==== ==== Home Made Energy is the best manual if you're interested in building a solar panel or a wind mill to produce electricity. The instructions are very straight-forward. Anyone could be a renewable energy generator following these. If you want to buy a DIY guide for solar and wind energy generators, then look no further. You've found the perfect match for your needs http://cwtcb288.homemadeen.hop.clickbank.net ==== ==== I am a huge enthusiast when it comes to renewable energy. Specifically I focus on Solar Power Homes, though I have set up wind power as well. Overall I am very happy with the way my DIY Solar Power Homes have turned out. The system looks professional, and was easy to set up. It is through successfully setting up a few of these (after I set mine up my friends also wanted one) that I feel credible in teaching others some important things to look out for when setting up your own solar power homes. What do you need for a solar power home? There are a few things you need for your solar power homes. The first thing is good instructions. You don't want to go building something without a good plan. You will also need some good solar panels. These can be bought for a few hundred dollars, and use the energy from the sun to make electricity. Although these are an expensive initial investment, the energy you get from them is free, so you save the money you spend, and much, much more, on your electricity bill. The other thing you need is a battery system. This stores the energy you make from your solar panels for later use. For example it stores the solar energy you collect during the day, so you can then use it at night when there is no sun out. These batteries can usually be found at second hand at bargain prices. What do you need to know? Well there are a lot of reasons people choose to get solar power for their homes: Here are some of the main things that you need to know: a) First thing is that you will save heaps of money on your power bill. It's a small investment to set up your own solar power system (about a few hundred dollars), and then you can save thousands of dollars in electricity bills. Most people save around 80% on their power bill after setting up a solar power home. b) Lots of people worry about solar efficiency. But most people don't realize solar power is quite efficient. Even in a location that isn't sunny at all, solar power can still save people around 50% on their power bills. In a location that has sun, this is even more, with some people not having to pay electricity bills at all.