3 minute read
Relationship Resolutions
from Potton January 2023
by Villager Mag
It’s that time of year again. What’s your resolution? The top three people usually make are: Lose weight Get organised Save more (or spend less) Most resolutions fail even before the turkey leftovers run out. So, for 2023 why not make a resolution or two with your partner that will enhance your relationship? The major benefit of doing it together is having a readymade accountability partner. Here are our suggestions for the best relationship resolutions. Communicate authentically – Make time to talk about the best bits in your relationship, and then talk honestly about any resentments you have been holding on to. Don’t be accusatory, make a pact to be constructive and resolve any problems as a team. Together time – Schedule it in the diary if you have to. Have lunch or supper together without the kids at least once a week. If money is tight you don’t have to go to a restaurant. Cook together or just have a sandwich and a chat. When our kids were young, we created ‘our time’…lunch once a week on a Wednesday because this was the only time we were ‘together alone’. Even If I we hadn’t managed a proper chat all week, we knew Wednesday would come round again. Date Night – If you can, take ‘together time’ to the next level and set aside a ‘date night’ once a fortnight, even once a month can make all the difference. Go to see that new film or play, or hit the bowling alley, Take note – I used to put little post its in the kids’ lunchboxes when they were at primary school, along with a little treat. One day on a whim I did the same for my husband and he loved it, so I kept doing it. He then started to leave the odd post-it in my car or took the time to send me a sweet text message. The experts call these little gestures daily love habits and they help to create a loving atmosphere in a relationship. The thrill of the new – Go roller skating, or take a ballroom class, or learn to paint together. Maybe visit a local museum you’ve never been to, a nearby stately home and garden. It doesn’t really matter what the activity is, it’s about having fun and creating a good memory together. It counts as a date too! Say thank you – Yes he might usually clean the loos or put the bins out. You might always clean out the rabbit, do the grocery shopping and put the laundry on. Maybe you take turns to cook. We all tend to have chores that are ‘ours’ but try making the effort to say ‘thank you’ to each other. It will probably feel a bit odd or unnecessary at first, but everyone likes appreciation for the little things. A few words of thanks can mean a lot. It might be the only appreciation anyone has shown all day. Laughter is the best medicine – Laughter is serious stuff! When life gets serious, we often forget to have fun. Tell your partner a joke, or an amusing story from your day; watch your favourite comedy show together or go to a comedy club. Laughter brings people together. It’s also a great aphrodisiac! Was there ever a better reason to make a relationship resolution?


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