Hitchin Nov 2020

Page 35

It’s great being back!

Local News

Age UK Hertfordshire’s Help in the Home Service had to be suspended in late March, due to lockdown. This bought new challenges for both clients and the local charity. With many of their clients relying on their helpers, not just for the cleaning but also for the company, they had to re-imagine how they could provide this vital and much loved service. “We quickly identified the clients who urgently needed our help and did all we could to support them,” says Mark Hanna, Director of Operations. “For some of our clients their Helper is much more than just a cleaner, so we’re trying to get the service back up and running as quickly as we can, whilst following government guidelines and prioritising everyone’s safety.” Age UK Hertfordshire’s Help in the Home Service have prepared PPE safe packs ready for their re-opening, and are already providing essential support, such as collecting prescriptions, food shopping and socially distanced visits for many of their clients. Their Home Helpers are ecstatic to be starting back at work with one Home Helper saying: “It’s great being back cleaning for my client. My lovely client took this photo of me on my first day back in over 4 months! She said ‘give us a twirl’, which I did then she snapped up their crazy photo, and we both collapsed in hysterics.” If you would like to find out more information on how you could join their team of Friendly Home Helpers, you can visit them at: www.ageuk.org.uk/hertfordshire/get-involved/work-for-us/ or call 01707 386 066.

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