Fallbrook Village News

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Avocados dress up B-4

Try avocado hummus C-10

Sullivan choirs win D-4

Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall

a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f

April 27, 2017

FUHS listed as a 2017 California Gold Ribbon School Andrea Verdin Staff Writer

Fallbrook Union High School (FUHS) was recently named a 2017 Gold Ribbon School by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Fallbrook’s public high school was one of 276 middle and high schools that were honored under the Gold Ribbon Schools Awards Program. “These terrific schools are leading the way in embracing our new rigorous academic standards and showing others how to help students succeed on their way to 21st century careers and college,” state superintendent Tom Torlakson said. “I look forward to traveling the state to honor these schools and to help share the programs, methods, and techniques that are working.” The California Gold Ribbon Schools Award was created to honor schools in place of the California Distinguished Schools Program, which is on hiatus while California creates new assessment, accountability, and continuous improvement systems. Fallbrook was one of 477 middle schools and high schools that applied this year to be honored. Schools applied for the award based on a model program or practice their school has adopted that includes standards-based activities, projects, strategies, and practices that can be replicated by other local educational agencies. The Gold Ribbon Awards recognize California schools that have made gains in implementing

D e L u z , R a i n b ow , C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,

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Pau m a


Volume 21, Issue 16

Avocados celebrated with festival

Christine Rinaldi photo Second Princess Yvonne Damian, Miss Fallbrook Brianna Lehman and First Princess Hayley Lawson pose with Mr. Avocado Rowan Fuller and Miss Avocado Isabella Olson during the 31st Avocado Festival April 23. See more photos on page B-1.

Ammunition Road sidewalks, Clemens Lane Park selected for funding Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent

The projects selected for 201718 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding include sidewalks along a segment of Ammunition Road and improvements to Clemmens Lane Park. The adoption of the County of San Diego’s 2017-18 annual funding plan for CDBG, HOME Investment Partnerships, Emergency Shelter Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS programs includes $266,721 to construct sidewalks along the south side of Ammunition Road between Alturas Road and South Mission Road, and $257,083 to design and construct a synthetic turf soccer field and a single restroom at Clemmens Lane Park and to install vertical cushion pads on existing fences of the soccer field. The annual funding plan was approved on a 3-0 San Diego County Board of Supervisors vote April 11, with Kristin Gaspar absent due to a schedule conflict and Ron Roberts in China. The Board of Supervisors funded nine CDBG projects in the unincorporated county (the county also administers CDBG

see SIDEWALK, page A-9

Proposed solar facility causes residents concern

see RIBBON, page A-9


Andrea Verdin Staff Writer

Erika Garibay, left, and Rockie Mercado of Holy Guaca-Moly, serve chips and guacamole to guests attending the Fallbrook Avocado Festival, April 23.

Shane Gibson photo

A variety of produce stands sell $5 bags of Hass avocados to guests attending the Avocado Festival in downtown Fallbrook.

Shane Gibson photo

Village News

Announcements �������������������������A-2 Business ���������������������������������������C-6 Business Directory ���������������������A-6 Calendar........................................A-3 Classifieds ������������������������������������C-5 Dining & Food ���������������������������C-10 Education.......................................C-4 Entertainment ������������������������������D-4 Health & Fitness ��������������������������C-2 Home & Garden �������������������������C-9 Legals.............................................C-8 Obituaries �������������������������������������A-8 Opinion �����������������������������������������A-5 Real Estate �����������������������������������B-2 Sheriff’s Log ���������������������������������A-5 Sports.............................................D-1 Wine................................................D-6

50¢ Sales tax included at news stand

Fallbrook residents living near the Valley Oak Mobile Park have raised concerns over a possible solar facility that could be installed as a way to offset the mobile park’s electrical bill. During a recent Fallbrook Community Planning Group (FCPG) board meeting, residents brought up their fears, with some citing visual and health concerns. The uneasiness expressed by residents caused the FCPG to motion for a continuance on the application, which would allow for the residents, property owners, and county staff to develop a plan that would allow for a compromise. The owners of the Valley Oak Mobile Park have begun the preliminary steps to obtain an administrative permit to install a 381-kw ground mounted PV solar facility as a way to supplement the power needs of the mobile home park, which is located on the 3900 block of Reche Road. According to FCPG design review chair Eileen Delaney, the proposed solar facility would defray approximately half of the electrical cost paid to SDGE. “The owners own the property adjacent to Valley Oaks, where they would like to build the panels,” she said. “There would be 1,400 solar panels.” According to Jan Vyse, a resident that spoke against the project, the panels would also be seven feet by three-and-a-half feet in size. “These are not acceptable,” she said. “The RV park owner will still charge residents based on what their meter says they used, so only the owner will benefit. Some residents are scared the field will devalue their property.” Vyse also stated it wasn’t clear if there are any health risks related to having so many solar panels in an area. “Solar panels make the ground unusable for agriculture, so they must be doing something,” she said. “We don’t know the health hazards of these panels; people

see SOLAR, page A-9

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