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Fun Quiz


1. In the film Happy Gilmore, Adam Sandler stars as the title character, who discovers a talent for golf after struggling to find success at which other sport? 2. “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” is part of a famous speech from which William Shakespeare play? 3. Also the title of a well known TV show, what word meaning “extreme happiness” can also refer to a type of song that originated in 18th-century England and is sung by three or more unaccompanied voices? 4. The TV sitcom Happy Days was set in which city in


Wisconsin? 5. Who famously sang Happy Birthday Mr. President at a birthday celebration of John F. Kennedy held at

Madison Square Garden in 1962? 6. In March 2020, which country was named the happiest country in the world for a third consecutive year?... a) Switzerland; b) Finland; or c) Thailand? 7. Is the first note sung in the song Happy Birthday To

You higher or lower in pitch than the last note sung in the song? 8. In 2014, which internet-based company launched a new marketing campaign that featured the slogan

“find your happy”? 9. Which 2019 film was advertised with the tagline “put on a happy face”? 10. In 1982, what became the first UK number one hit single to have the word “happy” in its title?

6. b) Finland 7. Lower 8. Rightmove 9. Joker 10. Happy Talk (by Captain Sensible) 1. Ice Hockey 2. Henry V 3. Glee 4. Milwaukee 5. Marilyn Monroe

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