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EMWD approves nal design contract for State Street pipeline replacement
Joe Naiman Writer
The Eastern Municipal Water District board approved a contract for the final design of the State Street Pipeline Replacement Project.
Because Cozad & Fox, which is headquartered in Hemet, had previously been awarded the preliminary design contract the formal action was an amendment to the design agreement. The board’s 4-0 vote Wednesday, May 17, with Randy Record absent, approved that contract amendment.
Approximately 8,000 feet of 20-inch diameter cement mortar lined and wrapped steel potable water pipeline is along State Street in Hemet between Stetson Avenue and Simpson Road. The pipeline serves primarily as a transmission main and also directly supplies water service to domestic and commercial customers.
The pipeline was constructed in the 1950s in open space easements adjacent to State Street. At the time Hemet was more rural. New developments such as a gas station, a mobile home park, walls, and landscaping were built over the pipeline, which increases the difficulty of access in the event of any required maintenance. The pipeline is also nearing the end of its useful life.
A May 2022 board meeting included authorizing Cozad & Fox Inc. to perform a preliminary design study to establish a suitable corridor for the ultimate replacement of the pipeline. The preliminary design has been completed.
The preliminary design recommends construction in two phases. The segment between Stetson Avenue and Chambers Street will be Phase 1, since significant en- croachments over the pipeline exist and the segment is a priority to replace. The portion of the pipeline south of Chambers Street has neither significant encroachments nor a history of leaks, so Phase 2 will not be in the construction contract for Phase 1. The construction will place approximately 3,000 feet of parallel 20-inch polyvinyl chloride pipeline within the street, reconnect the pipeline to six distribution laterals, replace the water services, abandon the existing pipeline in place and potentially coordinate with the city of Hemet on a 24-inch water pipeline project also pro- posed along the same corridor in State Street. The scope of work for the final design consists of project management, traffic control plans, permitting support, final design, preparation of contract documents including plans and specifications and bid phase services.
EVMD staff negotiated a scope of work and fee with Cozad & Fox. The company will be paid $104,916 for final design engineering services, bringing the total contract amount to $178,984. Joe Naiman can be reached by email at jnaiman@reedermedia. com.