Cambs March 2022

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What's On

WHAT'S ON IN MARCH 1 MARCH Huntingdonshire Health & Care Forum 2-4pm online Organised by Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Healthwatch Peterborough. Share your ideas and experiences, ask questions and get involved. www.healthwatchpeterborough. peterborough-health-and-careforum

3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 MARCH Riverport Singers 10.15-11.15am The Corn Exchange, St Ives Community choir for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Come along and sing a range of songs (folk, pop, musicals) in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Tel: Agi 07757 811802 Email: Web: riverportsingers

1 MARCH Hail Weston Wildlife and Gardening Group 7.15pm for 7.30pm Hail Weston Village Hall Members £1, non-members £3, under 18s free Nature friendly farming with Martin Lines. Martin farms in Cambridgeshire and has a passion for the preservation for the countryside. He champions a way of sustainable farming that is good for nature. Email: for more info/to book

3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 MARCH Bingo 7.30pm Alconbury Sports & Social Club Eyes down for the weekly Bingo session! Web:

1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 MARCH St Neots & District Camera Club Via Zoom Regular talks and competitions. Web: www.stneots-camera-club. 2 MARCH Brampton Flower Club 7.30pm Community Centre, Brampton High Street Meets the first Wednesday of the month. Visitors welcome. 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 MARCH St Neots Choral Society 7.30-9.30pm Eynesbury Junior School, Montagu Street, Eynesbury New members. Rehearsals are every Wednesday in term time. Tel: 01480 212298 for membership enquiries Web:


4 MARCH St Neots Local History Society 7.30pm Eynesbury Primary School SNLHS members free, visitors £4 ‘Pirates and De-Frocked Vicars - more tales from Bedfordshire Churches’ by David Longman, Ecclesiographer. Web: 4, 11, 18 & 25 MARCH Great Fen Little Bugs 10.30am-12pm Great Fen Countryside Centre, Ramsey Heights Wildlife Trust BCN child member £5, non-member £7 A fun and sociable morning of exploration and discovery for preschool children and their guardians. Web: 5 MARCH Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society 2pm Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade ‘Hostas – Little and Large’ by Colin Ward. Colin is a well-known nursery owner and a member of our group. Plants for sale. Visitors welcome – small charge. Web:

5 MARCH Huntingdon Comedy Club 7pm Commemoration Hall, Huntingdon Tickets £15 + booking fee With TikTok sensation President Obonjo. Support from Paul Thorne, Adam Riley and Jenny Collier. Web: huntingdon-march 5 MARCH St Neots Sinfonia Spring Concert 7.30pm St Mary’s Church, Eaton Socon Tickets £10 Tickets available by telephone or on the door. Tel: 01480 213884 12 MARCH Spring Craft and Gift Fair 10am-3pm.The Village Hall, Fishers Close, Great Barford Entry £1, accompanied children under 10 free Craft and gift stalls, tombola, homemade cakes, raffle. Refreshments available all day. In aid of All Saints’ Church and Great Barford Women’s Institute. Tel: Maureen Munnelly 01234 870633 or Ann Lovesey 01234 870693 for more info 12 MARCH Meet the Romans 11am-4pm St Neots Museum Adults £2, children and Friends of the Museum free Come face-to-face with the Longshore Legion and join the curator on 15-minute museum ‘micro tours’ at 11am, 12pm, 2pm, and 3pm. No need to book a tour but please book a one-hour timeslot. Web: 15 MARCH 10am-12 noon Dementia Café St Ives Free Church, St Ives £2.50 per person For people with dementia and their carers. Tel: George 07725 588145 Web: facebook/ stivesdementiafriendlycommunity

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