2 minute read
Bare-face Benefits: Why the natural look is back
from Potton Aug 2020
by Villager Mag
Bare-face benefits: why the natural look is back
For those of us accustomed to the rat race, lockdown offered a very different way of life. And after several weeks trapped at home, many of us got used to seeing a different version of ourselves. With no workplace to attend, no one to visit and nowhere to go except the local park, it made sense to dress casually and ditch our usual make-up routines. According to a recent report commissioned by the British Beauty Council, we spend over £3 billion a year on cosmetics. Depending on whether you buy low-priced items or top-of-the range brands, you could save between tens and hundreds of pounds by cutting down on the amount of make-up you regularly buy. However, if the thought of going cold turkey from cosmetics makes you nervous, there are a number of tricks and techniques you can use. Save our Skins - Fake tans are a great way to even out your skin tone without foundation. If your complexion is less than perfect due to age spots, roughness, redness or hyperpigmentation, you could try out the Obagi Nu-Derm product range. There are four steps included in the treatment: cleansing and toning, exfoliation, a prescriptiononly cream to stimulate collagen production and finally a sun shield to prevent further damage. Hair raising stories - At the height of Covid-19 restrictions, posts on ‘lockdown hair’ were everywhere. Many will have realised however, that with longer hair, you can get away with next to no blow-drying, and just adopt an informal up-do. If you have a real issue with root growth, products such as L’Oreal’s Magic Retouch can cover your parting line and keep the grey at bay between hairdresser visits.
Brows and lashes to dye for
If you are tired of clogged, lumpy lashes and would secretly love to ditch your mascara, an eyelash tinting kit may be the answer. If you’re not sure how to apply dye to your eyelashes, you’ll find several really useful ‘how to’ videos on YouTube. Alternatively – and current social distancing rules permitting – you could check whether your local beauty salon offers tinting services or microblading (the practice of tattooing hair blades onto your brow area to make your eyebrows look thicker and more shapely).
Back to nature -
Summer is the ideal season to perfect the natural look, so use this time to reveal the new you, with glowing skin, dark lashes, perfectly groomed eyebrows and just a touch of lip salve to complete the picture. Of course, going au naturel doesn’t mean zero effort when it comes to your appearance. In order to stay looking and feeling healthy it will be essential to cleanse and moisturise your skin and keep your hair conditioned and neatly cut. But apart from that, you’ll be surprised at how much time and money you can save. What’s more you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that your look – although it may have required a little help to achieve – is pretty much just as nature intended.