1 minute read
Book Review
from Alconbury July 2022
by Villager Mag
Crafts, hobbies and weekend projects By Kate Duggan
Summer tiiime, and the living is eeeeasy…. Whether you’re looking for some barbecue inspiration or a new novel to keep you company on the hammock, we’ve got you covered.
Learn Drawing Quickly Sharon Finmark
This little book packs in a huge amount. You’ll find plenty of practical advice on composition, shading, perspective, proportion, choosing materials and so on, along with simple exercises and ideas for subjects. There’s everything from watercolour flowers to sketched urban street scenes. An overarching theme is of finding the beauty in everyday objects – a kitchen shelf, kids playing on the carpet, a man’s shirt. If you want to start drawing, improve your existing skills or just get some fresh inspiration, this book is a must.
Woodwork: The Complete Step-by-Step Manual Published by DK
Many of us tried woodwork in school. And for most of us, that’s where we left it. If you fancy dusting off your skills, this book could prove invaluable. There’s detailed guidance on tools and techniques, as well as stepby-step instructions for a wide range of projects, from a simple chopping board and wine rack to a more ambitious glass-fronted cabinet and gateleg table. Whether you’ll learning how to sharpen a bench plane or make a bookcase, the full colour photographs and easy-to-follow instructions will make your life a lot easier.
She’s in Ctrl Anne-Marie Imafidon
Perhaps you’re looking to turn a hobby into a career? Women are currently underrepresented in tech. In She’s in Ctrl, computer scientist Anne-Marie Imafidon looks at how more women could be encouraged into engineering, coding, physics and other STEM careers. She shares her own story, as well as those of other female pioneers who are helping to transform the world of science and technology. To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122