What's On
WHAT'S ON IN AUGUST 1 AUGUST St Neots Astronomical Association 7.30-9.30pm Paxton Pits Visitor Centre Meets first Monday of the month (second if bank holiday). No astronomical knowledge needed to appreciate the talks. Non-members welcome - first visit free. Web: snaa.co.uk 1-31 AUGUST Holiday Bushcraft 8.30am-4pm Wandlebury Country Park £38 per child/day Experienced qualified teachers will inspire children aged 5-12 and share their knowledge and skills of surviving in the wild. Dates throughout the summer holidays. Book online. Web: wildthymeandembers.co.uk 2 AUGUST Hail Weston Wildlife and Gardening Group Visit to c Bakers Lane, Tempsford. An enchanting, wildlife friendly garden with lots of interesting and unusual plants with different areas to explore. Lifts will be available from the Village Hall for anyone wishing to car share meet 7pm. Cost £6 (for NGS charities). Email: hwwgg@yahoo.com for more info/to book 3 AUGUST Aircraft Enthusiasts' Group 1pm Shuttleworth Guests £5. ‘Keys Don’t Float’ by Bryan Pill of the Mission Aviation Fellowship. Meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Entry to Shuttleworth £19.50/£17.50 online in advance (valid for 30 days). Email: 99aegr@gmail.com Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk 3 AUGUST Brampton Flower Club 7.30pm Community Centre, Brampton High Street Meets the first Wednesday of the month. Visitors welcome.
3, 5, 8 & 10 AUGUST Mini-Wild Wardens Paxton Pits Education Centre Fun activities for children to help them discover a little more about being a warden managing a nature reserve! Tel: 07734 478475 or 01480 473161 Web: wildlifebcn.org 3-9 AUGUST Wonderful Woodland Animals Activity Trail 11am12pm Forest Centre, Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine £3 per child (age 1+) Can you find the woodland friends hidden in the sensory garden? Book online. Tel: 01234 767037 for more details Web: www.marstonvale.org 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 AUGUST Kimbolton Bridge Club 10am-12pm Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton Meets every Wednesday for friendly, social bridge. Players of all standards are welcome with or without a partner. Just turn up! 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 AUGUST The Connection Bus Project 7-9pm Little Paxton Village Hall car park Free entry. Youth club is aimed at school year 7 and above. Games consoles, music, karaoke, sport activities, internet access, crafts and tuck shop and the usual friendly youth workers. Providing facilities for young people is important and the Connections Youth Bus is brought to the village with the financial support of Little Paxton Parish Council. 4, 11, 18 & 25 AUGUST Riverport Singers 10.15-11.15am The Corn Exchange, St Ives Community choir for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Tel: Agi 07757 811802 Email: agipeach@icloud.com Web: facebook.com/ riverportsingers
4, 11, 18 & 25 AUGUST Bingo 7.30pm Alconbury Sports & Social Club Eyes down for the weekly Bingo session! Web: www.assc.org.uk 5, 12, 19 & 26 AUGUST Cambourne Little Bugs 9.30am-11am Cambourne Nature Reserve Join Wildlife Adventurer Becca Badger for a stroll around Cambourne Nature Reserve, and some simple outdoor activities for children aged 18 months-4 years. Booking essential. Web: wildlifebcn.org 6 AUGUST-8 OCTOBER Crazy Lego! St Neots Museum Free entry A fun and family friendly temporary exhibition featuring mountains of Lego and Duplo that visitors can use to create buildings, animals, vehicles – anything that can be made from the standard bricks. A Lego model of a Roman Villa discovered in Eynesbury in the 1960s will be on display. Book online. Web: stneotsmuseum.org.uk 7 AUGUST Hinxton Watermill Open Day 2.30-5pm CambridgePPF members free, nonmembers - adult £3, child £1 This stunning working watermill dates to the seventeenth century. See the mill working and hear the history of this incredible building. No need to book. Web: www.cambridgeppf.org 10, 17 & 24 AUGUST Summer Organ Recitals 12.15pm St Neots Parish Church Free entry – donations welcome 10 August – David Smith, Christ Church, St Leonard’s on Sea. 17 August – Harvey Stansfield, St Augustine, Edgbaston. 24 August Lloyd Barnett, St Neots Parish Church. Refreshments.
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