Linfield’s Burns leads local players to victory in All-star Football Classic, B-1
Cougar Vineyard & Winery puts wines to the test in third annual ‘Cougar Meets Italy’, C-5
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Serving Temecula , Murrieta , L ake E lsinore , M enifee , Wildomar , H emet, San Jacinto and the surrounding communities January 26 – February 1, 2018
Local LE tackles homelessness with second Homeless Outreach meeting
Volume 18, Issue 4
Team Home Depot helps Rancho Damacitas with home refurbishing
The city of Lake Elsinore will hold its second Homeless Outreach Community Coalition meeting Thursday, Feb. 8, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Arts Center, 183 N. Main St., in Lake Elsinore. see page A-2
Business ‘Taste of the Valley & Business Expo’ coming to Hemet Jan. 29 HEMET – Dozens of Hemet and San Jacinto businesses, restaurants, service clubs and medical services will spotlight their goods, wares and services during the annual Hemet San Jacinto Chamber of Commerce “Taste of the Valley & Business Expo” Monday, Jan. 29, at Golden Village Palms RV Resort. see page B-7
Cal Winslow, CEO of Ranch Damacitas Children and Family Services in Temecula, thanks Team Home Depot volunteers and the store for helping refurbish two homes on the ranch that will provide better housing for abused and neglected young mothers and children coming into the program. Tony Ault photo
Temecula’s Rancho Damacitas, the site of the nonprofit organization’s newest project for abused and neglected mothers and their children, received a “hands at work,”
effort by members of Team Home Depot who have refurbished two of the four older six-bedroom homes at the ranch in the past two months. Rancho Damacitas with its history of empowering disadvantaged and challenged youth has now turned its attention at the Tem-
ecula ranch not only to youth, but to young mothers and their children who have faced rough lives suffering from abuse and neglect. They are mothers who are seriously seeking ways to regain their self-esteem and improve their lives not only for themselves but especially for their
toddlers or preschool children. Bringing welcomed help to the Rancho Damacitas staff is Home Depot who with as many as 75 volunteers from Home Depot stores from Riverside to Temecula
see REFURBISH, page A-3
Local ..................................... A-1 Sports ................................... B-1 Health.................................... B-4 Business................................. B-6 Education......................C-1, C-7 Pets........................................ C-2 Entertainment...................... C-2 Calendar of Events .............. C-4 Wine Country ...................... C-5 Dining.................................... C-6 Real Estate ........................... D-1 Home & Garden................... D-1 Business Directory............... D-5 Opinion ................................ D-6 Blotter.................................... D-6 Faith...................................... D-7
Classifieds............................. D-7
Parents in Perris torture case are charged, make first court appearance Alex Groves AGROVES@REEDERMEDIA.COM
Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin Thursday, Jan. 18, announced charges against two Perris parents accused of torturing at least 12 of their children for years and also released some of the disturbing alleged details associated with the case, including that the parents kept the children chained and padlocked to beds, didn’t allow them to use the bathroom and fed them very little. David Allen Turpin, 57, and Louise Anna Turpin, 49, were each charged with 12 counts of torture, 12 counts of false imprisonment, seven counts of abusing a dependent adult, and six counts of child abuse or neglect, Hestrin said during a news conference at
the District Attorney’s Office media briefing room in Riverside. Additionally, David Turpin was charged with one count of committing a lewd act on a child by force, fear or duress. The Turpins were arraigned Jan. 18, at the courthouse in Riverside and entered “not guilty” pleas to all counts, according to a news release from District Attorney’s Office spokesman John Hall. If convicted as charged, they could each face 94 years to life in prison. According to Hestrin, all the children were severely malnourished and exhibiting signs of muscle wasting. A 12-year-old victim was the weight of an average 7-yearold. A 29-year-old victim weighed only 82 pounds. He said that several
see PARENTS, page A-4
David and Louise Turpin make their first court appearance in court Thursday, Jan. 18. The two are accused of keeping some of their children chained and padlocked to beds, feeding them very little and only allowing them to shower once a year. Courtesy photo
Dozens gather to remember Paul Bandong as community leader, colleague and friend Valley News Staff STAFF@REEDERMEDIA.COM
Members of the community who worked with and became friends with Paul Bandong pray and honor his memory during a vigil held at Town Square Park in Murrieta, Jan. 21. Shane Gibson photo
Dozens gathered at Town Square in Murrieta Sunday, Jan. 21, to share their memories and thoughts of Valley News’ own Paul Bandong, who died unexpectedly earlier this month. Visitors to the event passed around a candle and took turns telling stories about Bandong. Some had known him for years, while others had only just met him, but among the tales of his life was a common thread: That Bandong was someone they could truly call a friend. He was remembered among former colleagues, city officials and members of local charity groups for his wit, warmth, friendship and constant smile. Valley News Sports Editor J.P. Raineri said he spent “12 years as Paul’s friend.” Raineri shared many
see BANDONG, page A-6