Regulation related to Group Housing The numbers of dwelling units are calculated on the basis of the density pattern given in the development plan, taking into consideration a population of 4.5 persons per dwelling unit.
Minimum size of the plot
2250 sq. mt.
In hill towns
5000 sq. mt.
Maximum ground coverage
Maximum FAR
125 (higher FAR may be given dependingon the pattern of development and should not exceed 150)
Maximum Height
15 mt. (for plot sixes upto 4000 sq. mt.) and 26 mt. for plots above 4000
In hill areas
15 mt. for all size of plots.
Number of dwelling units
To be calculated on the basis of the net plot area of a particular neighbourhood. This may vary between 50 DUs. to 124 DUs. Per ha.
Note: 1.
Basement, if constructed, is to be used for parking, servicing and for essential household storage and for providing facilities without counting in FAR.
The quantum of basement may vary between 33 1/3 % to 50% of the plot area.
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