April Al
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Sugar Grove
Indian Creek
table of contents
Easter Outreach................................... 3
Refuge Senior Banquet...................... 10
Easter Choir......................................... 4
Whirlyball............................................ 10
Journey to the Cross............................ 5
The Loft info....................................... 11 Refuge & Aliens info.......................... 11
MISSIONS Fundraising.......................................6-7
SPORTS MINISTRY/OUTREACH Softball............................................... 12
Motorcycle Sunday............................ 12
Spring Retreat...................................... 8 Supper Club......................................... 8
MOPS................................................... 8
Library................................................ 13 Financial Update................................ 14
Calendar............................................ 15
Hesed House....................................... 9 Guys’ Night Out.................................... 9
Sermon Series.....................Back Cover
easter outreach
easter sunday
A Musical Celebration of Hope! This Easter, celebrate the awesome message of hope and love with us as we journey back 2,000 years ago and relive the days of Christ’s life, crucifixion and resurrection. Experience it through powerful songs of worship and celebration. Experience it through the eyes of John the disciple, Peter, and Mary Magdalene – people who saw it first hand – as they tell their story. Experience the love of God with us. Experience the risen Christ!
Easter Sunday 8:00 am and 11:00 am Village Bible Church Sugar Grove Campus www.villagebible.org
Celebration of Hope
easter sunday
Journey to the Cross is a powerfully moving, multisensory family event... Join us for a journey along the path that Jesus walked during
his last days on earth. Experiences focused on Jesus’ love and forgiveness demonstrate the real meaning of Easter: our risen Christ’s victory over death! Designed specifically for parents and their children to experience together, this event teaches about the life-changing message of the cross in a way that everyone can understand and no one will forget.
Volunteers are needed! If you would like to be a part of helping with the Journey to the Cross Event please contact
• E aster morning in the gym from 9:45 -10:45am. • Sugar Grove Campus www.villagebible.org/journey
630-466-1591 or sign up in the Friendship Registry.
Winter finally feels like it’s over and summer is just around the corner! That means it’s time to gear up for some
It’s a time to give to the Lord for the work of summer missions, beyond what is normally given. Let’s prepare our hearts and be ready to give whatever God asks.
DRIVE-THRU DINNER PORKCHOP&CHICKENCOMBODRIVE-THRUDINNER 5B’s Chicken & Chop Dinner Fundraiser at the SG Campus WEDNESDAYAPRIL 27THFROM4:30-6:30PM. Cost is $9 per meal. Children’s hotdog meal is $4 per meal. Tickets will go on sale Sunday, April 10th. For information contact Megan Kirkland at megan.kirkland@villagebible.org.
MOTHER’SDAY&FATHER’SDAYBAKESALE We’ll be having homemade goodies for purchase on MOTHER’S DAY(MAY 8TH)&FATHER’S DAY (JUNE 19TH) at the Sugar Grove campus. All proceeds will go to the summer mission trips.
Doing spring cleaning? Hold on to those donatable items and bring them for the SECOND ANNUALMISSIONS support garage sale! We’re holding it at the Sugar Grove Campus on FRIDAYMAY 27TH &SATURDAYMAY 28THFROM9:00AM7:00PM. Drop off dates for donations will be Wednesday, May 25th and Thursday, May 26th from 10:00am-6:00pm. For more information contact Megan Kirkland (megan.kirkland@villagebible.org). www.villagebible.org/supportmissions
women’s ministry
Women’s Spring Retreat ~
Faithful, Abundant and True!
April 29 - May 1, 2011 Hampton Inn & Suites in St. Charles
Ladies, grab your Bibles and pack your bags! We’re headed on a trek toward friendship, freedom and fullness found in Christ! This year’s topic:
Faithful, Abundant, and True (a DVD series of messages from the confer-
ence Deeper Still by Kay Arthur, Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer) is sure to challenge you to be faithful in difficult circumstances, to trust in God’s ability and to discern truth from error. The retreat will kick off on Friday night, April 29 and wrap up on Sunday morning, May 1. Additional information and registration forms are available at the Welcome Center. LAST CHANCE for registration and money is Sunday, April 3, 2011. For questions, please see Patty Calhoun or email pattycalhoun@ comcast.net.
April Supper Club
Please join us for the next supper club on
Thursday, April 14th at 6:30 p.m. The
supper club will be hosted by Megan Kirkland and Lisa O’Brien at 238 Maple Street, Sugar Grove. The theme is a dish or dessert that has egg in it to celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus. Hope to see you there. Please RSVP to supper@villagebible.org and let us know what yummy dish you will bring to celebrate April with friends and fellowship.
Friday, April 8 & 29, 9-11am at our Sugar Grove Campus 8
men’s ministry
MEN, we have a wonderful outreach service opportunity for you! We have the privilege of serving breakfast to the men living at Hesed House in Aurora on Wednesday, April 20th. We need to meet at Hesed House bright and early at 4:00 am to start preparing the breakfast. We’ll be done by 7:00 am so that you still have time to make it to work. This is a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and serve people who are hurting and need someone to show them compassion. This should be a great morning! Hesed House is located at 659 S River St. in Aurora. If you have any questions about this event contact Scott Capp at 630.466.7198 or men@ villagebible.org.
TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 6:00-8:30PM
Calling all men…Let’s get together for a night of low key fellowship, fun and food. Whether you’re new and wanting to find ways to connect, or you’re looking to deepen the friendships you already have…send an e-mail to men@villagebible.org so we’ll know you’re coming, or just show up. Join us at Juan Hernandez’s new restaurant in St. Charles, Jalapeno Nacho. It is located at 40w222 LaFox Road off of Route 64 in St. Charles. www.villagebible.org/mens
student ministry
student ministry
sports ministry
Do enjoy playing softball? Then consider joining our church Monday night softball team. This is an adult (18+) church team league and all of our games are played on Monday evenings in Big Rock (5 minutes from church). For more information or to sign up contact us at softball@villagebible.org.
The 11th Annual Motorcycle Sunday is coming up on May 1st in Phillips Park in Aurora from 9:30am-4:00pm. It’s an awesome outreach tool
to invite your friends and neighbors too. There will be live music, bike shops, a 60-mile bike ride, and much more. It’s sponsored by the Christian Motorcycle Association and is definitely an intentional way to reach out to the people in your life who love motorcycles! men@villagebible.org
author feature: Maureen Lang Maureen Lang has always had a passion for writing. She handwrote her first novel around the age of ten, put the pages into a notebook she covered with soft deerskin for a “hardback” cover (nothing but the best!), then passed it around the neighborhood for rave reviews. It was so much fun she’s been writing ever since. Eventually Maureen became the recipient of a Golden Heart Award from RWA, followed by the publication of three secular romances. Life took some turns after that and she gave up writing for fifteen years, until her faith sent her in a new artistic direction. Since then Maureen has written several books, many of which have been nominated for or won awards. The following are some of her books you can find in the church library.
Two time periods – Regency England and contemporary Chicago-are woven together when Talie Ingram finds an old journal belonging to her great-great-great grandmother, Cosima Escott. Through Cosima’s entries, Talie learns that her family was once considered cursed with feebleminded offspring, the result of a genetic disorder (Fragile-X) that may have been passed down to Talie and her sister. Unwilling to face the implications their discovery might have on her own life, Talie tucks the journal back into secrecy, until she begins to see signs of developmental delay in her son.
In Brussels at the height of WWI, a small, underground newspaper is the only thing offering the occupied city hope – and real news of the war. The paper may be a small whisper amid the shouts of the German army, but Edward Kirkland will do anything to keep it in print. Meanwhile, Isa Lassone, a Belgian-American socialite whose parents whisked her to safety at the start of the war, sneaks back into the country to rescue those dearest to her: Edward and his mother. But Edward refuses to go, and soon Isa is drawn into his secret life printing the newspaper . . . And into his heart.
For additional works by Maureen Lang stop by the library, or look at them online at www. villagebible.org/recommend
financial update
Recognizing the state of our current economy, we set our 2011 budget $70,000 (7%) below our 2010 budget. While this required several ministry initiatives to be postponed, this budget aligns with actual contributions in 2011.
While we ended February with contributions $30,830 below budget, we were encouraged to see a bit of a rebound in March during which actual contributions actually exceeded budgeted contributions by a hair – PRAISE THE LORD! Additionally, by continuing our near-zero spending strategy we cut expenses in March another $5,600. The end result is that the $14,805 deficit we ended February with has been reduced to a $8,855 deficit. That’s great news. April will continue to be a time of both careful observation to contribution trends and difficult strategic planning of what we will do come May and June if our deficit begins to grow again rather than shrink.
Please be with us as we prayerfully seek both the Lord’s provision and His guidance during these days. We are incredibly encouraged by the work He is doing in the lives of His people and simply want to be the best stewards of the resources, people and abilities He gives us. Financial Stewardship:
January 1 – March 31, 2011, SG Campus Tithes and Offerings Received Tithes and Offerings Budgeted Variance
$ 197,702 $ 227,500 $ (29,798)
Expenses cut through near-zero spending freeze $ 16,025 Variance of Actual Contributions to Actual Expenses $ (8,855)
If you call Village Bible Church your home, we want to encourage you to practice Biblical stewardship by giving a portion back to God of the financial resources He has entrusted to you as an act of obedience and worship. Please join us in giving generously and sacrificially as we continue to advance the mission by investing in the ministry of Village Bible Church. Together we are effecting change in the Fox Valley and throughout the world. There are four boxes located at the back of the sanctuary for your giving. You can also give online at www.villagebible.org/giving.
calendar Saturday, Apr 9, 6:00pm: Refuge Senior Banquet (Montgomery) Sunday, Apr 10, 12:30 – 6:00 pm: Refuge Whirlyball (Lombard) Thursday, Apr 14, 6:30: Women’s Supper Club (Sugar Grove) Wednesday, Apr 20, 4:00 am: Hesed House (Aurora) Wednesday, Apr 27, 4:30-6:30pm: 5B’s Missions Fundraiser (Sugar Grove) Tuesday, Apr 26, 6-8:30 pm: Guys’ Night Out, Jalapeño Nacho (St. Charles) Fri-Sun, Apr 29-May 1: Women’s Spring Retreat (St. Charles) Sun, May 1: Motorcycle Sunday (Aurora) Sun, May 8: Mother’s Day Fine Desserts Missions Fundraiser (Aurora & SG) Fri-Sat, May 27-28: VBC Missions Garage Sale (Sugar Grove) Monday, May 30: Memorial Day Picnic (Waterman) Sun, June 19: Father’s Day Fine Desserts Missions Fundraiser (Aurora & SG) Fri-Sun, June 24-26: Men’s Mentoring Conference (Sugar Grove)
Summer Mission Trips: Liberia: June 9-20 China: June 24-July 4 Uganda: June 29-July 13, August 6-20 Alaska: July 1-12 Aurora: July 5-9 Detroit: July 23-30
Weekly Events: Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00: Youth Group (Sugar Grove) Friday, April 8 & 29, 9-11am: MOPS (Sugar Grove) Saturday, April 16, 23 & 30, 9:30-11:00 am: Men’s Basketball (Sugar Grove) Saturday, April, 23, 7-10 pm: Student Ministry – Sr High Students: The Loft Sundays, 5-7:15: Generations (Meal, Equipping-U and Awana) (Sugar Grove) Sundays, 3 pm: Adult Volleyball (Sugar Grove) M,T,W,Th,F,S,S: Small Groups Upcoming Membership Class: Apr. 17, 12:45, @ Sugar Grove, room 101 Upcoming Baptism Class: Apr. 17, 4:00pm, @ Sugar Grove, room 100
Please RSVP: rsvp@villagebible.org
one-time events
recurring events
student ministries