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Drinks: make Mine a Crabbie
from Potton Sept 2021
by Villager Mag
Alcoholic beverages, from beers, lagers, ciders, through wines and liqueurs, to spirits and more, have been consumed and enjoyed for many, many centuries. The whisky industry is doing very well, indeed. With the UK and export markets increasing, whisky, most definitely, can be said to have ‘stood the test of time’. As societies become more affluent, then the requirement for whisky grows, being something of a status symbol, clearly giving signs of a higher lifestyle. For example, it is reported that in China, people are enjoying Scotch whisky in western-style bars and it has become a growing trend. My quest, on this occasion, was to locate whiskies which I find interesting and satisfying. John Crabbie & Co have been purveyors of wine and spirits since 1801. John Crabbie and his family owned a lot of property in Leith, north of Edinburgh and exported around the globe. Providing fine, single malt Scotch whiskies was John Crabbie’s objective in life. Several whiskies are within the Crabbie range. Yardhead Single Malt is so named because of the original site in Leith. The Crabbie 12 year old Speyside Single Malt whisky is hugely popular and produced utilising bourbon casks, to great advantage. The bouquet is most enticing and the smooth, well-balanced mouthfeel continues the delight, with an excellent body that has superb depth and a richness that follows for the palate’s pleasure, having fruity and vanilla overtones. Other Crabbie whiskies include 8 year old and 12 year old productions, plus 15 year old Highland Single Malt. 40 year old Speyside Single Malt (44.5% vol) and 50 year old Islay Single Malt (46.5% vol) are destined for the ‘top table’, most certainly, I suspect. Stockists of Crabbie whiskies include supermarkets, independent wines/drinks retailers, bars, restaurants and they can be purchased online, too. It is always exciting and very satisfying to find whiskies that are fresh and have interest, with a good nose and flavour. The flavour and finish, on the palate, having great importance – then duly noted and remembered!
John Crabbie & Co, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 5QN. Tel: 44 (0) 151 480 8800
www.crabbiewhisky.com As always, Enjoy! Trevor Langley