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Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall

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a nd

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May 25, 2017

Fallbrook resident receives Jack Kent Cooke scholarship

D e L u z , R a i n b ow, C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,

Volume 21, Issue 20

Widened Highway 76 open from I-5 to I-15

Andrea Verdin Staff Writer

Achieving one’s goals is no small feat, especially when faced with impossible circumstances. However, one determined college student has shown that she will do whatever it takes to meet her goals and achieve in life. Vanessa Reynolds, a 31-yearold Fallbrook resident who is set to transfer from Mira Costa Community College, was recently awarded with the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship, which is the largest private scholarship for community college transfer students in the United States. Nearly 3,000 community college students applied for the 2017 Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship, and only 55 scholarships were awarded to some of the nation’s top performing community college students. The Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship is one of the largest scholarships in the nation, designed to propel high-achieving students at community colleges to four-year colleges and universities. The scholarship funds the costs of attending college not covered by other financial aid, provides academic advising, stipends for internships and study abroad, and also grants recipients many opportunities to network with other Cooke Scholars and alumni. “Our Undergraduate Transfer Scholars have a proven record of accomplishment at elite colleges and universities and have gone on to successful careers in many

50¢ Sales tax included at news stand

Shane Gibson photos Dignitaries celebrate the grand opening of the newly completed SR-76 by planting a variety of native and drought resistant plants that will be used to landscape the areas lining the highway. Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent State Route 76 is now two lanes in each direction between Interstate 5 and Interstate 15. A grand opening ceremony to celebrate the completion of the final phase between South Mission Road and I-15 was held May 16 near the intersection of the old alignment, which is now an access road off the freeway, with Sage

Road. Because the highway was already open to traffic, the ribboncutting ceremony was replaced by the planting of drought-tolerant shrubs which will be used to landscape the area. “Today we celebrate the end of a journey about two decades in the making,” said California Department of Transportation District 11 director Laurie Berman. “This is a high-priority project not just in the region but statewide as

well.” The California Streets and Highways Code designated state routes to be part of the state’s freeway or expressway system in 1959, and State Route 76 between Interstate 5 and Interstate 15 was one of those roads. In the November 1987 election, the county’s voters approved the half-cent TransNet sales tax for transportation, and the widening of Highway 76 between I-5 and Melrose Drive

in Oceanside utilized TransNet revenue. In November 2004 the voters approved a 40-year extension of the TransNet sales tax through 2048. “This is a milestone,” said County Supervisor Ron Roberts, who is also currently the chair of the San Diego Association of Governments board. “Today we’re delivering on a promise to the people of the entire community.” The portion of the widened State Route 76 between Interstate 5 and Melrose Drive in Oceanside was completed in 1999. The widening between Melrose Drive and South Mission Road was completed in 2012. Improvements on the interchange at State Route 76 and Interstate 15 opened to traffic in August 2013. “This is a critical, critical piece,” Roberts said of the most recent expansion project. The dedication ceremony occurred four weeks after the death of Jacob Dekema, who was the Caltrans District 11 director from 1955 to 1980. Dekema passed away April 16 at the age of 101, and he called the widening of Highway 76 one of the three uncompleted projects he had envisioned. “This project fulfills a dream expressed long ago,” Berman said. “State Route 76 from the coast to I-15 is now a modern four-lane highway,” Berman said. “The birth of a better roadway is always

see HIGHWAY, page A-10

Hundreds of classics primed for Fallbrook Vintage Car Show

see COOKE, page A-11

thisweek Announcements �������������������������A-2 Business ������������������������������������C-10 Business Directory ���������������������C-7 Calendar........................................A-2 Classifieds..................................C-11 Dining & Food ������������������������������B-8 Education.......................................B-5 Entertainment ������������������������������B-6 Health & Fitness ��������������������������B-2 Home & Garden �������������������������C-2 Legals.............................................C-8 Obituaries �������������������������������������A-8 Opinion �����������������������������������������A-5 Real Estate �����������������������������������C-2 Sheriff’s Log ���������������������������������A-8 Sports.............................................D-1 Wine................................................D-6

Village News

Tom Ferrall Staff Writer Fallbrook Vintage Car Club president Roy Moosa has a signature line that he uses to promote the organization’s signature event, the Fallbrook Vintage Car Show, which will be held this Sunday, May 28 at Pala Mesa Resort. “It is the longest continuouslyrunning car show west of the Mississippi,” states Moosa proudly of the 52-year-old event. Moosa then adds, “Come and look at all the cars that you used to own and wish you never sold.” Doug Allen, chair of the 2017 show, said the event will showcase nearly 500 classic cars, including nine DeLoreans, the featured vehicle this year. The DeLorean is known for its stylish gull-wing doors, clean design and stainless steel body panels. “The feature cars always attract the most attention, but different people like different things,” said Allen. “We have both stock, which is vintage cars in their original factory condition, and then we have modified too, so we have roadsters and highly-modified cars. “And we’ll have approximately 25 Brass Era vehicles (dating) from about 1898 to 1914,” continued Allen. “So, there’s something for

Brass Era vehicles will be among the cars on display at the 52nd annual Fallbrook Vintage Car Show at Pala Mesa Resort Sunday, May 28. everybody.” The Fallbrook Vintage Car Show is a free event (no fee for parking or admission) and will be held rain or shine from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to an amazing display of cars, the show features vendors hawking everything from automotive parts to jewelry to tempting food and drink, as well as free musical entertainment and

a children’s play area. Allen said a new attraction at this year’s show is Restoration Road. “It’s a row of vendors offering strictly car-related products or services,” said Allen of Restoration Road. “There will be demonstrations and displays. It’s a new feature this year that may grow in the future to be one of the

Hundreds of classic cars, both stock and modified, are featured at the Fallbrook Vintage Car Show.

Courtesy photos

bigger aspects of the show.” Allen listed Rusted Gold, Oceanside Driveline, Olympic Coatings, and Alan Taylor Company, Inc. as some of the companies that will be represented on Restoration Road. Allen said the show’s traditional Swap Meet will host more than 60 vendors offering a wide range of products and services. The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club will have a merchandise booth where it will sell souvenir car show posters, coffee mugs and t-shirts as well as give out information about the club. Allen said the estimated crowd at last year’s car show was 15,000, and that’s why he encourages people to arrive early. The car show will officially get started at 9:30 a.m. with a military flyover. “We’ll have T-34s do a flyover during the national anthem, which will be performed by the Fallbrook High School band,” said Allen. Early birds can partake in a

see SHOW, page A-9

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