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It’s Pancake Day at Last
from Hitchin March 2022
by Villager Mag
Pancake Day is a bit late in 2022 We’ve had to wait until March 1st
This is because the date changes each year because it’s related to Easter, and Easter Day varies annually according to the spring equinox. Shrove Tuesday is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday, which is 40 days before Easter. This Lent period represents the time Jesus fasted in the desert. Historically, Christians went to confession on Shrove Tuesday seeking absolution for their sins. In fact, the word ‘shrove’ originates from the Old English word ‘shrive,’ which means ‘to give absolution after confession.’ Then they returned home to tuck into rich foods, made to use up all the fatty ingredients ahead of Ash Wednesday when the Lent fast began. There is evidence that the Christian Pancake Day derived from a pagan festival which welcomed the arrival of spring. The Pagans made circular pancakes to symbolise the sun, and which were thought to imbue the sun’s power and strength to those who ate them. Whatever their history pancakes are universally popular and being able to flip them well guarantees the flipper appreciative ‘Oohs’ and ‘Ahs’ from their audience. For the perfect flip use a well-greased nonstick pan and make sure its hot. When you pour in the batter make sure the edges are perfectly cooked. A little shake will make sure the pancake is loose and ready to flip. Use a nice strong upward wrist flick and keep your eye on the pancake. Enjoy!