1 minute read
Three Essentials for Dog-Proofing your Home
from Potton March 2020
by Villager Mag
If you’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of your new dog, or are simply looking after someone else’s pooch for a while, it’s vital to make your home a safe environment. Dogs are naturally curious creatures and will root out food or other items that aren’t always healthy for them. So here are three must-dos to avoid an emergency visit to the vet. 1. Tidy up Dogs can’t tell the difference between items you’ve accidentally left lying around and the toys you intended them to play with. It’s important to tidy up the clothes, papers, magazines and other paraphernalia that’s often strewn around the typical house, so your dog doesn’t chew or ingest anything harmful. 2. Use a safety gate Fixing a child safety gate keeps your dog safe and offers you peace of mind that they’re not getting up to mischief. You might choose the bottom of the stairs, for example, or across the hallway to

give them access to the back or front of the house only. 3. Check cables and wires Dogs are renowned for chewing through cables and wires, so make sure any trailing or loose cables are tucked away out of sight, or use cable protectors for added safety. Dog-proofing your home takes some time and thought, and it’s an ongoing process rather than a one-off, but once you spot the potential for mischief or misdemeanour it becomes second nature.
www.saga.co.uk/magazine/home-garden/pets/ dogs/dog-proof-home-and-garden www.purina.co.uk/dogs/getting-a-new-dog/ welcoming-your-dog/dog-proofing-home-andgarden www.vets-now.com/pet-care-advice/dog-proofyour-house/