2 minute read
Useful Numbers
from Potton June 2020
by Villager Mag
VILLAGER The and Town Life
To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 95 Your local full colour A5 monthly magazine delivered free of charge to 1000s of homes and businesses in your local area. The Villager and Town Life is dedicated to promoting local businesses, charities, community groups and everything else in your local area. Alcoholics Anonymous.............................0845 769 7555 Al-Anon Family Groups.............................0800 008 6811 Anglian Water...........................................08457 145 145 Bedford Hospital....................................... 01234 355122 Lister Hospital........................................... 01438 314333 Addenbrooks Hospital.............................. 01223 245151 Benefits for people with Disabilities..........0800 882 200 Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue................... 01234 351081 Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue .................. 01438 729041 Carers Line.................................................0808 808 7777 ChildLine..........................................................0800 1111 Citizens Advice..........................................0344 245 1292 Cocaine Anonymous.................................0800 689 4732 Crimestoppers.............................................0800 555 111 Cruse Bereavement Care...........................0333 252 9152 Floodline...................................................0845 988 1188 Frank-Drug Advisory...................................0800 776 600 National Debt Line....................................0808 808 4000 Gas Emergency...........................................0800 111 999 NHS Direct........................................................0845 4647 National Rail Enquiries.............................03457 48 49 50 Non Emergency Police Line........................................101 NSPCC........................................................0808 800 5000 Relate.........................................................0845 48 49 50 RSPCA Cruelty Line ...................................0300 1234 999 Samaritans...........................................................116 123 Tax Credit Helpline....................................0345 300 3900 Victim Support.........................................0845 30 30 900 Bringing Local Business to Local People
For more information or to reserve your space please contact Nigel on:
Tel: 01767 261122 Email: nigel@villagermag.com
Web: www.villagermag.com
Temporarily Closed
Expected re-opening 4th July in line with Government guidelines only. Please follow us on Facebook or Instagram for updates. Please email us on friendshairdressing@gmail.com to be added to our waiting list and we will communicate with you from there or Call us on 01767 682789 our phone lines are still OPEN for advice and guidance.
Our salon will have many changes to the way we run on opening to be sure that we will be a COVID SECURE salon for you to come to and our staff to work in. Rest assured our policies will be available on our website, social media platforms and emailed to all clients prior to opening and in salon windows and throughout the salon once open as guidance to help your visit as safe and stress-free as possible. We miss all our clients. Keep safe and we shall see you soon. All the girls at Friends.

Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Friday9.30am - 6.00pm Wednesday & Thursday 9.30 - 9.00pm,Saturday8.30 - 4.00pm
www.friendsfivestarhairdressing.com facebook.com/friendshair Friends Five Star Hairdressing 1 Market Square, Sandy, Beds SG19 1HT
See Facebookfor all our offers on hair and beauty - www.facebook.com/friendshair Call us on01767 682789