Hrms system

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Customized Human Resource Management Software

About Us • Eilisys Technologies is the name behind some of the most cutting edge payroll and employee management solutions to hit the corporate landscape. • Today, Eilisys Technologies offers a range of simple, flexible and premium HR solutions in the form of Ascent Leave, Ascent Attendance, and Ascent ESS, apart from Ascent Payroll. Every product boasts of key features like scalability, easy-to-use functionality and adding maximum value to the end-user, making them the perfect fit in an ever changing environment.

Our Services

• Since the beginning, our focus has been on providing the functionality which solves the issues & adds maximum value to the user. • Whether we design a new module or add a new product to our product portfolio, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you the best.

HRMS Advantages • While using an HRMS would be advantageous for your company, it would not be entirely effective if you use massproduced software. • Although such software would have all the features of a good HR Software, it may have certain limitations when it comes to fulfilling your human resource management requirements. This is the reason why Eilisys has come up with the provision of opting for customized human resource software.

Why Eilisys? You can add, delete and extend the features that we provide to create software that fits your needs perfectly.

Expert in providing the simplest and most effective payroll and employee management as well as Employee Self Service (ESS) modules for companies with employee strength ranging from 20 to 20000.

How we work? • One must understand that creating customized human resource software takes time as it is important to analyze the needs of your company before beginning the work. • The inputs of your HR professionals and account manager would be required because they are the ones who know and understand what is needed for operations of the human resource department of the company.

BENEFITS TO HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT • Comprehensive employee information including previous employment details • User definable formula for each earning / deduction code • Report Generator for employee and salary master data(user defined reports) • Full & Final Settlement with provisional Form16 on the same day • Templates / import utilities for information on newly joined employees, salary revisions, investment declarations, attendance

Contact Us

Corporate Office:border PUNE: Office No. 602, Kapil Zenith, S. No. 55, Behind Maratha Mandir, Bavdhan, Pune – 411021. Phone / Fax: +91 20 6729 5300


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