2 minute read
Help Save Herrings Green Activity Farm
from Potton June 2020
by Villager Mag

A place to learn about birds of prey and animals and connect with nature
Nestled amongst the lush fields in Wilstead you’ll find Herrings Green Activity Farm and Bird of Prey Centre. We’re home to more than 200 beautiful birds of prey and animals from around the world. We offer fun family friendly days out where you can learn about enigmatic birds and animals and have a go at a variety of activities. We’re a family run centre and our passion for birds of prey stretches back more than 40 years. Philip Gooden, a farmer’s son grew fond of magical birds of prey as a boy, learning the ropes from a neighbouring farmer - years later he would become a respected Falconer (and Fireman) running a successful business quite literally out of his back garden putting on flying displays up and down the country.

Now daughter Emma runs things alongside an eccentric team of falconers and farm staff - and beloved office dog Murphy. The centre is home to more than 100 species of birds including owls, eagles, hawks and kestrels. Under our roof you’ll find majestic Great Grey Owls, Barn Owls, statuesque American Bald Eagles and unique characters like affable African Spoonbill Spoony, Dalmore our striking Golden Eagle and more unusual giants of the skies like Levi our silvery blue hued Chilean Eagle and Khibo our majestic Steller Sea Eagle who weighs a whopping 7kgs. Have you ever wanted to feel the thrill of being face to face with an owl or eagle and feel the rush of blood as they fly towards you? We’ll teach you how to handle and fly birds of prey. You can watch spectacular displays - you’ll be enchanted watching our feathered friends soar and swoop in the sky. You can meet farm animals including gentle giant Shire Horse Ned, fluffy guinea pigs, giant rabbits and an array of critters big and small. Fancy something a little different? We also run fun walks; you can take our zany goats or graceful Alpacas for a stroll in the countryside. There’s something for everyone. Amidst the quiet at the centre over the last few months, the babies have been booming. We’ve been thrilled to welcome twin goats, great horned owls Marvel and Maska, tawny owl Lil Spud and with other birds on eggs there’ll be more hatching soon. With the world and our lifestyles changing, it’s heart-warming

Maska and Marvel Great Horned Owls (Image @perelanner)
to see new life beginning. But, we’re usually a hive of activity at this time of year and rely on visitor admission and pre-bookable activities to keep the centre running. Whilst our gates stay closed we are facing an uncertain future - it costs £800-£1,000 a day to feed and care for our animals. We need your support to continue, please donate to our Just Giving campaign; all proceeds go to the upkeep of our animals and birds of prey.

Kenya Mackinders Eagle Owl (Image @perelanner)
To donate, please visit: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ herringsgreenfarmandbirdofpreycentre

Buy an experience to look forward to: http://www.birdsofpreycentre.co.uk/ Vouchers are valid for 12months