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Healthy Stretch Technique Series: Hips/Legs
Saturday, April 1 | 3pm-4pm
Juliann will guide members through proper stretching techniques to maintain muscle strength, flexibility and health. Flexible muscles help improve posture, enhance coordination for both daily tasks and athletic performance, prevent injury, and reduce stress.
Cost: FREE - members | $15 - guest
Sign-up on the App or for more info contact Marta Malloy | MMalloy@dmbclubs.com
Hakuna Mimosa 5K Run/Walk
Sunday, April 2 | 7:30am
Enjoy a nice fun and flat run or walk with a Post-Race Party on the Event Lawn. Celebrate your finish with a Mimosa or Beer. (21+ with ID)
Cost: $30 – Individual. Group Discount: 10% off 4 or more in your group. Register at www.131events.com/events
For more information contact Rodney Kinney | RKinney@dmbclubs.com
Try Intro to Pilates
Monday, April 3 - April 7 | see times on App Familiarize yourself with our Pilates Studio in this complimentary introductory class. You will learn the basic setup on a variety of Pilates equipment and have an opportunity to do a few exercises on the equipment. Space is limited
Sign-up on App or for more information contact Linda Bernal | LBernal@dmbclubs.com
Free InBody Body Composition Analysis
Tuesday, April 4 | 11am – 7pm
Track your lean body mass to fat mass using our InBody screening. Get a detailed report and use this information as a baseline to track progress and help tailor exercises to your specific goals
Sign-up on App or for more information contact David Vindiola | DVindiola@dmbclubs.com
Gainey Village Nutrition Series
“Crash Course in Counting Macros”
Wednesday, April 5 | 6pm-7pm Macros − short for macronutrients − are carbs, proteins, and fats. Intentionally tracking your intake can help you reach your specific goals, whether weight management, muscle gain, or more energy. But is it worth the effort? How much should you eat? Will simply counting calories work the same? Village dietitian, Jamie Miller, breaks down how to count macros in a doable, productive way.
Sign-up on App or for more information contact Beth Steindorff | BSteindorff@dmbclubs.com
Wellness Talk with Dr. Shawn Robek
“Ergonomics in Daily Life”
Intro to Mahjong class
Thursdays, April 6, 13 & 20 | 1:30pm-3:30pm
Mahjong or mah-jongg is a tile-based game developed in China in the 19th century. Although the game can take years to master, we will learn the basics in this introduction class.
Cost $20 members | $30 guest
Limited to 8 participants
Sign up on App or for more information contact Heather | HMcManus@dmbclubs.com
Cornhole Tournament
Thursday, April 6 | 5pm-7pm
Join us for a fun-filled cornhole tournament. Snacks & beverages are provided. Limited to 20 pp
Cost: $15-member $25-guest.
Sign up on App or for more information contact Erica EHubber@dmbclubs.com
First Friday - Tennis Event
Friday, April 7 | 6:30pm-8:30pm
Play 4 game sets with random partners and opponents while sipping on beverages and munching on snacks. Play with the pros, meet new friends, heckle often, and enjoy tennis at every level. Cost: $35 - member
Sign-up on App or for more information contact Josh Bates | JBates@dmbclubs.com
MAT and Mimosas
Friday, April 7 | 10:30am-11:30am
Learn Country Dancing
Sundays, April 2 – April 30 | 6pm-7pm
Be prepared to get on the dance floor in this five-week course that covers the basics from two styles of Two Step - Arizona & Texas, as well as Country Waltz. Beginners are welcome and no partner is needed. We wrap up the course with a night out at a local country place in Scottsdale and dance to a live band.
Cost: Members $25 drop-in or $100 for the 5-week series. Guests $30 drop-in or $125 for the 5-week series.
Sign-up on the App or for more info contact Marta Malloy | MMalloy@dmbclubs.com
Thursday, April 6 | 6pm-7pm
It’s essential to identify an ergonomic problem before it results in injury. Something as simple as the position of your chair, computer, or desk can put unnecessary stress on your joints, muscles, tendons, and nerves. Dr. Shawn will show you proper positioning and exercises to stay healthy in daily living.
Sign-up on App or for more information contact Beth Steindorff | BSteindorff@dmbclubs.com
Work your core, legs, and arms in MAT class, and then work on your sipping skills with a yummy mimosa afterward.
Sign-up on App or for more information contact Robin Meservey | RMeservey@dmbclubs.com