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Anza alpaca raiser, lecturer wins Fabric Arts award
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Volume 18, Issue 11
Bulldog Revival and Iron Dog competition returns to Aguanga
Julie Roy, who owned and operated the popular Anza Alpaca Ranch and now lives in Idyllwild, won a second-place award at the annual Diamond Valley Art Center Fabric Artists show in historic downtown Hemet. see page A-3
TOPS brings together fun and friendship for a common goal Diane Sieker WRITER
Some groups of people are simply a complete joy to be around, socializing in a good-humored and fun manner, united in a common cause. They are special people doing special things and making newcomers feel welcome. The TOPS club is like that. see page A-4
Idyllwild Festival of Cinema honors filmmakers Tony Ault STAFF WRITER
Idyllwild’s 221-seat Rustic Theater was overflowing with hopeful indie film directors, producers, cinema photographers, actors and actresses from all over the world, Sunday, March 11, anxiously awaiting the announcement of this year’s winners of the 2018 Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema.
see page A-5
Dogs enjoy the challenges at the third annual Bulldog Revival, March 2-4.
The third annual Bulldog Revival was held Friday, March 2, through Sunday, March 4, hosted by Maximum Power Kennels in Aguanga.
Friday, opened with ACAL-ATAN judging. The organization performs all-breed temperament and working tests based off European standard tests designed for dogs of all levels of training. Iron Dog Decoy Certification was also offered that day. On Saturday, ABA and AMA
registration was held, and conformation events performed in the show ring. The ABA is an exclusive all-bully, short-haired Molosser and mastiff breed registry that stresses
see BULLDOG, page A-3
Common Grounds is open for business Diane Sieker WRITER
After years of preparing, Robyn Garrison and partner Jeral Cooley have succeeded in their dream of opening a drive-thru or walk-up “food” trailer restaurant, which is located at the corner of Kirby Road and state Route 371. The large white trailer is visible from the roadway, sitting on a thick layer of asphalt grindings, but it is the culinary magic being created inside the trailer that is the talk of the town. Getting the little eatery and coffee shop to become a reality has been an arduous journey, Garrison said. “I bought this property in 2015 in May and started working with an engineer and architect on plans for this corner,” Garrison said. “My goal is and still is to create jobs for our community. To give people a
see GROUNDS, page A-5
Anza Valley Outlook
Despite the threat of rain, about 70 bully breed dogs from all over California came to participate in the show and Iron Dog Competition, which was an American Bulldog Association and American Molosser Association-sanctioned event. The judging which took place
Diane Sieker photo
Robyn Garrison and Jeral Cooley open at the Common Grounds food and coffee trailer at the corner of Diane Sieker photo Kirby Road and state Route 371.
Musicians of Anza: the beat goes on for musician James Hilzman Diane Sieker WRITER
Editor’s note; Musicians of Anza is a new feature highlighting talent in the Anza and Aguanga community. To be featured, send an email to As a popular local talent, a perfectionist sound engineer and overall great guy, James “J2” Hilzman is strongly involved in the Anza music scene. Songwriter, singer, performer, producer and sound engineer, 47-year-old Hilzman has been creating music since the tender age of 12. Influenced by his mother in his early years, he was introduced to the wonders of the piano. From that moment on, it was clear that he had an ear for music. He ventured forward and began to learn and
acquire other instruments, such as guitar, bass, keyboards and drums. With years of progress and being virtually self-taught, Hilzman has realized great success in being able to write, create and perform his original music, as well as covering crowd-pleasing favorites. With a few self-recorded CD’s out for sale and some studio albums with many tracks including collaboration of many other great artists, Hilzman said he is happy with his work. “I enjoy every minute of it, and I wouldn’t want it any other way,” he said. Hilzman moved to Anza in 2004 and joined the ranks of local talent, constantly tapped for interesting live and recorded projects. His James Hilzman is a talented musical personality and very active in the Anza and Aguanga music scene. Courtesy photo
see HILZMAN, page A-6