Payroll Sof tware
What is Payroll Software
The flagship product of Eilisys Technologies, Ascent Payroll is the most flexible and easy payroll management software available today. Packed with the most robust features like income tax calculator, flexi reimbursements and Expat grossing up tax, Ascent Payroll is the best payroll software & perfect fit for fast payroll calculation.
Payroll sof tware Help you
Ascent Payroll Sof tware Digitally Signed Form16 Parametric Driven Income Tax, Profession Tax, Provident Fund
and ESIC User definable layouts for import utilities Complete Payroll Processing Audit & Variance Controls Expat (grossing up tax) CTC Declaration Full & Final settlement Report Generator
As cent Payro ll Sof t ware Ben ef it s for F INANCE DE PARTME NT Audit trail for Earning / Deduction and Employee Master
information changes Quarterly / Yearly e -TDS Returns in NSDL Format Automatic TDS calculation with an option to calculate TDS based
on proportionate income Parameter Driven Income Tax Calculation Parameter Driven Salary JV Automated bank upload file or NEFT file into banker's format Variation Report over the last month transactions
A s c e n t Pay ro l l S o f t wa r e B e ne f i t s fo r H U M A N R E S O U RC E S D E PA R TM E N T Comprehensive employee information including previous
employment details User definable formula for each earning / deduction code Templates / import utilities for information on newly joined
employees, salary revisions, investment declarations, attendance Process supplementary payroll Export reports into various formats like pdf, excel, tif, text etc. Report Generator for employee and salary master data(user
defined reports)
Yo u get Ri s k free 60 Day Mon ey Back Guarantee Eilisys Believe that you will be pleased with the effectiveness of our product . However, if for any reasons you are not satisfied with our product, simply return within 60 days for a full refund for a full refund no question asked.
Why wait ? Con tact US Now on Why wait? Contact us now on +91 20 6729 5300 Or Office No. 602, Kapil Zenith, S. No. 55, Behind Maratha Mandir, Bavdhan, Pune – 411021. Phone / Fax: +91 20 6729 5300