Is sitting the new smoking? According to a growing number of experts, sitting is the latest health hazard to look out for. But why is a sedentary lifestyle so bad for us, and what can we do about it? Since the first lockdown struck back in 2020, many of us might have noticed that we’re sitting down more than ever before. Working from home, online shopping, cancelled plans and periods of selfisolation all mean we’re spending more time at our desks and sofas and less time moving our bodies. Unfortunately, this change of lifestyle comes at a cost. Evidence suggests that even if we exercise regularly, spending long periods of time sitting down can expose us to a range of health issues, from backache and varicose veins to diabetes. The reason? Humans were built to stand. The heart, cardiovascular system and bowel function far more efficiently when we’re upright. What’s more, moving our muscles helps the body digest fats and sugars in our diet, keeping our weight down – and that’s just touching the surface. Sitting for too long has been linked to everything from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) to cancer. Now, of course this isn’t great news for the thousands of us that have desk-based jobs – but don’t lose hope just yet. There are lots of things you can do to help. To make life easier, we’ve done the research for you and weighed up the pros and cons of each.
Invest in a standing desk If you work in an office or from home, it’s likely that you’ll spend between six to eight hours a day sitting down at a desk. So naturally, one of the easiest ways to reduce your sitting time is to invest in a standing version. Adjustable desks have become hugely popular in recent years, with IKEA boasting a fantastic range of stylish sit-stand desks. The downside? There’s evidence to suggest that standing still for long periods of time isn’t hugely beneficial to our bodies either, and has been linked to sore feet, lower back pain and various other health problems. However, standing is certainly better for us than sitting. It’s all about balance. Start by standing for 30 to 60 minutes a day and gradually increase until you’re alternating between standing and sitting every hour. Trust us, your body will thank you for it! Take regular breaks It can be hard to motivate yourself to leave your desk during the working day, especially when you’re busy. However, taking regular breaks – even if it’s just to grab a cuppa or take the laundry out – can make a world of difference. In the office and need to send an email? Get away from your desk and relay the message in person. Working from home and fancy a coffee? Treat yourself by taking a walk to your local cafe. And on days when you’re simply too busy to take a lunch break, set a timer to remind you to stand up, stretch or have a little walk around.
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