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To submit an upcoming community event, email it to valleyeditor@ reedermedia.com, put “attention events” in the subject line.
June 14 to July 22 – Find Your Voice Summer Reading Program for children 3 to 18 at the Hemet Public Library at 300 E. Latham Ave., in Hemet. Sign up using http://www. hemetca.beanstack.com.
June 26 – 6-7:30 p.m. Smash Book DIY at the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library, 30600 Pauba Road. Smash books are a creative, low stress and fun way to collect together different thoughts, dreams, feelings and interests. Participants will be provided with examples, blank journals and art supplies to begin their very own smash book. Program is for grades 7-12 and limited to 25 participants. Register by calling 951-693-8940
June 30 – 7 p.m.Murrieta Public Library hosts Pinto Bella and her hula hoops t Murrieta Town Square Park and Amphitheater, 1 Town Square, in Murrieta.Get ready to learn about different kinds of hula hoops and movements, watch a performance with multiple hoops and practice your “air hoops.” Pinto Bella is a movement artist, musician, fire performer, visual artist and educator who is currently touring the U.S. this summer.
June 15 to July 27 – 7 p.m.
Temecula’s Summer Concert Series begins with a great lineup of local bands at the Temecula Amphitheater, 30875 Rancho Vista Road. Gates open Thursdays at 5 p.m. with the final outdoor concert at Temecula’s Civic Center, 41000 Main Street, starting at 6:30 p.m. Bring blankets, lawn chairs and snacks.
First concert June 22 features Jumping Jack Flash.
June 17 – 2-8 p.m. The 52nd annual Murrieta Father’s Day Car Show will be held at California Oaks Sports Park, 40600 California Oaks Road in Murrieta with music, vendors, free family fun for spectators. No dogs are allowed. To register vehicles, visit http://www. tinyurl.com/fathersdaycarshow23.
June 18 – 11 a.m.to 5 p.m. Attend the 12th annual Microbrew and Chili Cook Off Festival and find the perfect Father’s Day samplings of craft beer, gourmet chili, silent auction and live entertainment at Pechanga Resort Casino, 45000 Pechanga Parkway, in Temecula.
Tickets can be purchased at the Pechanga Box Office or online at http://pechanga.com. Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley.
June 24 – 2-9 p.m. Attend the 32nd Murrieta Birthday Bash at California Oaks Sports Park, 40600 California Oaks Road, in Murrieta with vendors, food and music. K-Tel
All Stars is headlining the musical performances with 70s hits. For more information, contact the Murrieta Community Services Dept. at 951-304-7275.
July 12 to Aug. 23 – 5-9 p.m. Sunset Market every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The market will feature live entertainment, a gourmet food court and some of the finest artisans and craftspeople in Southern California. The family friendly event is located in Town Square Park in Old Town Temecula.
ONGOING – Riverside County rivercobizhelp.org that can be used for employee retention, working capital, personal protective equipment purchases, rent or mortgage payments and paying vendor notices. Eligible businesses, including nonprofits, must be in Riverside County, with a minimum of one but less than 50 employees and operating for at least one year since March
Transportation Commission is offering Park and Ride lots to connect with carpools, vanpools and transit systems in Beaumont at 600 E. Sixth Street in San Jacinto; at 501 S. San Jacinto Avenue and in Temecula at Grace Presbyterian Church, 31143 Nicolas Road, open from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. but not on weekends.
ONGOING – Line dancing classes are held Wednesdays at Lake Elsinore/Wildomar Elks Lodge, 33700 Mission Trail, in Wildomar across from the Animal Friends of the Valleys. Classes have a DJ with learning levels beginning to intermediate. Have fun and exercise at the same time at $5 per lesson. Contact Joyce Hohenadl at 951674-2159.
ONGOING – Sun City Civic Association Monthly Square Dance sessions are held Sundays from 1:30-5 p.m. at 26850 Sun City Boulevard.
ONGOING – If you know a homebound older adult, resources in Menifee are available, including grab-and-go, cooked and frozen food for pickup. Courtesy pantry items and meals delivered with no contact. Three days of emergency food can be delivered immediately or restaurant meal delivery for those who don’t qualify for food assistance programs. Call the California Department on Aging at 800-5102020 for help.
ONGOING – The Riverside County COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program is accepting online applications for business grants up to $10,000 at http://www.
1. For more information, call Riverside County Business and Community Services at 951-955-0493.
ONGOING – 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Temecula Winchester Swap Meet continues, 33280 Newport Road in Winchester. Saturdays and Sundays only. The small local swap meet is only 50 cents for entry, and anyone under age 10 is free admission. No dogs allowed.
ONGOING – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Every Sunday, Murrieta Village Walk Farmers Market is at Village Walk Place in Murrieta. The Sunday morning farmers market at Village Walk Plaza is a place to buy fruits and veggies, gourmet food and crafts. Come to the center in the northwest corner of Kalmia/ Cal Oaks at the Interstate 215 exit in Murrieta.
ONGOING – Temecula’s Farmers Markets are offered in Old Town Temecula Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to noon, 4100 Main Street in Temecula; at Promenade Temecula, 40640 Winchester Road, outside JCPenney every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and at Vail Headquarters, 32115 Temecula Parkway, every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. In compliance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Riverside County Public Health orders, the farmers markets will be restricted to agriculture products only. Follow the Old Town Temecula Farmers Market on Facebook to stay updated. No pets allowed.
June 13 – 5-6 p.m. Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino Tenant Rights will lead a discussion covering legal information regarding tenant rights and responsibilities, hosted at the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library, 30600 Pauba Road in Temecula. This discussion is intended for housing advocates, community members, and current tenants who would like to learn about the eviction process and procedures, housing accommodations and more. No registration required.
June 15 – 7 p.m. Murrieta Mayor
Dr. Lisa DeForest will give the State of the City address at Murrieta Hot Springs Resort, 39405 Murrieta Hot Springs Road in Murrieta. Event is free and open to the public. VIP reception from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 per person. Register at https://bit.ly/MSOTC23.
June 24 – 5-8 p.m. Attend the opening night of the Nature Education Foundation at the Santa Rosa Plateau’s summer Art Show and Summer Kick-Off with local artists, receptions and no-host wine and craft beers. A youth ballet by Temecula’s Junior Company Showcase highlights the event. Tickets required. See http://www.the-nef. org for details and prices.
June 26 – 6 p.m. Temecula Valley Historical Society Free Presentation by Aditi Wocester. Worcester will present information regarding conducting research at the San Diego County Archives, a collection that holds an estimated 65,000 recorded maps, 250 cubic feet of historic birth, death and marriage records, 600 cubic feet of official records, and an estimated 40,000 rolls of microfilm. Presentation will take place at the Little Temecula History Center, the red barn at the corner of Redhawk Parkway and Wolf Store Road. Questions or info on the presentation may be addressed to Rebecca Farnbach at info@temeculahistory.org.
ONGOING – Want to help deployed American troops remotely? Help shop for the most needed items without leaving home as an easy way to help support deployed men and women by purchasing items remotely and having them delivered to MilVet at designated drop-off locations for packing. All items on the list are special requests from deployed military men and women. MilVet is a nonprofit organization that holds monthly packaging events at different community locations in the area. For drop-off locations and packaging locations, visit http:// www.milvet.org/military-carepackages.
ONGOING – Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Meeting meets the third Monday of each month at the Mary Phillips Senior Center, 41845 Sixth Street, in Temecula from 10 a.m. to noon. For more information, email gaugustin206@gmail.com or join the meeting.
ONGOING– Sons of Norway/ Scandinavia meets at noon the first Saturday of every month, September to June, at the Heritage Mobile Park Clubhouse, 31130 S. General
Kearny Road, in Temecula.
ONGOING – Menifee Community Services offers online driver’s education courses for a $21.95 fee. The course includes animated driving scenarios, instructional videos, sample tests, licensed instructor available to answer questions, DMV-approved certificate of completion with all lectures and exams completed from home. Designed for students and does not include behind-the-wheel instruction or a California driver’s permit. Contact 951-723-3880 or visit the city of Menifee to register at http://www. city of menifee.us.
ONGOING – 10-11:30 a.m.
Michelle’s Place Cancer Resource Center and The Elizabeth Hospice host a virtual support meeting for caregivers every second and fourth week of the month via Zoom. Get helpful tips and learn from others who are also dealing with similar challenges. For more information and to register, contact The Elizabeth Hospice Grief Support Services at 833-349-2054.
ONGOING – Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, a free 12step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, undereating or bulimia, has meetings throughout the U.S. and the world. Contact 781-9326300, or for local meetings, call 925-321-0170 or visit http://www. foodaddicts.org.
ONGOING – The Murrieta Garden Club meets each month at the Murrieta Community Center, 41810 Juniper St. Anyone who likes to garden or is interested in plants is welcome. Membership is $10 per year. Find more information about the monthly event or project on Facebook.
ONGOING – Temecula Valley Rose Society meets each month. For more information and new meeting dates and places, visit http://www. temeculavalleyrosesociety.org.
ONGOING – Menifee Toastmasters meets every Thursday at noon for one hour at a designated place to have fun, enhance speaking capabilities, gain self-confidence and improve social skills. For new dates, call 760-807-1323 or visit http://www.MenifeeToastmasters. org for more information.
ONGOING – Homeless veterans can receive free help by dialing 877-424-3838 for 24/7 access to the VA’s services for homeless, at-risk veterans. Chat is confidential for veterans and friends. Visit http:// www.va.gov/homeless.
Valley Museum o ers relief from the summer heat with the Walking in Antarctica exhibition
TEMECULA – Cool off this summer by visiting the Walking in Antarctica exhibit. The immersive exhibit, created by artist Helen Glazer, combines photography, sculpture and audio narrative to take the viewer on a journey through an extraordinary environment. The exhibition is organized as a series of “walks” through Antarctic landscapes: over frozen lakes, around glaciers, into an ice cave and through a colony of nesting Adélie penguins. Visitors with smartphones can access an audio tour narrated by Glazer, documenting her experiences. “Walking in Antarctica” opens Friday, June 16, at the Temecula Valley Museum.
“The Temecula Valley Museum offers engaging exhibits for our community to enjoy,” Temecula Mayor Zak Schwank said. “We are proud to bring to our residents the Walking in Antarctica Exhibition, which will allow them the ability to ‘visit’ a place very few people ever explore.”
In 2015, artist Glazer traveled to Antarctica as a grantee of the National Science Foundation’s Antarctic Artists and Writers Program, to photograph ice and geological formations for eventual production as photographic prints and sculpture. She worked out of remote Antarctic scientific field camps and had access to protected areas that can only be entered with government permits or in the company of a skilled mountaineer.
Through her artwork, Glazer strives to convey the wonder and complexity of the natural world to others, to motivate a desire to protect and preserve wild places. Her study of earth science over the past several years heightened her awareness of multiple factors shaping the land over time. In recognizing that complex patterns in nature express the physical forces at work, she became more attuned to the interplay between geology, climate, life forms and human activity in each location.
In conjunction with “Walking in Antarctica,” the museum invites residents and visitors Saturday, July 29, at 1 p.m. to attend a gallery talk with Glazer. She will talk about photographing and 3D-scanning an environment that few people ever visit — walking over towering glaciers, on top of frozen lakes, inside a magnificent ice cave, across fields of surreal boulders and through a penguin colony, with plenty of opportunities for Q & A. Call 951-679-6450 to RSVP.
This project is organized by Mid-America Arts Alliance and is an adaptation of the artist’s solo exhibition of the same title held at the Rosenberg Gallery at Goucher College in Baltimore that was funded in part by grants from the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance and the Puffin Foundation. Creation of this work was made possible in part by a Rubys Artist Project Grant, a program of the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance conceived and initiated with funding from the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, and by a Puffin Foundation Artist Grant.
The Temecula Valley Museum is located in Sam Hicks Monument Park, 28314 Mercedes Street, in Temecula. For more information, visit http://TemeculaValleyMuseum.org or call 951-694-6450. Submitted by Temecula Valley Museum.