Bed store in Bahrain H T T P S : / / A M E RI CA NB E DS . C O M / A B O UT /
American Beds is the best bed shop in Bahrain. American beds is a company that puts its customers first. A company that prides itself on the provision of the highest quality beds and sleep products and is dedicated to delivering a better quality of life for its customers. Buy Bed in Bahrain at the best price from the Best Bed store in Bahrain. American Beds quilts and down comforter sets bring plush comfort to the bedroom. Decorate your traditional and modern home with our luxury Beds and mattress. We promise you better sleep at night with comfortable beds.
Contact Information Shop No. 31-33, Building 29, Block 331, Abdulrahiman Jassim Kanoo Avenue, Manama, Bahrain Tel: (+973) - 172 - 13995 Fax: (+973) - 171 - 02864 E-Mail: