‘Singin’ in the Rain’ in Fallbrook B-10
CA grown food served to kids B-12
Sockers play alumni D-3
Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall
a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f
Andrea Verdin Staff Writer
The San Diego County District Attorney’s office has begun to lay out its case against a Fallbrook woman who fatally shot her sonin-law after he made a comment about the way she was dressed. According to previous Village News reports, Cynthia Cdebaca, 65, killed 53-year-old Geoward Eustaquio in his home at approximately 8 a.m. on Feb. 11, 2014 after he commented about the way she was dressed and told her to change. The two were alone in the residence. Cdebaca went to her granny flat adjacent to the main residence, retrieved a .38-caliber five shot revolver she had purchased two weeks prior, and fired all five rounds at Eustaquio, who stood in a patio on the residence. According to prosecutor Tracy Prior, Cdebaca walked to her car, where she had a box of ammunition, reloaded the gun, and emptied the gun once more into Eustaquio once she realized he wasn’t dead and was trying to crawl into the house. After the shooting, Cdebaca went to the Fallbrook Denny’s, then headed to Pechanga Casino to gamble before stopping to buy cigarettes and stopping at her favorite coffee shop, where she was arrested. Last year, a judge found Cdebaca
a nd
Pau m a
February 2, 2017
Prosecution lays out case against woman who fatally shot her son-in-law
D e L u z , R a i n b ow , C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,
Volume 21, Issue 5
Services set for 5-year-old boy, 73-year-old man who died in creek Tom Ferrall Staff Writer
Services will be held Saturday, Feb. 4 for 5-year-old Phillip Campbell and 73-year-old Roland Phillips, an “inseparable” duo who died after the vehicle in which they were traveling was pushed into rain-swollen Rainbow Creek by raging storm waters on the afternoon of Jan. 22. A dual funeral will be held at 11 a.m. at SonRise Christian Fellowship Church, located at 463 South Stage Coach Lane in Fallbrook. The two will be buried at Fallbrook Masonic Cemetery. “Roland and Phillip will be buried side-by-side, right next to each other,” said Rena Salomon, who organized the services and has been helping the families deal with the tragedy. Salomon, a Fallbrook resident who “works for God” and dedicates her life to helping people in their time of need, said the Fallbrook community has been very generous. “We thank both the mortuary, Berry-Bell & Hall, and the Masonic Cemetery,” said Salomon. “They both made huge contributions in discounting things.” Salomon added that the ministries of Calvary Chapel Fallbrook and SonRise will join together for the services.
Phillip Campbell A candlelight vigil at Calvary Chapel was held the evening of Jan. 26, the day search and rescue workers – who had been searching for more than four days – located young Phillip’s body. That service attracted a large crowd. “It (Calvary Chapel) was
Courtesy photo packed,” said Tony Campbell, one of Phillip’s uncles and a private investigator who worked with the search and rescue personnel. “Both families were there and it was very emotional.” Phillip’s biological parents, Leslie Woosley and Timmy
Warrior wrestlers tangle with Cougars
see PROSECUTION, page A-12
Announcements �������������������������B-6 Business ���������������������������������������B-8 Business Directory ���������������������D-5 Classifieds ������������������������������������A-6 Dining & Food ��������������������������� B-12 Education.......................................B-5 Entertainment ��������������������������� B-10 Health & Fitness ��������������������������B-2 Home & Garden �������������������������C-2 Legals.............................................A-7 Obituaries �������������������������������������B-7 Opinion �����������������������������������������A-5 Real Estate �����������������������������������C-2 Sheriff’s Log ���������������������������������A-8 Sports.............................................D-1 Wine................................................D-6
Shane Gibson photo Fallbrook High grappler Michael Nolen battles on the mat against his Escondido challenger in the 126-pound weight class during the Warriors’ Jan. 19 match. For a story and more photos, see page D-1.
SDCRFA added to TAC Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent
Village News
50¢ Sales tax included at news stand
The membership of the county’s Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) now includes a representative from the San Diego County Regional Fire Authority (SDCRFA). A 4-0 San Diego County Board of Supervisors vote Jan. 11, with Greg Cox at a California Coastal Commission meeting, approved the first reading and introduction of the ordinance changing the composition of the TAC. The second reading and adoption was approved on a 4-0 vote Jan. 25 with Ron Roberts delayed due to the impacts of rain in his neighborhood. “It’s a good improvement,” said Supervisor Bill Horn. The San Diego County Regional Fire Authority replaces the Automobile Club of Southern California, which is reducing the number of meetings to which it sends representatives. TAC and other county Department of Public Works traffic engineering staff sought a replacement for the Automobile Club. The Oct. 28 meeting of the
TAC included a unanimous recommendation to add a representative from the SDCRFA. TAC secretary Kenton Jones noted that fire departments have some of the largest vehicles using county roads as well as some of the most important and that fire engines and ambulances have devices which can switch traffic lights from red to green as the firefighters or paramedics approach the signal. “Most of the signals are triggered by lights and sirens,” Horn said. Although fire protection in many unincorporated communities is provided by a fire protection district rather than by the SDCRFA, some fire protection districts contract with the SDCRFA for fire prevention services including plan checks for proposed new structures and the fire protection districts work closely with the SDCRFA. The TAC membership is based on organization rather than a specific individual member, although the same person usually attends the TAC meetings if he or she is available. Deputy fire marshal James Pine will be the original SDCRFA primary member and county fire marshal
Greg Schreiner will be the alternate. The TAC membership also includes the Department of Public Works, the Sheriff’s Department, the California Highway Patrol, the California Department of Transportation, the San Diego County Office of Education, the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition, the San Diego Safety Council, Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of San Diego, a public member from the Second Supervisorial District, and a public member representing the Third and Fifth Supervisorial Districts. The TAC has eight scheduled meetings each year and reviews requests for regulatory changes such as traffic signals, stop or yield controls, speed limits, road weight or length restrictions, parking prohibitions or other restrictions, angle parking, midblock crosswalks, and equestrian or golf cart crossings. The TAC recommendations are forwarded to the Board of Supervisors who can ratify, overturn, or modify the recommendations. To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.
Campbell, were in attendance, as was Phillip’s grandmother, Lynda Campbell. “He was a loving child,” a tearyeyed Woosley told reporters at the service. “He never was angry, just
see SERVICES, page A-2
County water authority declares drought over SAN DIEGO – The San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors (SDCWA) declared on Jan. 26 an end to drought conditions in the region, citing heavy local rainfall and snow in western mountain areas. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Wa t e r A u t h o r i t y, p r e c i p i t a t i o n a t San Diego’s official reporting station at Lindbergh Field is 172 percent of average at this time. Statewide snow-water content is 193 percent of average, while the snowpack in the Colorado River Basin – where San Diego obtains some of its water – is also well above normal, the SDCWA reported. A resolution approved by the agency’s board also calls on Gov. Jerry Brown and the State Water Resources Control Board to rescind statewide emergency water-use regulations for areas of California that are no longer facing a drought. State water officials are expected to decide early next month whether to extend the measures, which are scheduled to expire at the end of February. “Telling the public to continue e x t r a o r d i n a r y, e m e r g e n c y conservation measures when the drought emergency no longer exists undermines the credibility of state and local water agencies and erodes the effectiveness of communications during actual water supply emergencies,’’ said Mark Muir, chairman of the Water Authority’s board. “The state should focus its 2017 efforts on communities that actually need help meeting water quality standards and water demands,’’ Muir said. “We will continue to promote water-use efficiency in San Diego County no matter the weather.’’ Last year, the SDCWA certified that it had plenty of water supply to meet demand over the next few years – and that was before the winter rainfall Wa t e r A u t h o r i t y G e n e r a l Manager Maureen Stapleton said
see DROUGHT, page A-12