5 minute read
What's On in March
from Cambs March 2022
by Villager Mag
Huntingdonshire Health & Care Forum 2-4pm online Organised by Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Healthwatch Peterborough. Share your ideas and experiences, ask questions and get involved. www.healthwatchpeterborough. co.uk/event/2022-03-24/ peterborough-health-and-careforum
Hail Weston Wildlife and Gardening Group 7.15pm for 7.30pm Hail Weston Village Hall Members £1, non-members £3, under 18s free Nature friendly farming with Martin Lines. Martin farms in Cambridgeshire and has a passion for the preservation for the countryside. He champions a way of sustainable farming that is good for nature. Email: hwwgg@yahoo.com for more info/to book
1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 MARCH
St Neots & District Camera Club Via Zoom Regular talks and competitions. Web: www.stneots-camera-club. org.uk
Brampton Flower Club 7.30pm Community Centre, Brampton High Street Meets the first Wednesday of the month. Visitors welcome.
2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 MARCH
St Neots Choral Society 7.30-9.30pm Eynesbury Junior School, Montagu Street, Eynesbury New members. Rehearsals are every Wednesday in term time. Tel: 01480 212298 for membership enquiries Web: www.stneotschoral.org.uk
3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 MARCH
Riverport Singers 10.15-11.15am The Corn Exchange, St Ives Community choir for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Come along and sing a range of songs (folk, pop, musicals) in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Tel: Agi 07757 811802 Email: agipeach@icloud.com Web: Facebook.com/ riverportsingers
3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 MARCH
Bingo 7.30pm Alconbury Sports & Social Club Eyes down for the weekly Bingo session! Web: www.assc.org.uk
St Neots Local History Society 7.30pm Eynesbury Primary School SNLHS members free, visitors £4 ‘Pirates and De-Frocked Vicars - more tales from Bedfordshire Churches’ by David Longman, Ecclesiographer. Web: http://stneotslhs.org.uk
4, 11, 18 & 25 MARCH
Great Fen Little Bugs 10.30am-12pm Great Fen Countryside Centre, Ramsey Heights Wildlife Trust BCN child member £5, non-member £7 A fun and sociable morning of exploration and discovery for preschool children and their guardians. Web: wildlifebcn.org
Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society 2pm Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade ‘Hostas – Little and Large’ by Colin Ward. Colin is a well-known nursery owner and a member of our group. Plants for sale. Visitors welcome – small charge. Web: www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk
Huntingdon Comedy Club 7pm Commemoration Hall, Huntingdon Tickets £15 + booking fee With TikTok sensation President Obonjo. Support from Paul Thorne, Adam Riley and Jenny Collier. Web: www.chuckl.co.uk/ huntingdon-march
St Neots Sinfonia Spring Concert 7.30pm St Mary’s Church, Eaton Socon Tickets £10 Tickets available by telephone or on the door. Tel: 01480 213884
Spring Craft and Gift Fair 10am-3pm.The Village Hall, Fishers Close, Great Barford Entry £1, accompanied children under 10 free Craft and gift stalls, tombola, homemade cakes, raffle. Refreshments available all day. In aid of All Saints’ Church and Great Barford Women’s Institute. Tel: Maureen Munnelly 01234 870633 or Ann Lovesey 01234 870693 for more info
Meet the Romans 11am-4pm St Neots Museum Adults £2, children and Friends of the Museum free Come face-to-face with the Longshore Legion and join the curator on 15-minute museum ‘micro tours’ at 11am, 12pm, 2pm, and 3pm. No need to book a tour but please book a one-hour timeslot. Web: stneotsmuseum.org.uk
10am-12 noon Dementia Café St Ives Free Church, St Ives £2.50 per person For people with dementia and their carers. Tel: George 07725 588145 Web: facebook/ stivesdementiafriendlycommunity Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts
Godmanchester WI 7.30pm Church Hall, Chadley Lane, Godmanchester Meets the third Wednesday of the month. Regular speakers and activities. New members welcome.
Kimbolton Community Cinema 7pm for 7.30pm Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton Tickets £5, concessions £4 + booking fee for online tickets Spencer (12A). Bar, ice cream and free popcorn. Tickets from Bytes Café, online or on the door if available. Email: kimbolton.cinema@gmail. com Web: www.ticketsource.co.uk/ mandeville-hall-kimbolton
Huntingdonshire Philharmonic Choir Concert 7.30-9.30pm St Mary’s Church, Godmanchester Tickets £15, students/children £5 With instrumental and vocal soloists. Dvorák Mass in D, Janáek Otenáš, Eben Pražské Te Deum, Smetana Vltava from Má Vlast, Andrew Parnell - organ and Lee Dunleavy - conductor. Tickets available on the door (cash) from 7pm or online - no booking fee. Web: huntsphil.org.uk

Lunchtime Talk 10.30am-12.30pm Shuttleworth, Old Warden Park, Biggleswade ‘The House: The Shuttleworth Peacock’, this engaging presentation covers the story behind the Shuttleworth Minton Peacock and the Wreck of the Loch Ard. Web: shuttleworth.org/talksprogramme
Crime & Punishment Walk 7.30-9pm St Neots Museum £6 Shocking murders, bank robberies, drunk and disorderly – hear about local historical crimes and the punishments issued, from the birch to the death penalty. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start. Walks take place whatever the weather. Web: stneotsmuseum.org.uk
St Neots & District Gardening Club Meetings 7.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall, Brook Street, St Neots Members £2, Non-members £2.50 A talk on self-sufficiency in your garden by Nigel Start. Visitors welcome. www.stneotsgardenclub.org.uk
Knit, Lit and Natter 3pm Huntingdon Library Do you love to knit, crochet or sew? Do you also love to read? Get together with other crafters to work on projects and chat about books. Tel: 0345 045 5225
Uncle Funk’s Disco Inferno Comes to St Neots 7.30pm for 8pm The Priory Centre Tickets £17 ‘Greatest Hits Of Disco’ show, a special two-hour set split into two one-hour sections with interval. Tickets available from the box office or online (booking fee applies). 18+. Tel: 01480 388922 Web: www.wegottickets.com
Quiz Night 8pm Alconbury Sports & Social Club Web: www.assc.org.uk
Little Paxton Community Litter Pick 2-4pm Start and finish QEII Playing Field, Little Paxton High Viz jackets, litter grabbers and bin bags provided. Please bring own gloves. Tel: Jenny Gellatly, Parish Clerk 01480 470193
Huntingdonshire Philharmonic Orchestra Concert 7.30-9.30pm Hinchingbrooke Performing Arts Centre, Huntingdon Tickets £15, students/children £5. Brahms Symphony No.4, Sibelius Karelia Suite and Stravinsky The Firebird. Conductor Andrew Morris. Tickets available on the door (cash) or online. Web: huntsphil.org.uk
The Huntingdonshire Local Group of the Wildlife Trust Talk 10.30am Free event Guided walk at Godmanchester Nature Reserve, consisting of four lakes which were former gravel pits and attract a wide range of birds. Meet at the reserve entrance at the end of Cow Lane, PE29 2EJ, GR TL2639 7149. Limited parking available. Everyone is welcome. No charge, but donations welcome. Email: George Cottam georgecottam@virginmedia. com for info
Wild Babies at Paxton Pits 9.45-11.30am Paxton Pits Education Centre, Little Paxton Bring your pre-walking aged baby along in a buggy, pram or sling for a gentle relaxing stroll with plenty of chance to chat to other ‘wild baby’ parents. Web: www.wildlifebcn.org