................................................................................................... 12
Products and Tools........................................................................................................................ 13 4.1
Vigilmetrics Measure Manager ............................................................................................. 13
Vigilmetrics Intelligent ReportingTM ...................................................................................... 14
Vigilmetrics Architecture Overview (basic) ........................................................................... 14
About Us........................................................................................................................................ 15 5.1
Our Contact Details ............................................................................................................... 15
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An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
Our Understanding of Your Challenges Companies often experience challenges around many performance delivery aspects. The most notable of these are highlighted below, as well as the reasons why they should be eradicated as soon as possible. Often challenges relate to poor practices and bad habits that become entrenched over time. While we may not be as exposed to a companies set-up, operations, processes structure and culture as we would like, most performance shortcomings are rooted in the list below. •
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Agreement on which measures to choose, and equally import which measures not to choose. While this may seem a trivial challenge, it is in fact probably the most common and unfortunately one of the leading causes of performance underachievement. Having the right measures as well as the right number of measures promotes the requisite focus to get mandates achieved and performance objectives fulfilled. Having the wrong measures included can sinisterly drive undesirable behaviour and cloud decision making. Furthermore choosing the right measures upfront means they should be robust enough to endure annual budgets so that year-on-year comparisons, benchmarking etc., can be carried out on an apples-to-apples basis. All measures need to be owned. Ownership of these measures (strategic objectives, KPIs etc.) enforces accountability. It also establishes a chain of command so that should action need to be taken to improve or adjust performance there is visible transparency and accountability for these actions. Agreement on measure definitions and calculations is another challenge not to be dismissed lightly. Whether these are for strategic objectives, KPIs, measures, personnel incentive measures the consistency, clarity, unambiguity, simplicity and understanding is vital to ensure they get adopted, stretch ambitions and motivate desired behaviour. Calculations need to also well debated, agreed, and clearly thought through so that they maintain their relevance over time, different locations and different departments. Automation of measures is vital for efficient and effective decision making. Once measures are correctly automated and properly displayed through the appropriate visualisation tools, patterns can be more readily identified, decisions are made quicker and improvements realised earlier. Spreadsheets are extremely attractive because they are cheap, easy to use and readily available, but the true costs are often disguised in down the line inefficiencies in decision making, delayed reports and arguments around the accuracy and reliability of the numbers. Spreadsheets need to be accommodated, but one must guard against them becoming the rule rather than the exception. The measurement of processes is the key ingredient necessary if one is ever going to improve and optimise on processes. Where organisations are more process centric i.e. older more established businesses, then the measurement of processes, and intraprocesses is even more crucial. As well as being measured it is also crucial that these processes are documented and visible throughout the organisation. Tracking projects and initiatives is the lifeblood of any organisation. These are the actions that need to be taken to move the needles on the performance dashboards. Page 4 of 15
An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
They need to be synchronised, prioritised and have the optimal resource allocations so that synergies and economies of scale can be realised. Aligning performance measures from strategic objectives through to individual performance measures creates the line of sight and the golden thread through which all focused objectives will be fulfilled. One would want to question any initiatives that are undertaken that fall outside this golden thread.
Many of the above issues may be endemic to a business or may be systematic of the shortcomings experienced owing to the performance maturity of the organisation. While many initiatives and best practices can be adopted to improve the performance shortcomings described above, one should always be mindful of ensuring the sustainability of these undertakings, which normally translates into maturing the organisation through more astute performance phases. These phases (which are intended more as guidelines than actual physical states) are displayed in Diagram 1 below (Gartner Performance Maturity Map).
Diagram 1 Gartner Performance Maturity Map
A conscious systematic approach to delivering on the organisations performance mandate and progressing up through the maturity ladder shown above is crucial. Vigilmetrics has developed the MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Wheel to steadily guide organisations through the performance maturity life cycle.
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An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Wheel
2.1 An Introduction The Vigilmetrics Performance Delivery Wheel is an 11 step process to guide organisations in constantly improving their performance maturity levels (see Diagram 2 below). Within an enterprise performance management framework one must quickly accept that a performance mandate is not an initiative – it does not have a start and a finish – but is rather a continuous improvement process to constantly and sustainable deliver on performance objectives.
Diagram 2 Vigilmetrics Performance Delivery Wheel
The Vigilmetrics Performance Delivery Wheel has drawn on the best practises of internationally acclaimed performance management and strategy implementation frameworks, the most notable worth mentioning being the Balanced Scorecard and the Stanford Strategic Execution Framework. Also worth stressing is that no matter how comprehensive, or how detailed you want your performance framework to be, if the key stakeholders in your organisation are not willing to commit fully in terms of time, budget and engagement, the success of your performance mandate will be comprised before it has a chance to even begin!
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An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
2.2 An Overview of the 11 MISSISSIPPI Steps
Performance Delivery Objectives
Motivation for Strategy Implementation & Performance Delivery framework
• Understand the existing strategy • Understand the organisation & industry challenges • Identify and define key stakeholders and roles • Differentiate between strategic and operational agenda • Identify organisational readiness to fulfil on performance effort
Capability Visualise Embracement Actualise
Steps Understand
Table 1 below gives a very high level view of what the Performance Delivery Wheel delivers. The core strength of the Wheel i.e. the main spokes, are the performance management undertakings to close the performance gaps, namely the implementation, informatics, improvement and innovation gaps. The measurement activities take place in between them i.e. identifying how effectively the gap is being closed. Steps 9 and 10 in the Wheel are responsible for ensuring the changes get adopted, accepted and embedded in the work environment so that improvement is allowed to flourish.
Implementation Gap
Strategy & success maps
• Translate strategy into strategic objectives, • Visualise the strategy ‘story’
Scope the measurement landscape
• Identify initiatives , projects, processes, KPIs and correlating measures & targets • Define the measurement universe
Informatics Gap
• Data visualisation (scorecards, dashboards, reports etc.) • Data automation
System Alignment
• Governance and maintenance of measures repository • Workflow and integrity management
Significance Assessment
• Build VDTs to visualise performing and nonperforming measures • Tools to gain insight into underpinning and contributing factors
Improvement Gap
• Identify a suitable continuous improvement framework • Implement framework, improvement processes and discipline
Penetrate into the whole organisation
• Cascade the measurement and improvement system throughout all levels of the organisation
Propagate the measurement & improvement culture
• Promote the advantages, benefits and success stories throughout organisation • Maintain the momentum
Innovation Gap
• Identify opportunities for ‘performance shift’ versus ‘performance lift’
Table 1 Summary of the MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Steps
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An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
2.3 Advancing Your Organisation Up the Maturity Curve As mentioned earlier performance management and improvement is a continuous process. Because objectives keep changing and adjusting, your mandate to fulfil those objectives will constantly need to adapt. By adapting your strategy to the ever changing business world, and aligning your workforce and resources to deliver on these strategic objectives is what performance management is all about. Unfortunately this does not happen overnight, and one needs to mature the organisation so that the benefits are enterprise wide performance management can be realised. The Vigilmetrics Performance Delivery Wheel will help you develop and sustain a robust performance framework.
Diagram 3 Using the Vigilmetrics Performance Delivery Wheel to advance your organisation up the maturity curve
In Diagram 3 above the Vigilmetrics Performance Wheel’s 4 key spokes are given greater emphasis as one continues up the maturity curve. These 4 spokes are focused on closing the performance gaps around: • •
your implementation to make sure you have translated your strategy correctly and your objectives and measurement landscape are aligned to deliver on the performance mandate; the informatics gap to ensure all visualisation, reporting, dashboards, scorecards, automation of data and analysis is optimised to ensure decision making is streamlined, relevant and focused on high impact priorities; continuous improvement, where improvement is entrenched as a cultural trait, wastage and costs are eliminated, processes are fit-for-purpose and efficiencies and constantly focused on, and the innovation gap needs to be closed – if we start stretching our strategic ambitions the organisation will have to change some of the things it is doing, and those changes should look at shifting rather than just moving the performance landscape.
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An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
These four performance gaps can also be viewed as phases for developing a performance management system or framework. The 4 performance gaps are described below: 2.3.1
The Implementation Gap (Phase 1) To close the implementation gap we will need to identify, define and develop the Strategic Objectives as well as the Strategic Targets and Results. Once the Strategic Objectives and targets have been completed we then need to define and scope the performance landscape through the selection and identification of: • • • •
KPIs and respective targets, ensuring the naming, definition, calculation, ownership, data integrity and data automation components are correctly represented. Projects and initiatives that are required to complete the tasks to fulfil performance gaps are captured, agreed to and signed off. Processes (and respective measures) that will be used to deliver on the performance mandate are well documented and accessible. Workforce and personnel KPIs are aligned to the above performance landscape.
Depending on the number of departments, the maturity of the organisation and the current state of it’s performance assets, the length that this phase can take is variable. However, it is worth mentioning that this phase should be meticulously pursued and comprehensively fulfilled as it is the bedrock on which the foundations of the organisations performance framework will be built. 2.3.2
The Informatics Gap (Phase 2) In this phase we are concerned with optimising decision making. We are therefore concerned with the speed, accuracy, delivery, interpretation, understanding, relevancy and simplicity in which the organisation’s data can be transformed to help reach desired objectives. Here we will look at: •
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Performance visualisation i.e dashboards, scorecards, value driver trees, process maps etc. these tools must be available and readily accessible to all staff. Best practise visualisation techniques are also used to ensure efficient and effective performance information transfer. Automation of KPIs, measures and reports. All KPIs and performance information must be available at the click of a button, no matter where your workforce is located. The integrity of this data must also be beyond question – you want to be fixing problems not arguing about the accuracy of the data and the reports! Maintenance, governance, sustainability of performance assets is also essential. There must be a centralised accessible repository where all performance assets are stored, with the requisite checks in place to ensure effective performance management.
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The Improvement Gap (Phase 3) We are now ready to focus on the analysis of our performance, to understand where gaps are occurring, why performance targets and objectives are underachieving or even better overachieving, so that we can pass these learnings and best practices onto other departments, or used as base for accelerated performance improvement. When doing performance improvement gap analysis, underperformance is normally a result of: • • • • •
Alignment and cascading, where the whole organisation is not equally included in the performance mandate. Workforce adoption (change management) is insufficient and buy-in is poor and resistance high. Incorrect workforce has been allocated KPIs are irrelevant, inaccurate, outdated or difficult to understand and Processes are cumbersome, badly measured and in some instances irrelevant.
Vigilmetrics Measure Manager is a great tool that combines the insight of all these performance issues into one user interface. By integrating KPIs, processes, strategic objectives, projects and initiatives, value driver trees, workforce organograms in one application powerful performance insight is available, and improvement opportunities are easier to identify. 2.3.4
The Innovation Gap (Phase 4) There is so much improvement that can be achieved by merely doing what we are currently doing better. At some stage we need to lift our heads and ask, “Are we doing the right things” as opposed to merely “doing things right”. In closing the innovation gap phase we want to see where we can revolutionise change – instead of just incrementally improving, look for ways to shift the performance dynamic. In this phase we will therefore look around opportunities such as: • • •
Process reengineering Blue ocean approach Performance shift opportunities
The Vigilmetrics Performance Delivery Wheel continues through the innovation gap as new strategic objectives are adopted, changes in policy are made, and therefore performance delivery needs to adjust accordingly. The organisation will therefore continuously move through the Delivery wheel, at various speeds depending on the amount and the intensity of the change.
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An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
Proposed Benefits of the Vigilmetrics Performance Delivery Approach Through the use of the Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Wheel we are confident organisations will realise the following performance benefits:
3.1 High Impact •
Focus on what matters o Do the right things versus doing things right o Perform with purpose and precision Optimal allocation and usage of resources o Lean performance o Reduce waste o Optimal processes o Customer intimacy
3.2 Sustainable • • • • • •
Robust framework to continually deliver Continual shared learning Continuous improvement Maintain relevance in dynamic and fluid markets Ensure we maintain high ethics and valued relationships In tune with environmental demands
3.3 Strategic relevance • • • • •
Operationally focused on strategic objectives Decisions, operations, initiatives consciously commissioned and prioritised Best practice aligned Competitively comparable Benchmarked on international standards o Peers o Other companies of same size o Your own organisation!
3.4 Actionable, tangible, implementable • • • • •
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Base decisions on facts Make strategy easy to understand, interpret and follow Make strategy and performance engaging throughout the organisation Makes it easier to adjust performance and strategy when objectives are clearly articulated ,everyone understands the common purpose The whole organisation understands why they are doing what they are doing
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3.5 Optimal Decision-making • • • • • •
Clear, simple, meaningful visualisation Use dashboards and scorecards in meetings and presentations Interrogate and analyse data Leading/predictive indicators Access to benchmarks and targets Available throughout the organisation
3.6 One version of the truth •
• • • •
Common, centralised, standardised: o Measure definitions o Measure calculations o Reporting period o Reporting format Agreed, understood, embraced Reliable and repeatable Strong, robust governance Collection o multiple sources at the relevant intervals o formalise spreadsheets as a data source (i.e. put it in a database) Visualisation o Accessibility to all KPIs, measures and indicators, speedily! (24/7/365) o Data stable, clean and reliable o Real time Drill-throughs and filtering o Collaboration and common platform
3.7 Line of Sight • • • • • •
Strategic alignment throughout the business Compacts and appraisals relevant to business objectives Cause and effect linked – top to bottom “All know where we fit in” Cascading reporting Measurement is organisation wide
3.8 Do what we say we do! • •
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Look at what we are doing rather than what we are saying Deliver on our delivery promise o “We deliver world class solutions” o “Our customers come first” o “We offer unrivalled quality” Synchronised and fit for purpose Page 12 of 15
An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
Products and Tools Vigilmetrics has some world-class tools which are used during the delivery of its performance improvement assignments. Depending on the type of engagement, the capital cost of these tools can be offered free as part of the delivered solution. This helps us ensure that we leave the client with a robust, well contained, governed and manageable performance infrastructure through which to continually realise their performance ambitions.
4.1 Vigilmetrics Measure Manager Vigilmetrics Measure Manager is a powerful performance measurement and management tool owned and developed by Vigilmetrics. Some of the world-class functionality that the software delivers includes: • •
• •
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Workflow to ensure integrity of your measure landscape is maintained through a robust approval process. Performance asset libraries to ensure all definitions, calculations, targets, responsibilities etc. are governed and managed in a central repository. These libraries include: o A KPI and measures repository o Strategic objectives o Processes o Projects and initiatives Performance visualisation capabilities, through simple drag and drop functionality will help you create: o Measure maps o Value Driver Trees o Process Maps (with measures imbedded inside) o Strategy Maps o Organograms o Scorecards Sophisticated data management and data integration functionality, allowing you to connect to any data source, database, cube or spreadsheet. Detailed permissions and access to certain modules in the software so that sensitive or exclusive performance information can be targeted and viewed by the appropriate users. Easy to understand and simple interface makes for a smooth user experience by: o Enabling fast business deployment and interaction turnaround o Embedded tree intelligence - roll-up calculations and mathematical derivations are made possible by custom expressions o Strong support for backend technology (built off Microsoft SQL backend) o A business users understanding of their own objectives and responsibilities can produce a detailed and informative view of their division without consulting with software or database developers or analysts Page 13 of 15
An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
4.2 Vigilmetrics Intelligent ReportingTM Vigilmetrics Intelligent Reporting capability is ideal for developing dashboards and analysing data patterns and trends. The visualisation of data, when done correctly can provide detailed insight and amplify your decision making. Some of the functionality you will enjoy includes: • • • •
Creation of alerts so that you can be notified via email or SMS when a performance parameter has been breached. Connect to multiple different data sources at the same time and at different data collection intervals. Build comprehensive and detailed graphs and other visualisation aids. Imbed detailed filters, tabs and sliders to interrogate and analyse the data.
4.3 Vigilmetrics Architecture Overview (basic) Vigilmetrics requires very little as far as network resources are concerned. With a hosted or onsite server, virtual, physical, or shared, you can be up and running within a matter of hours following consultation with your networks department. All client data remains within the data sources used to create the queries, so there is no duplication of information or expensive transforms taking place over your network.
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An Overview of the Vigilmetrics Approach to Enterprise Performance Management The Vigilmetrics MISSISSIPPI Performance Delivery Framework
About Us Vigilmetrics is one of the leading performance delivery partners in supplying clients with performance management tools, dashboards and reporting requirements. The easy to interpret and visually appealing scorecards, performance dashboards and business reporting provides insight into your business and enhance decision making to boost your performance to the next level. Through years of dedicated service to our ever growing client base, Vigilmetrics prides itself in delivering products and solutions that are of the same high highly acclaimed standards as those of their international counterparts. Our clients benefit from our analytic solutions and services of thought leaders whose expertise and experience are on par with world class standards. Vigilmetrics boasts an impressive blue chip client base that embraces all industry sectors including financial services, healthcare, telecommunications, manufacturing, government and education to name a few. It has been our experience that there isn’t a business out there whose performance can’t be measured! If you’re tracking the data, we can provide you with superior data visualisation and interpretation. That’s our promise to you!
5.1 Our Contact Details Address:
The Campus The Gabba Building 57 Sloane Street Bryanston, Johannesburg
+27 (11) 575 1211
www.vigilmetrics .com
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