Valley News - June 14, 2025

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Murrieta’s ‘Santa Stops’ to continue annually as a public/private event

The return of the Murrieta Santa Stops holiday program last Christmas brought praise for its success from a number of volunteers and residents which convinced the Murrieta City Council to again make it an annual “Connected with Community” event this year during their Tuesday, June 5, meeting.

Murrieta residents sink deeper into groundwater struggle as local authorities remain MIA

THS announces presentation with cowgirl Pat North Ommert

TEMECULA - The Temecula Valley Historical Society invites the public to a trip down memory lane when Pat North Ommert gives a presentation at the Little Temecula History Museum at 6 p.m. on Monday, June 24. Pat, who has been inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame, will tell about her illustrious career as a horsewoman and she will also tell what Temecula was like when she moved here in the 1960s.

began shortly after moving into her residence in August 2023. “In December 2023, we began noticing an excessive amount of water

a homeowner on Arron Ct., recounts the ordeal that

TVUSD recall leads by slim majority

Julie Reeder Publisher

TVUSD Board President Dr. Komrosky was the subject of a recall election June 4, 2024.

As of Tuesday, June 11, at noon, the vote to recall TVUSD Board President Joseph Wayne Komrosky in Trustee Area 4 was too close to call with the “yes” votes ahead by about 209 votes, as of presstime. The final results were to be announced on June 11, at 6 p.m. after all the mail-in and conditional votes are counted.

According to the Registrar of Voters (ROV) there are still votes

to be received and counted. “An estimated 150 Vote-by-Mail ballots and 50 Conditional Voter Registration (CVR) ballots remain to be counted.

“In addition, Vote-by-Mail ballots postmarked on or before Election Day (June 4) must be received by June 11, 2024 (postmark +7) and remain to be processed. The team will resume work on these ballots on Thursday, June 6th. The next updated results will be posted at 6 pm on Tuesday, June 11.”

Dr. Komrosky, a veteran Army Ranger and tenured professor, along with a conservative board majority, came under fire im-

The issue of what to do with the unfinished and deteriorating Krikorian Entertainment Complex that has sat on the southwest corner of Newport Road and Town Center Road in Menifee over the past four years may soon be resolved with an order from the Menifee City Council to tear it down as a “public nuisance.”

With Council member Dean Deines absent for medical reasons, the Menifee City Council meeting Wednesday, June 5, resolved to declare the Kirkorian theater complex, not the retail buildings, a public nuisance and its abatement, possible within 30 days. It still could be appealed by the

mediately after being elected in 2022. Opponents, organized by One Temecula Valley PAC, were concerned that the board voted to remove Critical Race Theory from the classrooms. They didn’t agree with the new parent notification policy when students started to identify differently than the sex they were identified as in their school records. The board also voted to limit political and ideological flags in the classrooms. After parents read aloud in board meetings materials that they considered pornographic, the board created a TVUSD Board President Dr. Joseph Komrosky was the subject of a recall election. Valley News/Courtesy photo

see RECALL, page A-2

Menifee City Council gives the go ahead for the Krikorian Theater to be torn down

VISIT V June 14 – 20, 2024 Volume 24, Issue 24 A Section Your Best Source for Local News & Advertising S ERVING TEMECULA , MURRIETA , L AKE E LSINORE , M ENIFEE , WILDOMAR , H EMET, SAN JACINTO AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID HEMET, CA PERMIT #234 USPS Postal Customer VALLEY NEWS $2.00 Anza Valley Outlook D-1 Business B-7 Business Directory B-7 Calendar of Events A-11 Classifieds B-8 Education B-6 Entertainment A-10 Graduation C-1 Health B-4 Home & Garden B-5 Legal Notices D-6 Local A-1 National News A-9 Opinion.............................A-7 Regional News A-8 Sports B-1 INDEX Temecula Valley students receive Student of the Year honors, B-6 Local News see page A-2 Local News see page C-4 Local high school athletes shine as 2023-24 All-CIF selections, B-1 Graduation Edition Class of 2024 See our local graduates starting on C-1 Julie Reeder Publisher Residents on Arron Ct. in Murrieta, are grappling with persistent excessive groundwater issues, which they claim the city authorities attribute to a newly emerged natural spring on their properties. Despite numerous pleas for assistance, they claim the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District and the City of Murrieta have distanced themselves from the problem, leaving homeowners frustrated and seeking resolution. Pamela Race,
The Krikorian Entertainment Complex has been declared a public nuisance. Valley News/”The Agenda Rundown” YouTube screenshot
Valley News/Julie Reeder photo
see KRIKORIAN, page A-2
Murrieta resident John Perry shows the excessive groundwater problem that he and his neighbors face daily.

Murrieta’s traditional ‘Santa Stops’ to continue annually as a public/private event

The return of the Murrieta Santa Stops holiday program last Christmas brought praise for its success from a number of volunteers and residents which convinced the Murrieta City Council to again make it an annual “Connected with Community” event this year during their Tuesday, June 5, meeting.

The council fell short of calling it a Murrieta Community Services Department signature event, yet it unanimously approved the Santa Stops program as a special public/ private city event with a planned budget of approximately $70,000 that may be reduced with private donations.

During the city’s Santa Stops holiday program, Santa Claus, school choirs and more than 170 costumed volunteers spend several days before the Christmas holiday riding on decorated trolleys throughout Murrieta neighborhoods, visiting hundreds of children to bring them joy and promise in the season.

The visits often crowded local Murrieta streets with children and parents, greeting Santa and his elves who seek donations of non-perishable foods that are distributed by local churches and charities to local residents in need throughout the year.

The Santa Stops program was initially created many years ago in a much younger Murrieta. Current city council members, including Ron Holliday, Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Warren and Mayor Lori Stone, said they remember

participating in Santa Stops when they were younger or as children.

The Santa Stops program was stopped by the city in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it was almost halted the year after due to rising costs and the deteriorating condition of the wagons used for the event. Holliday and some city residents, such as Joanie Wdowiak, sought to bring it back as a unique Murrieta tradition, promising to provide the city with more volunteers and sponsors to defray the rising costs.

In 2023, a somewhat reluctant city council approved a $60,000 budget and in-kind services backed it, reviving the Santa Stops program on very short notice. It was met with a record Murrieta neighborhood turnout at its 127 stops.

At the recent meeting, the council heard from the Community Services Department and from council members Holliday and Jon Levell, who promised to bring in more community volunteers and to welcome new sponsors. cutting the cost of the Santa Stops program by almost $20.000.

In the public hearing portion of the council’s discussion on whether or not to continue Santa Stops, eight residents and Santa Stop volunteers, including Joanie Wdowiak, whose husband Chris played Santa Claus, spoke to the council, seeking to keep the Santa Stops program as an annual traditional or signature program. Each of the speakers shared their experiences of seeing the joy on the children’s faces as Santa and the volunteers drove up, as well as the many older adults, some who shed

Wdowiak expressed the importance and

continuing the holiday event.

tears of remembrance. Memories they would never forget, they said. Murrieta resident and volunteer Kathryn Elliott said, “It was magical. It brought the whole neighborhood out.”

Volunteer Tera Reyst said she remembered Santa Stops when she was a child. Teacher Linda Spahr said she saw many teenagers who indicated they would love to help and it “helped the mental health of the entire community.”

Kassen Klein, who is sometimes a critic of the council’s decisions, said his company was one of the sponsors of the 2023 Santa Stops and “will do it again.” He assured the council more businesses would be sponsors in the future Santa Stops program, with or without

the city’s backing.

Holliday and Wdowiak also informed the council that a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Santa Stops organization has been formed and that last year there were three community businesses who provided $13,500 in donations for the program. In addition, residents would provide more volunteers to help.

DeForest, who at first said she was a “Scrooge” toward continuing the program because of the city’s rising costs, said the citizens’ testimonies about the program and her own ride with Santa “turned her around.”

Stone said, “It was a magical event. A joyous event,” and it should be brought back as a signature event.

While the council did not decide to make it a Murrieta signature event, the council did wish to continue the event as an annual city and public partnership, with added resident volunteers and sponsorships made through the new Santa Stops nonprofit. It was suggested that more churches and schools could also become involved in the community’s traditional Santa Stops program in the years to come. A full account of the Murrieta City Council’s June 5 meeting can be found on the Murrieta city website at http://www.murrietaca. gov/calendar.aspx. Tony Ault can be reached via email at

Menifee reports on street projects and construction updates

MENIFEE - The City has project and construction updates to share with the community. For a current list of street projects and construction updates, visit our interactive mobile and web map at Holland Road Overpass – City Capital Improvement Project

The City is actively performing work related to the Holland

RECALL from page A-1

committee to review and remove books that had pervasive profanity, pornography, and erotica. The new majority also brought in a new superintendent which riled district employees.

President Komrosky defended himself saying he was following through with what he promised during his campaign and it was a priority to focus on academics rather than cultural issues and ideologies.

Special Recall Election Information

Voters Cast: 9,675 of 21,578 (44.87%)

Precincts Reported: 20 of 20 (100.00%)

TVUSD TA4 Recall Joseph Wayne Komrosky (Vote

Road Overpass project. Holland Road between Hanover Lane and Antelope Road will remain closed for the duration of the project, which is expected to be completed later this year. For additional information and to sign up for project updates, visit www.

Encanto Drive between McCall Boulevard and Shadel Road – Shell Gas Station Street Improvements Shell Gas Station will be completing street improvements on Encanto Road. Encanto Road between McCall Boulevard and Shadel Road will be closed throughout the summer. Traffic control will be in place and detours will be provided.

Antelope Road between McLaughlin Road and Ethanac Road – Nova Battery Energy Storage System Street Improvements Nova Battery Energy Storage has completed street improve -

KRIKORIAN from page A-1 owners if they provide their own engineering report that it was not a danger to the health and safety of the community and does not need to be immediately torn down.

Cheryl Kitzrow, director of community development for Menifee, said getting a new engineers

ments on Antelope Road between McLaughlin Road and Ethanac Road. All traffic lanes are now open. Holland Road between Bradley and Evans Roads – Storm Drain/Road Construction Work Road improvements on Holland Road between Bradley and Evans Roads are completed. All traffic lanes are now open.

Encanto Drive and Rouse Road – Underground Utility Placement Lennar will be working on placing underground utilities for the Legado Project on Encanto Drive. Rouse Road will be closed from Trumble Road to Miles Court starting Monday, June 10. Traffic control will be in place and detours will be provided. This project is anticipated to be completed by the end of summer. 3rd Street in Romoland –Road Improvements Road improvements continue on 3rd Street, from Highway 74

report on that complex and doing the proper review in that time “was not likely.”

Kitzrow said that in April, a health and safety engineer looked over the theater property and found it had many public safety and health hazards for the public safety and should be declared a public nuisance which gives the city reason to order it torn down. An order to tear it down still would not take effect until the owner is notified to raze or repair it or give a reason it was not a health or public danger within the 30-day grace period.

An attorney for the property owners, Andrea Contraras, appeared at the meeting saying an engineer’s report that would save the theater was being undertaken, but she could not show proof when it was to be completed. She also told the council the public nuisance order should be continued since the complex itself had a potential entertainment company buyer from Mexico, with financial backing to rebuild it as a multientertainment complex instead of a theater and two others as well. A letter of intent has been issued on the purchase.

“We do not see it as an emergency matter,” she said and asked that the declaration be continued.

That argument was not enough for the council, however; and Council member Bob Karwin led off asking questions about the owners’ efforts since the build

to Antelope Road. The road will remain closed for the duration of the project which is scheduled to be completed by mid-August. Bradley Road – Richmond

American Underground Utilities Richmond American continues working on Bradley Road for work on underground utilities. Work will require lane closure and flaggers will be present.

Goetz Road and Thornton Avenue – Cimarron Ridge Development Project The developer will continue to work on Goetz Road, north of Thornton Avenue. Motorists should expect traffic control and possible delays while work is being completed. Goetz Road from north of Thornton Avenue to Goldenrod Avenue will remain closed and detours will be in place until construction is completed.

Ridgemoor Road – Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Pipeline Project EMWD continues working on

ing was first declared a public nuisance and granted an appeal in October 2023. The mitigation of the safety hazards was not completed, but some work was done on the retail center, which was excluded from the theater complex order. Karwin said the administrative engineer’s report showed safety deficiencies in the foundation as well as other items some time ago, but the owners and potential buyers did not fix them.

Council member Ricky Estrada asked if the decision that night still might be changed if the deficiencies were corrected at that time.

“We could not process such an application even if there were revisions in the entitlement …within 30 days,” Kitzrow said.

Council member Lesa Sobek said, “It’s been four years and here it is the ninth hour. And the property owner has not met those corrective promises. Now It’s at a point where we are here tonight [to make the abatement order decision].”

Mayor Bill Zimmerman called the question period to be closed, and after asking if there were any other statements, he found there were none. Karwin made the motion to approve the nuisance abatement measure with Estrada making the second. The nuisance abatement measure, for the theater only, passed with four unanimous votes and one council member absent.

the pipeline located on Ridgemoor Road west of Valley Boulevard. This project is anticipated to be ongoing for the next several months. Motorists should expect traffic delays and temporary traffic control.

P otomac Neighborhood –Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Water Main Replacement EMWD is replacing water mains on various streets in the Potomac Drive neighborhood. Traffic control will be in place with flaggers present. Detour signs will be posted in the area due to road closures during the day. For questions on the project/ construction updates listed, please contact Philip Southard, Public Information and Legislative Affairs Officer, at (951) 746-0654 or at Submitted by the city of Menifee.

Unless some other action in 30 days is made, the city can have the theater building torn down. In another action, the council was unanimous in awarding a bid award and agreement with Leonida Builders Inc. for their construction services in making safety improvements at the intersection Piedra Road at Bell Mountain Middle School for $547,993. They also adopted a budget amendment setting aside $138,404 to reduce the Bradley Road Bridge over Salt Creek cost and programming that amount to the Piedra Road project. Sobek expressed her delight at the project that will improve the safety for students at the middle school which is one of the busiest in the city at times. She also was pleased at the ongoing Piedra Road improvements that will include building an 11-foot island all along the roadway all the way to MSJC and Antelope Road, turn lanes, Americans with Disabilities Act ramps, a streetlight, caution signals and well-marked pedestrian paths over the highway, improving pedestrian and student safety. The city engineers said they will allow for the projects to be completed before the schools reopen in the fall and for the annual Independence Day Parade along the highway.

Tony Ault can be reached by email at

A-2 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 LOCAL Storytellling & Crafts Fun & Games Musical Concepts Public Speaking Adventure Survival Training Professor Bean & Cooking Fit2BeKids Let’s Make Art SUMMER CAMP 2024 CLASS OFFERINGS 4 or 5 days per week from 9:00am - 1:00pm 2000 Reche Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 Grades 3-5, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22 Grades 3-5, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 7/8, 7/15, 7/29 Grades 4-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24 Grades 3-5, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 7/15 JOIN NOW! Grades 1-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 ROOTED IN WELLNESS Grades 2-3, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 6/17 Grades 1-9, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 7/8, 7/15, 7/22 *Add-on 7/30 and 8/1 for a showcase/competition day! Grades 2-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 Grades 1-6, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 7/15, 7/22, 7/29 JOIN NOW! Storytellling & Crafts Dance Fun & Games Musical Concepts Public Speaking Adventure Survival Training Professor Bean & Cooking Fit2BeKids Let’s Make Art SUMMER CAMP 2024 CLASS OFFERINGS 4 or 5 days per week from 9:00am - 1:00pm 2000 Reche Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 Grades 3-5, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22 Grades 3-5, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 7/8, 7/15, 7/29 Grades 4-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24 Grades 3-5, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 7/15 JOIN NOW! Grades 1-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 ROOTED IN WELLNESS Grades 2-3, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 6/17 Grades 1-9, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 7/8, 7/15, 7/22 *Add-on 7/30 and 8/1 for a showcase/competition day! Grades 2-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 Grades 1-6, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 7/15, 7/22, 7/29 Storytellling & Crafts Dance Fun & Games Musical Concepts Public Speaking Adventure Survival Training Professor Bean & Cooking Fit2BeKids Let’s Make Art SUMMER CAMP 2024 CLASS OFFERINGS 4 or 5 days per week from 9:00am - 1:00pm 2000 Reche Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 Grades 3-5, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22 Grades 3-5, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 7/8, 7/15, 7/29 Grades 4-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24 Grades 3-5, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 7/15 JOIN NOW! Grades 1-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 ROOTED IN WELLNESS Grades 2-3, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 6/17 Grades 1-9, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 7/8, 7/15, 7/22 *Add-on 7/30 and 8/1 for a showcase/competition day! Grades 2-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 Grades 1-6, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 7/15, 7/22, 7/29 Storytellling & Crafts Dance Fun & Games Musical Concepts Public Speaking Adventure Survival Training Professor Bean & Cooking Fit2BeKids Let’s Make Art SUMMER CAMP 2024 CLASS OFFERINGS 4 or 5 days per week from 9:00am - 1:00pm 2000 Reche Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 Grades 3-5, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22 Grades 3-5, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 7/8, 7/15, 7/29 Grades 4-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24 Grades 3-5, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 7/15 JOIN NOW! Grades 1-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 ROOTED IN WELLNESS Grades 2-3, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 6/17 Grades 1-9, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 7/8, 7/15, 7/22 *Add-on 7/30 and 8/1 for a showcase/competition day! Grades 2-6, 5 days a week $380 Weeks Offered: 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 Grades 1-6, 4 days a week $305 Weeks Offered: 7/15, 7/22, 7/29
Joanie joy that previous Santa Stops brought to the community in hopes of Murrieta Valley News/Courtesy photo
for 1) YES 4,942 51.08% NO 4,733 48.92% Total Votes Cast 9,675

Volunteers Needed Today

The Riverside County Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Program recruits and trains caring people like you to serve as advocates for older adults who are ofter alone and forgotten.

There are over 15,000 long-term care residents in Riverside County residential and skilled nursing facilities. As a certified LTC Ombudsman volunteer, you will make unannounced, regular visits to LTC facilities. Your training will help you develop the skills necessary to advocate for the residents and empower them to resolve their concerns.

The mission of the Riverside Count y Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) is to see k resolution of problems and advocate for the rights of residents in LTC facilities with the goal of ensuring their dignity, quality of life, and quality of care. We investigate and re solve compl ai nts related to health, safety, welfare, and financial abuse.

LTC Ombudsman a Program of Council on Aging

A-3 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News
This local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is partially supported by federal, State and Riverside County funds to advocate for residents of long-term care facilities. The materials or product were a result of a project funded by a contract with the California Department of Aging. The conclusions and opinions expessed may not be those of the California Department of Aging and that the publication may not be based upon or inclusive of all raw data.
Become a Riverside County LTC Ombudsman (909) 581-6649 | 2280 Market St., Ste. 140, Riverside, CA 92501

permeating through the ground in our backyard and front yard,” Race said. Despite efforts to address the issue by contacting local authorities, including the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District and the City of Murrieta, Race and her neighbors faced a series of dead ends.

The Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District initially speculated that the issue could be groundwater-related and suggested contacting the City of Murrieta for further assistance. According to Race, Murrieta City officials concluded that since the problem originated on private property, homeowners were responsible for resolving it. She reported that after seeking assistance, her neighbor, John Perry, received a code violation from the city for having too much runoff water from his property.

Race said it’s worse when it rains. She had up to two feet of water in her backyard after the recent rains. When she walks in her front yard and backyard now, you can see her feet sink into the yard a few inches while water covers her feet.

Efforts to mitigate the groundwater problem have proven ineffective. Race resorted to installing additional piping in her yard in February 2024. She and her neighbor Perry say that the persistent issue poses a health hazard due to mosquito infestations, slippery algae growth, and most importantly possibly to the foundations of their homes.

Race’s frustrations culminated in a formal claim filed with the City of Murrieta on May 22, 2024, seeking damages related to the groundwater issue. However, the claim was swiftly denied by a third-party agency contracted by the city.

Valley News learned that the City of Murrieta has “hold harmless” agreements with their home developers, which absolve the city from liability related to certain issues, effectively shifting responsibility onto the developer or other parties involved. The challenge for these neighbors is knowing where to turn for help.

Neighboring residents echo

Race’s concerns. Perry expressed fears of potential sinkholes and structural damage caused by the saturated ground, including possibly while his family sleeps.

A USGS hydrogeologist contacted by Valley News said it is unlikely that the water is coming from a brand new natural spring, but more likely that it is treated water and leaking out of pipes somewhere in the neighborhood. He said that water districts can lose as much as 10% of their water supply on a regular basis and they may not even be aware.

The hydrogeologist suggested that the first task would be to measure the water to see if there was any trace of chlorine, however chlorine dissipates very quickly.

Perry said that a water district engineer came out to his property initially and tested the water for chlorine on Sept. 12, 2023 and did find some, although he was told it still wasn’t a water district issue.

Race said she also had the water company come and test for chlorine and she hasn’t received the results yet.

The water district declined to comment on the issue when Valley News reached out to verify Race’s and Perry’s claims.Valley News has learned that it is possible to have some traces of chlorine naturally occur in water after receiving a call from EVMWD Director Andy Morris. He said he wasn’t aware of the issue and would look into it.

Despite persistent efforts to seek assistance, including engaging with the Riverside County Flood Control, homeowners remain in limbo as no entity seems willing to help them remedy the issue or point them to an agency that is willing to help them seek out and address the underlying cause of the groundwater problem.

Adding to the frustration is the lack of disclosure in their real estate paperwork, leaving the homeowners unaware that there was an issue before purchasing their properties. Perry said, “I should have been given the choice to decide whether I wanted to buy a home with excessive groundwater issues.”

Valley News has attempted to seek comment from local authorities, including the Murrieta Mayor ’s office and a Lake Elsinore Water Engineer, which were met with silence or statements from their public information officers that they had no comment due to the concern for potential litigation. Meanwhile, the groundwater issue appears to extend beyond Arron Ct., with reports emerging

of similar problems in at least one neighborhood about a mile away from Arron Ct.. Murrieta resident

Parsons on Wooden Horse Trail said they have to pump 1,500 to 2,000 gallons of water out of their yard daily.

As residents continue to grapple with the ramifications of unchecked groundwater intrusion, their plea for assistance remains unanswered, leaving them to navigate the crisis


Now Open

with limited resources and support. Christine, a supportive neighbor that isn’t having an issue with her property said, “Everybody is passing the buck on this. We are just looking for a resource to figure out who is responsible for this.” Valley News will continue to report on this issue. Aden Haggerty contributed to this story.

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A-4 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 LOCAL 866-340-2801
GROUNDWATER from page A-1
Theresa Valley News/Julie Reeder photo Slippery moss and mosquitoes are a regular problem for these neighbors. John Perry shows discoloration in areas that are constantly wet. Pamela Johnson has experienced up to 2 feet of water in her backyard. Valley News/Aden Haggerty photo Valley News/Aden Haggerty photo

Temecula Historical Society announces presentation with cowgirl Pat North Ommert

TEMECULA - The Temecula Valley Historical Society invites the public to a trip down memory lane when Pat North Ommert gives a presentation at the Little Temecula History Museum at 6 p.m. on Monday, June 24. Pat, who has been inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame, will tell about her illustrious career as a horsewoman and she will also tell what Temecula was like when she moved here in the 1960s.

In the 1940s and 1950s Pat was busy as a jockey, jumper, trick rider, and stunt double. She appeared as a stunt rider in the 1954 film “A Star is Born”. Unbelievably, as a trick rider she jumped fences while standing astride two horses running in tandem. Pat and her husband Will Ommert, a “horse doctor”, came to

students rode horses to school.

At age 93, Pat still rides. Last year a trail in the Temecula Wine Country was named the Pat Om-

remarkable stories to tell.

Her presentation will also be available live streaming on the Temecula Valley Historical Society Facebook page.

For any questions about this program or about the Temecula Valley Historical Society, please contact Rebecca Farnbach at

Riverside County ACR hosts local apostille authentication services in oneday event with CA Secretary of State

RIVERSIDE – Join the Riverside County Assessor-Clerk-Recorder’s Office, in partnership with the California Secretary of State Tuesday, June 18, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Gateway Riverside office, 2724 Gateway Drive, in Riverside, for a special event providing essential document authentication services. This one-day apostille pop-up event is designed to serve the local community by offering convenient, on-the-spot authentication, saving

you time and avoiding the hassle of long trips or delays.

What are apostilles?

An apostille is an official certification that authenticates the origin of public documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses and educational records. This certification ensures that documents issued in one country will be recognized as valid in another, facilitating international business, education and personal transactions.

Peter Aldana, assessor-clerk-recorder of Riverside County, emphasized the importance of the event.

“We are continually looking for ways to improve the way we interact with our customers, making services easier and more practical to use,” Aldana said. “This pop-up event does just that by offering apostille services right in our backyard, greatly simplifying a process that traditionally required our residents to travel significant distances.”

“Partnering with Riverside County for the apostille pop-up shop event exemplifies our dedication to serving Californians, wherever they may be,” California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D., said. “California is the first state to offer apostille pop-up shops, and it’s a proud moment for us to offer these critical services.” By providing these services locally, the event aims to reduce both t he time and effort required for

residents to obtain these necessary certifications. Services will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, with no appointment needed. Participants should bring documents signed by a California public official or those requiring certification for authentication.

For specific details regarding apostille services available at the event, visit notary/request-apostille.

A-5 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News LOCAL CO-HOSTED B Y LAKE MENIFEE WOMEN’S CLU B WWW.JOINLMWC.OR G SPONSORED BY: TEMECULA VALLEY TOYOTA & TEMECULA VALLEY LEXUS Saturday, June 29, 2024 123 ANYWHERE ST., ANY CITY | STARTS AT 8 PM OPENING ACT: CHRIS LOZANO BAND HEADLINER: STONE SOUL FOR MORE INFORMATION COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 29995 EVANS RD. | (951) 723-3880 WWW.CITYOFMENIFEE.US/SPECIALEVENTS Fireworks will begin at 9 PM Interested in getting more involved? Become a vendor or be part of the parade! Contact Lake Menifee Women's Club at: WHEATFIELD PARK 30627 Menifee Rd., Menifee, CA 92584 4 PM to 9:30 PM PARADE WILL TAKE PLACE ON LA PIEDRA ROAD AT 4 PM La Piedra Rd. closed from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Event parking available at Mt. San Jacinto College THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Cash only for Fun Zone wristbands. Cash only for Fun Zone wristbands. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS PARADE WILL TAKE PLACE ON LA PIEDRA ROAD AT 4 PM La Piedra Rd. closed from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Interested in getting more involved? Become a vendor or be part of the parade!Contact Lake Menifee Women’s Club at: Event parking available at Mt. San Jacinto College 30627 Menifee Rd., Menifee, CA 92584 OPENING ACT: CHRIS LOZANO BAND HEADLINER:
Pat Ommert will give a presentation about her career as a horsewoman and what Temecula was like since moving there in the 1960’s. Valley News/Courtesy photos Temecula in 1968 to open the Los Caballos Veterinary Hospital when the population was so small everyone know each other. People rode horses into Old Town and some mert Trail to honor her. She has

Soboba Youth Council steps up for the community

Members of the Soboba Tribal Youth Council have kept busy for the past several months participating in community events. The most recent activity found them preparing for and participating in the annual Memorial Day remembrance ceremony at the Soboba Cemetery.

About a dozen youths placed more than 50 flags at the gravesites of veterans who are buried at the cemetery Thursday, May 23. Many are relatives of the youths who were there that day, bringing another level of meaning to the task at hand. They were reminded how important to the community and to all those who served in the military to have them remembered in this way and that they should be proud of their involvement.

While there, the young men and women also tidied up the sites by removing debris and straightening overturned vases and more. Four members of the Soboba Fire Department took rakes and other tools to the parking area where guests would gather for the ceremony the following Monday, May 27. They raked up debris from shade trees and leveled out the surfaces.

Capt. Frank Martinez, who is part of the Wildland Urban Interface crew, made sure everyone had the proper tools to take care of the cleanup. Fire Apparatus Engineer Glenn Lindsey said the cemetery is a special project for the fire department, always keeping it clean and looking nice.

“It’s personal for me; I have family buried here and I want to make sure they are taken care of,” he said. “Me and my family come up here all the time to clean up and throw out dead flowers and things like that; it’s something you grow up doing around here.”

Soboba Tribal Youth Council membership is open to youth from 12-18 who are Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians Tribal members and those who are of Native American descent. Along with providing an understanding of the functions and responsibilities of Tribal government, participation provides leadership development and spiritual, mental, physical and social growth, as well as opportunities to attend cultural events. They host many fundraisers to cover expenses for the group’s activities.

In between the monthly inperson meetings, members and the Advisory Board stay connected through a group chat app where they can share information about upcoming events and make collective decisions. Officers are Chair Rhianna Salgado, 16, Vice Chair Raya Salgado, 14, Secretary Akwaalimay Resvaloso, 15, Treasurer

Aniyah Brittian, 12, and Memberat-Large Nowaniiki Resvaloso, 13. Advisory board members include Parks and Recreation Director Andy Silvas and other department staff, Tribal Council Vice Chair Geneva Mojado and Secretary Monica Herrera and parents of youth council members. The youth-led council, under the guidance of its advisory board, is affiliated with the United National Tribal Youth network, also known as UNITY.

The Soboba Tribal Youth Council constitution and bylaws outline the objectives of the group, which is to provide a collective voice and represent the Tribal youth in all matters that concern them; to serve as a means of mobilizing and coordinating the actions of the youth, other community members and organize them towards positive goals; to promote the development of future Tribal leaders and to complete community service projects and provide opportunities for the youth to interact with the community for fun and fellowship.

The Memorial Day ceremony began at dawn when Soboba Fire Capt. Gabe Herrera quickly raised the American flag to fullstaff position and then slowly lowered it to half-staff to honor the fallen service men and women of this country. Veteran Richard VanDyke-Parker raised it back to full staff at 11 a.m. in recognition of living military veterans who served the country and it remained at full staff until sunset.

VanDyke-Parker served in the U.S. Navy from 1975-1996. This action marked the end of the ceremony that was started with a prayer from the Rev. Earl Henley of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in San Jacinto. A morning mass had been held at the church before parishioners joined him at the veterans’ memorial, a permanent fixture at the east end of the cemetery that is “dedicated to the memory of the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians and non-Tribal members who gave their all for us.” Henley also called for a moment of silence for the fallen.

After a blessing of the marker, members of Soboba Tribal Youth Council took turns reading names in memory and honor of those who served in the military. Alphabetically, honored Soboba Tribal veterans whose names were read during the roll call included M.J. Apapas, Daniel Arres, Gordon Arres, Norbit Arres, Theodore P. Arres, Leonard Arrietta Sr., Ralph C. Arrietta, Robert Arrietta, Anderson Begay, Robert Bentiste, Larry C. Boniface, Paul Boniface, Gabriel Castello, Peter F. Castello, Gloria Cozart, Jessie M. Gilmore, Benny C. Helms Sr., Reginald P. Helms, Romaldo A. Helms, Martin Hurtado, Joe

Veteran Richard VanDyke-Parker raises the American flag to full staff as part of the Memorial Day ceremony at Soboba Cemetery.

John Lala, Tiefielo Francis Lugo, Kenneth Mathers, Marcus E. Mojado, Danny Navarro, David Navarro, Paul A. Resvaloso, Prudencio Resvaloso, Ernest Salgado Sr., Richard Salgado Sr., Albert Silvas, Allynn Silvas, Daniel Silvas, Frank “Chico” Silvas, Joe “Jody” Silvas, Eloy Soza, Frank E. Soza, Michael Soza, William P. Soza, John Vincent Valdez, Carmel Paul Valenzuella and Louis Vivanco.

Non-Tribal veterans, whose names were included in the roll call, were Eugene F. Arenas, Tony D. Basquez Sr., Bruce Cozart, Miguel R. Briones, Refugio R. Garcia Jr., Orvin D. Gilmore, Foster Hurtado Sr., Andrew Jackson, Ben Largo, Arthur R. Lopez Sr., Mariano Steven Largo, Leonard Lubo, Senon Lubo, Richard Patrick Macy, Fred Miranda Sr., Peter D. Morillo Sr., Pio Morillo, James Paul Navarro, Phillip Rodriguez, Mariano Tortez and James Walker. Soboba Tribal Council Chair Isaiah Vivanco, who was invited to the microphone to say a few words, said it was great to see the turnout that seems to increase each year.

“I think it’s important that we come out and not only say thanks to our veterans but also to memorialize and remember those that have served and are no longer here with us,” Vivanco said. “It’s important to make sure that we pay that tribute to keep their history and names alive.”

He introduced fellow Tribal Council members Geneva Mojado, Mike Bentiste, Monica Herrera and Daniel Valdez.

“I also want to thank the fire department, Sports Complex staff Andy (Silvas) and Steve (Lopez) and youth council,” Vivanco said. “Our youth council has been working to make sure the flags get out to those that need remembrance, making sure that all the graves of all our lost heroes are marked and remembered. It’s important that we continue that tradition and I think with the youth learning where these markers are at, that tradition will be carried on and that’s something we need to be thankful for.”

Canyon Lake POA welcomes new community patrol manager

door arena, a venue that hosted large concerts, carnivals, national MMA events and cultural tribal events. He and his staff oversaw surge traffic management and implementation of crowd controls at these significant community events. His responsibilities encompassed close coordination with the tribal council and law enforcement, along with execution and oversight of additional outside event security contracts. Toler’s commitment to safety and risk management enhanced safety awareness across various organizations. His experience extends beyond operational management to include developing and delivering training programs and seminars, notably with the National Indian Casino Safety and Security Association, where he shared best practices and improved safety standards within the Indian Gaming industry.

He said that under the tutelage of elder Marian Chacon, the youth are learning how to continue the traditions that are so important to the people of Soboba. Guests at the Memorial Day event were invited to a brunch at the Soboba Sports Complex after the ceremony and enjoyed delicious food served by members of the Soboba Youth Council who hosted the meal.

CANYON LAKE – The Canyon Lake Property Owners Association announced the appointment of Ken Toler as the new community patrol manager, effective Monday, June 3. With over 25 years of experience in security and safety management. Toler brings a wealth of knowledge and a proactive approach to the Canyon Lake POA’s community patrol operations. In his most recent role as manager of the Department of Public Safety at Cahuilla Casino Hotel, Toler spearheaded the creation of a comprehensive safety program. He oversaw job safety analysis training and ensured ongoing adherence to safety protocols. As chair of the safety committee, Toler conducted orientations for new hires on hazardous communications, evacuations and workplace violence. His duties also included managing daily safety operations, incident reporting and serving as the main contact for law enforcement, emergency services and fire departments, ensuring a secure environment. Previously, as the director of security at Soboba Casino, Toler managed security operations for high-profile events and public safety programs for over 10 years. Toler led a dedicated team of 75 employees, ensuring seamless 24/7 security and public safety operations. He was responsible for the security and emergency operations at a 10,000-seat out-

“We are thrilled to welcome Ken to our team,” General Manager Eric Kazakoff said. “His extensive experience, combined with his proactive approach to community safety and impressive track record in public safety management, make him the ideal leader to oversee our patrol operations and contribute to our ongoing efforts to ensure the security of Canyon Lake.”

Submitted by the city of Canyon Lake.

A-6 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 LOCAL Funeral arrangements are a difficult topic to discuss, especially when the funeral will be your own. But having these conversation will make it easier for your survivors. We offer the most options and best value in the preplanning market, plus easy funding plans to meet your individual needs. Call for information today and receive our free Personal Arrangement Guide. It may be painful to think about your funeral, but it doesn’t have to be painful to pay for it. BERRY BELL & HALL FALLBROOK MORTUARY, INC. FD-828 760-728-1689 333 N. VINE STREET, FALLBROOK Steve McGargill, FDR #1446 Scott McGargill, FDR #628 Family Owned & Operated CALL NOW TO SAVE UP TO $500 ON PRE-PLANNED SERVICES.
Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians Special to Valley News Members of the Soboba Tribal Youth Council and Soboba Fire Department spend time Thursday, May 23, cleaning the Soboba Cemetery grounds, while the youth placed flags at the gravesites of veterans who are buried there. Valley News/Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians photo Soboba Tribal Youth Council members, from left, Ryan Brittian, 13, Nowaniiki Resvaloso, 13, and Raya Salgado, 14, help place flags for veterans at the Soboba Cemetery before the Memorial Day ceremony. A permanent Veterans Memorial at the Soboba Cemetery is blessed by Father Earl Henley as part of the Memorial Day ceremony, Monday, May 27. Soboba Tribal Youth Council members participate in the annual Memorial Day ceremony at Soboba Cemetery Monday, May 27, showing their respect for all veterans, past and present.


Journalism interns are vital to our future

Last week I started working with two bright young interns.

Without knowing it, they give me hope. I was pressing forward in my week, despite my discouragement after talking to a young person who informed me that they don’t read, listen or watch any “long-form” content in order to better understand important issues, whether it’s news or any information that helps them be informed on issues ranging from politics to health, education, etc. They don’t ingest any content more than 30 seconds to a minute.

I asked, “How do you get an understanding on more nuanced issues that affect your community?” They responded they just listen to what their friends or family have to say.

I thought, “We are done as a society and culture. We’ve trained our young people to be addicted to little screens that give them dopamine rushes every 30 seconds and there is no interest in real information, probably until they experience a real emergency or total chaos somehow, and then it

may be too late.”

For over 25 years, Village News and Valley News have always invested in young people as interns and now we have a nonprofit in which to grow that program. With a little help from our supporters we have been able to start the 501(c) (3) and add videos and curriculum to our training, giving us far more structure.

We also start with a strengths assessment that every person takes so we can have a foundation of understanding the person we are working with. Sometimes journalism is not a good fit for them ultimately because of the unique set of strengths they have.

Whether they end up becoming a journalist or not, it is important that we invest in the individual. We want to instill in them the importance of asking questions and then asking more questions. They learn about the 1st Amendment which gives them unique rights that can’t be taken for granted. And we talk about the responsibilities that go along with that right.

We talk about how unique that is in the world, completely unknown in other parts of the world. Often young people who have had the privilege of being born in the United States don’t understand that they would be jailed or killed in other parts of the world for their free speech, or the way they dress, or who they decide to marry.

Training and nurturing journalism interns is vital for the health of our democracy, a concept deeply rooted in the principles of the First Amendment and the vision of our Founding Fathers. As Thomas Jefferson famously stated, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”

This underscores the essential role a free and robust press plays in maintaining our pluralistic and democratic society.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and press, recognizing that an informed citizenry is the cornerstone of democracy.

James Madison, another key architect of our Constitution, argued, “A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or, perhaps both.”

These foundational beliefs highlight that a well-informed public, empowered by a free press, is crucial for the proper functioning of democracy.

In today’s digital age, the landscape of information dissemination has dramatically shifted, with social media playing an increasingly dominant role. While social media platforms provide rapid access to information and diverse viewpoints, they also pose significant risks.

The proliferation of misinformation and echo chambers can distort public perception and polarize society. Unlike traditional journalism, which adheres to rigorous standards of accuracy, balance, and accountability, social media often lacks these ethical safeguards, leading to the spread of unchecked and sometimes harmful information.

That’s not to say that all media adhere to rigorous standards either. Today we live in a society where most news stations are driven by politics, marketing and ideology, rather than ethical journalistic standards. And that just exacerbates our situation.

Herein lies the critical importance of training and nurturing journalism interns. These young professionals represent the future of credible, ethical journalism. Through comprehensive training, interns learn the fundamental principles of journalism – objectivity, verification, transparency, and accountability.

They are taught to prioritize facts over sensationalism, to scrutinize sources, and to uphold the public interest above all else. This professional rigor ensures that the news remains a reliable resource for citizens, enabling informed decision-making and fostering a well-functioning democracy.

Moreover, nurturing journalism interns ensures the sustainability of investigative journalism, a key component of a healthy press.

Investigative journalism shines a light on corruption, injustice, and abuse of power, holding those in authority accountable. Without a new generation of trained journalists, the capacity for such crucial reporting diminishes, weakening the pillars of democratic oversight.

This is also a great challenge, because strong,young excellent investigative journalists in our country are being harassed by government agencies for their work, which is so counter to everything for which the First Amendment stands.

Just because they are doing their work, whether it’s investigating government agencies, big pharma (which funds many news stations), or other agencies. This is their purpose and their job, and it is being criminalized, or they are being arrested by the people they are investigating. It’s far more lucrative and safe to enter the world of marketing or

something where you write puff pieces, or create TikToks all day. Investigative journalism is hard, expensive, takes time and may eventually land you in jail by the three lettered government agencies which are actually corrupt.

Training and nurturing journalism interns is not merely about maintaining a profession; it is about safeguarding our democracy. By upholding the high standards of journalistic ethics and practices, these future journalists ensure that the press remains a pillar of liberty and a watchdog for the public.

As we navigate the challenges posed by the digital age and social media, the role of well-trained journalists becomes even more indispensable. Echoing the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, a free and responsible press is indeed vital to the endurance and vitality of our democracy.

We are investing in our community and our country’s future one intern at a time

We have no idea how many apples are the result of one seed.

The first step is to break through the screen addiction of young people and convince them that there is life, purpose and importance beyond Tik Tok, and to walk beside them and help them discover how amazing they are and how amazing and vital the work they do for their community can be.

If you would like to donate to our nonprofit, you can send a check to Mentoring For Purpose or email

We are developing our website which should be finished by July 1, 2024. We are so thankful for our readers and our advertisers. Thank you for your support.

The quest to transition motorists out of their cars is allegedly for the purpose of air quality and carbon emission reduction, although in some areas transit projects and vehicle occupancy minimums have congestion relief benefits. Roadway improvements also have those congestion relief benefits, and thus an emphasis on road infrastructure spending as well as transit and managed travel lanes would achieve the emissions reductions and air quality improvements desired.

Recently I took two trips in one week from southern San Diego County to the San Diego Country Estates area of Ramona. Transit into anywhere in Ramona is extremely limited, and transit into “the Estates” is non-existent, so driving is the only option. I made the trip from Lakeside to Ramona twice due to an inaccurate schedule, so the first time was either a wasted 40 miles or a nice escape from city driving.

The schedule error meant that I would be able to be in Alpine that evening for an event. I returned along Wildcat Canyon Road, which becomes Ashwood Street at Willow Road, before taking Ashwood to the street which connects to Interstate 8, which also changes names. The intersection of Wildcat

Canyon Road/Ashwood Street and Willow Road has an all-way stop.

Wildcat Canyon Road includes the Barona Indian Reservation, and it is the only road from which Barona Casino can be accessed. No roads between Barona Casino and Willow Road connect Wildcat Canyon Road to anywhere outside the reservation, so Barona Casino patrons must use Wildcat Canyon Road. The all-way stop at Wildcat Canyon/Ashwood and Willow thus creates delays when numerous casino patrons are approaching or leaving. Fortunately when I returned from the Estates the bulk of the traffic was northbound, but I still had to stop, drive forward and stop again multiple times. Using transportation funding to replace the all-way stop with a signal would reduce emissions more than any transit project would.

Earlier that week I drove an El Cajon woman home from another event in Alpine. The geographically logical alternative would have been for her daughter-in-law to drive her mother-in-law home, but the daughter-in-law has an electric car and a trip out of her way would have increased the risk of the electric car running out of battery power so I took on the extra mileage instead. It should be noted that the trip home for the daughter-in-law involves uphill travel which increases the depletion of an electric car’s bat-

tery charge.

There are two routes from El Cajon or Lakeside to Ramona: Wildcat Canyon Road and state Route 67. Both involve significant uphill mileage, and while some passing lanes exist both roads currently are primarily two-lane roads. The promises to widen Route 67 to four lanes have been displaced by managed lane projects on freeways.

If an electric car runs out of battery power on Interstate 8 between state Route 163 and Route 67 the loss of a lane may cause some traffic congestion but there are at least three other lanes in that direction to allow for vehicular travel. Most of Interstate 8 east of Greenfield Drive has two lanes in each direction, including the uphill portions, so even if an electric car stalls because of a lack of battery charge the other vehicles have one lane for passing in the absence of a road project which creates one lane in that direction.

If an electric vehicle battery charge is fully depleted and the car stalls on a two-lane road it becomes a one-lane road. A twolane road may become a one-lane road for other reasons including any other car stalling, a collision, a downed tree, a dead animal or roadwork. The most common of these is roadwork, and anybody who has driven along a temporarily one-lane road knows that flag-

A-7 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News
Editor’s Note: Opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Valley News & Anza Valley Outlook staff. We invite opinions on all sides of an issue. If you have an opinion, please send it as an e-mail to, or fax us at (760) 723-9606. Maximum word count 500. All letters must include the author’s name, address and phone number. The Valley News & Anza Valley Outlook reserves the right to edit letters as necessary to fit the publication’s format.
relief improves air quality and reduces carbon emissions Mail this completed form and payment to: Valley News, 111 W. Alvarado St, Fallbrook, CA 92028 Or Call 951-763-5510 to Subscribe by Phone OR SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.MYVALLEYNEWS.COM/SUBSCRIBE *Subscription will continue to renew until cancelled by customer. Renewals will not be charged until the last paid subscription period expires. This agreement remains until cancelled by Village News, Inc. Subscribe Today!  New Subscriber  Renewal Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City:_______________________ State:________ Zip: Phone: Email: ______________________________________________ Print Subscription (Choose One) All print subscriptions include full access to all online content  $89.95 one year  $7.99 per month (Credit card only)  $145.95 two years  $195.95 three years Online Only Subscription (Choose One)  $69.95 one year  $6.99 per month (Credit card only)  Visa  Mastercard  Check Cardnumber: Exp Date:________ CVV:________ Billing Zip Code: Signature: ___________________________________________ men direct cars to go slow in one direction and to stop in the other direction until the slow and stop directions are changed. Even if electric vehicles are voluntary rather than mandated many drivers will be obtaining that type of transportation. It increases the risk of battery depletion on the road. In the case of a two-lane road cars behind a stalled electric vehicle will be stopped themselves if they cannot safely drive on the other side. It will create additional stationary emissions due to the number of stopped cars. Widening two-lane roads with enough volume that safe driving on the other side is not possible at certain hours will create significant reductions in emissions. Projects in California are now analyzed for greenhouse gas emissions. When traffic congestion relief is taken into account, signalizing roads currently with all-way stop controls and widening two-lane highways will reduce emissions more than projects to lure drivers out of their cars. Joe Naiman can be reached by email at jnaiman@reedermedia. com. Valley News/Stan photo (

Caltrans Freeway work temporary slows leading up to Father’s Day


Valley motorists and commuters

this past week leading up to Father’s Day found some relief from Caltrans freeway and highway repair crews who had no scheduled work along Interstate 15 and Interstate 215. Murrieta motorists anxiously awaiting its opening found the work continuing on the long-awaited Holland Street Overpass. It is moving along rapidly.

During the Murrieta City Council this week it was pointed out that the Temecula French Valley Parkway Phase 2 project, while it may help the I-15 and I-215 traffic congestion in their city, it might create more traffic in Murrieta which is already plagued by increased traffic on its busiest highways even with the planned widening of Murrieta Hot Springs Road.

Menifee and Murrieta in the meantime are looking closer at the future Keller Road Interchange and other I-215 improvements in trying to reduce the increased traffic due to the many new housing and industrial developments coming.

Caltrans this past week sched-

uled no work in Murrieta, Wildomar or along Aguanga’s Highways 79 and 371 toward Anza. Lake Elsinore

Caltrans continues work on State Route 74 (SR-74) in Riverside County from the Riverside and Orange County border to Monte Vista Street just west of Lake Elsinore.

Crews will perform work in various locations throughout the project zone. Flagging operations will occur Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Through access will remain, but delays are expected in both directions of traffic.

Caltrans asks for commuters to please adhere to all signage and slow their speed in the construction zone. Work will occur at various locations from County Line to Monte Vista St.

Caltrans advises, “You may experience long waits and delays due to construction operations. Please wait for the designated escort through the construction zone. Please obey all posted signs and traffic instructions as CHP will be on location and citing any offenders. This is an active construction zone! The contractor may be changing locations, which will affect the time of travel for

residents that live within the construction zone. It is advised to use an alternate route to avoid delays such as SR-91, I-15, and I-5.”

Caltrans crews are still working on the historic Morrill Canyon Bridge located east of County Line, between Ortega Oaks Candy Store and Tenaja Truck Trail. Crews will perform work in various locations throughout the project zone. Weeknight and weekend closures may be required to perform k-rail installation, structure work, HMA paving, excavation, abutment and various other work activities. Weekday work may occur. All work is weather and material dependent meaning delays and changes may occur in the work schedule. Weeknight flagging may occur from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. on Monday through Friday night. CHP will be on location and citing any offenders not obeying the road signs.


Some relief came last week as some barriers were removed from State Route 74 (SR-74), in Hemet (Florida Ave.) to enhance bike lane signage and striping, and upgrade 29 bus pads within the project parameters. However, the work continued up the highway with

some lanes being closed for short periods of time. The work zone is from Winchester Road (PM 34.3) to Fairview Avenue (PM 45.1) for the project length of 11.2 miles. Driveway, curb ramp, sidewalk construction and micro trenching will be taking place throughout the week if weather permits. Watch for alternate route signage for business access. Not far from Valle Vista on Highway 74 leading up to Mountain Center at the SR-241 cutoff, Caltrans crews are still working on restoring the historical Strawberry Creek Bridge, which is a major project. Crews have completed pouring the eastbound abutments and retaining wall but other work will include upgrades with slab overlay, new guardrail systems to bring lane and shoulder widths up to current standards.

Traffic control remains the same, however traffic holds may be required to perform daytime work.

Bridge work is anticipated to be complete by fall 2024. Strawberry Creek Bridge daily operations are Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on some weekends. Temporary traffic signals are in place at each end of the bridge

with k-rail, making the bridge single lane access only. The signal will remain in place 24/7 throughout the project schedule with one way/single lane traffic control.

Caltrans warns, “Do not proceed if the light is RED! Wait times are calculated for safe passage through a single lane zone. Expect approximate 5 to 10 minute wait times.” Riverside and San Bernardino Counties

Caltrans wants to alert the public that construction will be taking place in Riverside County and San Bernardino County. In Riverside County, on Routes 10, 15, 60, 62, 91, 111, and 215 at various locations; and in San Bernardino County, on Route 215 in Colton at Iowa Avenue in changing message signs.

The continuing project involves upgrading 20 changeable message signs and guardrail shielding, as well as constructing maintenance vehicle pullouts. All work is dependent on the contractor receiving proper materials for each job function. It can be changed or canceled at any time.

Tony Ault can be reached via email at

California launches SUN Bucks Program to help ensure millions of children have access to food during summer vacation

RIVERSIDE COUNTY – In a concerted effort to combat hunger among children during the summer months, California will be one of the first states in the nation to launch the SUN Bucks program, also known as Summer EBT. Starting this month, families throughout the state will receive $120 for each eligible child, empowering them to purchase groceries and ensure nutritional security throughout the summer.

This new federal food program will be in addition to existing initiatives available within communities such as summer meals, CalFresh and Women, Infants and Children. SUN Bucks will operate similarly to CalFresh, but it will specifically cater to the needs of families with eligible schoolaged children during the summer months.

Led by the California Department of Social Services in collaboration with the California Department of Education, the SUN Bucks program will automatically enroll approximately 5 million eligible children based on existing

school and social services data, as detailed on the SUN Bucks program website at https://cdss.

Children who qualify for free or reduced-price school meals through a school meal application or an Alternative Income Form, or who receive CalFresh, CalWORKs or Medi-Cal are automatically enrolled. Additionally, children who are attending Head Start, experiencing homelessness, living in foster care or part of a migrant family are also automatically eligible. Most eligible families will not need to take action to receive SUN Bucks.

While there is no application for the SUN Bucks program, children who are not automatically eligible must apply by completing and submitting a school meal program application or alternative income form by Saturday, Aug. 31, or they will not receive SUN Bucks benefits for summer 2024. Families can obtain the correct application from their school or school administrator’s office.

Officials at the Riverside Coun-

ty Department of Public Social Services are urging residents receiving CalFresh, CalWORKs and Medi-Cal benefits to verify their addresses are current to ensure timely receipt of their SUN Bucks cards. Address updates can be completed online at http://, on the phone at 877-410-8827 or in person at the nearest Self-Sufficiency office.

“We are thrilled that many of our customers will be eligible for this new program, providing nutritious food to families throughout the summer,” Allison Gonzalez, assistant director of the Self-Sufficiency Division at DPSS, said. “We encourage all eligible families to participate in this program and ensure we have their updated contact information.”

Families qualifying for free or reduced-priced meals can also update their address information through their child’s school of attendance.

Beginning this month, SUN Bucks benefits will be disbursed via an electronic benefits transfer card. Each eligible child will re-

Starting this month, a federally funded program provides $120 in food benefits per child.

ceive one card loaded with $120 for grocery purchases, accepted at most grocery stores, farmers markets and authorized retailers, including online through Amazon and Walmart. SUN Bucks cards must be used within 122 days of being loaded, as any remaining balance will expire after this period. Expired benefits cannot be reinstated or reloaded onto the cards. For additional information about the SUN Bucks program, visit Submitted by Riverside County. Valley News/Courtesy photo

Rebel Ranch named 32nd Senate District Nonprofit of the Year

SACRAMENTO – Sen. Kelly Seyarto, R-Murrieta, announced Rebel Ranch as the 32nd Senate District Nonprofit of the Year. Rebel Ranch, located in Chino Hills, is dedicated to enhancing the lives of veterans, first responders and children with physical or psychological disabilities through certified service dogs and equineassisted learning. They provide therapy dog visits, speaking engagements, community outreach and all-inclusive events to promote mental health awareness and resources.

“We are deeply honored to receive this recognition,” David Harrison, CEO of Rebel Ranch, said. “This award is a testament to our team’s hard work and the incredible support from our community. We remain committed

to our mission of supporting and uplifting those in need. We appreciate Senator Seyarto seeing our dedication to the cause of promoting independence for our participants which is elevated by our use of EAL in tandem with our service dogs.”

Seyarto praised Rebel Ranch for its exceptional contributions to the community.

“Rebel Ranch exemplifies the spirit of service and dedication that is the hallmark of our district,” Seyarto said. “Their innovative programs and unwavering commitment to mental health and well-being are truly inspiring. Their work with veterans and first responders is particularly commendable, providing much-needed support and resources to those who have served our country.”

Learn more about Rebel Ranch and the services they provide at

Sen. Kelly Seyarto, R-Murrieta, represents California’s 32nd Senate District, which includes the cities and communities of Aguanga, Anza, Borrego Springs, Canyon Lake, Cathedral City, Chino Hills, Corona, Desert Edge, Desert Hot Springs, El Sobrante, French Valley, Good Hope, Hemet, Homeland, Idyllwild, Julian, La Cresta, Lake Elsinore, Lake Mathews, Lakeland Village, Menifee, Mead Valley, Meadowbrook, Murrieta, Norco, Palm Springs, Sage, Sky Valley, Riverside, Temecula, Temescal Valley, Thousand Palms, Valle Vista, Whitewater, Wildomar, Winchester, Woodcrest and Yorba Linda.

California Fire Foundation grant program application period opens

CALIFORNIA – The California Fire Foundation is offering $25,000 Wildfire & Climate-Related Disaster Safety Grants to aid community preparedness across California.

As temperatures rise and California enters wildfire season, the urgency to prepare has never been greater. The California Statewide grant opportunity is available to all California-based community groups, nonprofit organizations, fire departments, firefighter associations and federally recognized tribes.

organizations keep their communities safer from food banks to fire departments and nonprofits, like Lemon Aide Project.

Last year, this California Fire Foundation Grant Program served 4.9 million Californians with $1.38 million in funds to help

“The Dixie Fire ravaged through Greenville and destroyed hundreds of homes,” according to Lemon Aide Project. “The funding received from the California Fire Foundation went directly to those

in dire need. Without this grant, we wouldn’t have been able to help in such a timely manner.” With up to $25K now available for each local project, groups are welcome to apply and help strengthen their communities. Funding areas include education, planning, or community outreach campaigns; vegetation mitigation & fuels reduction efforts and personal protective equipment or specialized firefighting equipment purchases. Applications are due by Sunday, June 30, and grants will be awarded in August 2024. To apply, visit Submitted by California Fire Foundation.

A-8 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 REGIONAL NEWS
Highway Updates
Rebel Ranch in Chino Hills is the 32nd Senate District Nonprofit of the Year. They provide therapy and outreach to veterans, first responders and children with physical or psychological disabilities. Valley News/Courtesy photo

Delaware jury convicts Hunter Biden on felony gun charges

A Delaware jury convicted Hunter Biden on three felony gun charges Tuesday, June 11.

Special counsel David Weiss charged Hunter Biden in September on three counts relating to his purchase of a Colt Cobra revolver in October 2018, alleging he knowingly possessed the gun while addicted to drugs and made false statements on the purchase form. The jury found him guilty on all counts. Hunter Biden was indicted on separate tax charges in December. Last July, a deal that would have had Hunter Biden plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and enter a diversion agreement for a felony gun charge fell apart under questioning by District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, who voiced concerns about an

immunity provision included in the diversion agreement. The diversion agreement stated Hunter Biden would not be criminally prosecuted for any crimes encompassed by the statement of facts in his plea deal, which listed the millions of dollars he received through foreign business dealings in China, Ukraine and Romania.

The payments, along with President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings, have been the subject of investigations by the House Oversight Committee.

Prosecutor Leo Wise admitted to Noreika at the time that he was not aware of precedent for an agreement not to prosecute crimes “that have nothing to do with the case or the charges being diverted.”

During the trial, prosecutors called a total of 10 witnesses and rested their case on Friday. Witnesses included multiple women

who were romantically involved with Hunter Biden, such as his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, his exgirlfriend Zoe Kestan and Hallie Biden, the widow of his late brother Beau Biden.

To show Hunter Biden was addicted to drugs at the time of his gun purchase, prosecutors cited portions of his memoir, Beautiful Things, where he elaborates on his drug use in 2018, as well as text messages he sent relating to his drug use.

“I was sleeping on a car smoking crack on 4th street and Rodney,” Hunter Biden wrote in a text from October 14, 2018.

Some evidence was obtained from the laptop he abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019. Special Counsel David Weiss shot down the defense’s challenge to the laptop’s authenticity, calling their argument in court filings “a conspiracy theory with

no supporting evidence.”

FBI agent Erika Jensen, a witness for prosecutors, confirmed on the stand that she had not seen any evidence of tampering with the data.

“The evidence was personal, it was ugly, it was overwhelming,” Wise said during closing arguments, according to NBC News. “It was also absolutely necessary.”

The defense argued that Hunter Biden did not believe he was an addict at the time of the purchase.

Naomi Biden, Hunter’s daughter, testified in his defense, speaking about two meetings with her father during 2018, one at a Los Angeles rehab facility during the summer and another in New York City during the fall.

Naomi Biden recalled that her father seemed during that summer “the clearest” she had seen him in the three years since her uncle’s death, The New York Times re-

ported. On cross-examination, prosecutors presented text messages from Hunter Biden’s visit to New York City in October 2018, where she was living at the time.

“I just want to hang out with you,” she wrote in one message, according to Politico. He apologized for being so “unreachable.”

Defense attorneys opted not to call President Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, as a witness. Hunter Biden also did not testify in his own defense.

Many Biden family members attended the trial, including First Lady Jill Biden.

Hunter Biden’s California trail on federal tax charges is scheduled to take place in September.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service.

Judge Cannon rejects Trump request in classified documents case

President Trump’s bid to throw out a superseding indictment has been rejected, but the Florida judge agreed to strike one paragraph from the charging document.

The federal judge overseeing one of the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump on June 10 rejected the former president’s bid to throw out some charges against him, although she ordered one paragraph struck from the superseding indictment in the case.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, the judge overseeing the case in a Florida federal court, sided mostly with the government.

Along with his co-defendants, former President Trump argued that the superseding indictment, which brought the obstruction charges he is facing, failed to state an offense and should be dismissed.

Special counsel Jack Smith and his team disagreed, asserting that the charging document was “more than sufficient” under the law.

Judge Cannon said there were issues with the indictment but that the issues did not warrant dismissal of the additional charges.

“The identified deficiencies, even if generating some arguable confusion, are either permitted by

law, raise evidentiary challenges not appropriate for disposition at this juncture, and/or do not require dismissal even if technically deficient, so long as the jury is instructed appropriately and presented with adequate verdict forms as to each defendants’ alleged conduct,” the judge, appointed under former President Trump, wrote in a 14-page order handed down on June 10.

In portions of the indictment, according to the former president and co-defendant Walt Nauta, the special counsel wrongly charged the defendants with multiple offenses within a single count.

Count 34, for instance, charged former President Trump and Mr. Nauta with violating a law that prohibits acting with the intent to cause or induce a person to withhold testimony or documents from an official proceeding. The superseding indictment states that the former president “attempted to persuade Trump attorney 1 to hide and conceal documents from a federal grand jury; and Trump and Nauta misled Trump attorney 1 by moving boxes with classification markings so that Trump attorney 1 would not find the documents and produce them

to a federal grand jury.”

“The count’s duplicity and misjoinder represents a core violation of Fed. R. Crim. P. 8, with maximum prejudice to the defendants through the blurring of defendants and charges in one count,” the defendants’ motion reads.

Judge Cannon ruled against the defendants’ argument, saying the counts were not charging them for two or more separate offenses.

“Although the specific pleading format employed in counts 34 and 36 appears somewhat unconventional and is susceptible to some confusion, the court is ultimately satisfied that neither count requires dismissal on grounds of duplicity,” she wrote.

“Neither count charges more than one crime—although given the pleading format, there likely will be a need for clear prompts (and separate verdict forms) requiring the jury to determine unanimously which means, if any, each of the two defendants charged in counts 34 and 36 used to commit the alleged crimes.”

Judge Cannon said arguments against some other counts should be decided by a jury and do not warrant dismissal at this time.

Paragraph Struck

The defendants then asked that the court, if it won’t throw out the charges, strike much of the indictment. They said the special counsel included “abundant surplusage of prejudicial, immaterial allegations.”

Mr. Smith said the indictment only contained information “relevant to the charges” and that none of the information was “inflammatory.”

Judge Cannon said she reviewed the indictment and concluded that the government published a “speaking indictment,” or an indictment that includes “various nonessential allegations more akin to a narrative about the government’s theory of prosecution.” She later said that much of the language was “legally unnecessary to serve the function of an indictment” but that she would, with one exception, not strike any of the allegations “because defendants have not clearly shown that the challenged allegations are flatly irrelevant or prejudicial.”

The single exception is a paragraph that describes former President Trump’s allegedly commenting on an ongoing military operation in another country while

showing a classified map of that country in a meeting with a representative of his political action committee at his golf course in New Jersey in 2021.

Mr. Smith’s team indicated in a recent hearing that the decision to include that paragraph was made because of federal rules that let prosecutors inform jurors about acts carried out by defendants even if the acts don’t support any particular charges that are brought.

“This is not appropriate,” Judge Cannon said. “The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure contemplate a specific procedure governing attempts to introduce evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts.” Sh e ordered that paragraph struck from the indictment. Judge Cannon could, at a later time, strike more from the document. In a footnote, she said she would not rule for now on a challenge from defendants relating to information purportedly from former President Trump’s attorneys because that matter is the subject of a pending motion.

Copyright 2024 The Epoch Times. Reprinted with permission.

A-9 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News NATIONAL NEWS
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PERRIS - Perris Auto Speedway

will be hosting two major shows in June. On June 22, the Avanti Windows and Doors USAC/CRA Sprint Cars will headline a show that will feature the GAS Chassis Young Gun Sprints, PAS Senior Sprints, and the PASSCAR Street Stocks and American Factory Stocks. One week later, on June 29, The PAS will host an early Independence Day show celebration when LKQ Pick Your Part presents Night of Destruction and the return of the biggest and best Fireworks show in Riverside County. Advance tickets for both shows remaining in June are available online at or by calling 800-595-4849.

The July 29 Night of Destruction will feature daring Figure 8 Racing, a wild Figure 8 Trailer Race, rough and tumble Mighty Mini Stocks on the challenging road course, no holds barred Demo Cross, and the crowd favorite Double Deckers. Fans can save money by purchasing tickets in advance at the website and phone number mentioned above. Advance tickets are $25 for adults and $5 for kids 6-12. Tickets at the track on race day for the June 29 show are $30 for adults and $10 for kids 6-12. Children 5 and under are free. The first 1,000 fans through the gates on June 29 will receive a free hot dog and an American flag. To keep up with everything


happening at The PAS, please visit the track’s social media efforts on Facebook and Instagram and visit the website at perrisautospeedway. com. Perris Auto Speedway is conveniently located on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds (home of the Southern California Fair), one hour east of Los Angeles and one hour North of San Diego. To get to the track, take the 215 freeway, exit on the Ramona Expressway, and go three miles east to the fairgrounds. For directions online, the address to enter is: 18700 Lake Perris Drive and the zip code is 92571. Submitted by Perris Auto

I’m not going to go into a lot of depth about the story in “Bad Boys: Ride or Die.” Miami detectives Mike Lowery (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) are back to have another cop adventure. They do some investigating, clash with superiors, run afoul of bad guys, the bad guys endanger their loved ones, and then there’s a big showdown with the bad guys at the end. There’s no suspense in predicting that the movie will stick to that formula. The real suspense comes from wondering what the action scenes will entail, what jokes will be cracked, and, this being a “Bad Boys” movie, how ridiculous it will all be. With that in mind, I have some thoughts… Will Smith is back! The A-lister’s career has gone through some major ups and downs the past few years, with the pinnacle of each coming at the same Oscars ceremony. He was unofficially suspended from the limelight for a while, but this movie marks his comeback. And I’m glad to have him back, with his blockbuster presence as strong as ever, if not with a sharper edge. Fans are eager to find out if and how the film will address Smith’s real-life bad boy behavior. I’ll give you this tease: someone gets slapped in this movie.

Martin Lawrence is back too. I don’t have much to say for his star power, but I will praise his performance. Marcus suffers a heart attack

early in the movie and spends much of his screentime spouting apparent nonsense about his experience in a coma. In the time since I saw this movie, I have encountered no fewer than two individuals on the New York City subway with similar tendencies. They made me appreciate Lawrence’s cadences in this movie.

I don’t know if it’s research or just keen observation, but he’s really got it down.

The evil plan of bad guy McGrath (Eric Dane) involves framing Captain Howard (Joe Pantoliano), Marcus and Mike’s longtime superior who was killed in the last movie. The plan makes zero sense, since it draws attention and scrutiny to crimes that probably would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Howard himself has a sizeable presence in the movie, with everything from memorial photos and news footage to pre-recorded messages and appearances during near-death experiences. We know the characters miss him, but how can we miss him if he won’t go away?

Howard warns Mike and Marcus that there’s been a decades-long cartel mole in Miami. Realistically, how many characters could this be? Fellow team members played by Vanessa Hudgens and Alexander Ludwig are too young. Howard’s daughter (Rhea Seehorn) is a U.S. Marshall that probably doesn’t even live in Miami. I suppose it could be new captain Secada (Paola Nuñez), but I can’t help but notice that she’s engaged to a smarmy politician (Ioan Gruffudd). Does the movie

realize which of these two is the obvious suspect and who would count as subversive?

To get information on the mole, Mike and Marcus have to interview Mike’s imprisoned son Armando (Jacob Scipio) from the last movie. Eventually the three have to work together to combat the bad guys. I was skeptical about bringing Armando back, thinking that the character might not be interesting enough to span multiple movies. But I had nothing to worry about, Scipio makes a good action hero, better than he did a villain.

But Armando’s return has nothing on Reggie (Dennis McDonald), Marcus’s notoriously-bullied, seemingly-unmotivated son-in-law Turns out Mike isn’t the only one with a family member with action chops. As I was leaving this movie, nobody was talking about Will Smith, everybody was talking about Reggie. And I’ll say that Reggie is just what the movie needs to bump it up to a recommendation. I was on the fence about where I stood on the whole “it’s dumb, but it’s supposed to be dumb” attitude that these movies embrace. But with Reggie, “Bad Boys: Ride or Die” has enough heart to cover the missing brain.

Grade: B-

“Bad Boys: Ride or Die” is rated R for strong violence, language throughout and some sexual references.

Contact Bob Garver at rrg251@

A-10 Valley News • • June 14, 2024
in June Perris Auto Speedway will host an early Independence Day show with a fireworks show on Saturday, June 29. Valley News/Doug Allen photo Movie review: ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die’ Valley News/Courtesy photo Your Best Source for Local News & Advertising | $1.00 to the streets, Mail-In Subscription Form Receive Valley News mailed to you every week plus full access to all online content *Subscription will continue to renew until cancelled by customer. Renewals will not be charged until the last paid subscription period expires. This agreement remains until cancelled by Village News, Inc. Subscribe online at MYVALLEYNEWS.COM/SUBSCRIBE to receive Valley News mailed directly to your home every week! June Issue A Section Your Best Source for Local News & Advertising | L H ACINTOANDTHESURROUNDINGCOMMUNITIES ...............................B-4 Directory...............B-4 .....................B-1 .....................................C-5 .....................C-7 Opinion.................................C-8 ...................................C-1 INDEX Courts Crimes Section prep sports playoff POSTAGE HEMET, USPS Postal Customer VALLEY NEWS pick up temporarily News mailed home every week! heats up at Vail events, Murrieta recognizes Memorial Day with Honor Garden Ceremony the tary introduced Woodsy rememberpollute”decades,and conservation always the Litter problem prompts Wildomar residents to take out the trash trash Wildomar. 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Speedway. Two
shows coming to Perris Auto Speedway


To submit an upcoming community event, email it to valleyeditor@, put “attention events” in the subject line.


June 14 – 8 a.m. Temecula Summer Camp offerings for children with a selection of educational and recreational activities. Children can make friends and discover new things. Space is limited. See camp dates and register at or contact Temecula Community Services Department, 951-694-6480.

Please check the webpages for the city you live in for the latest events happening for children and youths in your community this summer. There are many youth sports programs, educational programs, city park entertainment and more to keep children of all ages occupied and interested. Valley-Wide Recreation also has many children’s activities. Please visit


June 14 – 7-10 p.m. Menifee Moonlight Market: “Around the World” at La Ladera Park, 29629 La Ladera Road, Menifee.

June 15 – 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Menifee Juneteenth Celebration at the Mt. San Jacinto College Menifee Campus, 28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee. Free. Vendors, entertainment.

June 15 – 2 p.m. 53rd Father’s Day Car Show at Murrieta’s California Oaks Sports Park, 40600 California Oaks Road, Murrieta. Classic, antique, sports and hot rods parked on the field. Vendors. Free admission. Through June 16 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday.

“The Newest Americans” exhibit at the Temecula Valley Museum is a series of portraits of Americans who have just received their citizenship. The traveling exhibit features 29 portraits by Sam Comen and interviews by Michael Estrin, capturing the experiences of immigrants from 23 countries. For more information,

June 15 – Noon-4 p.m. Hoedown at Living Free Animal Sanctuary. There will be live country music, dancing, BBQ hosted by the local fire department and family-friendly hayrides. There will be artwork made by the animal residents. Living Free is at 54250 Keen Camp Road in Mountain Center. Tickets are $10. For more information, contact

June 21 – Noon-8 p.m. Movies in the Park + Go Skate Day. Movie begins at dusk at Audie Murphy Ranch Sports Park, 30376 Lone Pine Dr., Menifee.Vote for movie: https://

June 22-23 – 1 p.m. 4th annual Old Town Music Festival presented by the Newman Hospitality Group now being held at the Murrieta Town Center Amphitheater in Murrieta. Top country stars. Tickets, information and prices at www.OldTownMusic

June 29 – 4-8:30 p.m. Independence Celebration at Wheatfield Park, 30627 Menifee Road, Menifee. To become a vendor or participate in the parade, Visit

June 29 – 10 a.m. Murrieta’s 33rd annual Birthday Celebration at California Oaks Sports Park, 40600 California Oaks Road.

ONGOING – Saturdays, 8 a.m. to noon. The Sun City Farmers Market meets every Saturday at the Sun City Civic Association at 26850 Sun City Blvd., in Sun City with local vendors and crafts.

ONGOING – Riverside Transportation Commission is offering Park and Ride lots to connect with carpools, vanpools and transit systems in Beaumont at 600 E. Sixth Street; in San Jacinto at 501 S. San Jacinto Avenue and in Temecula at Grace Presbyterian Church, 31143 Nicolas Road, open from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. but not on weekends.

ONGOING – Line dancing classes are held Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Lake Elsinore/Wildomar Elks Lodge, 33700 Mission Trail, in Wildomar across from the Animal Friends of the Valleys. Classes have a DJ with learning levels beginning to intermediate. Have fun and exercise at the same time at $5 per lesson. Contact Joyce Hohenadl at 951-674-2159.

ONGOING – Sun City Civic Association Monthly Square Dance sessions are held Sundays from 1:305 p.m. at 26850 Sun City Boulevard.

ONGOING – If you know a homebound older adult, resources in Menifee are available, including grab-and-go, cooked and frozen food for pickup. Courtesy pantry items and meals delivered with no contact. Three days of emergency food can be

delivered immediately or restaurant meal delivery for those who don’t qualify for food assistance programs. Call the California Department on Aging at 800-510-2020 for help.

ONGOING – Saturdays and Sundays only, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Temecula Winchester Swap Meet continues, 33280 Newport Road in Winchester. The small local swap meet is only 50 cents for entry, and anyone under age 10 is free admission. No dogs allowed.

ONGOING – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Every Sunday, Murrieta Village Walk Farmers Market is at Village Walk Place in Murrieta. The Sunday morning farmers market at Village Walk Plaza is a place to buy fruits and veggies, gourmet food and crafts. Come to the center in the northwest corner of Kalmia/Cal Oaks at the Interstate 215 exit in Murrieta.

ONGOING – Temecula’s Farmers Markets are offered in Old Town Temecula Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to noon, 4100 Main Street in Temecula; at Promenade Temecula, 40640 Winchester Road, outside JCPenney every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and at Vail Headquarters, 32115 Temecula Parkway, every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. In compliance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Riverside County Public Health orders, the farmers markets will be restricted to agriculture products only. Follow the Old Town Temecula Farmers Market on Facebook to stay updated. No pets allowed.


Now through July 12 – Clean out your closets to help the awardwinning Tahquitz High School Cheerleaders in Hemet. They are collecting clothes of all kinds, household textiles such as blankets, curtains, pillows and more as well as shoes, stuffed animals, purses, wallets and other re-sellable items as a fundraiser to assist athletes who can’t afford to pay for competition entries. Proud cheer mom Danaca is willing to pick up any donations within a 30-mile radius. She can be reached at 951640-7463.

June 14 – Swim lesson scholarships available in Temecula in partnership with First 5 Riverside and the American Red Cross this summer. Low cost swim lessons for toddlers to adults at Chaparral High School at 27215 Nicolas Road; TES and MRC, 29119 Margarita Road. Scholarships cannot be used for lessons at the CRC pool. The cost for residents will be $5 per session and $15 per session for non-residents. Participants are required to complete the Confidential Scholarship Application found at to be considered for a Swim Lesson Scholarship. For more information, please contact the Class Hotline at 951-694-6480, or email Classes@

June 14 – 8 a.m. Riverside County Veterans’ Advisory Committee (VAC) Legislative Breakfast at the American Legion Post 328, 3888 Old Hamner Road, Norco, CA Topic: “All About VA Vet Centers” & “Women Veterans Recognition Ceremony.”

June 14 – 10 a.m. The Temecula Valley Republican Women’s Club meets each month at the Wilson Creek Winery, 33960 Rancho California Road, Temecula. Memberships are now open. For questions, please contact Membership Chair Janine Plano at

June 14 – Temecula’s Summer/ Fall 2024 Guide to Leisure Activities by City of Temecula Community Services is now available to learn about upcoming classes and camps, programs and fun activities through November 2024. Registration for classes is now open. Guides will be mailed to Temecula residents and are available online. Browse online to find out about all the offerings. For more information visit TemeculaCA.

gov/Classes . Questions? Call the Class Hotline at 951-694-6480 or email Classes@TemeculaCA.go v. Follow @TemeculaParksAndRec on social media.

June 14 – 8 a.m. Temecula’s 4th of July Parade entry applications are now available online. Temecula’s community parade will take place on July 4, stepping off at 10 a.m. sharp at the intersection of Old Town Front St. and 2nd St. Interested participants can complete Parade Entry Applications and view Parade Guidelines online by visiting TemeculaCA.


June 14 – 6-9

rieta Youth Center, 40644 California Oaks Road, Murrieta. $2 admission. Guardians, caregivers free. Register at

June 15 – 12-2 p.m. Military Care Packing event for MilVet at the Diamond Taproom, 500 Diamond Drive in Lake Elsinore. Pack military care packages with Storm staff and players. RSVP required. www.milvet. org/storm24

June 15 – 7 p.m. “Twisted Gypsy” is a tribute to Fleetwood Mac at the Historic Hemet Theater, 216 E. Florida Ave., Hemet. $30 and up.

June 17 - 6 p.m. Lake Elsinore Historical Society June meeting at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Center, 183 North Main Street Lake Elsinore.

June 18 - 12 noon - CRC Ranch Summer Market, 43101 Anza Road, Temecula. Guests can take horseback trail rides seven days a week. A Western Town is open every weekend for BBQ and refreshments, music, and outdoor games. Children can play cornhole or grab a lasso and capture a stationary “junior steer.” See unique Conestoga Wagons suited for glamping as well as trail rides and special outdoor market events that include food trucks, vendors, pony rides, games, live music, and more.

June 25 – Noon to 2 p.m. MilVet hosting a packing of military care packages with Elsinore Storm staff and players in collaboration with ThunderCares, the charitable arm of Storm Baseball. RSVP is required. Contact

June 28 – 2-5 p.m. Clothing Drive for RCCAT-served children to take place at SAFE Family Justice Center at 28910 Pujol Street in Temecula. Donate gently used or new clothing for children ages newborn to 18 years of age that are being served by the Riverside County Child Assessment Team. RCCAT is responsible for conducting physical assessments of victimized children whose clothing is often taken for forensic purposes. New clothing is provided in these instances. For more information, contact or call 951-686-3750.

June 22-23 – 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Lee DeForest Amateur Radio Club presents a HAM radio field day in McSweeny Park in the South Village Loop in Hemet. Part of the American Ham Radio Summer Field Day event. Free.

ONGOING – Temecula Valley Genealogical Society hosts the Family History Research Assistance Program for those interested in learning more about their family roots. The society offers free research assistance through this volunteer program. Ap-

pointments are available in person or via Zoom. Contact the TVGS Family Research Coordinator at tvgs.

ONGOING – Temecula’s Path of Honor at the Temecula Duck Pond, 28250 Ynez Road. A program to give a place to remember and honor veterans from the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and the World War II Merchant Marines with a permanent paver. Pavers cost $185. Orders may be placed yearround and are consolidated, engraved and placed on the path annually each November. For more information, visit Veterans or contact the Temecula Community Services Department at 951-694-6480.

ONGOING – Want to help deployed American troops remotely? Help shop for the most needed items without leaving home as an easy way to help support deployed men and women by purchasing items remotely and having them delivered to MilVet at designated drop-off locations for packing. All items on the list are special requests from deployed military men and women. MilVet is a nonprofit organization that holds monthly packaging events at different community locations in the area. For drop-off locations and packaging locations, visit military-care-packages

ONGOING – Assistance League of Temecula Valley hosts a meeting for its member volunteers and guests every first Tuesday of the month (dark in July) at their facility at 28720 Via Montezuma, Temecula at 9:30 a.m. social and 10 a.m. meeting. The meeting room is adjacent to the thrift shop. Anyone interested in exploring volunteering or learning more about the organization is welcome to attend. Email for more information.

ONGOING – Multiple Sclerosis Support Group meets the third Monday of each month at the Mary Phillips Senior Center, 41845 Sixth Street, in Temecula from 10 a.m. to noon. For more information, email g or join the meeting.

ONGOING – Sons of Norway/ Scandinavia meets at noon the first Saturday of every month, September to June, at the Heritage Mobile Park Clubhouse, 31130 S. General Kearny Road, in Temecula.

ONGOING – Menifee Community Services offers online driver’s education courses for a fee of $21.95. The course includes animated driving scenarios, instructional videos, sample tests, licensed instructor available

to answer questions, DMV-approved certificate of completion with all lectures and exams completed from home. Designed for students and does not include behind-the-wheel instruction or a California driver’s permit. Contact 951-723-3880 or visit the city of Menifee to register at www.cityof

ONGOING – 10-11:30 a.m. Michelle’s Place Cancer Resource Center and The Elizabeth Hospice host a virtual support meeting for caregivers every second and fourth week of the month via Zoom. Get helpful tips and learn from others who are also dealing with similar challenges. For more information and to register, contact The Elizabeth Hospice Grief Support Services at 833-349-2054. ONGOING – Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, a free 12-step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, undereating or bulimia, has meetings throughout the U.S. and the world. Contact 781-932-6300, or for local meetings, call 925-321-0170 or visit

ONGOING – The Murrieta Garden Club meets each month at the Murrieta Community Center, 41810 Juniper St. Anyone who likes to garden or is interested in plants is welcome. Membership is $10 per year. Find more information about the monthly event or project on Facebook.

ONGOING – Temecula Valley Rose Society meets each month. For more information and new meeting dates and places, visit

ONGOING – Menifee Toastmasters meets every Thursday at noon for one hour at a designated place to have fun, enhance speaking capabilities, gain self-confidence and improve social skills. For new dates, call 760-807-1323 or visit www. for more information.

ONGOING – Homeless veterans can receive free help by dialing 877-424-3838 for 24/7 access to the VA’s services for homeless, at-risk veterans. Chat is confidential for veterans and friends. Visit www.

ONGOING – The Dorland Scribblers meet the second Sunday of each month from 1-3 p.m. at 36701 Highway 79 South, Temecula. We welcome fiction, non-fiction, poets, memoir and screenwriters. We host writing-craft discussions; attendees may read up to a five minute excerpt from their work for feedback/critique. RSVP at

Crossword Puzzle Theme: Summer Blockbusters

A-11 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News
Answers on page B-6
Alternative Recreation Program Summer Kick-off Picnic
adults 18
older with intellectual
disabilities at the MurACROSS 1. Molten rock
earth’s crust 6. Scarlett
2013 voice only role 9. Jezebel’s idol 13. Not silently 14. Pro vote 15. Italian bowling 16. Proclaimed as true without proof 17. Rob Manfred’s org. 18. Savory taste sensation 19. *Tom Cruise’s 1986 blockbuster 21. *It featured the song “What Was I Made For?” 23. Wrath, e.g. 24. Milton Bradley’s “The Game of ____” 25. General Post Office 28. A woodwind 30. Group of trained professionals, pl. 35. Icy precipitation 37. Concert units 39. Charles Dickens’ Heep 40. Scandinavian capital 41. Rebroadcasted 43. Khrushchev’s domain, acr. 44. *What the gang did in 1988’s “A Fish Called Wanda” 46. Exploding star 47. Clarified butter 48. Airport surface 50. Highway hauler 52. Breed 53. Miss Muffet’s repast 55. Not flow 57. *Tim Burton’s 1989 and 1992 title character 60. *It featured the song “Summer Lovin’” 63. Popular fashion magazine 64. Road in Rome 66. Comment to the audience 68. Deposit the ashes 69. Giant Hall-of-Famer Mel ____ 70. Canine skin infection 71. Humble and docile 72. Name badges, acr. 73. Streamlined DOWN 1. Bonkers 2. Sir Mix-____-____ 3. Kind of boots in the ‘60s 4. One M in MMR vaccine 5. Slowly and gracefully, in music 6. Mass number 7. Snake-like reef dweller 8. Teacher of Torah 9. *”Oppenheimer” subject 10. Popular smoothie berry 11. Pinnacle 12. Hula dancer’s necklace 15. B in FBI 20. Open up 22. Half of NFL 24. a.k.a. Hansen’s disease
25. *1990 Swayze/Moore blockbuster 26. Trattoria staple 27. Petroleum tanker 29. *It premiered in the U.K. on 6/6/76, with The 31. Chemical cure 32. Revered Hindu 33. Drawing support 34. *2001 blockbuster ogre 36. Type of rich soil 38. “Keep this information” button 42. Name-chooser 45. Wyatt Earp and such 49. Cuban dance syllable 51. Letter-resembling supports 54. End of a poem 56. Primary 57. Like certain china 58. Malaria symptom 59. Ankara native 60. Gangster’s pistols 61. Cosine’s buddy 62. U2 member 63. Vigor’s partner 65. It would 67. Comic book cry of horror
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June 14 – 20, 2024

Local high school athletes shine as 202324 All-CIF selections

The CIF Southern Section offices have officially released their selections for the 2023-24 All-CIF boys’ and girls’ high school players from the spring season, presented by the LA84 Foundation. As selected by coaches from their specific sport, this year, several local athletes have earned top spots. This week the Valley News recognized the following student athletes for their exceptional performances in their respective sports: boys’ volleyball and girls’ lacrosse. These athletes have displayed incredible talent and dedication, making not only their schools and coaches, but their communities as well.

2023-24 Boys Volleyball All CIF-SS (Release Date: May 22)

Division 4

Murrieta Mesa’s volleyball team boasts two standout athletes who have been recognized for their remarkable contributions:

Patrick Falliaux (12th Grade, Outside Hitter)

Luca Corelli (11th Grade, Setter)

Both players have demonstrated outstanding skill and teamwork, making them key figures in their team’s success this season.

2024 Girls Lacrosse All CIF-

SS (Release Date: June 2)

Division 2

Abby Brant (12th Grade, Goalie, Chaparral)

Riley Jarrett (12th Grade, Midfielder, Vista Murrieta)

Division 3

Temecula Valley High School has been particularly successful, with the following players making the list:

Local standout shines in Oregon Baseball run at NCAA Super Regionals


COLLEGE STATION, TX — Oregon was seeded No. 3 in the Santa Barbara Regional, and advanced to the Super Regional this past weekend, for the second consecutive year. The Ducks put together an impressive performance, including a 6-3 victory over UCSB to advance, and in their starting lineup is third baseman Carter Garate, a former standout from Murrieta Mesa High School.

Garate, who was named MVP of the UCSB Regional Bracket, has become a significant contributor to the Ducks’ success. Garate’s transition from shortstop to third base has been a seamless one. During the regular season, the sophomore started 55 games, hitting .276 with three home runs and accumulating 50 hits. His journey from high school accolades—earning Second Team All-Southwestern League and All-CIF honors as a junior (2021), followed by First Team All-SWL honors as a senior in 2022—to excelling in college baseball is a testament to his dedication and talent.

The stage was set in Texas this past weekend, and in a thrilling display of resilience and skill, the Oregon Ducks baseball team fought to stay alive for a College World Series berth. Despite dropping the first game of the best-ofthree series against Texas A&M Aggies on Saturday with a score of 10-6, the Ducks were determined to bounce back in the NCAA Super Regional round.

The Ducks’ sights were set on forcing a decisive third game by squaring the series on Sunday, but what turned out to be a thrilling start ended in heartbreak.

“It’s a tougher pill to swallow when you don’t play up to the level you know you can play up to, and traditionally have played up to,” said Oregon head coach Mark Wasikowski. “So, it was disappointing. We got off to a good start but didn’t play a complete game in either matchup whatsoever.”

To keep their College World Series hopes alive, the Ducks needed to win the next two games against the Aggies. In game two, the Ducks displayed their

B-1 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 Volume 24, Issue 24 B Section
Murrieta Mesa Outside Hitter, Patrick Falliaux, was named All CIF in Division 4. After the best season in his high school career, junior setter, Luca Corelli, from Murrieta Mesa, was named All CIF in Division 4. Valley News/Courtesy photos Kelsey Lurkins, a senior Midfielder from Temecula Valley High School, was named All CIF in Division 3. Aubrey Chang, a junior Attacker from Temecula Valley High School, was named All CIF in Division 3. Carter Garate, a 2022 graduate from Murrieta Mesa, was named MVP of the UCSB Regional round during the first weekend of the NCAA Men’s World Series Tournament with Oregon. Valley News/Oregon Athletics photos 2022 Murrieta Mesa graduate, Carter Garate, advanced to the Super Regional round of NCAA Men’s World Series Tournament with Oregon for the second straight season. see CIF, page B-2 see GARATE, page B-3

Fallbrook’s Billy Allen shines at 2024 AVP Huntington Beach Open

The 2024 beach volleyball season kicked off with a bang on Thursday, May 16, at the Huntington Beach Open. The tournament, which drew beach volleyball enthusiasts and sports fans from across the country, saw some of the sport’s finest athletes competing for top honors. Among these athletes, one name stood out: Billy Allen from Fallbrook.

Allen’s performance at the 2024 AVP Huntington Beach Open was nothing short of extraordinary. Known for his defensive skills, Allen led the tournament in digs per set, averaging over a full dig more per set than his closest competitors, Evan Cory, and Tim

Bomgren. With a total of 56 digs, Allen was just three digs shy of claiming the title of Dig Leader for the tournament. His standout performance included recording the most digs in a two-set match with 19 against Tri Bourne and Chaim Schalk.

Allen’s defensive mastery was pivotal in his team’s success, displaying his ability to read the game and react swiftly to opponents’ attacks. His performance not only solidified his reputation as one of the best defenders in the sport but also earned him the coveted title of Best Defender at the Huntington Beach Open.

2024 also marks Allen’s first season as an assistant coach for the Stanford beach volleyball program. Allen joined the Cardinals

after a successful stint with the California Golden Bears’ indoor volleyball program. During his time with the Bears, Allen helped the team achieve their first winning record since 2019, finishing the season at 16-15 (5-15 Pac-12) with an undefeated 11-0 non-conference record. Under his guidance, three players earned their first career All-Pac-12 awards.

“I am over the moon to welcome Billy to the coaching staff at Stanford,” noted Stanford head coach Fuller. “Billy has been one of the best beach volleyball players on the professional tour for the last two decades, and he will bring a wealth of experience to the team. Billy can synthesize and deliver messages to players in fun and creative ways, guiding them as unique individuals, all with a competitive spirit for which I have had immense respect throughout our friendship.”

Allen’s journey in volleyball began in his hometown of Fallbrook, where he grew up playing

beach volleyball with his family in Oceanside. He played college indoor volleyball at Cal State Northridge, where he often snuck away to play beach volleyball before home matches. His persistence paid off when he qualified for his first AVP tournament with fellow Matador Ty Tramblie.

Over the years, Allen has become a consistent main draw player, partnering with various athletes, including Braidy Halverson and Theo Brunner. Allen won his first AVP tournament in 2016 at the Seattle Open with Brunner and defended his title the following year, partnering with Stafford Slick to secure Slick’s first and only championship in 2017.

In addition to his professional career, Allen is an accomplished author and podcast host. He has written two coaching books, “Coach Your Brains Out: The Art and Science of Coaching Volleyball” and “The Inner Knight: Train and Compete Like A Champion.” He also co-hosts the popular vol-

fellow AVP pro Janelle Allen, have one son, Ketch. As the 2024 beach volleyball season unfolds, all eyes will be on Billy Allen as he continues to excel both as a player and a coach. His dedication to the sport, coupled with his impressive defensive skills and coaching acumen, makes him a formidable figure in the world of beach volleyball. Whether he’s on the sand or on the sidelines, Allen’s impact on the game is undeniable. For more updates and statistics on the 2024 beach volleyball season, visit Fans can also follow Billy Allen’s journey and stay tuned for more exciting performances and achievements from this exceptional athlete and coach by visiting

JP Raineri can be reached by email at sports@reedermedia. com.

2024 ORN Dirt Lifestyle Festival coming up at North County Mall

The biggest off-road show in San Diego County is almost here!

The 2024 ORN Dirt Lifestyle Festival will take place at the North County Mall on Saturday, June 22, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. This event promises to be legendary, uniting off-road enthusiasts and automotive lovers for a full day of action-packed fun.

CIF from page B-1

Kelsey Lurkins (12th Grade, Midfielder)

Aubrey Chang (11th Grade, Attacker)

Janelle Monaghan (11th Grade, Goalie)

Kaylee Cadez (11th Grade, Midfielder)

These athletes have shown exceptional prowess on the field, contributing significantly to their teams’ performances throughout the season.

2024 Boys Lacrosse All CIF

(Release Date: June 2) Unfortunately, no local players were selected for boys’ lacrosse this season. However, the recognition of girls’ lacrosse players highlights the growing talent in our area.

All of these athletes have not only excelled in their sports but have also become role models

The ORN Dirt Lifestyle Festival stands as the ultimate action sports-inspired expo, featuring leading industry vendors, exhibits, and displays highlighting the latest parts and accessories. Attendees can look forward to live music, freestyle motocross shows, the ORN Car Show, food and beverages, a raffle, and a kids zone. The festival celebrates the brands that represent each of its core disciplines, from off-roading

and racing to UTVs, overlanding, Jeeps, moto, and more.

Main Attractions Freestyle Motocross: Witness jaw-dropping tricks and stunts by the Fitz Army.

ORN Car Show: Highlighting some of the best vehicle builds in the off-road game.

Vendors and Exhibits: Explore the latest products and innovations from top industry brands.

Live Music: Enjoy performances throughout the day.

Kids Zone: Fun activities for the younger crowd.

Food and Beverages: Delicious options to keep you fueled.

Awards and Giveaways: Participate in raffles and win exciting prizes.

Autographs and Meet & Greets: Meet top teams, drivers, and riders.

Company or brands interested in displaying your products or want to be a part of the ORN Car Show, contact the organization as soon as possible to secure a spot. Prime vendor space is available in 10foot blocks, with early registration prices starting at $500. Exclusive sponsorship opportunities are also available for those looking to make a significant impact.


To RSVP for the VIP viewing or for more information, please reach out to ORN Event Creator/ Coordinator Rat Sult at ratsult@ or call 760-533-9380.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of a monumental event that keeps the off-road culture strong, one show at a time.

The 2024 ORN Dirt Lifestyle

Festival will be held at the North County Mall, located at 272 E. Via Rancho Pkwy, Escondido. Tickets are priced at $10 at the gate, and children under 5 years old enter for free. This is a family-friendly event, so bring everyone along for a day filled with excitement and adventure.

B-2 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 SPORTS
leyball coaching podcast “Coach Your Brains Out.” Off the court, Allen is a devoted family man. He and his wife, Fallbrook’s Billy Allen, pictured here digging the ball at a past tournament, was named the best defender of the AVP Huntington Beach Open. With a total of 56 digs, Fallbrook’s Billy Allen was named the best defender of the AVP Huntington Beach Open. Valley News/David Canales photos JP Raineri Sports Editor Janelle Monaghan, a junior Goalie from Temecula Valley High School, was named All CIF in Division 3.
in their communities, inspiring young athletes to strive for excellence. Congratulations to all the selected players for their hard work
Kaylee Cadez, a junior Midfielder from Temecula Valley High School, was named All CIF in Division 3. Valley News/Courtesy photos
dedication. We look forward to seeing even more impressive performances in the upcoming seasons. Important Notice from the CIF Southern Section Office: The CIF Southern Section office will be closed on Fridays for Summer Hours beginning Friday, June 7 through Friday, Aug. 2. Send any local sports updates to
Jeeper Jon getting TWEAKED during the 4 Wheel Parts Car Crush at a past Method Race Wheels ORN Festival. Valley News/Courtesy photos The 2024 ORN Dirt Lifestyle Festival will take place at the North County Mall on Saturday, June 22.

Lake Elsinore Storm shutout Quakes in series sweep at The Diamond

The Lake Elsinore Storm capped off an impressive series by shutting out the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, 2-0, on Sunday, June 2. This victory marked a historic moment as it completed the first-ever six-game sweep of the Quakes since the six-game series format was introduced in 2021.

Key moments and highlights

The Storm’s first run came in an atypical yet thrilling fashion.

Braedon Karpathios hit a stand-up, inside-the-park home run when his ball faded into the left-field wall, bounced past the Quakes’ left fielder, and rolled back into the field. The left fielder took his time retrieving the ball, allowing Karpathios to sprint home with ease.

Chase Valentine contributed the second run with a single up the middle, adding to his impressive homestand stats. He finished with his tenth hit and ninth RBI, boasting an OPS of 1.362. These two runs were all the Storm needed to

secure their victory.

The Storm’s pitching was equally commendable. Starter Miguel Mendez pitched three innings, allowing three hits and striking out three batters. The bullpen, consisting of Javier Chacon, Xavier Ruiz, Thomas Balboni Jr., and Kobe Robinson, combined to give up only five hits while striking out seven. Robinson was called to the mound to close the game and ended the afternoon with a strikeout, sealing the shutout.

With this victory, the Storm now lead the California League South by three games, with 17 games remaining in the first half. They recently went 2-4 on the road against the last-placed Inland Empire 66ers. The Storm will face Stockton this week before taking on Visalia next week.

The Lake Elsinore Storm’s performance in this series has set a high bar, proving their dominance and resilience. As they continue their push for the top of the league, fans can look forward to more thrilling moments and stellar

June 2.

gameplay. Check out the Valley News social media channels for opportunities to win tickets to games and visit www.stormbase-

San Jacinto High School receives National Athletic Trainers’ Association Safe Sports School Award

Program recognizes high schools that prioritize keeping young athletes safe

SAN JACINTO - San Jacinto

High School is the recipient of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Safe Sports School award for its athletics programs. The award champions safety and recognizes secondary schools that have met the recommended standards to improve safety in sports. The award reinforces the importance of providing the best level of care, injury prevention, and treatment.

“San Jacinto High School is honored to receive a 2nd Team recognition from NATA and deeply appreciative for the service Dr. Keasha Russell provides to our athletes. The training Dr. Russell provides the students in our Sports Medicine Career Technical Pathway inspires our students to a new level of excellence,” stated Dr. Kristi Coulter, SJHS Principal.

“We remain committed to keeping our student athletes safe so they can accomplish their own goals of great competition, winning records, fair sportsmanship, and good health. Our goal is to lead our athletics program to the highest safety standards for our players.”

In order to achieve Safe Sports School status, athletic programs must do the following:

● Create a positive athletic

health care administrative system

● Provide or coordinate pre-participation physical examinations

● Promote safe and appropriate practice and competition facilities

● Plan for selection, fit function and proper maintenance of athletic equipment

● Provide a permanent, appropriately equipped area to evaluate and treat injured athletes

● Develop injury and illness prevention strategies, including protocols for environmental conditions

● Provide or facilitate injury intervention

● Create and rehearse a venuespecific Emergency Action Plan

● Provide or facilitate psychosocial consultation and nutritional counseling/education

● Be sure athletes and parents are educated about the potential benefits and risks in sports as well as their responsibilities

To apply, schools complete an in-depth questionnaire that assesses adherence to best practice standards and recommendations. For more information about the Safe Sports School Award, please visit

Submitted by San Jacinto Unified School District.

GARATE from page B-1 battle in the NCAA Super Regionals, but under Coach Wasikowski’s leadership, the team has made remarkable progress, reaching the postseason of the NCAA Tournament for four consecutive seasons.

determination with a powerful start, hitting back-to-back-to-back home runs in the first inning.

However, a disastrous seventh inning saw Texas A&M score nine runs off one single, seven walks, and a grand slam, resulting in a 15-9 defeat for Oregon.

Garate’s Super Regional run had him going 3 for 7 with an RBI, a run scored, one strike out and one hit by pitch. The Oregon Ducks’ season ends with a hard-fought

As Garate and his teammates continue to develop, the future looks bright for Oregon baseball. For more information, follow the NCAA tournament brackets and updates at Send any local sports updates to

B-3 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News SPORTS Tickets at Embrace the Storm!
JP Raineri can be reached by email at sports@reedermedia. com.
The Lake Elsinore Storm completed their first ever six game sweep of the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes with a 2-0 win Sunday, Valley News/Courtesy photo
for ticket info, promotions schedules and more. Article contributions made by Storm Multimedia Manager Justin Jett.
Valley News/Courtesy photos

Heat and young athletes


Is your teen hoping to make the cut at this year’s team tryouts? Make sure they can take the heat – literally. As summer gets hotter and children return to school, they will start participating in sports tryouts and practices, and some will experience heat-related problems.

Dr. Dennis Khalili-Borna, physician-in-charge of family medicine and regional physician lead of sports medicine at Kaiser Permanente San Bernardino County, shared some tips on extreme heat and young athletes.

“When participating in the heat, it is important to remember two important things: keep cool and stay hydrated,” Khalili-Borna said. “These are two separate concepts, and one does not replace the other.”

If you plan to exercise while it’s hot outside:

Keeping cool means seeking shade whenever possible if you must be out in direct sunlight.

Opting for activities when temperatures are not at their highest can make a big difference.

Wear lightweight and breathable clothing, preferably lighter colors, if out in the sunlight.

Take frequent breaks when possible.

Cold compresses, wet towels, and misters can help to cool down during breaks.

Stay hydrated.

“Staying hydrated with water is always important,” Khalili-Borna said.

Drink more water than usual, and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink more.

“Sports drinks can be helpful when engaging in more vigorous activities where sweat losses are more significant, as they can also help replenish electrolytes,” Khalili-Borna said.

Staying hydrated is also an important way to help reduce the chances of muscle cramping. Take a break.

Be wary of signs of heat exhaustion, which include headaches, nausea, excessive fatigue and dizziness. Worrisome symptoms of heat stroke include altered mental status or confusion.

“If you experience these, it is important to cool down immediately with ice packs, especially at the central core areas – the back of the neck and chest/trunk – and to seek immediate medical attention,” Khalili-Borna said.

Parents and coaches need to pay even more attention to those who play sports that require wearing heavy equipment, like football.

Studies have shown that the risk of developing a heat-related illness is 11.4 times higher in football than in all other sports combined.

Extreme heat can be dangerous, so it is important to prioritize safety while enjoying sports during the summer. Contact your primary care physician if you have any questions regarding heat safety for young athletes.

Submitted by Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region.

It’s important for young athletes to keep cool and hydrated while being active in the heat. Valley News/Pixabay photo (

Are sugar substitutes bad for you? Yes

Dr. Jennifer Brix, ND Special to ValleyNews

Sugar substitutes were once touted as a miracle food because they had no calories, needed no land for growing and didn’t appear to impact blood sugar levels or weight. Synthetic sugars have now been suggested to cause weight gain, increase cancer risk and play a role in cardiovascular disease.

Common synthetic sugar substitutes include saccharin, aspartame, sucralose and erythritol. Some were discovered accidentally, while others were created with the goal of being the next big thing in the low-calorie or no-calorie sweetener world.

What about real sugar?

The pressure real sugar puts on our bodies includes an increased demand on the pancreas to release insulin. Over time, it can create burnout, causing more sugar to stick around in the bloodstream rather than our cells, damaging sensitive tissues like nerves, kidneys, eyes and blood vessels. What starts as insulin resistance leads to Type 2 diabetes, weight gain, obesity, heart disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

NAFLD is something onequarter of Canadians have, and the U.S. rates aren’t much better. In 2023, 100 million Americans were diagnosed with NAFLD, with even more being undiagnosed. Sugar intake is a major player in NAFLD, which can lead to cirrhosis, cancer and liver transplantation, so it

makes sense that a substitute for sugar should be a good thing, and one to reduce these risks and create a healthier population.

They are not a healthier choice, however, and in 2023, the World Health Organization cautioned against the use of sugar substitutes because of their potential cancercausing attributes and inability to improve weight outcomes. Another detail is that these potential health risks have been known for years. In animals, aspartame was shown to be carcinogenic in the early 2000s.

No safe place for our sweet tooth.

Humans were not designed to process high levels of sweeteners – natural or not – and the brain was not geared to be rewarded with sweet things daily. But many people don’t realize they are consuming the equivalent of three desserts per day. The WHO suggested people keep their daily intake of sugar to less than 50g, although the average North American consumes closer to 80g. Rather than replacing this sugar addiction with another just-as-unhealthy one, focus on real foods like whole fruit to get the sweetness you crave and read labels. The sugar in whole foods doesn’t count toward the 50g limit, while that in anything with a label, from processed grains, vegetables and fruits, including dried fruits and fruit juice, does.

Watch the sugar balance.

It is important to know that the amount of artificial sweetener you

B-4 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 HEALTH A legacy of excellence. TEMECULA 29645 Rancho California Road, Ste 234 951-506-3001 31515 Rancho Pueblo Road, Ste 101 951-303-1414 26799 Jefferson Ave, Ste 202 951-506-1405 MURRIETA 39755 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd, Ste F 120 951-894-1600 25136 Hancock Ave, Ste D 951-696-7474 24671 Monroe Ave, Bldg C, Ste 101 951-677-41050 MENIFEE 29798 Haun Road (Hope Building) 951-679-8500 30141 Antelope Road, Ste A 951-723-8100 HEMET 3989 W. Stetson Ave., Ste 105 951-652-3334 SAN JACINTO 1191 N. State St, Ste D 951-654-2440 WILDOMAR 36243 Inland Valley Drive, Ste 110 951-677-7221 LAKE ELSINORE 425 Diamond Drive, Ste 101 951-674-9515 CORONA 2815 Main Street, Ste 205 951-475-1219 FALLBROOK 577 Elder Street, Ste I 760-723-2687 VISTA 1976 Hacienda Drive 760-295-4175 ESCONDIDO 215 S. Hickory Street, Ste 112 760-737-8460 RAMONA 1338 Main Street 760-789-1400 APPLE VALLEY 16008 Kamana Road, Ste 200 760-810-7767 MIRAMAR 8901 Activity Road, Ste D 619-535-6900 30 Locations to Serve You We are the Fastest Growing Physical Therapy Operation in California! At All Star Physical erapy, we treat all of our patients with utmost care by o ering individual attention, one-on-one focus, and customized treatment plans.
would need to consume to affect your health is quite a lot on its own. But we don’t live simple lives. Our world is full of other health hazards and carcinogens, from the sun’s UV light and air pollution to plastics and hormones in our food. So, if you are health savvy and want to reduce your overall risk for disease, artificial sweeteners should be on your “no” list, now and forever. Dr. Jennifer Brix is a licensed naturopathic doctor. She earned a bachelor’s degree in biology with distinction from the University of Victoria and completed her professional training at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. Valley News/ photo

Going native in your garden, Part 1 of 3

Roger Boddaert

Special to ValleyNews

California native plants, which are adapted to the local climate, can tolerate extended periods of heat and drought in their natural setting, and the many plants covering the hills throughout Southern California display great resilience during the long, hot and dry periods of the year.

After years of drought, the landscape has benefited from the past two rainy winters and the effects speak for themselves.

To get started on a native garden, there are a few ways to go about it.

Have a landscape plan ready.

If you live near open space, look at the hillsides, visit native gardens, preserves, botanical gardens and gather ideas, themes of what you’d like the native, drought tolerant garden to look like.

There are also many low water non-native plants that blend in very nicely with the natives and can complement each other.

Keep in the mind the mature size of the plants you select.

Spacing is important when designing a garden. Be patient. Watch the garden develop over time.

Visit these local places with native plants:

Santa Rosa Plateau, west of Murrieta.

Palomares Botanical Garden, in Fallbrook.

San Diego Botanical Gardens, in Encinitas (formerly Quail Gardens).

California Botanic Garden, in Claremont (formerly Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens).

Alta Vista Botanical Gardens, in Vista.

Los Angeles Botanical Gardens, in Arcadia. Tree of Life Nursery, in San Juan Capistrano.

Fallbrook Public Utilities District, in Fallbrook.

Spring time and early summer are the best time to view native plants as they usually are at their peak. Then again, gardeners should also recognize the value of what other seasons offer. Once you’ve had a chance to visit some of these gardens, you will have a better idea of what you want your garden to look like. Take photos and jot down plant names and ideas.

Water is a precious resource and what is planted can have a great impact on how much water the garden will consume. I’m not suggesting pulling out your existing landscape, instead look at what you have and what you want to keep and build on that. Some older plants can have great, distinctive character and work very well in a new drought tolerant garden.

My best suggestion is to do your homework. The end result will be a beautiful earth-friendly garden that will please you and all who visit as

The dwarf native iris blooms in yellow.

it grows and matures. In Part 2 of “Going native in your garden,” I will share more information on California natives and other drought tolerant plants. Roger Boddaert, Maker of Natural Gardens, can be reached at 760-728-4297.

Wanna be the coolest this summer?

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna Special to Valley News

It’s hot out there and with even warmer months ahead, staying prepared for high heat is key in coping with it, reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. Here are some tips to avoid heat-related health problems.

If available, stay in an airconditioned area during the hottest hours of the day.

Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.

Drink plenty of water (avoid alcohol and sugary drinks) and don’t wait until you are thirsty.

Take cool showers.

Never leave a child, elderly person, or pet unattended in a car.

Keep pets cool in hot weather.

Avoid unnecessary hard work or activities outside during the hottest part of the day.

Avoid unnecessary sun exposure and wear a wide-brim hat if you need to be in the sun.

Avoid using the oven to cook.

An extremely high body temperature (103 degrees or higher), dizziness, nausea, confusion, and headache are signs of heat stroke or exhaustion. If someone shows these signs, call 911 and begin cooling the individual. Here are some actions to help cool someone.

Move them to a shaded area. Spray with cool water and fan-

ning them. Place them in a cool shower if they are alert. Monitor the body temperature and continue cooling efforts. Do not give the victim fluids to drink.

People age 65 and older, infants and children, and people with chronic medical conditions are more prone to heat stress. People with elderly neighbors should check in on their well-being. This can be done while adhering to social distancing recommendations in person or by phone or video conferencing if available.

Stay cool!

Sam DiGiovanna is a 35-year fire service veteran. He started with the Los Angeles County Fire Department, served as fire chief at the Monrovia Fire Department and currently serves as chief at the Verdugo Fire Academy in Glendale.

Note: The information in this article was compiled from various sources. These suggestions are not a complete list of every preventative or loss control measure. The information is not intended to replace additional safety manuals or the advice of another qualified professional(s). We make no guarantee of results from use of this information. We assume no liability in connection with the information nor the suggestions made.


EMWD is committeed to providing a safe, high quality and reliable water supply while protecting public health. Learn more at

B-5 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News
Source: EMWD 2024 rates and fees; and, EMWD 2023 Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report
White native coral bell is a little plant in the landscape. Valley News/Roger Boddaert photos The Matilija poppy needs room to expand. It blooms from May through June. Grey wormwood creeps on the ground.

Temecula Valley students receive Student of the Year honors

Diane A. Rhodes Special to Valley News

The Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month program, recognizing and inspiring academic excellence since the 1992-1993 school year, held its recognition breakfasts from September through April. Each local high school’s honoree was eligible to apply to be named Student of the Year for their site. The nine students who passed a competitive application process were honored at the 32nd annual Student of the Year Scholarship & Recognition Ceremony Friday, May 17, at the Murrieta Sizzler restaurant, 40489 Murrieta Hot Springs Road.

Sally A. Myers, founder of the nonprofit program, welcomed everyone and shared the mission of the local high school recognition program which sets the criteria for the incredible students who are chosen. She said college or trade school bound seniors are honored for their character, their love of learning and their willingness to participate in numerous activities such as campus events, athletics and community service as well as how they have persevered through challenging life circumstances. They accomplish all this in a setting that honors God, country, community, family and free enterprise.

As a reminder that the students are headed away from home to attend college, large plastic laundry baskets were used to hold all the gifts and certificates of recognition donated to the award recipients by the program’s sponsors. The volunteer led program allows for all funds to be used toward the monthly meals, gifts and scholarships.

Student of the Year honors were presented to Chaparral High School’s Madison Galat, Great Oak High School’s Bradley Morgan, Linfield Christian High School’s Joseph Cox, Rancho Christian High School’s Samuel Horng, Rancho Vista High School’s Isabelle Manjarrez, Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac Catholic High School’s Kayla Latscha, Susan H. Nelson

Answers for puzzle on page A-11

High School’s Ashley Archer, Temecula Preparatory School’s Mursal Danish and Temecula Valley High School’s Avery Steele.

Each one was invited to the podium by their principal who presented them with a keepsake medal. Students shared how their passions will be integrated into their future plans with a room full of supporters that included principals and family members, as well as school district and community dignitaries.

Madison Galat

Chaparral High School’s Student of the Month in December was Galat who said her passion has always been to work with children with special needs. She served as president all four years of the Impact Club, which bridges the gap between special education students and their peers on campus.

“I also had a part in bringing Unified Sports to Chaparral which allows for students to participate and compete on teams in six different sports,” Galat said.

In the fall, she will attend Boise State University to study special education with a minor in American Sign Language.

“I hope to be able to continue to make a difference in the lives of those with disabilities working to make our world a fully inclusive place where everyone feels as though they belong, no matter where they are,” she said.

Bradley Morgan

Great Oak High School chose Morgan as its February Student of the Month. With a 5.0 GPA, he is the class of 2024 salutatorian. He is a full IB diploma candidate, is an AP Scholar with Distinction and has earned multiliteracy seals.

“I combined my passion for STEM learning with my love for learning and I joined the Cybersecurity Club during online learning in my freshman year,” Morgan said. “I became president in my junior year.”

The group, who called themselves Cyber Patriots, started Teens Teaching Tech, a community service program at the Temecula Public Library that helps older adults in the community with technology

questions. Morgan plans to study mechanical engineering at University of California Los Angeles and may earn a degree in computer science as well.

Joseph Cox

Cox was Linfield Christian’s Student of the Month in September.

“Throughout my time in high school, I’ve discovered that I am passionate about serving others locally and beyond,” he said. “The various service-related activities I participated in, whether as an ASB leader or as a public library volunteer, have been the most transformative experiences of my high school career.”

Cox, who founded the school’s Students for Veterans club, said that as a servant and a leader, there are two things he enjoys most: bringing people together for a common good and building genuine relationships with his peers. He will be attending University of California Los Angeles to study materials engineering to hopefully one day design and develop products and solutions that will have a meaningful impact on human lives.

Samuel Horng

Rancho Christian High School chose Horng as its January Student of the Month, and he is the valedictorian for his graduating class.

“I wanted to be the greatest example for others,” Samuel said. “These aspirations stem from doubts and criticism from others. One of my deepest passions throughout my high school career was to help those who are underserved. At my school, I co-founded the Interact Club through Rotary.”

The group assists with many community service projects. He will attend University of California Berkeley in the fall to study nutritional science.

“After that I plan on going to medical school to eventually become an orthopedic surgeon,” Horng said. “I’ve always loved sports; I’ve been a basketball player for 16 years or so and it’s just been a deep passion of mine to help other athletes.”

Isabelle Manjarrez

Rancho Vista High School’s Student of the Month in October was Ma njarrez, and Principal David Schlottman said she played a key part in unifying the campus during

its recent cultural fair. He said she has positively impacted the school as students constantly sought her out for advice and assistance. She was an early graduate in March.

“I always struggled at academics and went to three high schools before coming to Rancho Vista,” Manjarrez said. “I always had a passion to help others and one of my passions is skin care.”

She plans to attend Paul Mitchell The School Temecula, a cosmetology and beauty school, to become a licensed esthetician and help others feel the best they can about themselves.

Kayla Latscha

Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac Catholic School’s September Student of the Month was Latscha, who attended the school from kindergarten. Principal Annette Zaleski said she is intense about her academics but leads with compassion and looks for opportunities to help others be inclusive. She said one of Saint Jeanne’s well-known phrases is: “If only I had a thousand lives...” referencing her passion and unending desire to do God’s work among children and young people. Zaleski said Latscha is one of those lives.

“My passion is making a positive difference in someone’s life,” Latscha said. “I strive to make a difference in my community.”

She plans to attend the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing to become a nurse anesthetist.

Ashley Archer

Susan H. Nelson High School’s Student of the Month for April was Archer. Principal David Schlottman said she found her calling after visiting Chapel Coffee in Murrieta and connected with the owners who asked her to lead prayers and talk to people passing by the chapel. She found it to be a very moving experience and found fulfillment and happiness in helping others.

“When I think of who my heart beats for, it’s Jesus,” Archer said.

“My passion is tangibly loving those God loves, preaching the gospel and sharing the love that binds us all together.”

She will be attending Vanguard University to study pastoral leadership and theology with hopes of becoming a chaplain and a pastor Mursal Danish Temecula Preparatory School

honored Danish as Student of the Month in September. Latin teacher Shoh Ueno said Danish exemplifies the joy of service, having been involved with ASB for years. Danish said it took her awhile to truly develop her love for community service but being part of the National Honor Society since seventh grade and serving as president this year has helped. She said over the years she has seen students’ passion for service dying out.

“As president, I made it my goal to bring back that passion on campus,” Danish said. “I wish to continue my community service and continue to inspire others and for them to keep inspiring me.”

She will attend University of California Berkeley to study psychology with the hopes of continuing to positively affect those around her

Avery Steele Temecula Valley High School chose Steele as its December Student of the Month. Principal Donna Leone said she is a scholar athlete, who excels in both areas, and has completed two civic engagement projects.

“I have many passions; however, my main and greatest passion is to help others,” said Steele, who has contributed more than 250 hours of community service this year alone.

She is a nationally ranked tennis player who doesn’t know how to get a B grade in any class.

“I look forward to all the things that I have to learn and all the ways I can further serve my community,” Steel said.

She will study nursing at the University of Michigan where she has received the Presidential Scholarship.

Closing remarks Myers returned to the podium to address all the students.

“I am so grateful for each one of you,” she said. “You all are being honored today because you are selfless; you look at others and you see their need. God has given each of you gifts and talents and you’re using them for a purpose that is greater than yourself.”

For more information, contact program chair Amber Poncy at 951676-5090 or visit http://temecula. org/student-of-the-month.

Temecula partners with First 5 Riverside and the American Red Cross for swim lesson scholarships this summer

TEMECULA ─ The city of Temecula said it understands the importance of water safety and providing the community with low-cost swim lessons. In that effort, Temecula partnered with First 5 Riverside and the American Red Cross to offer scholarships to offset the cost of swim lessons for the summer 2024 season.

Scholarships are available for all ages and can be used for youth group lessons, adaptive lessons and adult lessons that are held at the following pools only: Chap-

arral High School, 27215 Nicolas Road; Temecula Elementary School, 29119 Margarita Road, and Margarita Recreation Center, 29119 Margarita Road. Scholarships cannot be used for lessons at the Community Recreation Center pool, 30875 Rancho Vista Road. The cost for residents will be $5 per session and $15 per session for non-residents. Participants are required to complete the confidential scholarship application found at FirstFive to be considered for a

swim lesson scholarship. If your application is accepted, you will receive a discount code to be used when registering for swim lessons. For more information, contact the class hotline at 951-694-6480, or email Classes@TemeculaCA. gov . For additional information about all aquatic programs from Temecula’s Community Services Department, visit, and follow @ TemeculaAquatics on social media for updates. Submitted by city of Temecula.

B-6 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 EDUCATION
Recipients of the Temecula Valley Student of the Year award for 2023-2024 include from left, Madison Galat, Bradley Morgan, Joseph Cox, Kayla Latscha, Isabelle Manjarrez, Ashley Archer, Mursal Danish, Samuel Horng and Avery Steele. Valley News/John P. Hess photo, Creative Industries Media Group Inc.

Temecula Valley Tourism study reveals travel spending grew to $1.1B

Hospitality employment numbers exceed previous records

TEMECULA – Visit Temecula Valley announced the results of its 2023 tourism economic impact report. Direct travel related spending grew to $1.1 billion, an increase of $65.6 million or 6.4% over 2022. Travel-related hospitality employment reached a new high with the creation of 9,510 jobs, which exceeds all previous records. There were 300 additional jobs generated in 2023, reflecting a 3.3% increase over 2022. The Economic Impact of Travel in Temecula Valley report, prepared by Dean Runyan Associates, measures economic activity associated with travelrelated spending, employment, earnings and taxes.

Temecula Valley welcomed approximately 3.3 million visitors in 2023, a 3.7% increase from 3.2 million in 2022. It included overnight visitors from more than a 50-mile distance. On average, visitors who stayed in a hotel or motel spent $427 per day and stayed at least two days. Hospitality workers help sustain tourism, from executive and management roles to frontline staff and local business owners and includes lodging, food and beverage, retail, recreation, entertainment, transportation and more.

“This is Visit Temecula Valley’s 20th Anniversary, and it’s a great time to acknowledge our amazing tourism partners who dedicate themselves to making Temecula Valley a premiere and sustainable tourism destination,” Scott A. Wilson, CEO of Visit Temecula

Valley, said. “Their impact helps us continue our mission of stimulating the growth of tourism and attracting visitors from around the world.”

Direct travel-generated earnings in 2023 increased to $367 million, a gain of 8.9% compared to the previous year. State and local tax revenue due to travel in 2023 was $48.9 million, up 4.6% from 2022. Travel spending contributes to a tax savings of $200 per household, up from $156 in 2023.

Visitors spent $176.6 million on accommodations in 2023, a $9.2 million or 5.5% increase over 2022. Visitors who stayed in a hotel, motel or short-term rental contributed $720.7 million of visitor spending, a $58.1 million or 8.8% increase over 2022. Taxable lodging sales reached $104.7 million in 2023, a $8.3 million or 8.6% increase compared to the previous year.

Retail sales rose to $100.4 million in 2023, up from $97.6 million in 2022, a 2.9% increase. The arts, entertainment and recreation sector brought in $362 million, a 9.8% increase from the previous year. Food Service increased to $205 million, a 10.4% increase from 2022.

Travel spending from outside visitors goes into the city of Temecula’s general fund and is used to enhance city residents’ quality of life including road improvements, public safety and beautification. “As the numbers show, tourism plays a huge role in the economic

stability of the Temecula Valley,” Michael Feeley, Visit Temecula Valley chair of the board and executive director of the Pechanga Development Corporation, said. “Travel spending translates into jobs, earnings and tax revenue, and it plays an essential role in fueling our local economy.”

The direct travel impacts reported in this analysis were estimated using DRA’s Regional Travel Impact Model. The RTIM involves modeling of private and public data at the county level, ensuring that the final findings correspond closely with the various travel indicators available for each respective county. Results are then aggregated to regions and the state or disaggregated to the city level based on relevant indicators at these geographic levels.

An all-season tourism destination with a mild climate, the drive to Temecula Valley is less

than two hours from every major metro area in Southern California including Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County and Palm Springs. Temecula is surrounded by rolling hills, beautiful vineyards and has breathtaking mountain views, making it a top choice for millions of visitors each year.

Visit Temecula Valley is a nonprofit 501 (c)(6) destination marketing organization dedicated to promoting tourism-related businesses including wineries, restaurants, breweries, retail and specialty boutiques, hotels, shortterm rentals and more. It is a popular Southern California destination that includes Temecula Valley Wine Country, Old Town Temecula and Pechanga Resort Casino. In 2019, Wine Enthusiast named Temecula Valley a 10 Best Wine Travel Destination in the world. For more information, visit http://

Kennedy/Jenks given EMWD final design contract for Soboba sewer

The Eastern Municipal Water District board awarded Kennedy/ Jenks Consultants the final design contract for the Soboba Sewer Project.

Because Kennedy/Jenks had performed the preliminary design work the June 5 action officially approved an amendment to the design contract to cover final design, trenchless design, and surveying services for the gravity sewer. Kennedy/Jenks, which is based in San Francisco and has offices in San Diego and Murrieta, will be paid an additional $425,604 for the work. The board action also approved a $32,450 contract with Woodard & Curran, which is headquartered in Sacramento with offices in San Diego and Irvine, for third-party trenchless design review of the Soboba Sewer Project. The board authorized total additional appropriations of $635,158 which will also cover $70,000 for engineering branch labor costs during the final design phase, $7,500 for the final preparation of plans and specifications, $7,500 for bid process expenses including labor as well as material and advertising costs, $5,000 for a metals and asbestos analysis, $5,000 for potholing, and a $60,000 contingency.

The Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians completed the construction of a new resort and casino in February 2019. Eastern and

Soboba approved an agreement for sewer service to the first phase of the Soboba development. A February 2019 Riverside County Board of Supervisors action approved the sale of three county-owned parcels totaling 4.48 acres to Eastern, which will allow Eastern to construct a sewer line to the Soboba Hotel. Eastern may also use the land to develop groundwater resources through new infrastructure which conveys and recharges imported water for use and for water rights banking, and the district may also be able to build facilities to capture and recharge stormwater from the nearby Meridian Channel.

The timing of Soboba’s Phase 1 development project did not allow for the design and construction of a permanent solution to accommodate projected buildout flows for the tributary area, so Eastern and Soboba agreed that in the interim the tribe would replace the existing temporary lift station with a new temporary lift station sized to accommodate its Phase 1 development and existing tributary sewer flows only. Additional development by the Soboba Tribe, referred to as Phase 2, is projected to occur in the near future and will contribute additional wastewater flows to the existing interim sewer facilities. In addition to the Phase 2 development, Soboba is also considering septic-to-sewer conversion of Tribal lands with the possibility that the additional sewer flow would ultimately be

collected by the existing sewer system and conveyed to Eastern for treatment. The Soboba Sewer Project is pursuing the necessary work required to define and implement a permanent sewer system solution between the existing Soboba II Lift Station and the gravity sewer on the south side of the San Jacinto River.

In late 2022 Soboba pursued a septic to sewer conversion feasibility study for residents on Tribal lands. The study had the potential to increase the ultimate flows delivered to EMWD infrastructure and therefore would impact piping and equipment sizing for the project. After the feasibility study was completed Soboba indicated the Tribe will be pursuing a septicto-sewer conversion project. The sewer line to the hotel will be coordinated with that conversion project.

In February 2023 Kennedy/ Jenks was awarded a $420,582 preliminary design contract for the Soboba Sewer Project. The work analyzed multiple alternatives including upgrading the existing temporary lift station and re-using the existing force main, constructing a new regional lift station and force main, and foregoing the need for a lift station by constructing a new gravity sewer. The Soboba Tribe was consulted about those alternatives, and a consensus was reached that constructing a new gravity sewer is the preferred option for both Eastern and Soboba. The gravity sewer

option is the most cost-effective compared to all other alternatives, enables the temporary lift station to be demolished, and results in reduced maintenance, noise, odor, and aesthetic impacts to the golf course compared to operating a lift station.

The planned gravity sewer will be approximately 3,700 feet long and 15 inches in diameter. It will begin at the existing temporary lift station site and traverse the Soboba Springs Golf Course, crossing underneath the San Jacinto River via trenchless technology, before terminating into an existing EMWD manhole southwest of the San Jacinto River West Levee. EMWD and Soboba will coordinate the design elements to ensure maintenance access for EMWD staff while minimizing operations and aesthetic impacts to the golf course. The existing lift station and its associated force main will be demolished and abandoned following construction completion of the new gravity sewer. Heavy metals and asbestos testing will characterize any potentially hazardous materials at the existing lift station.

The Kennedy/Jenks scope of work includes bid support. Including a two-month bidding period Kennedy/Jenks anticipates the work to be a ten-month process. Joe Naiman can be reached via email at jnaiman@reedermedia. com.

BUSINESS CONTRACTORS MICHAEL B. McDONALD General Engineering Contractor Excavating & Grading for New Homesites, Roads, Barn Pads, Ponds & Agricultural Developments License #359625-A Cell: (760) 644-7541 Notice To Readers: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. You can check the status of your licensed contractor at or 800-321CSLB. Unlicensed contractors taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. TREE SERVICE DIEGO MARTIN TREE SERVICE * 10 Years Experience * I do all types of tree work, weed removal, maintenance & clean up. FREE ESTIMATES (760) 586-6351
ADVERTISING YOUR AD HERE! List your business for less than $20/week. Call today! (951) 763-5510 THRIFT SHOPS ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF TEMECULA VALLEY Assistance League is a nonprofit service organization of volunteers committed to identifying and serving the needs of the Southwest Riverside communities through philanthropic programs developed and administered by our members. 28720 Via Montezuma Temecula, CA 92590 Thrift Shop Hours Wed & Fri 10am-4pm Thurs & Sat 1pm-4pm (951) 694-8018 DRAPERIES RICK CATY’S CUSTOM DRAPERY SERVICES 636 Oak Glade Drive Fallbrook, CA 92028 Email: (760) 213-4941 Lic. #571121 B-7 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News JULIE REEDER, Publisher MALINA GUGEL, Distribution Editorial STEPHANIE PARK, Copy Editor J.P. RAINERI, Sports Editor SHANE GIBSON, Staff Photographer TONY AULT, Staff Writer DIANE SIEKER, Staff Writer JOE NAIMAN, Writer ROGER BODDAERT, Writer AVA SARNOWSKI, Intern Advertising Sales JOSEPHINE MACKENZIE ANNA MULLEN CINDY DAVIS ANDREW REEDER Production KARINA RAMOS YOUNG, Art Director FOREST RHODES, Production Assistant, IT SAMANTHA GORMAN, Graphic Artist Digital Services MARIO MORALES Copyright Valley News, 2024 A Village News Inc. publication Julie Reeder, President The opinions expressed in Valley News do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Valley News staff. Advertising Policy: Acceptance of an advertisement by Valley News does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of its sponsors or the products offered. We will not knowingly publish advertisements that are fraudulent, libelous, misleading or contrary to the policies of Valley News. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement we find unsuitable. Please direct all advertising inquiries and correspondence to the address below. Letters to the Editor: Please submit all correspondence to our corporate office by e-mail to or by fax to (760) 723-9606. All correspondence must be dated, signed and include the writer’s full address and phone number in order to be considered for publication. All letters are submitted to editing to fit the the publication’s format. Back Issues Available: A limited number of previous issues of Valley News and Anza Valley Outlook (prior to current week) are available for $1.50 each, plus $1.00 postage and handling ($2.50 total cost). Call (760) 723-7319 to order. Serving the communities of Temecula, Murrieta, Wildomar, Menifee, Sun City, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, San Jacinto, and Anza weekly. OUR E-MAIL ADDRESSES: Anza Valley Outlook and Valley News Published weekly Mail to Corporate Office 111 W. Alvarado St. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (951) 763-5510 FAX (760) 723-9606 Corporate Office: (760) 723-7319 ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK (ISSN 0883-6124) is a legally adjudicated paper, AKA AMERICAN OUTLOOK, is published weekly by the The Village News, Inc., 111 W. Alvarado St., Fallbrook, CA 92028. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Anza Valley Outlook, P.O. Box 391353, Anza, CA 92539. ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF OPINIONS OR INFORMATION OR ERRORS PRINTED IN THIS PAPER, OR FOR ANY JOB, SERVICE OR SALES ITEM. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK OUT ALL ADS. Anza Valley Outlook is a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anza, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, March 14, 1986; Case Number 176045 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 391353, Anza, CA 92539 PHONE: (760) 723-7319 PHONE: (951) 763-5510 FAX: (760) 723-9606 AnzA VAlley OUTLOOK AnzA VAlley OUTLOOK

EMWD increases Canterwood CFD bond issuance amount

The Eastern Municipal Water District approved an increase in the maximum authorized bonded indebtedness for the Canterwood community facilities district.

A 4-0 EMWD board vote June 5, with Randy Record absent, approved an increase in the maximum amount of bonded indebtedness from $4,500,000 to $7,000,000. The motion also amended the rate and method of apportionment for the CFD which will be funded by a property tax assessment. A property owner election was required to approve the amendments, but landowner

BRPLD, LLC, is the only prop-

erty owner of the currently undeveloped land and the June 5 action also certified the results of the election.

The planned Canterwood development is in Winchester north of Craig Avenue, south of Holland Road, west of Eucalyptus Road, and east of Leon Road. The 158.18-acre property would be subdivided into 446 single-family homes along with 25 open space lots, nine drainage basin lots, and 45.6 acres of roadway. The open space land will include a community park and more than 13,000 linear feet of trails or paseos.

The November 1 EMWD meeting included approval of the

C FD for Canterwood and the authorization of up to $4,500,000 of bonded indebtedness. A community facilities district includes a special tax (sometimes known as Mello-Roos taxes due to the state legislators who authored the option for services on new development to be funded by an annual assessment) to fund the services and/or infrastructure. A Joint Communities Facilities Agreement stipulates the collection and distribution process for the taxes. If the one percent property tax is not sufficient to pay for maintenance, fire protection, and other services a CFD may be formed for those services and that CFD would be perpetual. A CFD

may also pay for infrastructure including capacity fees which are charged to developers to cover the new development’s share of existing infrastructure, and that assessment ends when the bonds are paid off. The CFD may also pay for the reimbursement to government agencies for their staff time and other expenses to form the CFD, the cost to issue bonds, and the annual costs to administer the CFD. An assessment must be approved by a majority of property owners, although a developer who owns a property before it is subdivided may cast the sole vote in favor of a CFD which will be binding upon subsequent property owners.

The tax for the Canterwood CFD will be levied through Fiscal Year 2067-68. Changes in home prices caused the request to increase the bonded indebtedness of the CFD. The new amount will cover the entire estimated $3,307,536 for the water financial participation fee, $1,129,260 of the estimated $2,938,694 sewer treatment plant capacity charge, and $963,204 of financing expenses. The expenses will vary due to inflation and other factors which cannot currently be determined, so the actual expenses may exceed those amounts.

Joe Naiman can be reached via email at jnaiman@reedermedia. com.

The Eastern Municipal Water District board authorized a contract to rehabilitate 51 manholes in Menifee and Murrieta.

The board voted 5-0 June 5, with Randy Record absent, to authorize a contract with National Coating and Lining Company for the manhole rehabilitation. The Murrieta company will be paid $314,878, and the board action authorized a total of $362,000 for the project which will also cover

a 15% contingency in the event unforeseen circumstances warrant a change order.

Eastern has more than 43,000 manholes which convey sewage from homes and businesses to the district’s treatment plants. Manhole structures can become compromised by the corrosive gases present in a sanitary sewer system. If the structures are compromised they must be rehabilitated to restore the integrity of the concrete structures. A protective liner is also installed to protect the new concrete and to ensure long-term

structural reliability.

The contract approved June 5 will rehabilitate 19 manholes on Benton Road and Duclair Road, 17 manholes on Wickerd Road and Garbani Road, and 15 manholes on Whitewood Road and Pittman Lane. EMWD staff advertised a request for proposals January 18, and three bids were received by the February 21 deadline. The National Coating and Lining Company low bid of $314,878 covers $144,353 for the Wickerd Road and Garbani Road manholes, $110,385 for the

Benton Road and Duclair Road work, and $60,140 for the Whitewood Road and Pittman Lane rehabilitation. The project scope of work requires the contractor to furnish all labor, material, and equipment and to provide required traffic control services including plans and obtaining traffic control and encroachment permits. Sancon Technologies of Huntington Beach provided the second-lowest bid of $565,731. The work will include preparing the interior manhole surface by removing and replacing cor-

roded or missing concrete and injecting slurry to seal cracks. Exposed rebar will be treated and protected in place or replaced if the corrosion of steel is greater than 20%t. Previously-installed ladder rungs will be removed. Epoxy and polyurethane-based protective coating will be applied, and spark test coating will ensure proper application. Joe Naiman can be reached via email at jnaiman@reedermedia. com.

The Eastern Municipal Water District board awarded CCL Contracting, Inc., the EMWD contract to construct a transmission pipeline which will close a gap along Scott Road in Menifee.

The board’s 4-0 vote June 5, with Randy Record absent, awarded the Escondido company a $1,621,980 contract for the construction work. A separate $130,575 engineering support services contract with Kennedy/

Jenks Consultants, which is based in San Francisco and has offices in San Diego and Murrieta, was also approved as part of the motion. The action also authorized EM WD general manager Joe Mouawad to issue contracts with necessary suppliers and engineering support consultants and approved total new appropriations of $2,356,900 for the project which will also cover geotechnical and survey support, inspections, internal labor costs, and a $162,198 contingency Eastern’s Water Facilities Mas-


ter Plan identifies a need for additional transmission capacity in the 1698K Keller pressure zone. A transmission pipeline to close a gap along Scott Road would improve transmission capacity and operational reliability, and such a pipeline would also alleviate projected low pressures in the 1698K Keller pressure zone under certain operating conditions due to increasing demand.

The pipeline will be along Scott Road beginning at the intersection at Menifee Road and running east for approximately 800 feet.

EMWD staff solicited bids for the construction contract, and five companies responded by the April 17 deadline. CCL Contracting had the low bid of $1,621,980. Downing Construction, Inc., of Redlands had the second-lowest bid amount of $1,695,018 and Hemet-based Genesis Construction provided the third-lowest bid at $1,805,440. The contract calls for the construction work to be completed within 360 calendar days after the stipulated start date. Kennedy/ Jenks was the engineer of record

during the design phase, and EMWD staff members worked with that company on a scope of work and fee for engineering support services during construction. The support services will include reviews of submittals, requests for information, review of change orders, site visits, preparation of electronic operations and maintenance manuals, and preparation of record drawings.

Joe Naiman can be reached via email at jnaiman@reedermedia. com.

BUSINESS B-8 Valley News • • June 14, 2024
EMWD approves contract to rehabilitate Menifee and Murrieta manholes CCL Contracting given EMWD contract for Scott Road Gap Transmission Pipeline Place a classified ad at advertise/placead Call Cindy Davis 951-551-4381 Senior Marketing Representative Published by Reeder Media THE GREATER SOUTHWEST VALLEY Celebrating the Businesses & Personal Stories of Our Valley Valley News Reeder Media Publication Weaving Taste, Tradition and Unforgettable Moments pg 10 Golf Guide Golfing Gems Southern Californiapg Murrieta Hot Springs Resort Oasis Vitalitypg Hiking Trails pg VOLUME 3 2024 EDITION An Entertainment Information Guide to the Valley Our Valley’s Magazine Advertise Here to Reach the Valley Book your advertisement today for the 2025 edition of the Southwest Valley Sourcebook –a “coffee table” keepsake magazine! Home & Garden Government study proves barn owls kill 2,000 gophers, rats and mice per year. Owl nest boxes installed by Arborist/ Falconer. 33 years in business. Tom (760) 445-2023 Military Stuff Old military stuff bought Buy old military stuff - all types & condition. Call or text Bob 760-450-8498 Real Estate - For Rent Trailer Space For Rent In Aguanga Large trailer space in the Tule Peak area off Bradford Road. Private and separated from other tenants. Views and wildlife area. Secure property with locked gate. Included are utility water, limited off-grid electricity and septic hookup. $450.00 per month. Garden spots and extra storage available. 2 miles in on dirt road from Hwy 371. Contact:, 818-8433667. Ask for Jerry. Real Estate - For Rent TINY HOMES! From $597/Month + Space Rent 1BR + 1BA Bingo, Shuffleboard, Square Dancing, Card Room, Pickleball, & More! Call 1 (858) 504-1222 Services Offered DRIVING LESSONS---Local CA Certified driving instructor with 12 years Experience creating CRASHFREE DRIVERS. Learn to Drive in a Mini-Cooper! Many local references upon request. CALL OR TEXT TODAY @ 760-579-8800. Wellspring Herbs and VitaminsOffering a large selection of high quality Herbs and Herbal Combinations, Vitamins, CBD Oils, Salves and Capsules, Essential Oils, Homeopathic Remedies, Bach Flower Emotional Essences, Teas, Organic Lotions and Skin and Hair Care products, etc. We offer Nutritional Consultations with Iridology and Live-Cell Analysis. Come on in for a FREE Bio Scan. We are open from 10-5 Monday thru Friday and 10-4 on Saturday. We are located at 1223 S. Mission Rd.
C-1 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 2024 Class of Celebrate the Volume 24, Issue 24 C Section June 14 – 20, 2024 G R A D U AT I O N
Great Oak High School Mt. San Jacinto College Murrieta Valley High School Temecula Valley High School Murrieta Mesa High School West Valley High School Noli Indian School Tahquitz High School Great Oak High School Temecula Valley High School Hemet High School Alessandro High School Liberty High School Chaparral High School Chaparral High School
C-2 Valley News • • June 14, 2024
Abdulrahman Mohamed El Sayed Ali William Joseph Allen Angel Alejandro Arreola Ortiz Ivan Avila MyShaun Demarquis Basey Hicks Raymundo Batrez Hernandez Anjelina Marquez Beltran Jessica Lee Bettinger Davita Ann Blackburn Justin Angel Bolanos Jacob Tyler Braswell Michelea Lenae Buggs Natalie Canela Erik Jr Carranza Gianna Abigail Carranza Jacob Jeremiah Carter Alana Marie Ritaann Cerverizzo Sanford Ashlynn Cha Yvette Toni Chavarin Katrina Angelique Claudio Alexa Ivanna Coronel Morales Jesus Antonio Cruz Rojas Bruno Andrew Cuellar Brandon Johnathan Cunningham Angel David Del Rio Michael Anthony Diaz Viviana Andrea Escalante Jianna Lea Esparza Ana Cristina Espinoza Lucas Faith Alexia Esquivel Anissa Michelle Flores Joshue Anthonio Flores Natalia Jennie Fudge Ricardo Aaron Garcia Rebekah Brianna Ghio Giovanna Heidi Gianopoulos Ephren Dallas Gomez Makayla Rita Gonzales Cecilia Bertha Gonzalez Josue Alfredo Gonzalez Miriam Consuelo Gonzalez Nicolas Gonzalez Karizma Heaven Gurule Trevor Douglas Hanna Makaylah Jean Hansen Jordan Lamont Harris Jacob Chandler Havens Casandra Angel Herrera Adrian Daniel Hidario Sanchez Stormi Antalea Hood Jocelyn Alexandria Hudson Brianna Linae Jackson Syena Marie Johnson Ashleigh Rae Jones Sir’Ron Jahki Laffitte Arlene Josie Lara Ramirez Raylene Marie Lara Ramirez Angelina Marie Leiva Jose Alberto Llamas Adrian Lopez Alejandro Sebastian Lopez Alex Arturo Luna Oscar Emilio Marmol Marquez Jessie Martinez Vance Love Martinez Victoria Guadalupe Martinez Luis Jair Martinez Zazueta Raylynn Patrice McCormick Pearl Lidia Mercado Grace Nevaeh Merritt Savannah London Merritt
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Class of 2024
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C-3 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News
CONGRATULATIONS SJUSD Class of 2024 San Jacinto High School San Jacinto Adult Education Mountain Heights Academy Mountain View High School We are proud of you! Superintendent Pyle · Board President Peñaloza · Board Vice-President Burnett · Board Clerk Rubio Board Member Norman · Board Member Ojeda C-4 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 Class of 2024 Jennifer Acevedo Joshua Jordan Acosta Amare Chase Adams Frankee Angel Aguilar Kobi James Aguilar Xavi Aguilar Ryan Jesus Aguilar Hernandez Osvaldo Eduardo Alcaraz Isabella Guinivere Alexander Hugo Alfaro Abrego George Anthony Almanza Jr. Mar’Niyah A’Ja Ly’Nae Alston Jaquelyn Alvarado Mia Alexandra Alvarado Adrian Marcos Alvarez Francisco Marco Alvarez Olivia Grace Alvarez Duarte Morgan Mae Anderson Alonso Yael Andrade Angel David Aragon Mora Elvis Arellano Kassie Haselle Arias Lopez Arleen Aripez Lydia Judith Arrezola Jesse James Arriola Itzel S. Arroyo Angelina Askar Reina Maria-Elizabeth Avalos Morones Aracelia Avila Donato Avila Elizabeth Avila Ariana Julissa Ayala Emiliano Barajas Kasandra Yadira Barrero James Anthony Bartolo Diana Isabella Bautista Juan Carlos Bautista Desmond Jessie Bennette Damarquis Anthony Bentiste Elizabeth Angeline Bernal KeShawn Rayvon Binns Eva Mae Black Elmer Evelio Bonilla Lopez Joshua John Bonnell Jr. Liam Jorge Brambila Adrian Briseno Kieley Ann Brooks Brittany Rose Brown Shawn Salim Ogbonna Brown Kimora Lee Browne Do’Jonni William Bryant Arturo Bustos Valeria Buz Antwan Raymond Byers Jr. Jaylah Mae Byrd Jasalin Lizette Campos Miguel Campos Melanie Campuzano Angel Cantor Chiman Jose Manuel Carcamo Garcia Angel Carranza David Paz Carrillo Kaz Carter Anabelle Nicole Casas Lizzet Devine Castellon Melvin Castrejon Timothy Michael Castro Jose Fabian Castro Lopez Cristina Catalan Diaz Gian Levi Catano Angel Augusto Cazares Martinez Suriel Cervantes Jessica Chanelo Isabel Marie Chavez Jovanah Jezelle Chavez Taylor Elaine Chew Jonathan Andrew Childers Tyler Marie Clark Tyler James Cobb Barry Lee Cole III Micheal Taron Collins Jr. Troy Nathan Comstock Anthony Quinten Conner Jasmine Aleayda Contreras Mercado Marcos Isaac Cordero Briana Guadalupe Cordova Danitza Monique Corona Kayla Emily Corona Elizabeth Rosario Correa Andrew Glen Cortinas Jr. Rika Maryann Cross Kiara Alexa Cruz Rosalinda Cruz Eduardo Andres Cumplido Sophia Annalise Cunningham Keylen Curiel Kiara Curiel Lavery Gregorio Cutts Boston Eli Dandan Emily De La Torre Brian Octavio Del Real Andy Jacob Delgado Audreyanna Yadira Delgado David Delgado Shelsy Julianna Delgado Placido Diaz-Alemany Abraham Daniel Dominguez Angel Gabriel Dominguez Moya Ashton Kelli Doyle Annalyse Elizabeth Duarte Cesar Daniel Duran Britney Marie Ebeling Gerardo Sebastian Echeverria Ruby Montserrat Echeverria Rene Elian Savanna Michelle Ellis Brianna Marcella Ellsworth Bless Seraj Emanuel Bobby Elijiah Escobar Samuel Escobedo Larry Lee Esparza JR II America Elizabeth Espino Frankie Alexander Espinoza Jadin Josiah Estrada Jasmine Estrada Miguel Fabian Morales Mikaela Isabelle Facto Pahris Ahmari Aidyne Fantroy Jimena Farfan Gallardo Angela Milagros Felipe Perez Diego Jared Felix Lily James Ferguson Arabella Cassandra Pamaran Fidelino Kelvin Donyell Fleming Jr. Donnell Edmond Jack Flewellen Alex Emiliano Flores Daniela Juliet Flores Ziriana Damaris Flores Emilio Francisco Evelyn Sihomara Furlong Torres Ambrosia Rihanna Garcia Derek Ozzie Garcia Glennie Elizabeth Garcia Laura Elisa Garcia Vincent Matthew Garcia Blanca Llannet Garcia Esparza Aylin Guadalupe GarciaAguirre Annie Garcia-Foradori Vincenzo Biase Gentile Dylan James Gilbert Sugar Ann Gness Esmeralda Nallely Godinez Flores Jasmine Gomez Stephanie Gomez Alen Sebastian Gonzalez Ashley Gonzalez Joshua Isaiah Gonzalez Corey Ray Goodwin Desire Cheyanne Dotshay Graham Ana Christine Greathouse Nevaeh Kaylee Griggs Jackson Lane Gudat Luis Daniel Gudiel-Veliz Mari-Carmen Guerra Leilani Guerrero Frias Carlos Guevara Jr. Hailey Natalia Gutierrez Jeremiah Gilberto Gutierrez Juan Jesus Gutierrez Nallely Gutierrez Paola Gutierrez Ramirez Ricardo Gutierrez Ramirez Maddox Lee Guysi D’Angelo Elvira Guzman Landon Marques Hernandez Anna Leylany Hernandez Fragoso Jonathan Hernandez Popoca Justyn Herrera Ruben Herrera Del Villar Angelica Higuera Ethan Robert Hitt Emily Lorraine Holcomb Vazquez Aimie Brihana Holland Liam Toa Hopper Emma Michelle Howard Joey Chavelle Howard Jr. Dafne Beatriz Huerta Israel Huerta Jordan Jay Hughes Madyson Grace Dobine Huntsman Brian Joshua Ibarra Ariadna Noely Iniguez Paola Anali Ixtlahuac Alan Alejandro Jaimes Yoselyn Yoanna Jandres Jade Jimenez Johnny Johnson III Zariyah Sanae’ Johnson Shannon Dion Jones Jr. Jayce Jeriah Kingsby Cody Reece Kuebler John Caile Cenizal Labaco Angelo Luperio Lanurias Marck Anthony Lara Brody Scott Lavy Noah Lawrence Lazenby Jaleena Emmarie Leon Nayeli Leos Jacob Leyva Elizabeth Visible Lieras Favian Linan Amaya Arlette Little Envie Mariayna Eunik Lloyd Elizabeth Tanya Lopez Fernando Lopez Israel G. Lopez Angela Lopez-De Iturbide Abraham Lopez-Gutierrez Miguel Angel Lopez-Lucas Dylan Xavier Lucas Madeleine Maciel-Dominguez Jessirie Mae Amigo Madlangbayan Kiera Nevaeh Malone Tyler James Mann Avellaka Dawnay Manzanilla Alina Flowers Marquez Daniel Joseph Martinez Daniela Martinez Heidi Elizabeth Martinez Sergio Julian Martinez Bryanna Martinez Gonzalez Sergio Martinez Rojas Valeria De La Paz Martinez Romero Cristina Maria Massis Al-Rabadi Amya Jamela Mae Matthews Joseph Daniel McGhee Jaden Alejandro McMichael Alyssa Brianne Medina Raul Joe Medina Jr. Noe Jr Melendez Alexandria Vivas Mempin Marion Ellis Metoyer Mariah Nicole Miller Jaelan Deon Miller-Thomas Lauryn Marjorie Miranda Mindy Veronique Miranda Angel Miranda Barron Julian Oscar Mireles Tania Mondragon Lopez Damion Don Montague Axel Javier Montoya Abraham Giovanni Montoya Terrazas Andrea Vizcarra Mora Allyna Nicole Morales Dominik Rigo Morales Jackelyn Morales Humberto Isaac Morales Ramirez Pedro Francisco Morones Kaeo James Lee Moss Kayla Nicole Munoz Pablo Miguel Muñoz Villalobos Leiloni Christene Murguia Wendy Murillo Cardenas Juan Manuel Navarro Lopez Deven James Needham Ashlee Lynn Neeley Christian Michael Neudorff Anh Nghia Quynh Nguyen Audra Lou Niedringhaus Fabian Nunez Elijah Samuel O’Leary Alexis Ochoa Barragan Christopher Chikezie Ohiaeri Jorge Andres Olea Marentes Lucas Jeremy Olivares Brandon Alexis Olvera Mercado Ronaldo Ordóñez Jiménez Jasmine Leticia Ortiz Diaz Belen Ortiz Reyes Ailua Osoimalo Valerie Oviedo Joseph Gabriel Padgette Mia Renee Padilla Levi Loren Pape Maurice-Demarcus CharlesDion Payne III-Jones Luis Riot Revere Pena Kyra Lee Perez Yesenia Perez Myles Nuwel Perkins Isaac Darnell Phillips Clark Johnryl Corpuz Pimentel Jasmine Pineda Elizabeth Ponce Pedro Prieto Ubaldo Alexis Puente Caron Eugene Pullum Haia Nedal Qatatshi Melissa Isabelle Quintanilla Jose Manuel Quintero Ruiz Joseph Ryan Quiroga Jr. Diana Ramirez Elizabeth Guadalupe Ramirez Joshua Ramirez Lesly Estefania Ramirez Garcia Maynor Omar Ramirez Ramos Hailie Hope Jesse Rarick Jerrell Edwin Redd Jaylen Amir Levon Renteria Angelique Haley Reott Melanie Isabelle Reyes Ashley Naomy Reyes Navarro Gilberto Reynaga Edgar Rios Perez Marcos Benjamin Rivero Deliana Paola Robles Arroyo Angel Ian Rodriguez Izzak Ventura Rodriguez Yuriana Elizabeth Rodriguez Kevin Rodriguez Ceja Miguel Angel Rodriguez Nava Jr. Noeli Guadalupe Roe Andrew Jeremey Rogers Brisa Medary Rojas Mendoza Alberto Romero III Avery Jane Ros Elijah Josiah Ruiz Andrew Uriah Runnels Green Coleman Jared Rutkoff Michelle Leticia Ruvalcaba Rhianna Sophia Salazar Nicholas Kenneth Salinas Emmanuel Joseph Salmeron Abby Ira Sanchez Alejandro Carlos Sanchez Giselle Getsemani Sanchez Joanna Gissel Sanchez Sheila Elaine Sanchez Yvette Celeste Sanchez Emily Angelina Sandoval Matthew Adam Sandoval Mario Saucedo Jr Aidan Patrick Schofield Shellee Lynn Schuette Aubrey Elizabeth Sexton Jantzell Emir Silva Karla Guadalupe Silva Gutierrez Schekania Darianne Simon Stone Maurice Smith Demi Leyah Soares Meet Manojkumar Solanki Angel Daniel Raul Solis Lillian Solis Taylor Anne Rae Solis Bryan Jose Sotelo-Murillo Helen Rose Speed Andre Eugene Spruce III Johanka Stanek Lyric Amara Starks-Joiner Robert Joseph Stillman Jr. Jeffrey Brian Delos Angeles Stuck II Yuya Bryan Sugita Kylie Samantha Supiping Christopher Mario Sweet Alvin Paul Vendencia Tabano Oliver Andrew Terry Lejion Mauriel Thomas Soledad Mariana TinocoRodriguez Azariyah Selaina Sera Tivao Mc Arthur Tobias III Gizelle Patricia Torres Larissa Alekzandra Torres Roberto Martin Torres Ofelia Torres Gonzalez Jorge Armando Tovar Castillo Jenna Christine Treat Antwajue Tony Tucker Brooklyn Sanaa Tuliau Michael Isaiah Turnage Aaniyah Kuzuri Turner Sebastian Ugalde Urquiza Daniela Jasminne Urena Nahima Jaquelin Valdes Calix Angel Javier Valdez Destiny Sarahay Valdez Genesis Gianna Valdez Maricela Valdez Cabrera Daniel Anthony ValdezCantor Emily Alejandra Valdez-De Yturbide Emily Marie Valdovinos Natalee Janelle Valencia Ramone Alfonso Valenzuela Emily Garcia Vargas Jacob Salvador Vargas Kristopher Vargas Lucia Yvette Vargas Marlen Vargas Hannah Victoria Vasquez Mateo Vasquez Tania Izabela Vasquez Kevin Vazquez Quintero Kali Rebekah Velasquez Jocelyn Samantha Velez Orozco Sandibel Vences Lombera Stephanie Verduzco Francisco Joel Verduzco Aguilar Isai Vergara Julian Villa Quetzali Villa Gabriela Amy Villalobos Michelle Villalobos Christopher Marc Villanueva Jorehyli Villarreal-Alcala Maliyah Theresa Vitelli La Doni’a Sarah Wade Jaleel Allan Waithe Aurora Arwyn Wheeler Maximus Wheeler Clifford Nathaniel Whynaught Blake Hasani Wilhite Krystiana Anyce Williams Matthew John Williams Jr. Tanaya Rene Williams Elijah Henry Wingate Alexa Marie Womack Mary Rashid Younan Viviana Youssef Adrian Diego Zacarias Bryan Tito Zarate Julius Esteban Zavala Graciela Diana Zurita
• Hemet, CA
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RIVERSIDE.OLIVETACADEMY.ORG 36401 Tripp Flats Road, Anza CA 92539 JOIN OUR TEAM! Hiring Christian Teachers for K-8th Grade at Olivet Academy Email: C-5 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News Class of 2024 Western Center Academy • Hemet, CA West Valley High School • Hemet, CA Jose Adame Landa Kevin Adams Kenneth Aguilar Mauricio Aguilar Loren Aguilar Cabrera Mia Aguirre Olivares Jonathan Aguirre Sanchez Omar Aispuro Stephanie Alas Anette Alatorre David Alcocer Savannah Allen Michelle Altamirano Kamryn Alvarado Carlos Alvarado Chavez Kiara Amador Cervantes Alyza Amezquita Haelynn Anderson Jazmyn Anderson Ayleth Arambula Kenneth Araujo Alejo Michael Araujo Camargo Angel Arizaga Carlos Armenta Osvaldo Armenta Joseph Arnold Turner Damian Arredondo Lillian Astorga Giovanni Avendano Castillo Grecia Avila Haley Ayala Kaimana Aylward Jonathan Barber Jacob Bautista Esquivel Yair Beatriz Angelica Becerra Damien Becerra Contreras Alexander Bedolla Michelle Beltran Uriarte Brooke Benford Bryant Benford Magdalena Benitez Raul Benitez Crespo Makaio Black Mykira Bonner Damien Bracamonte Maryonna Brandyberry Lizette Bravo Spencer Brown Mongkol Buasup Jayla Bugg Angelina Bullard Leilani Burgos David Butler Valeria Cabrera Ortiz Tristyn Dior Calhoun Samiya Cannady Angelina Caraballo Mia Caravantes Jordan Casas Samantha Castillo Isaac Castro Valeria Castro Vincent Castro Lea Cervantes Mariah Chavarin Bardo Chino Bryan Cisneros Christopher Cisneros Christopher Cohn Marlin Coronado Raya Damian Corvera Ninasamone Crawford Angel Creekmore Escobar Cruz Isaiah Dalisay Ashley Davis Leilani Davis Adrian De La Cruz Oswaldo De La Cruz Bernal Kevin De La Torre Allie Delaney Valerie Delao Alicia Delgado Murrisa Delgado Andrew Delgado Martinez Christopher DeRouen Brianna Diaz Maria Diaz Gabriel Diaz Galindo Bryan Dimas Precious Paula Dizon Ahmyah Dodson Alexander Dubon Lakota Dufek Darlene Espinoza Angel Estrella Valadez Angeleen Martina Fabrigas Caleb Flores Nathalia Fonseca Bautista Stephanie Franco David Gamez Alexandra Garcia Jasmine Garcia Angel Garcia Diana Garcia Martin Garcia Nathalie Garcia Joel Garcia Pina Savannah Garza Brandon Gastelum Valerie Ghassemy Aguilar Caidyn Gholar Angelo Giuria Sergio Gomez Angel Gomez-Barraza Alexis Gonzalez Brianna Gonzalez Brooke Gonzalez Yohary Gonzalez Irma Gonzalez Hernandez Carlos Gonzalez Perez Jaylene Goodson Wyatt Goodwin Jeremiah Gow Adam Gray Ciara Green Jaylen Greene Eileen Guevara Jaqueline Gutierrez Venegas Cameron Guy Avery Harden D’Mario Harden Giselle Harris De’Jon Harrison Emily Hernandez Jennessy Hernandez Ricardo Hernandez Saralee Hernandez Muro Jenny Hernandez Ornelas Salvador Hernandez Reyes Carlos Herrera Julie Herrera Rafael Hinojosa Brenden Hoffman Claire Holaway Savannah Holster Angelina Horta Promise Horton Astrid Howard Isaiah Howard Malakhi Howard Patrick Hutton Kassandra Iniguez Alex Inzunza Noah Iweze Aris Jackson Orion Jamieson Damaris Jaramillo Prince David Jennings Ayden Jimenez Cinthya Jimenez Dana Jimenez Santiago Jimenez Guerrero Giovanni Jimenez Vilchis Cadence Joelson Jordan Johnson Neshuun Johnson Karely Acosta Barajas Xavi Aguilar Ayman Al Jarjis Aliana Alejo Lidy Ambriz Davila Julian Avila Sarah Awad Drako Barreras Genesis Bermudez Babak Bigdelou Amaya Blount Benjamin Bodrov Therese Borgaily Sarah Brosterhous Agner Brittany Brown Hannah Burnach Tytan Campbell Emanuel Cardona Jacob Carothers Aaron Cortez Cayman Crayton Geovany De Leon Alfaro Aaron Delgado Abigail DiBonaventura Emy Fanous Cesar Favela Logan Fogle Karin Fouad Fahim Alyssa George Trent Gifford Alexa Guerrero Carter Gulassa Alexa Hadley Bilal Hassan Nameera Hassan Neveen Hassan Weston Holt Dacota Jackson Karen Jimenez Hannah Jindra Tyler Johnson Arjun Kumar Michael Kusto Maryann Kusto Lily Lam Timothy Lowe Aaron Ma Ava Madero Isabella Maldonado Tri Brian Nguyen David Ochoa Joshua Emmanuel Okpala Kayla Paez Weston Paszkiewicz Kailey Pickering Grace Rafferty Carolina Ramirez Rachel Rea Mariana Saenz Levi Schain Xavier Scott Ayumi Shimojyo Savannah Smaron Kaydence Smith Demi Soares Sophia Stauffer Isaiah Suso Izabella Torres Ramone Valenzuela Nicholas Van Der Linden Janett Vazquez Mariana Velazquez Emiliano Verdugo Whitney Wang Parker Wharton Ava Wright Vivian Xiao
Jonathan Jones Kylie Jones Lyric Jones Kamryn Jorgensen Jaime Juarez Samuel Kabiru Issabella Kubota Adelina Kyle Leslie Landeros Edwardo Lara Isaiah Lawrence Jorge Leal Alexander Lee Brooke Lemire Noah Lewen Mai Lewis Ricardo Lizarraga Gonzalez Kai Loera Alexander Lopez Alisa Lopez Daniela Lopez Paola Lopez Samantha Lopez Samantha Lopez Carlos Lopez Flores Jeremiah Lopez Garcia Samantha Lopez Lemus Ren Lopez Plascencia Jonathan Lucatero Elizabeth Luttrull Aiden MacDonough Lusita Madera Gonzalez Xiomara Magana Sanchez Jerry Mahan Casey Maldonado Vivian Marcial Hector Marin Cervantes David Marquez Jelisa Marquez Anthony Marroquin Daniel Martell Deja Martin Aly Martinez Daniel Martinez Marcos Martinez Zoraida Martinez Marianne Martinez Del Carmen Uriel Martinez Cruz Esmeralda Martinez Santiago Giovanni Martinez Serna Matthew Mata Alejandro Mata Sandoval Ariana Mateo Kelly Matias Anthony Mattie Chase Maynard Ahkil McClellan Tyler McCray Leta McDaniel Keonte McLeod Charlie McQueen Alexyne Medina Pedro Medina Milo Medlyn Reyna Mejia Rivera Liliana Mendez Sophia Mendoza Daisy Millan Martinez Nayeli Molina Molina Xavier Moore Desiree Moreno Eduardo Morquecho Yarely Mosqueda Emily Mullin Raymond Mullins Savannah Myricks Julius Nava Sayra Navarro Bethany Nevarez Jocelyn Ocampo Julissa Olguin Xavier Olivas Crystal Ortiz Estevez Sotara Owen Arianna Pablin Magallanes Mariela Padilla Shannon Page Jasmin Palacios Jared Parra - Lugo Perla Partida Carranza Ericka Pate Trillis Payne Gabriela Pena Claudia Penalver De Leon Evan Peralta Ariday Perez Natalie Perez Flores Nicholas Picazo Nova Pol Briana Ponce Cameron Powley Anthony Presas Cantero Amber Quijano Sabrina Quinonez Mejia Alahibukhsh Rafique Bello Angelina Ramirez Daniel Ramirez Jose Ramirez Estrella Ramirez Tovar Antonio Ramsey Jacob Refugio Aden Reyes Savannah Ribb Isaiah Rivera Namiyah Roberson Darrell Roberts Madisyn Robertson Sara Robles Elizabeth Robles Juachin Jareli Rodriguez Joana Rodriguez Karla Rodriguez Madison Rodriguez Valeria Rodriguez Jocelin Rodriguez Leon Annette Rojo Ruiz Olivia Romero David Rosa Damian Rosales Rylene Sky Rosales Edwing Ruiz Madison Ruiz Noah Ruiz Ingrid Salas Britany Salas Melgoza Wendy Salas Villanueva Miguel Salazar Sean Salazar Kailani Salcido Gerardo Salgado Jimenez Rodolfo Sambrano Nicole Sanborn Aryan Sanchez Isabelle Sanchez Johnny Sanchez Nancy Sanchez Robert Sanchez D’Mariae Sandlin Anna Marie Silva Nyeem Simmons Julian Simpson Edwin Sique Espinosa Savanna Sisneros Wynter Smith Ely Soto Fabian Soto Talli Souksamlane Jenesus St. Clair Ayla Strong Oscar Sualez Jessica Swick Adrian Tabita Lafayette Tatum Teshan Teachey Allan Tellez Isaac Tercero Amaya Torres LaZelle Tunstall Mirian Valdivia Andrew Valencia Giancarlo Valenzuela Liliana Valenzuela Skyler Van Order Maria Vargas Castillo Laurie Vasquez Angel Vazquez Bryant Vazquez Emily Vazquez Evyn Vega Ulysses Velarde Mauricio Velarde Leyva Citlali Velazquez Alejandro Villagrana Jr Tionna Vinson Jovany Jr Vivanco Solomon Vrablic Austen Whitman Kalil Whittle Grayson Willis Yesenia Winter Iyanna Wynne Jared Yanez Laneya Yarbrough Ethan Youler Monson Karla Zambrano Cynthia Zamora Orozco Perla Zapata Abraham Zavala Arabella Zavaleta Carly Andrassy Judah Barriga Jace Condie Hailey Eisenhauer Jasmine LeNoir Taylor Monfils Sophia Munoz Marley Nelson Nazaneen Purmul Emma Robles Emma Romo Mia Ron Emily Schober Madalyn Straight Emily Taylor Clay Woolridge Murrieta Canyon Academy Murrieta, CA Aliyah Acuna Connor Adams Angel Arreguin Victoria Bailey Vivica Barcelos Gabriel Barragan Joshua Basa Noah Bercasio Davon Blackstone Ryan Braisby Karley Broe Jasmine Brown Emma Burns Ryder Cabrera Daisha Cade Macey Campos Nolan Cerda Drake Cerveny Joshua Chavez Tyler Collins Daryl Davis Alex Ferguson Morrisey Flores Aniyla Gilbert Keegan Gomez Joseph Gonzalez-Torres Sierra Graham Joshua Heisterkamp Sienna Helsham Taylor Huda Julissa Jenchis Amar Kadhim Laylah Kelly Laia Khalaf Evan Knight Andrew Leal Ashley Linares Michael Madayag Destiny Marshall Diamond Marshall Christian Martinez Mia Mazzola Sean McFaddin Juan Mendoza James Mertens Anjelica Morel Hailey Munsey Aaron Nguyen Bridget OConner Ezra ONeill Kaylin Ordonez Noah Phillips Nikolas Ramirez Avery Redmon Elijah Reyes Jaylin Rivas Alexis Rodriguez Alexia Salomon Reagan (Waylon) Sandvigen Mya Santiago Ivana Serrano Guerrero Teryn Shaw Jeric Sieras Santpartap Singh Brandon Stone Daisy Tolento Lee Tran Madison Utesch Eliana Vazquez Santiago Villanueva Jaylyn Wakefield Kalika Weathers Londyn Worschell Murrieta Options Academy Murrieta, CA Siana Aquino Ulises Baeza Ankhpartap Bhinder Marco Cano Anthony Chase Kameron Clay Jacqueline Duncan Carina Ixta Joshua Jones Jacob Lewis Tyler Lockhart Sean Moss Nathan Nakagawa Kaydenn Wittry MCA Learn@Home Murrieta, CA Genevieve Branum Leticia Carbajal Terance Daniels Sonia Dhiman Yuri Gorbea Dwyane Neely Holly Remington Yesenia Stanley Murrieta Valley Adult School Murrieta, CA Valley News/HUSD courtesy photos
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Murrieta Mesa High School • Murrieta, CA

C-6 Valley News • • June 14, 2024
Jorge Abarca Sarah Abdel-Fattah Trent Eric Abrea David Abrego Isaiah Acosta Samantha Acosta Madison Adam Andrew Aden Jazmyn Agas Adan Aguilar Alora Aguilar Samantha Aguilar Damian Aguilera Seon Aguirre Fatima Ahmadzai Ma’Kayla Akin Jelnar Al Hafidh Yazn Al-Ani Jazelle Alarcon Vita Alatorre Rayna Alayvilla Angela Alba Madelyn Alden Levi Alderete Mya Aleman Kaitlyn Alexander Tyler Allen Adrian Alonso Kenya Alonzo Ethan Alriz Mya Alvarado Audrey Alvarez Gianluca Ammirata Trevor Anctil Savannah Anonical Haven Anozie Cel Rashed Arabejo Elissa Archambault-Jimenez Landon Archuleta Peyton Archuleta Tylee Armendariz Brandon Arreola John Assadi Nicholas Ault Kristian Austin Marco Ayala Ailet Ayala-Bonilla Piper Baes Alyze Baezcolon Leah Bailey Paige Bambarger Joshua Banks Joshua Bano Nevaeh Barnes Andrew Barone Leonardo Barone Brayden Barrett Shelly Barry Elise Baskerville Chad Beasley Kourtney Bedford Jax Bell Jonathan Benitez Joshua Benitez Mackenzie Bentum Caitlyn Bergh Erick Bert Hayden Beyer Kaden Bishop Elisa Bolado Ercoreca Brooklyn Borden Sarah Borges Kaycie Bowens Nathan Box Kyla Bozarth Belicia Bracamonte Gavin Breckenridge Keo Bridenbaker Brooklynn Bright Jaquion Brown Zion Brown Samuel Brumfield Kasey Brunner Gregory Brunson Alexis Buchberger Allyson Burford Sasha Burger Nathanael Burns Nathaniel Burton Marisa Cabrera Soto Mia Calderon Bryanis Calsada Mirabal Gabriel Calvo Kayden Camacho-Nava Julieann Camarena Liliana Cambray Diego Campos Elam Capen Erin Capen Julian Cardenas Jasmine Carrada Alexander Carranza Alonzo Carrillo Jeremiah Carter-Sigler Robert Cartmell Jazlynn Carvajal Luke Carver Anthony Cason Gage Cassidy John Castellanos James Cates Isaac Ceja Arthur Celestine Mia Cervantes Tamara Cervantes Alcantar Dorthy Chaidez Kaiya Chancey Mika Chapman Sandra Chavez Vivian Chavez Stella Chiodi Rilynn Christy Caly Carisse Cirilo Claire Clark Hayden Clark Madison Clarke Asher Cole Matthew Cole Amaije Collins Fletcher Milan Colonna Jace Condie Brandi Cook Anthony Copeland Ryan Corey Aliah Cortez Bella Cosio Camron Crisafi Asia Cross Thomas Crow Cooper Cunningham Charles Curry Daniel D’Alessandro Evan David Kaylin Davis Malia Davis Cassandra Dawson Riley Day Alonso D’Carpio Ava Delgado Erik Delgado Ethan Derouin April Diaz Cecilia Diaz Nathan DiOrio Jack Doucette Mathew Dristy Scott Dunham Adrian Duran Marcus Eaton Rihanna Edenburgh Tristan Edgeworth Roel Joshua Ejanda Nevaeh Elliott Luca Enriquez Capalbo Zoey Jasiel Escano Mia Escobar David Espinoza Anabella Chrislyn Estrella Dayna Evans Lorenzo Evans Jaylah Everett Diem-Kieu Everley Jose Luis Fajardo Fitch Patrick Falliaux Luke Felix Brayden Ferguson Daniel Flores Trinity Flores Rozlynn Fonseca Leiland Frank Samuel Frankenberger Selah Freeman Ava Fried Chanelle Friend Emma Fulkerson Kyah Gabel Julissa Gadson Isabella Gaeta Angelina Gallegos Andrew Garcia Arturo Garcia Gabriela Garcia Gavin Garcia Isabella Garcia Jaleene Garcia Johnathon Garcia Karlee Garcia Noeli Garcia Rajiv Garcia Reese Garcia Grace Garner Portia Garnsey Reid Gharring Jessica Ghattas Dezirae Gines Niyah Glover Chase Golden Jada Golovich Anthony Gomez Ashley Gomez Gustavo Gomez Isaiah Gomez Alexy Gonzalez Jonatan Gonzalez Campos Gabriel Gonzalez Ciganda Calvin Gray Jade Grear Natalie Greenwood Erika Griffin Andy Guerra Alejandro Guerrero-De La Cruz Richard Gugg Sophia Guimarin Cesar Gutierrez Vivian Haddock Jesse Ham Scott Ham Evan Hampton Bernardino Hansen Jake Harding Isaac Hardy Mykah Harkless Ryan Harrington Jayson Harris Hailey Harrison Faith Hartman Adelina Hayes Laney Heim Warren Henderson Arianna Hernandez Yhoell Hernandez Zuleyka Hernandez Evelyn Herrera Corey Herring Jr. Santiago Higuera Delgado Lichele Hines Keilanie Mae Hintay Dakoda Hobbs Danica Hobbs Ashton Holbert Kailyn Holtkamp Kameron Hunter-Coleman Payton Hutson MinhAnh Huynh Safi Iqbal Jacob Isenberg-Castorena Milton Jackson Elias Jacobo Taylor Jacobs Olivia Jaime Mason James Taysean Jamison Madeline Jaynes Hailey Jimenez Ashton Johnson Jocelyn Johnson Travis Johnson Andrew Jones Emerson Jones Kirsten Jones Nathan Jones Aldo Jurado Mejia Jessica Kauss Kyler Keesey Keagan Kelley Hunter Kennedy Kalee Kersting Kairi Kim Cassidy Kinard Alyssa King Shemarri Kirby Gavin Kirkish Tyler Kirshberg Alexander Kittle Matthew Klose Tanner Kohn Lukas Konradsson Benjamin Koo John Kornoff Ashlynn Koss Sophie Grace Kreiner Elina Kuang Shanttel Kyan Harlynn La Cava Zachary Lachica Matthew Inigo Laman Gavin Lane Madison Lardizabal Abigail Lauper Aaron Le Fever Nicholas LeBrescu Skylar Ledellaytner Gabriel Lee Keira Lee Samuel Leon Isabella Leon Contreras Sebastian Lindsey Ana Lizarraga Tapia Xsolai Llamas Martinez Luke Lofaro Jas Lopez Leonel Lopez Anna Lopez Cortina Charlene Lopez Flores Ley Loredo-Moran Denali Louden George Loutfi Z Love DeMonte Lowe Alex Lugo Janessa Luna Natalie Luna Sophie Luyen Chaylee Lynn Charlie Maciel Nathan Macomber Clayton Maddox Chloe Magana Corey Maguire Juliet Makwakwa Tyra Manassa Erick Manzano-Cervantes Adrian Marquez Jordan Marquez Luke Marquez Myael Martin Avery Martinez Cale Martinez Declan Martinez Juan Martinez Kailee Martinez Kenneth Martinez Marvin Martinez Forrest Marzano Zachery Mccoy Nayima Mckissic Cordelia McMurray Maria Kristina Mejares Azil Melchor Andrea Mendez Isaac Mendez Micah Mercier Elijah Metoyer Connor Milburn Madison Miller Nathan Miller Hunter Millett Abigale Minsch Alejandro Miramontes Kyndall Mocniak April Molano Francis Molina Sean Mond Miranda Moore Craig Moran Lloyd Morgan Westin Morley Anna Moroz Stephanie Moscoso Sonya Mota Ryan Mousa Milad Moussa Parker Mozingo Aiden Mulick Ava Mullen Aiden Murasmith Mikah Naranjo Landen Nava Samantha Ashelin Nepomuceno Kaylie Nguyen Makayla Nguyen Taiden Nguyen Cianna Nieto Jaycee Angelo Nocon Reagan Oberheu David Ocampo Keaton O’Coyne Arran Odedra Hunter Oehlert Precious Oguamah Aubrey Olson Sky-Bella Olson Landen Olvera Asma Omari Ifeanyi Onye Chikamso Orji Connor O’Rourke Evan Orozco Jared Orozco Larissa Ortiz Charles Osterhout Julio Osuna Andres Padilla Cesar Paredes Madison Parker Caleb Parmelee Joaquin Parraz Charles Parreno Luyao Daniel Pasillas Danny Pastrana Jacob Pastrana Mariah Paterson Aidan Patten Kaitlyn Patterson Asa Paul Mia Peart Brandon Pemberton Keilani Pemberton Caleb Penagos Naomi Pendleton Sabrina Pendleton Andrew Penwarden Alexandria Perea Sandy Perez McKenzie Petersen Sara Pezzoni Johnny Pham Ethan Phillips Zoe Piche’ Noah Pilar Cole Pillen Talan Pina Daniel Pirlogea Hailey Pittman Caleb Pond Zena Powell Victoria Prado Leilani Preciado Bailey Queen Esteban Quinonez Alejandro Ramirez Amari Ramirez Antonio Ramirez Andres Ramirez Briones Kevin Ramirez Rodriguez Melanie Ramos Dylan Raymond Eddie Reed Bryce Reese Natalie Reichold Jack Reinertson Warren Kyle Requieron Irais Reyes Irene Reyes Joivanie Reyes Keira Reyes Berniece Reyna Larken Rhead Mason Ritter Adrian Rivas Kadelyn Rivera Katelyn Rivera Gavin Robinson Ariana Robles Ventura Andy Rodriguez Danielle Rodriguez Gabriella Rodriguez Isabella Rodriguez Raymond James Rodriguez Lizet Rojas Payton Rolfe Alex Roman Jocelynn Romo Maya Rosenberg Ahryella Rosendo Kaden Ross Lola Rowland Skylar Roznos Cameron Rudis Ezekiel Ruelas Mattison Russell Betzy Saenz Dylan Safemaster Daisy Salamanca
Class of 2024
Mckenzie Swickla Myrissa-Faith Takawo Ilse Tarango Benjahmin Tejuoso Erick Tello-Sanchez Yasmine Temsamani Preston Thompson Tyler Thompson Kalina Thrasher Tahis Torres Mark Torretti Valiant Tran Victoria Tristan Adrian Trower Emma Trpevski Matthew Trujillo Rilie Tull Emily Tung Dylan Tuntakit Benjamin Utley Gianina Uway Ariel Valdez Rene Valdez Tene Roman Vallejo Luke Van Den Berg Teagan Van Gaale Austin Van Patten Weston Van Soest Steven Vazquez Nia Vela Ulises Velarde Stephen Velasquez Logan Vigil Jesus Gerardo Villafuerte Regina Villafuerte Tara Kassandra Violanta Lance Vitte Landon Vitte Haley Wallquist Reagan Walsh Hannah Ward Cody Warner Brooklyn Watson Ruby Welch Sydney Welke Dylan Wellcome Ethan Whitehead Ciena Williams Jordan Williams Mason Williams Jayden Willis Chloe Woolley Sasha Wu Ava Ycaza Eleanor Yokel Stephanie Zamora Fatima Zavala Martinez Zerui Zhang Mason Zimmerman Angelina Abbo Zarka Abou Amr Aboueldahab Brandon Abrajano Jozelynn Acosta Madison Adams Landon Adkison Marcelo Aguayo Xander Aguirre Yusr Al Badrany Matthias Alcaraz Mesk Alkaabi Alyssa Alumbres Aswut Alvarez Giomar Alvarez Ramirez Noah Alzubaidi Nathan Amorin Doneisha Anson William Antista Collin Applegate Dylan Applegate Trenton Arballo Emma Arellano-Homan Amber Arenas Maggie Arens Francisco Arias Elijah Arnold Alexis Arteaga Jillian Aspan Martin Lochlainn Atwood Joshua Au Josiah Autman Evan Ayala Emjay Ayson Brandy Babcock-Hannah Joan Badillo Deijah Bailey Rory Bailey Arthur Balayants Kristina Balayants Haylie Barber Zoey Barboza Sierra Barker Jayda Barnett Karen Barragan Vargas John Basaly Syrhene Batac Oniver Batenga Christian Battle-Simpson Brady Baydo Aubree Baza Nicholas Bazan Brenden Beauchamp Micah Beaudry Hana Bedard Kristen Bellfi Camila Bello Riley Bendel Trussy Bernardez Zaaria Bickley Griffin Billings Brooke Blair Samarra Blake Cameron Bojarski Joseph Bommarito Autman Alexander Bonaguro Kane Bonano-Conlin Joseph Bonifacio Nathan Borak Abigail Borrego Trinity Boston Sabrina Bougatba Nattaly Bounyavong Clara Boyer Darren Bradbury Jasmyn Bradley Wesley Bragg Nicholas Branch Che Bravo Chloe Briote-Johnson Rafael Brito Mikaella Brock Jordan Brooks Arianna Brown Jaida Brown Keturah Brown Nyah Brown Robert Brown Summer Brown Destiny Bryant-Collier Nicolas Burkeen Hannah Burrow Tristan Busto Jolie Buyson Ferdeliza Caballero Carter Cacciatori Alexandria Caceres Matthew Ryan Calimlim Michele Callejas Bea Anjeline Calma Annabelle Caloca Madeline Calvert Juliana Calvi Arianna Jayne Marie Camagong Genesis Carreno Federico Carrillo Nathan Carroll Nadia Casados Morgan Casillas Kyla Castaneda Christina Castillo Ruby Castillo Katrina Catalan Tyler Chaffin Macie Chaich Xzavier Chancay Ashuntae-Myles Chandler Esteban Chavarria Zaiba Choudhury Jade Anne Chua Skye Chung Edy Cisneros Sanchez Brooklyn Clark Sydney Clark Christopher Cline Connor Coats Sofia Coburn Logan Colmer Jasmyn Conde Elijah Contreras Connor Copeland Kaela Copeland Ivette Cordova Nathan Cornel Steven Corona-Arias Brooklyn Coronado Leanard Ian Corpuz Cecilia Cortez Lillie Cosby Mia Cosio Landon Coulter Mark Craig Tristan Cuellar Brianna Cueva Gracie Cummins Brady Curran Kellie Curran Erich Czech Jake Daarstad Gabriel Dadivas Deshon Dampeer Reece-Ivann Dancel Keith Dargie Jasmine Dasaur Isaiah Dawson Tyrone Troy de Castro Danika De la Cruz Diego De La Cruz Kaila De Los Reyes Angelina Dehni Logan Delgado Natalie Delgado Nathaniel Jorge Deming Isabella DePhilippis Axl DesRoberts Gwennyth Dewhirst Eva Diaz Kainalu Dilliner Haley Dinh Tiffany Dinh Michael Diorio Alejandro Dominguez Gadiel Dominguez Leilah Dominguez Eric Donald Maddox Dornner Zaida Douglas Zoie Douglas Jaden Drago Israel Duggan Kyrie Dulaney Malaya Dulin D’Angelo Duncan Clara Dungao Kai Dunn Peyton Dunnicliffe Miguel Duron Amira Duson Alyssa Duval Ekene Ebizie Caliana Edwards Charity Edwards Dalin Edwards Kiari Edwards Zachary Edwards Alana Elliott Joshua Elliott Alyssa Elwart Tyler Endsley Alyssa Equihua Isabella Escobedo Victoria Esparza Juliet Estrada Karissa Estrada Selesina Faaagi Lauren Faber Joshua Falls Alexia Fannin Haris Faruqi Aspen Fears Matthew Feng Seth Fernandez Melanie Fernandez Lara Madeleine Ferrell Emily Fierro Daniella Flexen Carizma Flores Paulina Flores Riley Flores Donovan Ford Gabriel Fore Zailinn Foster Christian Frey Anne Fronk Kathryn Fryer Giovanni Fuentes Marin Furukuwa Jasmine Fuston Kailana Gabriel Reichel Gabriel Merin Gadelkarim Koralynn Gagucas Leilani Galarneau Tiffany Galima David Galvan Zaylah Galvan-Moreland Christian Garcia Giuliana Garcia Madeline Garcia Mariela Garcia Roberto Garcia Genevieve Geil Tanner Gelinas Madison Gilbert Owen Gilbert Kerissa Gilles Gabriel Alan Go Gavin Goethe Tristyn Goff Andrew Gomez Gina Gomez Matthew Gomez Aryanna Gonzales Isaiah Gonzales Clarissa Gonzalez Gianna Gonzalez John Gonzalez Jorge Gonzalez Kaylee Gonzalez Mari Gonzalez Matias Gonzalez De Orense Henry Gonzalez Gutierrez Courtney Goodner Jacqueline Gordon Emily Grandsinger Abigail Gratrix Ciara Green Kacey Green Rose Green Nicole Grending Nikolas Grijalva Jacob Grindeland Jordan Gross Luna Guadarrama Kobayashi Reese Guerra Brody Guinn Conner Guinn Jacob Gutierrez Landon Gutierrez Miles Gutierrez Karla Gutierrez Coward Miah Guzman Alexandria Hacke Mohammad Edris Hakimi Abegail-Fe Hall Kimberly Hamilton Johnathan Han Delyla Hanlon Alyssa Hansen Tate Hansen Catelyn Hanson Madelyn Hanson Vanessa Haro Adrien Harris Jasmin Harris Jordan Harris Katelynn Harrison Nathan Harrison Mia Harte Belle Hatchel Alanah Hawkins Middlebrooks Seth Haynes Benjamin Heisel Izsabella Henderson John Henderson Natalie Henderson Olivia Henderson Taylor Henning Megan Herbert Andrew Herder Michelle Hermosillo Arreola Damian Hernandez Jocelyn Hernandez Karen Hernandez Sophia Erin Hernandez Joshua Herrera Dashiell Hicks Kennedy Higgins Destini Higuera Kennadie Hilton Beau Hocking Alexa Hoff Anthony Hogan Jake Hogue Levi Holcomb Linden Holland Fiona Holloway Cameron Holmes Alexi Horta Corona Zhiren Hou Alison Huff Madison Hughes Hannah Huntington Ruby Huntington Alyssa Huynh Julia Hwang Nicholas Ibarra Manar Ibrahim Denise Iniguez Zachary Irawan Cadence Jach Jaylen Jackson-Washington Lauren Jacob Mia Jacobo Elijah Jacobs Joseph Jahshan Alexandrea James Rebecca James Reina James Ronnie James Riley Jarrett Piper Jewell Yuxuan Jia Alyah Jimenez Mariah Jimenez Abigail Johnson Hayden Johnson Maiya Johnson Ayden Jones Jacob Jones Seth Jones Bryan Jordan Hernan Gabriel Joya Rene Juarez Saki Kahihikolo Yuki Kahihikolo Andrew Kaiser Kiana Kano Mitchell Kaplan Aiden Karrer Sharon Karuku Emily Kearney Tristan Keener Taylor Keller Charles Khor Milani Khoury Korey Kiesow Evan Kim Myleigh Kim Sasha King Tye King Kaden Kipper Jack Koebrick Ian Konno Jaehee Koo Donavan La Crue Jennifer LaBriola Christian Lagrimas Micah Lam Natalie Laming Isabella Langmo Liam Latteri Kohen Laugtug Jose Laureano-Colon Eileen Lee Justin Lee Diego Leon Matthew Lewandowski Madison Lewis Tae’Lyn Lewis Sa Li Christine Joyce Librojo Pandy Lieng Ian Linares Lila Linares Yvette Linares Rain Linsday Carter Lister-Looker Kaitlyn Little Nathan Lizama Riya Lleverino Martinez A’Zaria London Jaden Long Kyleigh Longo Brandon Longoria Amaury Lopez Brandon Lopez Cecilia Lopez Evalynn Lopez Jasmine Lopez Gretel Lopez Garcia Joel Lorenzana Karen Lorenzo Villegas Kemlie Louis Riley Lovell Abraham Lucero Carlos Luevanos Vanessa Lujan Aidan Lundgren Zenaide Lunn Samantha Lupian Emenie Macea Pierce Macken Logan MacLeod Rene Madrid Ryann Madrid Stacey Magallon Acosta Alejandro Magana Jenna Magana-Davila Alena MaGee Angel Mai Malcolm Jacob Malabanan Madison Maloney Saniyah Manalac Kahlea Manalang Ashton Manes Sean Preston Manglal-Lan Andrew Mares Samantha Mares Enrique Marks Isabela Marquez Corbin Marroquin Faith Marshall Kamel Marshall Kohen Marshall Haley Martin Ashley Martinez Bianca Martinez Jacqueline Martinez Kristofer Martinez Marissa Martinez Sara Martinez Rheo Matibag Mikayla Mattes Jared Matthews Annabelle Mayfield Cesar Mayorga Kasey Mayorquin Aidan McCain Alexandra McCann Ava McClintock Logan McGinnis Jayla McKnight Lynda McQueen Madelyn Medina Mayra Medina Connor Meeks Peyton Mendelkow Alexandra Mendez Devin Mendez Izabella Mendez Hailey Mendoza Madelyn Mendoza Cano Matthew Mesa Aaron Meyer Lyla Miller Kaitlyn Mills Kaya Millward Riley Miner Lucas Miranda Hazel Mireles Samantha Mladinich Miranda Moisa Cynthia Molina Derek Mongkol Enrique Montes Joey Montes Lilliana Montes Luis Montes Mariana Montiel Hernandez Alenn Jean Montilla Brayden Moore Emily Moore Julian Moore Kyleigh Moore Alexa Mora Mojda Moradi Aiden Morales Robert Moran Aaron Moreno Theophilus Morris Chloe Mounts Iroda Muhammadiyeva Mathew Mundo Mariah Munoz Briana Murphy Emily Namvong David Naranjo Emilio Nava Kiley Navarro Zachary Navarro Michael Navedo Lillian Naylor Christiana Mae Nazareno Marley Nelson Eva Nevares Kaitlyn Newby Angelia Nguyen Jessica Nguyen Timothy Nguyen Lily Nichols Destin Nie Aiden Nieto-Barba Jeslyn Noimanivone Rowen Noon Stella Norman Ellery Norwood Maximilian Norwood Tyler Noteboom Ethan Nuechterlein Koside Nwafor Josiah Ocampo Jose Ochoa Liliana Ochoa Ammon O’Hara Nyla O’Neal Alan Ortega Melinda Ortega Alina Ortiz Talia Ott Dallas Owens Alexandria Oyawale Gabriel Jacob Pacquing Alyssa Padilla-Zamora Johanna Palmario Naleeah Papillion Seyeon Park Cherish Parker Jayden Pasquale Allan Luis Patawaran Anthony Pelayo Julio Pena Mendoza Alyssa Perez Noah Perkins Emanuel Perry Khang Pham Angelina Phimmasouk Lance Phomsouvandara Matthew Phrakonekham Michael Pierson Matiss Platacis Sandra Pollack Nicholas Porrazzo Emyli Portillo Peyton Post Kylie Potter Brandon Powell Desiree Price Sierra Price Mikayla Puentes Alyson Pulsipher Joseph Queriapa Christian Quindoy Emily Quintana Mia Quiroz Nora Quiroz Jaylin Raboteau Aylin Ramirez Danielle Reese Ramirez Denise Ralei Ramirez Diego Ramirez Kriscia Ramirez Mia Ramirez Melanie Ramirez Chaparro Astrid Ramirez Sanchez Nathan Raya Mackenzie Rechnitzer Lane Reed Nicholas Regal Jesus Revilla Haleigh Reyes Jon Paul Reyes Belen Reyes Macias Kayla Reyst Hayes Riche Curtis Riley Christian Rius Francisco Rivas Kaelyn Rivera Maisy Rivera Nalani Rivera Bailey Roberts Lily Roberts Cameron Robinson Kaila Robinson Tatianna Robinson Alanis Rocha Emma Rodgers Adrian Rodriguez Arianna Rodriguez Diego Rodriguez Jorge Rodriguez Juan Rodriguez Marisa Rodriguez Katherine Roe Isabella Rojas Naomi Romero Jaden Rosales Josh Adrian Rosas Arianna Rosen Brandt Ross Lexa Ross Nadia Rountree Branden Ruano Alexander Ruiz Cynthia Ruiz Sophia Ruiz Amaya Russell Autumn Russell Jaiden Russo David Ruth Jack Rutherford Brycen Ruud Cole Ryan Jenna Saavedra Kalia Sabri Dillan Jaeden Sacayanan Joshua Sage Lynnea Salanga Jolette Salazar George Steven Saldana Daniel-Kyle Sales Helene Salinas Samara Salmen Xabina Mari Salvador Lauren Sammon Alesandros Sanchez Alexis Sanchez Beau Sanchez David Sanchez Jazlyn Sanchez Sarai Sanchez-Monroy Kaitlyn Sandee Manuel Sandoval Audrey Sannipoli Xylise Santiago Brenden Sapanza Cameron Saphanthong Mia Sarmiento Logan Sarner Marwa Saydee Lucas Schaefer Amanda Schlesener Mason Scholz Benjamin Schumann Alex Scoby Brice Scott Elia Seltzer Ella Semmens Aubrey Sharp David Shehata Ayden Shepard Elijah Shereef Robinson Julia Shinn Mariam Shonoda Kaylee Shultz Cyrille Anne Siadto Tobias Siapno Emoree Smith Jordan Smith Vanessa Smith Mackenzie Snell Kate Soler Jake Soliday Janice Soliman Luis Sosa Edwin Soto Brianna Souther Kendrick Souvannavong Trinity Sparks Jaylen Spencer Michael Spencer Carissa Spendler Rylie Staggs Jeremy Stahl Sebastian Stapleton Emma Steffens Jenaya Stephen Preston Stevenson Caleb Stites Leila-Angeline Stockert Gia Stokes Zane Stokes Duncan Stoller Spencer Stout Caitlin Stroud Curran Stroud Ashlyn Suekoff Marina Sultan Conner Sybrandy Michael Tabura Bryan Taduran Ai Takashima Adriana Tamez Grace Tarrant Siupeli Tava Bailey Taylor Jessica Taylor Joseph Telly Makayla Therien Angyl Thomas Alexandar Thompson Alisha Thompson Sophia Thompson Elijah Tipantasig Jonathan Torres Michael Torres Santana Torres Basima Toukhi Troy Tracey Nolan Trahan Huy Tran Ricky Tran Nian Traywick Samuel Treptow Aisleen Trudel Raymond Tuazon Caden Turner Chance Turner Andre Tyler Joshua Ulate Annabella Valdez Kelly Michael Valencia Aleira Valenzuela Ashley Valle Natalie Asia Valle Christopher Varela Alexander Vega Emiliano Venegas-Torres Ryan Vergara Miliani Villarreal Callista Villasenor Andrew Vinh Marielle Vinskey Frieda Von Zutel Sadaf Waheed Nakiya Wakefield Lundynn Walker Penelope Waller Rylee Walsh Averie Walters Jeremiah Ware Averie Warren Blake Washburn Ariana Weary Molly Weaver Chase Weisbrod Madelynn Westmoreland Ellisa Westrich Ian Wheeler Lindsey White Michael White Joshua Whiteman Camryn Whitlock Isaac Whitlock Alison Wierson Jace Wilderspin Marie Wiley-Henson Roosevelt Wilkins Samantha Will Jalen Williams Joshua Williams Kealohilani Williams Christopher Wojtkowski Ivy Wong Alex Woode Alexander Yang Elizabeth Yeats Thyla Yim Sierra Young Zeinab Zaid Adrian Zavala Lilianna Zavala Dominick Zermeno Mei Jiayun Zhou Vista Murrieta High School • Murrieta, CA
School class of 2024 graduates wait to receive their diplomas. Murrieta Mesa High School graduates celebrate as they receive their diplomas. Valley News/Shane Gibson photos Murrieta Mesa High School class of 2024 valedictorian Elina Kuang speaks to her peers and guests attending the graduation ceremony. Kenydi Salas Melanie Salazar Awan Salih Agha Owen Samples Ariana Sanchez Millie Sanchez Balderas Ximena Sanclemente Gonzalez Isabella Sandi Xavier Sarabia Samantha June Sardilla Sophia Sasa Jonathon Sauer Ryleigh Schemp Maya Schlotthauer Tyler Schneider Caden Scott Devin Scripps Tristan Seaton Alivia Selby Sofia Serrano Emma Serrato Ashton Sicard Ricardo Sierra Julian Silva Logan Silva Heather Slaten Atiyana Smith Ella Smith Connor Snethen Erika Sola Samantha Soldevilla Alejandro Solis Michael Solomon Madison Soratos Alexa Sotelo Mya Soto Malia Sousounis William Spaid Clara Spock Madison Stawinski Brett Stevenson Ethan Stilwell Christian Stokes Mikaila Stone Nathan Story Natalie Strada Sophia Suitor Justin Swearingen
Murrieta Mesa High School class 2024 graduates are seated during their graduation, May 30. Murrieta Mesa High | 1 Town Square, Murrieta, CA 92562 | 951-304-2489 2024 Graduates! Thank you for being an important part of the Murrieta community. Your future is bright! C-7 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News Murrieta Valley High School • Murrieta, CA Class of 2024 Julia Lee Cathcart Atom Ace Mellizo Faith McKenzie Rentar Madison Noelle Spencer Logan Quinn Stephens Isaiah Julian Alvarado Danielle Erika Alvarez Sophia Mary Amparan Alexander James Anderson Jr. Landon Wade Anderson Mikayla Renee Anthony Neveiah Rose Aranda Zeth Angel Arceo Allyssa Arias Mathias Anthony Arias Alyssa Armenta David Edward Arredondo Jaiden Drew Artiga Joseph Nicholas Avalos Del Cid Jaymes Eugene Avina Amanda Lee Aylward Jacob William Aylward Yunes Khalid Azzam Kyle Minoru Babaoka Elijah Anthony Badillo Reese Madison Ballou Anna Katherine Barba Lopez Madison Paige Barber Sofia Barraza Lydia Mae Barreda Isaac Barrera Mason Aurelio Barriga Kayla Paola Barrios Deysy Barron Zuniga Jordan Angel BarronMondragon Parker Michael Batterton Caeli Marie Battista Andrew Jacob Bauer Brendon Alexander Beare Cole David Bechtold Raegan Nicole Bechtold Holly Vercilia Begay Joy Alexis Belger Alejandro Maximus Beltran Jr. Landen Kirk Bender Seth Edward Benson Sydney Karma Beres Dustin Lawrence Bertoch Lyla Jean Black Jacob Peter Boggs MacKenzie Michelle Bolick Elsa Genevieve Borgerding Joshua Eric Bradley Anabella Renae Brancato Nathan Antonio Bravo Jackson Coleman Brawner Nathan Robert Brown Savannah Elizabeth Brown Kylie Rose Burgans Johnathan Aaron Delcampo Burlinson Christina Julie Anne Burnham Aaron James Butler Mary Elizabeth Butz Marco Philip Cabebe Larry Jair Cabrera Lucas Diego Cabrera Hailee Jade Cagle Catherine Hegarty Calderon Alexa Bella Camberos Bella Clemintyne Carattini Sela Autumn Carmouche Angelina Carrillo Lily Amaya Carrizales Alana Taylor Carter Giulia Casarola Jacob Jason Casillas James Isaac Castellanos Damien Moses Pilpil Castillo Joan Sebastian Castillo Matthew Castillo Nathan Castillo Esteban Andres Castro Anella Sofia Ceballos Ava Rose Cervantes Hailey Shea Chastain Logan Maxwell Chatelain Asa Kennedy Chatman Jared Chavez-Nava Rylee Lynn Chenal Mia Elizabeth Chriss Conner James Christensen Gianna Mary Chute Gabriella Marina Cinnamo Chloe Anne Clayton Cheyenne Reyne Cline Liam Jonathan Coleman Robbi Denise Colson Dylan Alan Conklin Francisco Javier Gutierrez Cornejo Diana Fernanda Cornejo Gomez Matthew Corona Anson Davis Couron Katya Elise Cross Michael Leo Cruz-Ortega Emonie Sakari Cunningham Yulissa Elizabeth Cusworth Isabella Marie Dadalt Ariana Soraya DadSeresht Kathryn Samantha Dadseresht Matthew James Dameron Briana Elizabeth Daphness Nathan Alexander Davila Landon Avery Davis Towa Davis Fernando Delgado Tristan Dryx Delgado Aidan Chistopher Deschene Taylor Renee Devaney Adison Jean Devey Chloe Marie Dibble Alyssa Elaine Diephouse Kaia Dior Dobbins Lauren Annalia Doepping Christopher Liam Doolittle Aji Sahvan-Ali Dowdell Parker Scott Dresman Lawson James Driscoll Emma Elizabeth Droulard Carson Scott Dulaney Carlie Rae Duvall Jaymeson Cade Early Aiden Ryan Earnhart Cadence Royce Ebert Mikayla Priscilla Echavez Nickolas Horikawa Elizondo Madison Clara Ann Ellsworth Liana Amar Elmir John Charles Emmerling Isis Enriquez Raniel River Siapno Esteves Gia Sigourney Estrada Payton Lea Evans Toetu Taala Faoliu Brianna Marie Fasheh Roberto Rocco Federici Raul Feregrino Ronaldo Dario Fernandez Gianna Marie Ferrera Brenda Figueroa Natalye Isabella Figueroa Roman Daultry Fitt Bradley James Fleming Arizette Flores Christopher Julian Flores Mario Johnnie Flores Rylee Nicole Fonte Ayden Robert Ford Madison Marie Ford John Fredrick Carl Fox VI Isabella Dawn Fravel Robert James Gallardo Carlos Condido Gallegos Diego Alekzander Garcia Natalie Lauren Garcia Eliana Garcia De Luna Francis Nocon Garduno Luke Michael Gargalis Jesiah Jonathan Generoso James Jay George IV Jordan Adel Georgy Joseph George Ghossain Brayden Steven Gilpin Allie Elise Goetz Mason Blade Gonzales Zachery James Gonzales Andres Gonzalez Leonardo Jose Gonzalez Jake Joseph Gonzalez-Waite Ferdinando Giovanni Granda Luis Alberto Granda Danielle Jennifer Gray Elliott Paul Grisso Katelyn Olivia Grochowski Jazmin Lissett Guajardo Matthew Lawrence Tabios Guarin Gilberto Guerrero III Gabriela Valentina Guerrero Dagnino Regina Maria Guillen Negrete Ronja Amanda Nike Karolin Gunnarsson Nial Zofia Mahin Hame DaMarcus Ray Hammond Katelyn Elizabeth Hankins McKenzie Lynne Hannon Tyler Randle Hanson Tessa Yaneng Hao Evan James Harding Jack David Harper Anja Adaline Harris Dante Malik Harris Grant Joseph Harrison Katarina Dawn Harrison Courtney Renee Harshaw Rylin Rae Hart John Alan Haseltine Hannah Said Hassan Robert Daniel Havens Austin James Haynes Hang Yue He Lexis Natalya Henry Hunter Gail Hensley Kaylee Marie Henson Kylee Rose Hepinger Damian Marcos Hernandez Harley Luis Hernandez Ivan Hernandez Silas Miles Hernandez Hernan Hernandez Gutierrez Anaid Victoria HernandezOntiveros Aidan Hever Josephine Anneliese Hinnemann Luke Alexander Hinton Sydney Nicole Hopkin Coleman McClain Howe Channing Lanae Hubby Christopher Miguel Huerta Mark Huezo Zion Lael Hughes Brayden Ben Hymas Anthony Alfonso Ibarra Collin Alexander Ingram Amelia Isabella IrachetaMagana Celeste Javira Isas Jenny Isas Henry Robert Jackson Mitchel Pierce Jackson Klarity Elizabeth Jakobsen Mika Christiaan Jansen Adrian Israel Jasso Emily Katherine Jenkins Evan Jose Jimenez Noah Kurtis Johnson Brady Michael Jones Kelsey Raye Jones Ariana Rose Julian Joshua Scott Kelly Curtis Kenneth Kemp Brooklynn Anna Kenney Taylor Nicole Kessler Katelyn Kalina Khamchanthavixay Aleena Nayab Khan Farhan M Khan Paige Lauren Kirby Paige Eleanor Kircher Hannah Louise Klobetanz Mia Carmel Knibb Christopher-Rene Rheese Knight Josiah Alexander Kortenhoeven Anisa Arianna Essiaba Krampah Ava Elisabeth Kraus Chloe Michelle Krauss Collin David Kuzma Hayley Nicole Langston Eli Aaron Lanzillo Cody James Large Damon Robert Lauritzen Devin Albert Lazo Justin Jaisada Lee Isabell Gabriela Leon Hunter Boss Letua Ryder Everett Kendall Lewis Trevor Patrick Lewis Izabella Rose Leyba Ethan Michael Li Sofia Elle Lieberman Victor Nimi Likita Leilani Amaya Lindley Aislinn Grace LindseyStenberg Kyle Rylex Anor Litonjua Hailey Jean Lopez Olivia Marie Lopiccolo Alaia May Lorenzen Jacob Cole Loving Natasha Michaellynn Lubanko Jonathan Donald Lysiak Dante Abieras Macaranas Thomas Kelly Macias Selena Beatriz Madrid Graeden Olivia Maietta Kayleigh Ann Majchrzak Amelia Alma Mansch Davit Manukyan Thalia Esperanza Manzo Oliviah Selene Marron Leala Kadin Marsteller Skylar Lucile Martin Alyssa Nicole Martin Del Campo Aidan Julian Martinez Bella Atiana Martinez Isabelle Diana Martinez Scarlett-Belle Maria Martinez Andrea Nicolle Martinez Villalta Sicilia Ann Martins Andera Rose Mason Joleena Mauro Zayd Elias Mayar April Jenn Mayoral Jackson Taylor Mayorgas Carson Joe Mazzotta Marco Ferdinando McAfee Brayden Caleb McClellan Corey James McClung Riley Thomas McCoy Autumn Jean McDonald Dillon Travis McDonald Daxton Richard McDowell Paisley Ann McLaughlin Rainn Michael McMillan Samara Ayanna McNeal Andres Ricardo Mejia Jr. Diego Sebastian Mejia-Duran Serenity Paige Melgoza Ryan Tyler Mestas Madison Marie Meyer Kimberly Jan Miller Marlee Belle Miller Ernest Dean Moldenhauer Lauren Madison Mole Adrian Marcel Mondesir Emalyne Jaden Montanchez Sybila Kayleen Montano Jaden Montes Declan James Montez Desiree Danielle Morales Ruby Angelica Morales Jaeden Evan Moreno Alesandro Glenn Morrow Aubrey Rose Morrow Malik Michael Morton Florian Leander Mueller Heidi Joy Mueller Rayna Marie Mullan Bianca Victoria Munoz James Matthew Mycroft Nathan Kawika Nakagawa Naomi Kailani Nakano Daniel G Namkung Gina G Namkung Jayden Jose Nava Amber Holzer Nelson Matthew Nguyen Nathan Thanh Nguyen Valerie L Nieto Alyssa Nieves Mason Leeland Nolta Christianne Eileen Norlin Jack Riley Norris Lucca Mateo Ocanto Gavin Joseph Ochoa Daniel Christopher Oldfield Eric Adam Oliva Jr. Angelo Russell Oliverio Jr. Jose Miguel Olivo Emre Can Oral Seyda Nur Oral Elijah Anthony O’Reilly Alexander Augustine Orozco Amy Orozco Susana Elisa Orozco Andres Josue Ortuno Penelope Gisselle Oswald Esosa Ed Owens Ralph Sebastian Pagulayan Chloe Suhaye Paredes Aaron Gyuwan Park Riley Charles Parkes Lucas Ryan Parks Claire Elizabeth Parsons Lucas Joseph Payne Easton William PearsonSwenson Anika Hope Pedersen Emily Nicole Pegram Dominic Paul Pellegrino Alexis Nicole Pennello Jillian Deanna Pepper Garrett Anthony Perez Joseph Alexander Perez Anna Le Pham Ethan Ty Phillips Natalie Renea Phillips Ellie Desiree Phomavong Isaac Piedra Julia Colette Pilotte Daniel Jose Pineda Savannah Joy Porter Anthony Carlos Potts Nigel Neal Prasad Aric Kyle Quinones Frank Joseph Quinones Ana Victoria Rabago Giordana Rabie Tuesta Levi Allen Racobs Julian Preston Rangel Paige M Rawls Angel Adan Razo Elijah Kent Reading Parker Scott Remp Luke Bicaldo Requejo Teresito Ombina Reyes Tyler Michael Reynolds Brooke Lynn Rich Savannah Lee Rich Brylee Maryellen Richter Hannah Noel Riddle Maya Jordan Rindahl Brooklyn Ross Rinehart Amy Marie Rivera Evan Samuel Rivera Isaiah Emmanuel Rivera Ashley Sue Roberts Tyson Drake Roberts Gisele Diane Robinson Makenzie Faith Robinson Cesar Alexander Rocha Robert Scott Rodaway Carlos Jovanni Rosario Christian Rosas Martines Jayden Euan Rose JayJay Thia Jr Rose Cassandra Santos Rosete Natalie Elizabeth Ross Marissa Sky Ruiz Serenity Shaylee Runnells Victoria Alexisa Senoria Rushing-Simmons Brandon Lee Ryan Elijah Thomas Saenz Brian Shane Salazar Nicholas Chavez Salazar Landon Edward Sams Lainey Dayana Sanchez Figueroa Ryder Burton Sands-Tabata Anastasia Santiago Carson Louis Saucier IV Sophie Jean Saylor Matthew Ryan Scanaliato Katherine Le Schoffstall Victoria Elizabeth Schultz Bailey Anne Schumacher Steven Joseph Schutz Olivia Ann Schweizer Hannah Marie Scott Jaylon Nasir Scott Madison Marie Sears Tatum Rose Sena Logan Read Shellenbaum Tyler Lee Shifflet Isabella Lean Librando Smart Cadence Marie Smith Chenoa Chelane Smith Christian William Smith Corinne Aubrey Smith Jacob Edward Smith Kaylie Ann-Grace Smith Cole Scott Sorensen Lillian Dakota Speed Ashley Jade Spicer Chelsey Lee Spraggins Maxwell James StanzioneWood Seth Gabriel Stenson Sierra Grace Stenson Seylah Belle Stephens Shaun William Stoll Jr. Payton Skye Stratford Sidney Ann Strid Rose Mary Isabella Stubbs Audrey Faith Sullivan Lacie Marie Sullivan James De Los Santos Sumilang Tatiana Alexi Monique Svitak Sydney Marie Taksas Dominic Francis Taverrite Maliya Lelani Taylor Bryce Alec Terhune Gavin James Terrian Kyle James Thompson Bella Catherine Tiburzio Jayden Marques Tienda Summer Rose Timm Franki Estuardo Tomas Jacinto Zenobi Torian Nicolette Valyntina Townsend Ashlynne Brenna Trafton Ryan Minh Nhut Trinh Samantha Lauren Troester Dustin Michael Ullrich Sarah Jabeen Vali Isabella Gabrielle Vallejo Alex Aguilar Lemus Damaris Aguirre Jorge Aguirre Jaqueline Ahamd Alikhan Aidarkhanov David Alaniz Steven Alcazar Lawrence Alcibar Ashley Alegria Arechiga Eliceo Alfaro Rodriguez Vincent Alvarez Zuleima Alvarez Angelica Alvarez Gonzalez Juan Alvarez Jr Valerie Amezcua Brandon Anastacio Diego Andrade Nicholas Appleford Hailey Arenas Cesar Arreola Javier Arreola Sandoval Cassandra Avila Ruben Avila Vincent Avina Aidan Ayala Jesse Ayala Mia Ayala Kesya Azahra LeAnn Baker Katarina Ballard Ke’Yara Banks Josue Barajas Ramon Barajas Jr Janessa Barden Selena Barreto Diego Barriga Maritza Becerra Alexander Bello Hernandez Rodrigo Beltran Antonio Benitez Alyssa Betancourt Giselle Bewley Isabel Blakley Weiner Mia Bolton Joseph Brown Keira Brown Laurynn (Lukas) Brown Justin Bruce Kayla Bruno Luciano Burks Alexius Burnam Darrius Burnett Angel Bustos-Castanon Kasie Butler Amaya Cabrera April Camacho Angel Camacho Barrios Mario Camargo Isaac Campos Marlyne Campuzano Gonzalez Deanna Cardenas Jaila Carmona Brandon Carrasco Adriana Carrillo Luis Casas Chavez Caliegh Casillas Austin Cason Evan Cassie Andrew Castelan Alyssa Castillejos Christian Castillo Elenny Castillo Pablo Castillo Israel Cayetano Anthony Celedon Nataly Celis Eric Cerriteno Erick Cerrito Viviana Cervantes Joseph Cervantez Cesar Chavez Najzoni Chavez Angel Chichipa Vega Maricely Chino Ariana Cifuentes Hernandez Isaiah Cisneros Mackinzie Clark Aiden Collins Andrew Colmenero Demarcus Contreras Chavez Reeto Corcio Hector Cordova Jr Jasmine Corona Gabriel Cortez Pantaleon Karla Covarrubias Marcos Cristobal Miguel Roger Crosby Lynnea Cruz Ian Daniels Xaryah Daniels Andres De La Cruz Victoria De La Riva Jesse De Los Angeles Justin Dean Jr Esai Del Real David Delgadillo Daniela Delgado Contreras Leilani Derain Cynthia Diaz Daniel Diaz Alvarez Jasmine Diaz Lopez Huberth Duarte Daniel Duran Oswaldo Duran James Earhart Pedro Elias Arredondo Jonathan Enriquez Hector Escobar Mary Espinoza Robles Amethyst Esquivel Guadalupe Esquivel Angel Estrada Elizabeth Estrada Angel Estrada Reyes Brandon Estrella Rodriguez Edwin Estrella Sanchez Daniel Estrella Torres Jethro Ferrusca Anthony Flores Alan Flores Alexis Isaiah Flournoy Matthew Fox Jr Miguel Frias Julio Fuerte Jr Stellarose Gallardo Adrian Garcia Alonso Garcia Bryan Garcia Christipher Garcia Diego Garcia Isac Garcia Jacob Garcia Javnie Garcia Jizzelle Garcia Leonardo Garcia Marcos Garcia Noe Garcia Duran Yesenia Gaspar Bonilla Juan Godinez Claudia Gomez Danika Gomez Pablo Gomez Alexis Gonzalez Alonna Gonzalez Edgar Gonzalez Emmanuel Gonzalez Enrique Gonzalez Jareth Gonzalez Jesse Gonzalez John Gonzalez Jonathan Gonzalez Joseph Gonzalez Viridiana Gonzalez Elvis Gonzalez Jr Claire Gordon Cory Gray Nilah Gray Simon Gray Antoine Green Jeneese Green Tyler Green Lee Green III Saray Guerra Gabriel Guevara Martin Guevara Jason Guevara Martinez Ramon Guillen Anthony Gutierrez Cassandra Gutierrez Gianna Gutierrez Judith Gutierrez Julian Gutierrez Olivia Gutierrez Isaac Guzman Katelynn Guzman Marissa Guzman Yaretzy Guzman Esmeralda Guzman Zaragosa Nolan Hachee Emanuel Hall Grant Destiny Haro Jayda Harris Damian Hawk Jordan Henderson Anahi Hernandez Edwin Hernandez Eric Hernandez Mariana Hernandez Melody Hernandez Raul Hernandez Diego Hernandez Guillen Jamie Herrejon Darlene Herrera Olivia Hicks Leilani Holguin Aidan Hollis Natalie Hurtado Giovanny Hurtado Cazares Bailey Ibarra Athalia Inan Renee Islas Brandon Jara Jared Jaramillo Cristopher Jimenez Jesus Jimenez Allen Johnson Johnathan Johnson Kwame Johnson Raymond Johnston Jonathan Juarez Jadon Khuon Troy Kirby Pierce Kirk Trentin Kritikos Frey Robert Kwan Iven Lamadrid Michael Lambiotte James Lampers Claudia Lara Jason Lara Nathan Larios Jack Lauderdale Sarah Lawrence Aldair Laynes Leah Leal Jesse Ledezma Nicole Lehman Keith Lemmon Adrian Leon Julio Leon Diego Leon Morales Dane Lewis K Nyia Lewis Isaac Leyva Yajaira Linares Edwin Lizarraga Rivera Alejandro Llamas Joseph Loffer Brianna Lopez David Lopez Jason Lopez Jesus Lopez Joseph Lopez Juan Lopez Victor Lopez Zamudio Jamal Love Zanaya Luis Clara Lytle Bryan Madrigal Luis Madrigal Ngor Madut Steven Magadan Sadia Malang Elleuthd Maldonado Parra Gavin Manis Kaden Mank Julian Manzanarez Brian Manzano Kaleesha Mark Ashley Marquez Nicholas Marquez Martinez Kenia Martin Ramirez Aleksandra Martinez Angel Martinez Anthony Martinez Hubaldo Martinez Irvin Martinez Pinero John Mattera Quinlan McConkey Isaiah McGlothen Andy McMillan Johan Medina Elizabeth Mendez Sayuli Mendez Berniece Mendoza Donovan Mendoza Jacob Mendoza Jaden Mendoza Rogelio Mendoza Jose Miranda Stephane Molina Betancourt Tomas Mondragon Randall Monica Israel Monsivais Jocelyn Mora Jared Morales Marcos Morales Marcella Moreno Salvador Moreno Guzman Azenet Munoz Melvin Munoz Sebastian Munoz Abraham Munoz Monrreal Brody Mylles Dezirae Naranjo Jesus Nava Tabasom Nazhat Dustin Neeley Marea Newman Natalia Nguyen Robert Nora Giana Noriega Andrea Nuncio Jenifer Nunez Lionor Nunez Perla Ocampo Leonardo Ochoa Valerie Ochoa Juan Olaez Jr Damarri Oldham Leonel Oliveros Jr Luke Olson Samantha Orozco Juan Ortiz Ximena Ortiz Ochoa Gustavo Osuna Leonardo Pacheco Moises Pacheco Jr Angel Padilla Pedro Padilla Rodrigo Padilla Aliaz Pagan Israel Pardo Fuerte Andrew Parga Kylie Paulson Angelica Peralta Adam Perez Alexander Perez Danny Perez William Perez Jaymie Perkins Jared Peterson Jonathon Pinedo Bobby Pittman Jalisse Polanco David Ponse Mason Pothakos Jaedon Price Tillman Puckett IV Sebastian Pulido Valerie Quintero Farhan Rahman Daniel Ramirez Jeremiah Ramirez Jonathan Ramirez Angel Ramirez Reyes Isaac Ramlogan Justin Ramos Brisa Ramos Villarrial Ruby Ramos Villarrial Melanie Rascon Emmanuel Rebollar Maria Regalado Angelina Reyes Felipe Reyes Michelle Reyes Gerardo Reyes Palomares Zachariah Rios Diego Rios Solis Cesar Rivera Jonathan Rivera Kevin Rivera Marilynn Rivera Guzman Kenyon Robinson Romeo Robles Marielena Robles Sojo Alfredo Rodriguez Jessie Rodriguez Samira Rodriguez Jon Roland Vicente Romero Jr Zelinda Romo Daniel Rosa Diana Rosales Alexis Rosales Mendoza Andrew Rosas Benjamin Ruiz Valeria Ruiz Anai Sagahon Jorge Salazar Jr Jhoana Salgado Avila Lesly Salinas Isea Sanchez Jared Sanchez Jonathan Sanchez Ryan Sanchez Hector Sanchez Jr Leslie Sandoval Ernie Sandoval Encines Isaiah Santillan Isaac Santos Natalie Santos Emma Sartori Esteven Sauceda Leon Isaiah Schill D’Aliyah Scott Marcos Sebastian Antonio Jesse Sellars Viviana Sepulveda Lansana Sesay Giovanni Short Adrianna Silbas David Silva Manuel Silva Dylan Sirignano Kimora Smith Trent Solsvik Serenity Sommer Alejandro Soria Quezada Stanley Sotelo Jeanette Soto Ryhlan Sprague Jacob Stout Joshua Suarez Jacob Tamai Roman Tapia Jayliah Teel Briana Terrero Del Moral Dimitri Terzis Jimena Tobias Alyssa Torres Isabella Torres Samanta Torres Zuniga Aaron Tracy Lexie Trejo Ronaldo Trejo Corban Twombly Kobe Ugali Joseph Urquieta Brian Urrutia Jorge Valdivia Jayleen Valdovinos Aileen Valencia Joseph Valencia William Valencia Garcia Vanessa Valle Robert Valora Kane Van Slyke Jasmin Vargas Sienna Vargas Alexander Vasquez Elijah Vasquez Jovanni Vasquez Marcelina Vasquez
Jayden James Van Doorenmaalen Briauna Nicole Van Emmerik Jazeli Sun Vandenburgh Gianna Marrie Varela Isaiah Sergio Vargas Joselin Vargas Ochoa Chavonne Lauren Velasquez Veronica Velasquez Bentley Madison Venrick Eduardo Ventura Bryan Verde Morales Austin Ray William Vestal Mariana Vicencio-Mendiola Nathan Vigil Ariana Pia Villa Gabrielle Villalobos Austin James Vincent James Matthew Rayos Vinluan Raphael Miguel Roldan Vitug Ryan Patrick Vouaux Easton Paul Wagoner Ryen Avery Wakeman Emma Leigh Wallace Cash Henry Warren Ryan William Warren Aiden Parker Watson Amy Grace Watters Darius Varsey Watts Brooke Allendorf Weaver Delaney Adaline Weeks Kathryn Elizabeth Wehus Hunter James West Madison Elizabeth Wiemholt Breanna Rae Wilhelmi Aidan Robert Wilkins Chancellor James Williams Kiana Leigh Williams Ella May Wilson Jackson Riley Wilson Landon Estes Wilson Brody Benjamin Wittrock Kyler Ryan Wong Mackenzie Lynn Wood Seth David Woodruff Annelore Wright Ezekiel Josiah Wright Shutian Xiang Taylor Ai Yabana Clay Michael Yarbro Anthony Ybarra Stacia Rose Yncera Devon James Young Joseph Patrick Zagarella Sami Mohammed Zaher Natalia Zamora Priscilla Zamora Chunxue Zhang JunHao Zhen Slayton Haven Zinszer Desmond Cade Zipprich Fernando Steven Zuniga Kira Lynn Zurn Nicolas Emiliano Albarran Roxy Briana Aleman-Quiros Karina Amaro Aguirre Aimee Monique Amaya Martin Amaya III Christopher Arroyo Jacob Diego Avalos Esperanza Quetzalli Aviles Stephen Douglas Bowar Antonio David Cabada Bethzy Yetzhaira Cabrera Isabella Cabrera Giovanni Carlos Garcia Gustavo Carranza Romello Pereira Carter Deziree Marie Casas Regalado Giselle Marie Cervantes Adan Jesus Chavez Anthony Aaron Chavez Jasir Chavez Angel Enrique Cruz Alexa Julissa Diaz Neri Andrew Marcus Encarnacion Juan Pablo Estevez Julian Rafael Estrada Daniel Benjamin Fletes Michelle Flores Nayeli Flores Morolayo Azeezat Folarin Denisse Alejandra Gaeta Perez Lilyana Theresa Garcia Destiny Mariah Gill Emily Rocio Godinez Daniel Armando Gomez Ulises Alejandro Gomez Jose Ruben Gomez-Verdin Jaiheim Dante Grant Andrew Johnny Guajardo Marcos Francisco Guerrero Grace Elizabeth Guillen Allen Miguel Gutierrez Kayleeanne Love Havens Sophia Marcela Hernandez Jazmin Alezae Huizar Carlos Islas Jr. Benjamin Ike Lamadrid Eduardo Lares Arredondo Alexis Lopez Sanchez Allan Lopez Sanchez Maddison Makayla Luna Omar Macias Bonilla Valeria Marin Lena Christine Marrujo Natania Dabriah Martinez Jacob Santiago MartinezLopez Sarena Mia Martyr Alizze Alannah Mejia Melgar Ivan Mendoza Julian Jose Mercado Jose Guadalupe Miranda Maria Fernanda Morales Silva Jonnatan Antonio Morales Vanegas Gregorio Julian Munoz Carlos Alberto Murillo-Vega Sophia Nicolas-Sanchez Arturo Joseph Nunez Gisselle Anahi Nunez Ariel Antonio Obregon Leyva Johnny Israel Olivas Sandoval Cristo Axel Padilla Axel Emanuel Palomarez Dalana Dorothy Mae Pelsue Citlali Alizee Perez Juan Carlos Perez Jr. Paula Valeria Poblano Ortiz Yhdalia Crystal Quintanilla Ricardo Ismael Ramirez Viviana Ramirez Angel Francisco Raygoza Marbella Rios Jacob Isaiah Rivera Sofia Eliana Rivera Dorelyn Leilani Rodas Miranda Lindsay Michell Rodas Miranda Isabel Rodriguez Lorena Rojas Aguilar Alex Omar Rosa Jr. Leslie Arlene Salazar Fregoso Rebekah Lenarose Salcedo Adrian Saldana Anthony Daniel Sanabria Alexander David Sanchez Harvey Sanchez Dominic Giovanni Sandoval Lopez Michael Ivan Santana Ayala Angel Leavin Santiago Fatima Serna Tyrone Singleton III Bryan Sosa Jordyn Michelle Thompson Angel Benito Torres Tabitha Torres Pablo Trujillo Leslie Valadez Bonilla Damian Valdez Kimberly Vazquez Lozano Ronan Vega Lopez Hermione Vera Javier Oswaldo Verdugo Solis Isahias Brandon Villa Josue Daniel Villela Ian Taylor Williams Nicolas Fernando Zaleta Roberto Zendejas Jr. California Military Institute Perris, CA Nayelit Vazquez Richard Vasquez Jose J Vazquez Jose L Vazquez Christopher Vazquez Miguel Velasco David Velazquez Eddie Velazquez Bryan Venegas Natalie Venegas Kimberli Verdugo Aguirre Daniel Victorio Angel Villa Luciana Villagran Angela Villalobos Mia Viramontez Bryce Wade Kaitlyn Wade Demetrius Waller Jr. Kalani Washington Naya Watkins Jeaden Webb Jaymie Weigand Jacori Welch Chiara West Aiden White Andre Williams Jayden Williams Lauren Williams Jaiden Wilson Brooklyn Wilson Buehler Ethan Yeigh Aaron Young Jr Angelina Zamora Dimas Zavala Jose Zavala Suarez Nicholas Zuniga
Lake High School
Perris, CA
Murrieta Valley High School class of 2024 graduates walk during their graduation ceremony, May 30. Valley News/Shane Gibson photos Murrieta Valley High School class of 2024 graduates arrive at their graduation ceremony. A Murrieta Valley High School class of 2024 graduate smiles in the sunshine.

Jasmine Connolly, Shekinah Coronado, Angelica Dang, Kylie Davis, Derrick Davis, Michelle De Ala, Rica Mae De Jonghe, Ashley Diaz, Sebastian Eoff, Evelyn Figueroa, Lexi Flores, Miguel Flowers, Imani Gallas,

Class of 2024

Avery Pryor, Daishawn Putney, Kamryn Ramirez, Brianna Reed, Nyonah Robertson, Marcus Rodriguez, Silvester Rojas, Caleb Sadeq, Maryam Shaw, Konnor Sobek, Maeby Southwell, Ezra Suarez, Francinn Eunice Thompson, Troy


High School commencement ceremony honors its first graduating class

More than 300 seniors dressed in their blue and white gowns, the colors of the Liberty High School Bisons, filled Bison Stadium under the bright sunshine for their high school commencement ceremony Tuesday, June 4.

The Bison graduates of Liberty High School knew they would soon go down in history as the first graduating class from the Perris Union High School District’s newest high school. The school opened in 2021 in the midst of the pandemic, with 1,000 freshmen and sophomores. Liberty High School is located in Winchester just outside of Menifee on Leon Road. The late afternoon commencement was an unforgettable time for the graduates with more than 2,000 parents, friends, relatives and associates filling the new Bison Stadium. The joy of the special event was well beyond the initial problems of parking in the fields all around the school’s streets and neighborhoods that afternoon with shuttles running to and from the stadium making the trek a

little easier.

The traditional processional played by the Liberty Bison Band accompanied the seniors as they took their seats which were designated by banners from their specific career pathways: School of Business and Entrepreneurship; School of Engineering, Innovation, and Design; School of Health Sciences and Medical Technology and School of Public Service and Leadership. The pathways are designed to prepare students to be college bound and learn valuable skills for their future careers.

Once the students were seated, Principal Erika Tejeda gave the opening address with Associated Student Body President Noah Nuno, with all standing hand over hearts reciting the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the singing of the national anthem by students Michael Mirabel, Kamryn Putney, Nick Salesky and Annalyssa Young.

Tejeda introduced special guests including the PUHSD board members, Menifee Mayor Bill Zimmerman and City Council member Lesa Sobek, the Liberty High

School administration and staff, and the guest speakers. Guest speaker and PUHSD board member David G. Nelissen with American Sign Language deaf and hard of hearing interpreter Alyssa Nelissen congratulated the first graduating class of Liberty High School, urging each of them to “determine their own fate” no matter what life gives them. He said in life they should be “brief, be brilliant and significant.”

He said he believed that even if the students face fear, “the greatest fear is fear itself” as President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said. He concluded, “You are your own engine, and you are your own brake,” inspiring them to continue achieving future goals in their lives.

Tejeda brought Denbert Burguillos, who is the class salutatorian, to the podium who congratulated his fellow students and praised the help of his parents from the Philippines who helped him achieve graduation day. He urged all his fellow students to move forward and reach things that may seem impossible at times.

Next was Kerolos Habib, who is the class of 2024’s

valedictorian and told his classmates, “Wherever you’re going, whatever you’re doing, make the best of it.”

He thanked many of his teachers and friends for helping him achieve success in his high school career.

“Best of luck with everything,” Habib told his graduating classmates.

The ASB president offered a gift of appreciation from the Bison class of 2024 to Tejeda who presented the Liberty class of 2024 to PUHSD Superintendent Grant Bennett, saying that the seniors earned all the necessary credits for their high school diplomas. They were accepted as a class, and the procession began with the students from each school receiving their diplomas.

As the last student to receive his diploma took his seat, the class performed the traditional high school ceremony of moving their blue and white tassels hanging from their mortarboard from right to left signifying their accomplishment of graduating high school.

Tony Ault can be reached via email at tault@

C-8 Valley News • • June 14, 2024
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Alcalde, Kamilah Alvarez, Ashley Alzalde, Itzel Anderson, DiAndrew Arechiga, Dylan Barnes, Trinity Bayewu, Alannah Belew, Hailey Blundell, Vincent Borroel, Roman Brewer, Chad Brooks, Kayla Cady, Dellaney Camacho, Edwin Campbell, Elijah Casillas, Gabriel Castillo, Hazel Chavez, Isacc Collier, Mikhael Cota, Erynn Cruz, Jordan De Leon, Therese DeVore, Elizabeth Dopps, Maddison Dulyn, Troy Eshleman, Michelle Esqueda, Jose Estrada, Anthony Faulk, Aijiah Garcia, Jared Harris, Kya Hendricks, Hayden Hernandez, Nathan Javier, Saryn Jimenez, Eithan Jimenez, Estrella Knox, Desirae Lopez, Giselle Madrigal, Moses Magdaleno, Maggie Malabanan, Kirsten Claire Mansary, Patricia Marcelin, Jaleahney Mendoza, Erik Michelsen, Ashlynn Moore, Cooper Nagra, Satkranvir Nathan, Nakalah Newsom, Krysamae Nuno, Noah Ordonez, Brandon Ortiz Alvarez, Jesus Overby, Kristopher Partida, Angelina Perez, Roman Phipps, Jonas Potts, Sarah Prevost, Leilani Ramirez, Daiven Ramirez, Jacob Riddick, Diovanni Rios Solis, Miguel Ruelas, Anthony Ruiz, Jaidyn Ruiz, Vanessa Safford-Miles, Isaiah Sandvig, Evan Schatz, Cassie Schatz, Sienna Skelton, Andre Smith, Kaylee Spicer, Landen Staropoli III, Frank Stephenson, Liam Strong, Kristian Stropus, Camden Torres, Brian Torres, Tatiana Valdez, Gabriella Vasquez, Maricela Vega, Jesus ENGINEERING AME Alvarez Luvian, Griselda Arroyo, Jacob Arvizu IV, Robert Arvizu Jr., Ricardo
Darven Angela Brown, Kayen Brown, Omari Burroughs, Brent Camara, Julian Camou, Liliana Claytor,
Jeremiah Mirabal, Michael Mitchelson, Reiney Moala, Nevaeh Monsanto, Chazz Montgomery, Sydney Navarrete, Brianna Navarrette, Eric O’Marde, Jahir OHara, Cody Oliveri, James Ott, Megan Parsons, Samara Potter,
Valdez, Angelo Rommel Valdez, Brikell Vamos Sanchez, Chemaica Vasquez, Samantha Verdan, Hansel Williams, Alena Williams, Alexia Wright, Parker Wyatt, Aaron Young, Annalyssa Zapata, Adrian ENGINEERING INF Abad Cazares, Adrian Aguirre, Armani Aguirre-Jules, Michael Alaniz, Keipher Anderson, Amber Angle, Noah Arce, Ethan Barajas, Alexandria Barkan, Isiah Beckman, Tyler Beltran, Liliana Cain, Aidan Center, Noah Cruz, Jace Cruz Slocum, Cameron Dalton, Dylan Davies, Lucas Dayon, Aden Deam, Dylan Denson, Brody Duran Calderon, Johnathan Elliott, Julian Emata, Sultan Fayson, Anthony Ferris, Parker Flores, Bilney Flynn Hughes, Ryan Fox, Jeremiah Franks, Ethan Garcia, Kylie Garcia, Nathaniel Gonzales, Evan Gonzales, Luke Gorham, William Gough, Cristian Hardy, Kyllie Iniguez, Justice Islas, Jin Keller, Dylan Kelley, Nya Latimore, Danielle Lopez, Alejandro Macasinag, Carl Maloles, Tristan Luis Manning, Brandon Marcos, Justin Christan Marroquin, Yvette Mascarenas, Jonathan McBride, Haley Miana, Mary Aundrielle Mitchell, Gabrielle Montenegro, Jacob Munoz, Xavier Ornelas, Dylan Ortiz, Juancarlos Owings, Jayla Penuela, Jordan Perez, Adrian Ratliff, Alijah Renteria, Carlo Rios-Solis, Caleb Robinson, Sean Rogers, Ayden Rylov, Nikolai Salesky, Nicholas Sams, Dante Scott, Nyjir Sena, Samantha Sloan, Jaron Smeby, Madden Smith, Eddie Southall, Andrew Thomas, Troy Tiedemann, Andrew Tracy, Kailee Marie Valenzuela III, Jesus Vaughn, Trinity Washington, Sema’J White, Tyler Williams, Katelynn Woods, Joshua Young, Madison Zapata, Anthony Zermeno, Adam HEALTH SCIENCES/ MEDICAL Abalos, Samantha Adams, Keeton Alagao, Leilani Apusen, Jared Armenta, Jade Avril, Lian Awall, Sahil Ayala, Nadia Baker, Kaydee Barboza, Mia Barragan, Kaitlyn Bethan, Aryan Blaylock, Briana Buggs, Sakyiah Burguillos, Denbert (Salutatorian) Cava, Hailey Chaffold, Alaina Chu, Jaden Cisneros, Nicholas Colindres, Xavier Dalumpines, Shane Danquah, Trinity Dee, Alyssa Dika, Precious Edigin, Osatohanmwen Enguillado, Ariane Escovedo, Sarah Esparza, Izabella Ferro, Violet Franco, Jonathan Gandionco, John Daniel Garcia, Anthony Garcia, Jonathan Gilbert, Aubrey Gonzalez, Valerie Greer, Kailee Guzman, Marcus Habib, Kerolos (Valedictorian) Hang, Jovon Hernandez, Briana Hernandez Barahona, Valentina Indy, Bailee Irvins, Mia Jefferson, Keiana Johnson, Stella Joiner, Nathan Joubert, Leilani Juanengo, Justin Keahey, Jayden Kelly, Aaliyah Klaus, Brianne Lange, Breonnie Langley, Kaela Licud, Jana Llerena, Dominic Lewis, Clarissa (in memoriam) Luu, Jaimie Martinez, Alexis McDonald, Parker McGee, Patrick Meza, Apryl Montebon, Lila Sophia Moore, Savannah Navarro, Kadence Nazario, Emmanuel Neamtu, Alexandru Nelissen, Alyssa Nickerson, Ashley Oliva, Abril Patch, Danica Pate, Eunity Provencher, Wilhelm Quinn, Brayden Quist, Jacklynn Ramirez, Sarahi Ramlakhan, Angel Rasul, Ryaan Remick, Micah Rico, Erick Roberts, Lola Robinson, Zion Rocha, Anaie Saldania, Lauren Santos, Aaliyah Scott, Mikkaela Sepulveda Campos, Jose Sevilla, Jewelia Simpson, Kortlynn Thompson, Karah Torres, Aimee Warner, Adam Kobe White, Carson Yalong, Gianna Joleen LEADERSHIP Abushawish, Serena Acfalle-Truvillion, Niomi Acosta, Bethany Adams, Stephanie Aftahi, Chloe Aragon, Noah Arce, Liana Arciniega, Anthony Armeda, Elaina Ashcraft, Taryn Backer, Dylan Banks, Areyon Barnhart, Logan Blas, Jaelyne Brigham, Maclain Brown, Amerria Cabrera, Steve Carter, Zayne Conner, Elijah De Los Santos, Brian DeLong, Oske Demery, Ny Anie DeSoto, Jesse Dougherty, Cydne Dubois, Gavin Esparza, Mia Felix, Oscar Fernandez, Susie Flores, Alia Fraund, Kaylee Galvin-Bradshaw, Landon Garcia, Kristopher Garcia, Luis Garza, Emma Gomez, Jose Gonzalez, Angel Gonzalez, Damien Gonzalez Tovar, Yuliana Hannay, Richard Harrell, Kashia Hendrickson, Taylor Hofferber, Joseph Holtkamp, Megan Joiner, Cole Jones, Joscelin Katacha, Lauren King, Enrique Koski, Braeden Logan, Sire Lopez, Isaac Masang, Mccabe McManus, Ryan Melancon, Abby Mendez, Aidan Mendoza, Julian Miller, Christopher Olivares, Amani Ortega, Paul Ortiz Gil, Yahaira Palomo, Cash Perry, Madison Pierce, Travis Ramirez, Ruben Rash, Preston Raymond, Kid’Darious Rivas, Aura Rivera, Jaden Rizzo, Giovanna (in memoriam) Robles, Angel Rosales, Devanie Ruiz, Jaydene Rush, Jacob Salgado, Samuel Satterfield, Shea Schuyler, Brook Seder, Nathen Simon-Holland, Malachi Stoot, Amare Tamm, Morgan Teranflores, Benjamin Thomas, Payton Torres, Jeanelle Toscano, Kaitlyn Trang, Dori Trejo, Joseph Walker, Davina Wallace, Semarion Williamson, Emma Witt, Kyle Zuniga, Brandon
Tyler Guerrero, Michael Gutierrez, Daniella Hare, Kaeden Hernandez, Michael Higuera Villegas, Pablo Hill, Jordan Jove, Dakota Kaas, Liam Knox, Donovan Leigh, Maxwell Lopez, Jahron Mann, Karlie Marin Herrera, Juan McClellan, Miah McClure,
Liberty High School • Winchester, CA
The first Liberty High School senior, known to his fellow classmates as JJ, uses a mechanical walker for the first time to cross the Bison Stadium stage to receive his diploma to the cheers of his many classmates and school staff. The Liberty High School graduate walks down the Bison field graduation stage with his diploma in hand after four years of hard classwork. Valley News/Tony Ault photos Perris Union High School District board members and Superintendent Grant Bennett present diplomas to senior graduating students at Liberty High School in Winchester. Several thousand parents, friends and relatives of Liberty High School seniors fill the Bison Stadium in Winchester to witness its first commencement exercise. The stands were alive with shouts and cheers as their favorite graduating seniors received their diplomas. Banners like this one from Liberty High School’s Health Science and Medical Technology school designated the seniors’ schools during the graduation ceremonies.

Chaparral High School • Temecula, CA

C-10 Valley News • • June 14, 2024 Class of 2024
• Temecula,
Megan Frances Abano Naseem Abedsalam Khiano Abelgas Lawrence Abelgas Maya Aboulhosn Camden Ackerman Michael Aflague Joshua Agostini Peniel Albe Hector Alcantar Jr. Jayda Alcantara Daniel Alcaraz Avalos Aiden Alefosio Eddie Alexander Renee Alika Radhwan Al-Jabbari Aiden Allen Keanu Alpichi Richelle Alvarado Krizzia Lynn Alvarez Mimi Amaichigh Melena Andaro Brooklyn Anderson Karis Anderson Landon Anderson Bryn Ankeny Alyssa Archila Colett Arechiga Jose Arellanes Jr. Adrian Ariavand Lorena Armenta Isabella Arrieta Daniel Artiaga Armand Assadullah Noor Awad Alyson Ballantine Jonas Ballesteros Jazaline Barajas Diego Barba Johnathan Barrera Jannelle Bartolo Willow Battenschlag Alexis Baumgartner Jonathan Bautista Yoel Bautista Joshua Baxter Talon Bayer Kacey Becker Xander Becker Elijah Behn Alyssa Belie Kylie Benham Andrew Benitez Jacob Benitez Sophia Berger Kaylee Berresford Destiny Berumen Kaylee Besanson Luis Betancourt Jordyn Bilek Kyle Billan Visaya Black Chase Blackwell Ava Blanding Lucas Boenzi Jason Bortz Cody Bostwick Athena Bounlutay Jacob Bovenkamp Alye Bowman Declan Bowman Taryn Boyd Tysen Brace Ryen Branch-Powers Abby Brant Masaki Brey Jake Brooks Camryn Brown Daniel Brown Paige Bruce Kiya Bruner Louchnikov Malory Bryant Megan Bryant Skylynn Bryant Athena Bucao Esteban Burbano Calderon Benjamin Burch Julius Burris Timothy Burt Chase Burton Zoey Bush Aneesa Victoria Butiu Lilith Butler Tyshaun Cagle Jacob Xavier Calangan Jonah Alexander Calangan Enrique Camacho Isabelle Campbell Tyler Campbell Bao Anh Cao Cooper Caouette Donna Cardona Isabella Cardona Diego Cardona Kaufman Hernandez Emer Carew Jacen Carlson Angelina Caro Mason Carrasco Lukas Carrero Ricky Carter Nicholas Casario Robert Castellanos Alex Chacon Jerry Chang Timothy Chapin Jordyn Chapman Sarahi Chavez Madalynn Chavez-Soliday Lex Chear Sophia Chen Kain Chessman Yagnasri Chilukuri Sheanna Cinco Ericka Clapper Trista Clarke Holland Clasen Brady Cole Kiona Coleman Layla Coleman Daniel Colio Margarette Collera Itzel Colorado Janelle Combs Joseph Conge Cepriana Console Dylan Cortes Gonzalez Robert Covarrubias Jr. Kristina Crandell Taylor Crawford Cooper Creamer Ava Crewse Michael Cronauer Aubree Crump Justin Cruz Nathaniel Curiel Jr. Jaidyn Cusic Lordie Claire Dagdag El-Abid Daghlawi Bryce Damschen Wyatt Danley Cristina Dannels Daschle Davenport Morgan Davenport Corinne Davila Ksena Davis Liam Davis Alexia De Leon Angela Dela Cruz Chase-Alexander Dela Rosa Natalia DeLaTorre Kamryn DeLeon Natalya Delgado Lilian DeLuna Athena Bea Desamparado Cameron Dew Shanna Dhaliwal Abraham Diaz Nathaniel Dickson Micah Dimick Vicki Diop Julian Dominguez Mia Dominguez Braylon Doughty Madison Douglas Mariia Dovhal Owen Draeger Savannah Driver Angel Ducoing Cadence Earwood Riley Easter Sofiya Eastin Sara Ebbeson Athena Ebuen Christian Miles Ebuen Rey Anthony Eguilos Jr. Adrian Eickholdt Zaria Elliott Luke Engelbrecht Jaeleen Rae Enguancho Tamara Espino Kyra Esteves Malik Etuale Isaiah Everette Mahmoud Fakhoury Noah Fang Kayla Farrell Dustin Faulk Mateo Faulkner-Gonzalez Nathan Feduniw Kaitlyn Feres Natalia Ferrette Justys Fetrow Daniel Finan
Temecula Valley High School
Joemar Rabaja Abad Jr. Aaliella Marie Abalos Ava Inara Abassi Aiden Arturo Aceves Prasansha Achhami Giavanna Agoritsas Carlo Aly Aguilar Nathan Ryan Aispuro Landon Lee Alexander Angel Ismael Alfaro Romero Em Allen Joseph Nicholas Allen Haleigh Faith Allred Eiden Matthew Agbay Almanzor Alia Alvarez-Tostado Rodrigo Anaya Conner Garrett Andrews Joseph Rafael Anselmo Kimora Belinda Vera Arabe Gabriel Alejandro Araujo Catherine Arias Riley James Arlando Ariana Anastasia Arnold Mehdi Aslami Mackenzie Marie Avedissian Zane Lee Avery Cesar Amado Ayala Andrew Kenneth Baker Miah Itzel Banda Jetsapon Connor Bansasine Troy Patena Bantegui Alexa Jasmine Barajas Grace Mary Barclay Skylar Karlyn Barconey Asiah Jzaeille Barnayha Carter Ella Marie Barrera Mir Khalid Basir Jordan Edward Bawcombe Lucas Gary Beach Tanner Thomas Wayne Beck Rebekah Maurine Beck-Farrell Bethany Marie Ann Benjamin John Vincent Catedral Benjamin Justin Victor Bennecke Landon Cole Berry Jacob Wells Bester Jacob Thomas Chevalier Betsch Liam Robert Beynon Alexandra Kate Bodendorf Preston Randy Boehmer Gianna Charlene Bologna Khyshon Santana Bonas Drew Dugan Borgeson Tristin Wayne Bozeman Coniyah Brandon Brooke Hailey Brazie Eko Marley Buack-Gordon Kevin Aidan Bui Stewart Jeffery Bullington Hailee James Burger Devin Jeremiah Burgess Evan Chase Burkette Roman Aleck Bustillos Maria Nathalia Gines Cabanting Michelle Cardona Olivia Jayne Carpenter Zachary Stephen Carpenter Imanol Isai Carrasco Juarez Jorge Luis Carrillo Zoe Grace Casini Abel Issac Castaneda Casiano Alex Jose Castillo Reynard Solano Castillo Shantell Castillo Fabian Alexa Cervantes Mathew Kaleb Chalker Ryland Stone Chanley Ryan Cooper Chapman Chloe Alexandra Chappell Cooper Benjamin ChartonHolder Cesar Luis Chavarria Connor John Paul Christie Veronica Lorraine Christman Linda Nicole Cirby Andrew Christopher Clark Caden Carter Clark Ian James Coffman Kaylee Shae Cole Charles Hubbert Collazo Jr. Emilia Laine Compton Kamryn Isabelle Consulta Ava Dyan Cook Trey Daniel Cook Avery Marie Cooke Spencer Wayne Cooksey Hudson James Cordova Emma Elisa Corral Kate Ashlea De Guzman Cortejos Aceah-Angelica Llanes Cortez Tyler James Cox Arianna Michele Crites Tyler David Fritz Cross Carter Michael Crouse Nico Dagdagan Ian Philip Dalebout Liam Damian Gonzalez Nicolas Sammageevo Danh Skyla Isabel Darden-Leon Julian Armani Date Aaron William Dauble Veronica Nancy Davadi Geneva Brooke Davisson Ariel Devi De La Rosa Zoe Ryann Denison Chloe Elizabeth Depner Ethan Michael Der Eli Simon DeSchepper Kian Riley Devilleres Shaylee Noel DeWitt Richard Troy Dickerson III Miles Robert Dickson Jackson Dane Dimmick My Quynh Tien Dinh Emily Pavanny Dip Londyn Sofia Ditimus Aiden Josiah Dodd Ryder Dopp Doobovsky Elijah Grae Dreier Laleta Vladislavova Drumeva Brianna Nicole DuPre Callie Lynn DuPre Grant Daniel Eager Cody Caubat Echevarria Jaden Cole Eddy Tyler John Egyepong Emme Louise Eldred Charizma Margaret Eve Elek Ava Kathleen Ellings Jake Matthew Elliott Seth John Emas Brooklyn Amanda Emery Migel Joseph Bukiran Enano Carson Edward Thomas Escobedo Cambria Jaymes Escribano Isaac Jonathan Esparza Nathan Alexander Esparza Jazmine Linda Essary Annika C Estero Alexandra James Estrada Jacob James Estrada Austin Wing Euckert Truman David Everett Shane Matthew Everling Kevin Andrew Fajardo Meena Paloma Fani Arevalo Christian Diego Farrow Aryan Farzam Logan Steven Felix Alyssa Alane Fernandez Paul Isaac Marie Fernandez Logan Steven Ferrell Madeleine Joyce Ferrell Zeke Christopher Fiala Joseph Micheal Fiedler-Scott Derek Thomas Finch Kendall Nicole Flubacher Kiera Reece Fraser Aaron Charles Fratt Alexis Shannon Fredericks Brennen Nathan Fretz Lorenzo James Galarza Ashley Michelle Gallegos Reuben John Galvan Dominic Temirlan Gandolfi Alejandro Robert Garcia Arlette Garcia Madison-Paige Tahir Garcia Isaias Urias Garcia Yepez Franklin Kyshun Gardner Brendan Lee Garin Liam Scott Gartner Sydnie Raye Gartner Andre Isidro Gaytan Angel Alberto Gervacio Ella Marie Gessel Colin Michael Gillett Kiara Tarine Glaser Landon Michael Glidden Grant Timothy Gonzales Angelica Gonzalez Jade Nicole Gonzalez Nicolas Gonzalez DeLaTorre Marvin Adrian Gonzalez Ramirez Vincent Albert Goodin Elijah Zapanta Gorra Adam Keith Graff Jack Wyatt Grieser Dolores Susanna Grobler Phoenix Reid Gruwell Peyton Elyse Gudehus Carmela Gueli Madelaine Sofia Pride Guerrieri Dominic Sebastian Guevara Jeremiah David Guinn Gavin Luis Gutierrez Marc Robert Guzman Hunter Isaiah Hall Kaitlyn Sadie Hall Capriana Faith Hands Nicolette Case Harnly Samantha Belle Harvey Gabriela Jasmine Olamide Hassan Logan Parker Hawranik Alexander Kongcheng Herh Chloe Brynn Hermosillo Jason Jon Santangelo Bertha Alicia Santos Julian Alessandro Santos Frederik Sid Sasanka Maeli Marie Sayrath Jody Gabriela Schaefer Ewan Arthur Michel Schmit Landon Ryan Schneeloch Ella Maria Schneider Kellie Shawn Schock Catrina Ruth Schroeder Kristina Allison Schubert Sarina Deanne Schwab James Randolph Sedillo Jr. Zylan Joe Serrato Brianna Nicole Serviss Romi Natacha Shahar Anthony Joseph Shaheen Channing Aven Jamir Shelton Hunter Joseph Shelton Abigail Grace Sheridan Shane Devlin Sheridan Aiden Park Shin Logan Cade Shipek Alexis Astrid Sigel Jordan Serena Simmons Briana Margret Sing Joshua Joseph Sizemore Kateryna Skorokhod Madeleine Rose Sleeper Kaya Jean Smiley Austin Grant Smith Ethan Quinn Smith Ryan Alan Solis Selene Isabel Soliven Adishem Zane Somlai Christian Roque Sosa Alaxy Z Souvannarath Tristan David Sproul Brody Carlyle Stadick Sydney Jonell Standing Warrior Avery Emerald Steele Rylen Faith Steinbuch Grayden David Stigers Ryleigh Nicole Strandberg Claire Elizabeth Stump Isabel Maria Stump Hailee Summer Feltro Sulit Tyler Bruce Sydnor Samson Salim Syed Olivia Minh-Thao Ta Sergio Talamantes Kainoakupuna Frank Tangonan Jazmyn Alycia Tapia Kawena Madisen Tavares Keahi Richard Tavares Jayla Iyana Taylor Natalia Emma Testa Jack Ayden Thatcher Antonio Thepi Ethan Allen Thomas Isabella Margaret Marie Thomas Jacob Logan Thomas Makenna Hope Thornton Conner Lee Thurston Brooklynn Lee Tighe Skylar Bruce Torrell Todd Yvette Molina Topete Ruven Elena Torok Khang Do Vinh Tran Quang Nhat Tran Brianna Nichole Trujillo Jai Turay Alexandria Lynn Turner Keilana Danielle Epifana Umali Ally Harumi Uyetanaka Hector Yahir Valdez Riley Jacob Valdez Alexandria Marie Valencia Danielle Jozlyn Valladolid Marshall Alexander ValleMendoza Adam Mathew Van Lierop Christian Ray Van Skike Cristian Josue Vasquez Amy Diana Vazquez Elian Andre Vazquez Juan Pablo Vazquez Mondragon Leandra Mariana Velasquez Ramirez Gianna Maria Ventura Austin Landry Vickers Angel Ulysses Villa Cinthia Lisbeth Villalobos Ramirez Marichelle Angelina Villamar Luis Francisco Villamil Montalvo Rafael Herrera Villañueva Yuritzi Guadalupe Villasenor Ziranda Marko Vladic Brock James VomSteeg Kyle Andrew Walker Aaron Tyler Ward Jacob Michael Ward Ethan Samuel Watson Jordan Caleb William Watson Macy Reagan Weber Kenji Weidenthaler Austin James Weidman Zachary Addison Weiss Karlee Ann Wellonen John Joseph Welsh Abigail Raven Welty Aiden Anthony White Kahlia Nicole White Nathan Wayne White Jordan Allen Whitson Antone Maceo Williams IV Christopher Marcus Williams Cyan Amia Williams Emily Marie Wilson Madelyn Nicole Wilson Dale Hayden Wolkenhauer III Brian McKnight Wood Trent James Wulfenstein Kimberly Ann Demaisip Yabut Angela Nevaeh De Guzman Yambao Maggie Jiayi Yan Lana Chantala Golshi Yang Kennedy Ryan Yanke Alejandra Manuela Yemha Elijah Patrick Yorke Savanah Danika Young-Alva Nathan Eli Snyder Yumang Maia Renae Zaskalan Dana Khaled Zein Jason Javier Zuniga De La Rosa Jordan Ruth Hermosillo Eric Hernandez Juan Carlos Hernandez Jr. Jeanelle HernandezMendoza Eric James Herrera Julien Daniel Herrera Eric Ryan Higgins Louisa Himmelstein Timothy Kenneth Hitch Cole Scott Holt Taylor Kathryn Horn Mikayla Lauren Howard Austin Daniel Howell Malia Anne Howell Ella Lynn Huber Desirae Evelyn Di Bartelo Hunt Alexander Brayden Hutchinson Jackson James Hutton Savannah Maria Isabella Kate Annalynn Isbell Yazmin Lisette Islas Scarlett Maryann Iverson Julian Kota Iwamoto Luke Daniel Jacobi Dalilah Clarisse Jamal Yousif Azher Jameel Sayed Abdulah Jawad Marvin Jedidiah Lucas James Jeide Sean Ezekiel Jimenez Josmay Jimenez Izquierdo Atiana Marie Jimenez-Hansen Ellie Margaret Johnson Kayla Amanda Amaris Johnson Aaron Nicholas Johnston Chloe Eleanor Jones Alexandra Hannah Jost Annika Kaitlyn Jost Blaise Anthony Juillet Avery Madison Julian Jenna Theresa Juve Borna H Kalkhoran Zachary Michael Karazin Preet Kaur Mouhamadane Kebe Genesis Ululani Kekoa Aspen Haegyung Kim Davene Kim Madison Nicole Kirkpatrick Kamryn Elizabeth Klumph Ryleigh Kate Knudsen Hannah Suzette Kohl Riya Kohli Preston James Kuhn Anthony Joaquin Vonhof Lachman Markuz Lemieux Bernardo Lacson Jason Lacuku Cade Thomas LaMarca Katherine Rose Landrum Alexavier Jean Michael Lanier Cadogan Emily Denyse Lara Joel Lara Jr. Jolie Noelle Laurin Edward Martin Lawler IV Tristan Blair Lawson Dane Scott Leatherman Mckenna Jun Ling Lee Faith Elizabeth Legg Frank Elijah Legg Frank Ruben Leon Joshua Isaias Leon Arianna Jade Lewis Solana Frances Lilly Cody Jeffrey Liscio Emma Makoto Little Garrett Thomas Liu Adriana Mikayla Liversedge Alison Jaylene Llamas Ethan Aiden Logan Jacob Nathan Logan Logan Thomas Long Aaron Alexander Lopez Alejandro Lopez Estella Cruz Lopez Lanah Amour Lopez Sarah Nayeli Lopez Angel Gabriel Lopez Duarte Joaquin Liam Lopez Ramsey Colton James Lothspeich Naomi Loza Ramirez Jackson David Lu Kelsey Ryan Lurkins Nathan Eryos Lysiak Alyza Marie Macalinao Braeden Sage Macander Ivy Nyasuguta Machoka Cassidy Joann Magnus Savannah Leanne Magnuson McKinnley Rae Mains Harley Grace Maire Celine Majed Diego Amadeus Maldonado Malik Amir Mallard Danielle Young Malnack Arianna Rose Manna Jasmin Miranda Manriquez Ryan Michael Mansfield Juan Carlos Manzanarez Jr. Kylie Maria Marin Kestyn Shilo Mark Gabriel Marquez III Natalia Sabrina Marquez Sophia Christine Martin William Edward Martin Brooklynn Marie Martinez Maggie-Lyah Zita Martinez David Martinez Arquello Madyson J. Mckenzie Marx Giselle Baird Maselli Polina Maslova Jacy Mayares Martinez Cameron Jee Mazzarese Jabari Adam McAfee Kathryn Avery McChesney Avery Skye McCreary Dorothy Joi McDonald Jason Everett Wayne McDonald Nathan Phillip McDougall Isaiah Jackson McDuffy Jayden DeVonte McGee Azean McHale-Vonk Gizelle Marie McNall Riley James Meadows Kharizma Naidean Medrano Sebastian Mejia Hailey Marie Mellinger Ashdon William Mello Trevor Allen Mendel Christian Emiliano Mendoza Fae Meyer Kade Evan Meyers Nestor Julian Meza Covarrubias Morgan Michele Mikkelsen Alyssa Rose Miles Jose Angel Millan Christopher Josue Millan Dominguez Kathryn Ann Miller Savannah Rachael Miller Kiana Jade Millsape Shaashwathh Mohansundar Cristian Manuel Molina Rylee Annette Moore Briana Janelle Morales Elizabeth Morales Giselle Merie Moreno Joanna Marie Morrione Jessa Avery Morse Morgan Grace Mortimer Marvin Posey Morton V Bradley Langdon Mosley Carter Andrew Mullican Adriana Munnigh Jahnya Elise Murray Celeste Lizbeth Navarrete Olivia Rose Nay Camryn Frances Nelson Caprice Ellen Nesvacil Jackson Thomas Neuenschwander Brayden Vinh Nguyen Coldin Michael Nguyen Michael Khang Nguyen Isabella Rose Nichols Isabella Nieto Andrew John Norman Dillon John O’bourke Shawn Andrew O’Brien Jr. Sascha Stephanie Obadia Flores Nathan Joseph Oeland Paige Ashlynn Oeland Emily Jessica Middleton Olsen Tanner James Olson Julian Ray Tabangcura Ordonio Yalitza Milena Orozco Anthony Joel Ortiz Haley Anne Owens Tristan Peter Paige Dominick Payton Palumbo Jayden Makana Parker Oliver Osvaldo Pascual Leah Arlandis Patton Sophia Marie Pena Brady Conner Pennock Sofia Dmitriyevna Peresypkina Isabella Patricia Perez Kimberly Ann Perez Sarina Jaylin Perez Valarie Bridgette Perez Hannah Rylan Perkins Jordyn Lynn Perry Nathan Daniel Perryman Kameron Colin-Thanh Phillips David John Phoolpol Donovan Eugene Pim Isaiah Mendez Pina Joshua Edward Pinnell Jazmin Pitayo Ramirez Hayley Renee Pitt Audrey Ann Pollack Benjamin Abraham PonceCevallos Ayden Nicolas Poulin Frank Thomas Pursley Carmen Lee Quigley Alexa Quinones Illiana Kapri Ragland Diego Francisco Ramirez Madison Rylie Ramirez Alex Ramirez-Tovar Eduardo Ramos Elisa Tamarra Ramos Cassandra Anne Randall Cole Louis Ream Jackson Grey Renzy Abigail Lynn Rhew Samia Elizabethmay Riley Helayna Celeste Rivera Malachi Xavier Robbins Florence Robert Chase Tanner Roberts Rebekah Anne Roberts Bruce Robinson Zoe Kate Robinson Isaac Roby Yeshua James Rock Alejandro Rodriguez Brandon Rodriguez Carolina Rodriguez Faith Annaliese Rodriguez Quetzalli Shaila Rodriguez Alcantara Nicholas William Roe Natalie Reese Roehm Donovan Wynn Rogers Vianey Sinai Rojas Diego Abel Romero Cayden Charles Rose Lance Scott Rosenthal Sierra Scout Rosenthal Ryan Zachary Ruse Ta’vish Lee Russell Kaelyn Grace Russler Bruce Dewitt Sage Ashley Isabella Salgado Thomas Horacio Sample Jacqueline Joan Samsel Geovany Sanchez Hailey Sanchez Madison Marie Sanchez Kaitlin Renee Sanders Noah James Sandoval Jacob Joseph Sands Brooke Elizabeth Santana
Chaparral High School class of 2024 graduates receive their diplomas.
Chaparral High School class of 2024 graduates receive their diplomas, June 6. Valley News/Shane Gibson photos
they receive their diplomas. Samantha Fish Faith Fishback Zachary Fishback Leo Flechsig Noah Flechsig Lucas Floe Jordan Mark Florendo Franky Flores Jr. Cameron Flowers Madison Forge Ian Foronda Luis Foster Jr. Joseph Fragomeno Joie Franks Naomi Frias Adam Friend Ethan Fuentes Savannah Fuentes Madison Galat Kristina Gamaley Jackson Gamero Kennedy Gapen Ashley Garcia Alexa Garcia Layla Garcia Nathaniel Garcia Sandros Garcia Sara Garcia Diego Garibay Ryann Gauna Jessica Ghilliotti Pablo Gielarowski Jacen Gillespie William Gilmore Joshua Ginter Ashlee Glaeser Robert Golden Timothy Gomia Jr. Axel Gonzalez Magdalena Gonzalez Mia Gonzalez Morgan Gonzalez Nicholas Gonzalez Sophia Gonzalez Yuri Gonzalez Donovan Goode Navin Gopalan Sofiya Gordiychuk Natalie Gordon Sierra Gorman Luciana Gould Issac Granado Christian Granados Taylor Greenwood Brandi Gregg Dallin Grey Jonathan Grey Branden Groendycke Kamaya Gross Ava Gutierrez Glowrie Gutierrez Lantz Gutierrez Savannah Gutierrez Liz Ha Roni Habeeb Nicole Hale Celeste Hall-Schorn Elise Han Kaden Han Holly Handler Ty Harding Emilie Haro Elias Harris Noah Hartill Sarah Hayes Jake Hays Jillian Heeren Grace Heiting Dylan Henson Derek Heredia Ethan Hernandez Aidan Hernandez Briaries Hernandez Nevayah Hernandez Tanner Hernandez Aliza Herrera Richard Hiatt IV Ashlyn Hill Makenna Hitch Cathlyn Hoang Katie Holdstein Annie Holk Faith Hollister Eden Hosking Jack Hougland Jonathan Hsieh Jeanne Huerta Julianna Hunt Konnor Huss Darryl Hutagaol Ethan Hyller Mia Ibarra Myla Igoe Jaime Ireland Sienna Irwin Ahnia Rei Isidro Grant Israel Elijah Jackson Collin Jacobs Jaclyn Jacques Nikhil Jadav Aiza Jan Felizia Jimenez Ezra Johnson James Johnson III Madison Johnson Morgan Johnson Aidan Joshi Josara Joya Dillon Kaliterna Rania Kamel Briana Kean Marcy Keo Sarah Khalil Ha Youn Kim Mackenzie Kimbrell Mariah Kincey Mia Kingcade Trey Kitzmann-Madden Mckenzie-Ann Knight Brandon Kobell Audrey Krachmer Adison Kwasney Vivienne Lacko Harrison Lacy Adisyn Larson Emily Law Kean Fred Ledda Elijah Lee Julie Lee William Lekvold Matthew Lemieux Kylani Lewis Kayla Li Diego Licona Trey Lilly Brandon Lindsey Oliviah Lira Kayla Michelle Liwanag Elias Lizarraga Abigail Lloyd Brandon Long Jr. Tiffany Lopez Alondra Lopez Amani Lopez Charlize Lopez Issiah Lopez Wendy Lopez Castro Angela Lopez Rodriguez Jayden Lord Kaden Love Blake Lowe Jacob Luedtke Annalise Luna Haojun Ma Rosalie Macasadia Kasey Kaleo Macawili Jayla Mack Landon MacNider Joel Magana Ibarra Jr. Jayden-Richard Magbanua Elizabeth Maggiore-Anet Tyrael Reylie Magtoto Michelle Maldonado Hailey Manipon John Daniel Manlambus Nathaniel Manno Mina Mansour Aidan Mante Tyler Mapanao Oliver Marble Sienna Marron Summer Martin Briseida Martinez Itabiany Martinez Martinez Gerardo Martinez-Uscanga Estelle Massa Marcus Masters Bethany Masterson Aaron Matheson Isaiah Maze Caden McClaughry Gwenevere McCollum Hunter McIntyre Zoe Mearis Emmet Medina Emilio Medrano Mikkel Francis Melendez Andres Melgar Manuel Mendia Freddy Mendoza Jacob Mendoza Mia Merida Aubrey Mesa Tyler Messere Nathaniiel Meza Rolando Miguel Luque Ethan Miller Larissa Miller Skyler Miller Alexis Mills Akshay Mittapally Mimona Mohabbat Nathan Mojares Nicolas Molanes Beltran Camila Monarrez Daniel Montano Marlena Montano Kaila Moore Robyn Moore Trinity Moran Priscilla Moreno Elliot Morton Brisa Mullen Sean Murphy Kylee Najera Isabella Naranjo Ivan Natceli Lorenzo Nava IV Madeline Nava Michael Navarro Nicholas Navarro Jazzelle Nazareno Jewelle Nazareno Julia Neal Thomas Nguyen Robert Nichols Natalie Noguera Priscilla Ocasio Gustavo Ochoa IV Sean O’Donnell Camryn Olsen Cayla Olson Christopher Jacob Ong Michael Ong Cristian Orellana Jayden Ornelas Jennifer Orozco Cassandra Ortiz Jacob O’Steen Darin Osterloh Christian Paddie Lauren Padilla Meghan Padilla Venus Padua Kaleb Paino Jax Paiva Bode Paredez James Park Conner Pasion Jay Patel Trent Paulsen Brady Pavlovsky Jacob Pearce Cielo Pena Samuel Perales Angelina Perez Manuel Perez Michael Persails Jr. Johnathan Persechini Chloe Peters Olivia Peters Ethan Pickering-Kausler Jacob Piercy Aden Pigao Ellie Pineda Isaiah Pinones Sofia Bryn Poblete Alexia Pollard Julieana Pompa Caden Potter Miko Erickson Presco Justin Kyle Prestoza Sydney Price Sydnie Pritchard Kaitlyn Pruett Joshua Pruitt Kaytlin Puffer Arnulfo Pulido Sophia Pullaro Joseph Quesada Natalie Quiroga-Perez Lilly Raclin Mia Rael Kiana Ramirez Calaustro Jonen Issac Ramos Iyana Ramsingh Azumi Jaliene Ranay Dylan Ranshaw Mauriana Rayford Alyza Reclusado Jasmyn Regas Maddox Reyes Edgar Reyes Carino Karize Richey Lanea Rico Aaliyah Rios Julianna Rios Jayden Rivas Noah Robinson Xyan Rocha Carli Roddy Dayton Rodriguez Elyssa Rodriguez Alek Rodriguez-Amezola Maruffo Jasmin Rodriguez-Williams Amelia Rogers Grace Rogers Skylyn Roman Angel Rosillo Isaiah Rossow Joaquin Ruiz Joaquin Ruiz Raya Saadeh Angel Salas Alexander Salazar Medina Caroline Sanchez Yoselin Sanchez Sophia Santana Sebastian Santana Patron Camila Santiago Brendon Santos Sydney Sapida Sirawanee Saraphoka Kiarah Sauta Kaydance Schicke Melina Schmid Maddison Schoebel Jack Schutte Lindsay Schutte Kailey Scott Kalvin Serna Santana Serrano Kadem Sevillano Aniya Shamburger Blaine Siesser Aditya Sivanandan Aubrey Smith JoyCelina Smith London Smith Audrey Smith Paula Smith Nathan Solorzano Jesse Sorenson Damian Soto Landon Soto Jason Spears Mackenzie Spray Julian Stanfield Morgan Steel Parker Steel Sarah Noelani Steinbauer Emily Stengel Jack Stephens Jackson Stephens Felix Stone Emma Stroud Castro Jackson Suemnick Kekai Sugai Ali Tafesh Alexa Tapia Mason Tarin Reuben Tayco Matthew Taylor Conner Thoren Zenon Thrasher Jiacheng Tian Ethan Tiet Patrick Tilley Isabella Tillman Alexa Tmekei Peterson Loretta Topp Julianne Marie Torres Sophia Torres David Toschak Daniel Tovar Ruby Tovar Lizarraaga Jordan Tran Sophia Tran Sarah Trares Alexandra Trevino Madyson Tribble Trinity Tribble Richmond Luis Trinidad Alexander Truscott Benjamin Tyler Caleb Udell Roland Uk Emilio Ulloa Matthew Uriarte Ryder Vaez Aidan Valdez Mireya Valdez Juliet Valencia Sofia Valenzuela Reid Van Gompel Kaelin Van Hoosen Angela Vargas Hernandez Samuel Vasquez Michael Veinbergs Mariana Velasco Sabrina Ventroni Chris Verduzco Vincent Villaranda Fei Wang Kathleen Warner Tayler Watters Daija Webb Jeremy Welton Bodie Wichert Kayla Wiley Caitlin Willcutt Robert Willcutt Aubree Willemstyn Bryce Williams Jake Williams Julian Williams Swintayla Williams Jaiden Willie-Gonzalez Alissa Wilson Michael Winfrey Alyssa Wolcott Madison Wolfe Simon Wong Amelie Woodrome Delaney Woodward Avary Wright Claire Wright Kevin Yang Ruyi Yang Grant Yary Katelyn Yavanian Ava Yellen-Tinsman Faith Yodites Alexander James Yoro Jesse Young Jr. Tristan Zapot Dejanelle Zapot Chagala Rad Aidric Zaraspe Anthony Zavala Ashley Zhang Hunter Zhang Chloe Zuniga Cameron Zysk
Chaparral High School graduates celebrate as Temecula Valley High School class of 2024 graduates enter the stadium for their graduation ceremony, June 6. Valley News/Shane Gibson photos Temecula Valley High School class of 2024 honor graduates enter the stadium for their graduation ceremony. Temecula Valley High School class of 2024 graduates enter the stadium for their graduation exercise. Temecula Valley High School class of 2024 graduates enter the stadium for their graduation ceremony.
C-11 June 14, 2024 • • Valley News Class of 2024 41000 Main Street, Temecula, CA 92590 951-694-6444 or 888-TEMECULA | TTY: 951-308-6344 Follow us @CityofTemecula WE ARE PROUD OF YOU & WISH YOU CONTINUED SUCCESS IN THE FUTURE! CLASS OF 2024 Susan H. Nelson School • Temecula, CA Brianna Anaya Benjamin Anderson Allison Andrade Favio Anzorena-Garcia Ashley Archer Diana Arellano Samuel Beard Elyn Becken Kira Beskin Reyna Bravo Jilian Bubela Aubriana Carrasco-Van Luven Anna Carson Tabitha Casassa Kayleen Castaneda Mateo Cevallos Eleanor Chon Bailey Consterdine Jolie Cornejo Cortez Mia Corona Taylor Darlak Sullivan DeVries Tyler Doyle Annie Eaton Abigail Eberle Jack Ellis Asher Emerson Carissa Emilio Yasaman Fathi Ashlyn Felix Dezirae Finn Thomas Flores Joseph Gholar Dakota Gibbs Katie Guerrero Dean Gump Austin Halley Logan Handy Samantha Harvey Esteven Hernandez Parvis Heydari Nena Hiett Marcellus Hill Linzy Hinojosa Lydia Hobbs Chloe Holt Camilla Hurtado Sophia Huston Matigan Kellar Colin Kelly Aalliah Kenion Aleiah Kenion Dara Keys Reese Kidd Maelin Koester Derek Leon Ariana Lucero Luke Mages Londyn McCarty Madison McGraw Joel Mejia Platero Casen Milloy Arabella Moffitt Hannah Molina Elizabeth Morales Molly Mulcahy Alyx Munoa Leah Nevitt Mary Nex Aisha Noor Noah Norton Aayihona Ojukwu Nathan Olson Kaycee Omabtang Ja’Zya Patterson Bianca Paz Chase Perry Cianna Pruitt Joelyn Purvis Jimena Rabago Kate Ramsey Carter Rechlicz Nadia Rhinelander Madyson Roberts Kellan Robinson Brooke Roersma Valeria Sanchez Alice Sarmiento Natasha Sawin Daisi Schiller Brook Sharpe Tyler Smith Dakota Sorrell Katelin Speck Tatiana Steensma Thomas Stone Cailyn Sullivan Alyssa Swingley Dave Thompson Mikayla Torres Trinity Truslow Ryan Valenzuela Jaden Vittone Jenna Vittone Lo Whitmore Anastasiya Yakimuk
Alex Hoagland Fionna Hoffman Haley Honeyman Brennan Hornback Skylar Horton Zachary Hunt Nayeli Huynh Karla Ibanez Gianna Iocolano Luke Jaberi Andre Jackson David Jackson-Wallace David Jacobo Hannah James Natalie Jarquin Jada Jarvis Maya Jarvis Aiden Jasareno Jason Jebo Pablo Jimenez Carson Johnson Edward Johnson Rico Johnson Meghan Johnson Karina Jones Nathan Juhn Aliyah Justice Scarlett Kaiser Nicholas Kalldin Janani Kangeyan Luke Karouna Jenna Elizabeth Kasarda Kira Lily Kasarda Christian Kasten Jeffrey Keeney Kayla Kehoe Carson Kelleher Caitlyn Kelley Ava Kelley Ethan Ketron Alyssa Key Gabriel Khongsai Brooklynn King Thomas Kingsland Chloe Kinsley Haley Klein Ariel Knox Brett Koser Hannah Kott Brynn Kowalewski Aubrey Kraus Sanika Kulkarni Reese LaCombe Cloie Lagardere Leah Marie Lanada Ybarra Timothy Lane Damariae Larkins Keanu Latanaphakdy Isaac Laurelin Victor Lawton Quinn Le Aizhamae Lee Tyler Leger Noe Leon Jr. Jon LeonGuerrero Jr. Trisha Leungsikul Terrance Lewis Courtney Lista Sophia Liu Nathan Llamas Jessica Lochrin Kaidyn Long Gavin Loper Isabella Lopez Sebastian Lopez Marin Matthew Lordanich II Steven Lorna Mekhi Louissaint Alyssa Lovell Leo Lu Maggie Lu Lauryn Lui Reg Macarro Emma Macdonald Isabela Macias Jusnien John Maderazo Emily Mainwaring Stephanie Maldonado Angelo Mancia Ryan Mann Sofia Marconi Kai Marotta Christopher Martin II NeKayla Martin Valerie Anne Martin Arianna Martinez Kelly Martinez Tatum Martinez Kendall Martinez Juan Martinez Contreras Derek Massey Ashlie Matlock Tyler McAlister Malia McClain Alexis McClung Parker McCoy Sienna McCune Ian McGowan Travis McGowan Steffani McMills Aubriana McNeely Renatto Medranda Cameron Meiss Morgan Memmott-Guerrero Jacob Mendez Matteo Mendez Larissa Mendiburo Madelyn Mengers Paisley Merlin Srismaran Methukupally Xavier Milam Derek Ryan Miller Leyah Miller Omareion Miller Brandon Mills Jr. Reese Mills Damien Milton Amiyah Mitchell Sana Mojadedi Benjamin Monroy Savannah Montanez Ernesto Mora Garcia Sunny Morales Ryan Moran Drew Moreno Valentina Moreno Alexander Morgan Bradley Morgan Connor Morgan Ella Morgan Omolemo Mosase Trinity Mosley Abigail Moss Ethan Munoa Troy Murphy Jack Murray Saniya Myers Taylor Nacey Samantha Nacionales Liam Naggar William Narong Yana Navarro Jose Armando Navarro Acosta Jozie Nejo Addison Nett Audrey Newell Karley Newton Leyna Ngo Hailey Nguyen Justin Nguyen Akina Nguyen Ethan Noel Cameron Nogaj Jenna Nool Hannah Norman Etai Norris Ian O’Brien Grace O’Neill Branden Or Shawn Orr Christine Ortiz Mia Osborne Nicholas Oseguera Jack Osorio Alexa Osorio Torres Ashley Owens Olivia Owens Jayden Ozbun Bree Padgett Lyla Paed Rem Pagan Avery Page Vanessa Palka Marissa Palma Ayla Pamenter Alyssa Panlilio Ella Parent Meagan Park Parker Parsneau Justin Pastor Panatsaya Pattanatantum Sienna Paup Ethan Payne Connor Peckerar Cole Penner Brianna Peralta Isabella Perez Matthew Perez Orion Phan Camalot Phok Jacob Pizarro Adison Pogue Victoria Ponce Dylan Pook Sara Portillo-Rojas Kayden Potipitak Rick Prado Jr. Ethan Presto Laila Price Cole Pritchard Kayla Quirarte Tamana Rahim Kaysen Raineri Jai Rajput Ethan Ramirez Issac Ramirez John-Paul Ramirez Willie Ramirez Natalia Ramirez Michel Sophia Reichert Lauren Rhee Andy Rho Mia Richard Jacob Riches Kaitlyn Riddell Ethan Rios Vanessa Rios Beltran Beau Ritter Aftyn Robbins Jefferson Roberts Andrew Robinson Anahi Robles Ivy Rodgers Mia Rodgers Aleia Rodriguez Cara Rodriguez Gabriel Rodriguez Keira Rodriguez Mia Rodriguez Michael Rodriguez McKenzie Roedl Luke Rogers Noah Rogers Sarah Ronalds Collin Roppe Janovan Rosebiani Thomas Rosenbusch Alyssa Ross Rex Rosser Avery Rossi Brian Rosu Brooklind Rowan Vincent Rubio Zoey Ruderman Shanee Ruelas Christian Rufo Nevaeh Ruiz Natasha Russell Dylan Russin Zayden Ruvalcaba Christopher Saenz Penelope Sainz Leilani Salamanca Jordan Sanchez Alyssa Sanchez Barbara Sanchez Evelyn Sang Raul Santana Jessica Santos Kaelyn Santos Rebecca Sasson Kyla Savage Aidan Savena Samuel Scadden Ayva Scarth Heather Schaefer David Schaefer Willow Scharf Conner Schoenbaum Mason Schooler Abby Schoonmaker Jake Schuck Owen Schulte Aaron Scott Karson Scott Laulii Segio Lacie Sehi Suguru Sekiya Joshua Sengstock Jerrynick Lloyd Sevillano Jayda Shaffer Trey Sheron Madison Shults Shannon Shumway Rowan Sinclair Saritah Sinha Madison Slater Ava Smith Benjamin Smith Nathaniel Smith Amiel Soler Talon Solis Jayna Soltow Sunveer Sond Melissa Soto Martinez Ronan Spahr Jacob Spence Savannah Spielman Dakota Spraggs Gabrielle St. Onge Hunter Stackpole Anneliese Stephens Haley Stout Owen Streeter Eric Su Luis Suarez Cabrera Emerson Subiti Connor Sueda Jackson Sutherland Kaden Ta Vi Ta Christopher Taggett Jada Taitano Allison Tansley Michael Tansley Angelica Tapia Anique Taylor Brandon Thai Gavin Thielfoldt Dwayne Thompson Jr. Kaia Thompson Bedani Timalsina Reannah Joy Tolfo Ian Torres Devlyn Torza Wyatt Toth Ana Tovar Riley Townley Chloe Tran Joshua Trapp James Trevino Megan Trinh Leeana Trowbridge Ryder Truckenbrodt Tavious Truitt Adam Truong Susan Turkowski Dominick Valenzuela Patrick Valverde Luke Van Dyke Kate VanSickle Malia Vargas Milena Vargas Cole Vasquez Jack Vazquez Matthew Vazquez Richard Vega Victor Velasco Jr. Leonardo Velez Hannah Venable Eileen Villarreal Hector Villegas-Valenzuela Anthony Visitacion Raymond Walker II Christian Walker Cole Walker Parker Wallace Justin Walter Elaine Wang Ziyin Wang Ronald Ward III Parker Ward Olivia Washecka Dharma Watson Nicole Weber Reese Webster Liam Weimer Ava Weismiller Layton Wells Autumn Werner Natalie White Riley Whitmore Landon Wilken Moriah Williams Natalie Williams Gavin Wilson Elise Winchester Joseph Wingen Aidan Witham Serina Woodfield Caden Woods Angela Workman Mackenzie Wray Jayden Wray Jai’ari Wren Jinlong Yang YangDeYi Yang Tanthai Yarkom Gianna Yerkes Tori Yoder Grayson Young Samantha Young Yanfei Yu Lucas Zapata Jr. Ontario Zeng Payton Zenoni Ella Zhang Steven Zhang Zinab Zmer Duke Zwicker Riley Abad Ryan Abad Vincent Abbruscato Rend Abdulhasan Carter Abraham Elizabeth Abrams Jessica Abriel Ibrahim Abunadi Elijah Adame Ashlyn Adams Hamzah Adil Jonathan Aeppli Fernando Aguilar-Perez Kiana Aguilera Sadaf Ahangar Haya Al Shammari Andrew Albor Evangeline Alcaide Alexis Monique Alcaraz Fayad Aldahmi Samara Alexander Delaney Alix Elliot Allen Brandon Alvarado Kaylin Alvarado Sebastian Alvarado Yeonwoo An Gabriel Anaya Ronin Anderson Chase Anderson Kayla Andoh Anthony Andrade Victoria Angius Elizabeth Antonio Andrew Arcinas Isabella Arendon Teagan Arnold Matthias Arreaga Cloud Arthur Chloe Atwater Jaidev Avalos Jasmyne Ayala James Azizi Marwa Azizi Maddox Baca Amelia Bach Emily Bach Eric Baggao Brandon Barkhordar Makayla Barney Vincent Barrett Demi Barton Damian Bedolla Aderonke Bello Andrew Berger Kailee Berry Tyler Bingham David Bissot Kylee Bixler Tracy John Biz Brooklyn Blackburn Ryan Blake Jazlyn Blakely Dalaysia Blanton Stefan Boca Michael Bohac Ariel Bolton Tristan Bondor Isabella Boone Alora Borrego Joseph Bove Dallas Bowden Eve Bowden Andrew Boyatt Mia Bramante Ezra Bramwell Makena Bravo Rian Brazil Benhjamin Brennan Simon Bricker Malik Britton Drew Brown Jared Brown Sharilyn Brown Katie Brubaker Chloe Brunke Edmund Bu Zain Buccheri Genevieve Buckley Thomas Budgett Elizabeth Bujas Sabrina Bujas Elizabeth Bullock Kiara Burgon Chloe Burlile Esme Byler Giabella Calciano Kaj Calhoun Sophia Calkins Giovanni Camacena Morales Hailey Campbell Natalie Campbell Liliana Campos-Morales Angelina Capotosto Breannah Capreece Jose Caratachea Yesenia Carbajal Alyssa Cardenas Brooke Carpenter Derin Carr Ariella Carranco Jesse Carrera Jordan Carson Ryan Carter Caitlin Carver Carson Casady Michael Castanon Leonardo Castillo de la Garza Patricia Castro Sarahi Castro Marcella Castro Reynaga Liliana Castro-Ramirez Ryan Castronuevo Keira Cavanaugh Cayden Cerda Vitalis Chambers Sazgar Chamsayidi Caden Chapin Cheyenne Chapman Phoebe Cheung Jayleen Chhun Leon Chiricescu Alexander Chiu Raina Chmura Yae Chong Kaitlyn Chouinard Melanie Cicero Aidan Ciota Daniel Cline Adrian Cocos Savannah Coleman Mikenslee Colson Brady Constein Mason Cook Breyton Correa Annalisa Cortez Donato Costes Hope Crocker Jacob Cross Kennedy Crowell Brandon Cruz Audrey Cunningham Isabella Curran Kassandra Curtis Ashton Curtis Allie Dana Jared Dashiell Adriana Daugherty Phillip Davis Blake Davis Brooke Davis Dannan Dayus Kimberly De Leon Genesis De Leon Crombie Matteo De Pano Paolo De Pano Ryan Deese Grey Del Rosario Jaden Delgado Samantha Demitro Gwyneth Dempsey Luke DeSando Ilaria Dettmer Cameron Devine Tanner DeWitt-Lawrence Emrie Dexter Diego Diaz Kaylee Directo Yasith Diunugala Andrew Dixon Jr. Emily Donofrio Ava Dorsey Christian Doyle Taylor Dunn Jaime Duran Ean Dwyer Ryan Eddy Seth Edmunds Anthony Elias I’yonna Ellis Noah Enders Savanna Engebritson Tyler Erickson Samuel Escalante Andrew Eskridge Princess Eslit Barba Toni Esparza Evan Esquibel Megan Estrada Kayla Evangelist Makena Falciano Damien Fernandez Geronimo Fernandez Kale Julius Fernandez Dylan Fien Isaac Fine Reese Fiori Megan Fisher Maya Fitzpatrick Abbey Flores Allyssandra Flores Camryn Flores David Flores McKenzie Foerster Tyler Folden Drew Forberg Makenna Fore Anthony Foster Mikaela Foster Preston Fox Brandon Fox Cole Frett Kailer Fuentebella Zayda Fuertez Luka Fuller Madison Fuller Owen Fuller Niesha Furman Rylee Gagow Sofia Galvan Lance Jaden Galvez Becca Ganino Paiten Gannon Jonathan Garcia Christian Garzon Janelle Gatchalian Chloe Geiges Sarah Gereda Erynn Giang Caitlin Gilbert Lykaios Godina Giselle Gomez June Gomez Joseph Gonzales Aidan Gonzales Andrew Gonzales Roman Gonzales Samantha Gonzales Hector Gonzalez Jorge Gonzalez Christian Graaff Sara Grace Abigail Graham Ashlee Graham Riley Green Sophia Greenaway Audrey Griarte Riley Griffin Jane Grossman Miali Guachino Sophia Guerrero Raegan Gump Dingding Guo Kiana Gutierrez Michael Gutierrez Isis Gutierrez Danna Gutierrez Heredia Ashli Guzman Barrios Crue Hadley Alyssa Hadsell Landon Hallett Liam Halligan Aiden Halvorsen Alexandrea Haman Julianna Hamilton Isabella Hanna Sara Harford Diesel Harmon Dylan Harris Madison Hatfield Mikalyn Hatfield Luke Hayde Na’kai Hayes Hailey Haywood Ella Henderson Jacob Hensley Odelia Herabadi Sophia A. Hernandez Sophia P. Hernandez Dorothy Herrera Faith Hibbard Anaya Sharee Hill
Great Oak High School •
Anthony Elias smiles and waves at family as he takes his seat during the 2024 graduation ceremony at Great Oak High School Thursday, June 6. Valley News/Andrew Foulk photos Happy graduates enter the stadium during the 2024 graduation ceremony at Great Oak High School. Graduates wave to family as they enter the stadium during the 2024 graduation ceremony at Great Oak High School Graduates are silhouetted against the sun as they enter the stadium during the 2024 graduation ceremony at Great Oak High School Thursday, June 6. Pablo Jimenez waves to family as he and other honors students are recognized during the 2024 graduation ceremony at Great Oak High School Willow Scharf sings “Almost There” before the start of the 2024 graduation ceremony at Great Oak High School


Suzette Almada, San Juan Southern Paiute

Breanna Casarez, Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians

Jesse Cruz, Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians

Jasmine Lemus, Oglala Sioux of Pine Ridge

Nataly Lemus, Oglala Sioux of Pine Ridge

Deangelo Mangilinan (Valedictorian), Cahuilla Band of Indians

Luisa Rivera (Salutatorian), Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians

Raymond Russell II, Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians

Anthony Salgado, Cahuilla Band of Indians

Leandro Silvas IV, Soboba Band of


Mt. San Jacinto College celebrates ‘A Legacy of Transformation’ at the 2024 Commencement

TEMECULA — Two prestigious national scholarship recipients, a veteran re-entering the workforce, and a proud mother and her son were among the record-number of graduates who participated in the Mt. San Jacinto College commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 23 at Pechanga Resort Casino.

Caris Sandino, 28, of Beaumont, was one of the two MSJC graduates to receive the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Scholarship. The coveted scholarship was awarded to only 60 students across the nation. She said joining the MSJC Honors Enrichment Program was one of the best decisions she’s made.

“I am really happy with my experience at MSJC,” Sandino said. “It helped me grow personally and academically as well.”

Of the 2,183 students earning degrees and certificates this year, 974 graduates walked in one of two ceremonies, marking the highest number of students to date participating in commencement.

The MSJC Class of 2024 earned a total of 2,848 degrees and certificates, as some students earn more than one degree, certificate or a combination of both.

The ceremony honored the college district’s 60th anniversary with the theme “A Legacy of Transformation.” MSJC began its anniversary celebration in the 2023-24 academic year to mark the 1963 opening of the college. Its first graduating class was celebrated in 1965, with a total of eight students.

Sandino came to the U.S. from Nicaragua when she was 11 with her mother and is the first in her family to graduate from college. She founded MSJC’s Eagles DREAMers Club, which provides a safe space for undocumented

students to network, advocate, and get the support they need to succeed.

“Launching Eagles DREAMers has been one of the most personally meaningful accomplishments in my college journey,” Sandino said. “It’s been an incredible privilege to advocate for and support our undocumented student community, knowing that our efforts have the power to impact lives and foster inclusivity within our college community.”

Her leadership and hard work in the classroom helped her earn the Cooke scholarship. Sandino will transfer to the University of California, Berkeley to major in business administration.

Temecula resident Joseph Awad, who served as Student Trustee this past year at MSJC, was the second MSJC graduate to receive the Cooke scholarship in 2024. Awad will transfer to the University of California, Los Angeles to major in psychology.

Like Sandino, Awad joined the Honors Enrichment Program and was recognized for several significant research projects, including an Outstanding Abstract award from the Honors Transfer Council of California’s Research Conference held at University of California, Riverside in April for his research on “Contextualizing the Lived Experiences of Queer Arabs: Understanding the Dimensions & Manifestations of Fear.”

Awad, 20, said his experiences and success seem surreal given his background as a self-described “first-generation, queer, Arab immigrant, wannabe college student.” He credited his success to his mentors and “many kind souls at MSJC.”

“I hope the past three years of my life can show how much you

Husband and wife Eric and Carolyn Ellis from Lake Elsinore graduated MSJC together as members of the class of 2024.

can change somebody’s life by investing in them and their story, and for that I’ll always be grateful,” Awad said.

Lake Elsinore residents Eric Ellis, 35, and his wife, Carolyn Ellis, 38, celebrated a milestone as they crossed the stage together.

Eric, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran with deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, plans to become a social worker to support fellow veterans in their mental health journeys.

Carolyn plans to transfer to Loma Linda University to become a surgical technician.

“MSJC provided all the building blocks we needed to reach our goals and have meaningful careers,” Carolyn Ellis said.

Jilema Silver, 44, of San Jacinto, said she was proud to graduate MSJC with her son, Cameron Britt, 23. Silver said she started pursuing a degree in business, but through her work at MSJC’s Veterans Resource Center, she

decided to receive a second degree in psychology so she could help others. In addition, Silver served as the vice president of the Student Government Association, went to a conference in Washington, D.C. and learned how important it was to “speak up on matters.”

“I love MSJC,” Silver said before the ceremony. “I love everything that it’s done for me, [and] the professors and I just grew as a person.”

Silver is transferring to California State University, San Bernardino and said her son is already earning money with his degree in digital media, serving in a paid internship

through the city of Menifee. Silver served as a student speaker during the morning graduation ceremony. She thanked her son for sharing in the journey, faculty for their support, and peers for becoming friends and companions.

“As we step out into the world, let us do so with heads held high, knowing that the legacy of transformation we leave behind will continue to inspire and uplift others for generations to come,” Silver told the Class of 2024. “I leave you with these final words: Remember you can do anything and everything – except give up.”

Submitted by MSJC.

C-12 Valley News • • June 14, 2024
Class of 2024 2,000+ MSJC Graduates • Prepared for the workforce • Transferring to 4-year universities • Advancing their potential Celebrates the Success of the CLASS OF 2024
Mt. San Jacinto College • San Jacinto, Menifee & Temecula, CA
• Soboba Indian Reservation, CA
Luiseño Indians Torres, Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Valley News/Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians photos The Noli Indian School Class of 2024 is, seated from left, Nataly Lemus, Suzette Almada, Luisa Rivera, Jasmine Lemus and Breanna Casarez. Standing, from left, are Leandro Silvas IV, Jesse Cruz, Raymond Russell II, Anthony Salgado, Deangelo Mangilinan and Matthew Torres. Salutatorian Luisa Rivera reacts to supporters in the audience during her speech at the Noli Indian School commencement ceremony, June 4. Valedictorian Deangelo Mangilinan enters the Soboba Casino Resort Event Center, followed by Raymond Russell and other fellow graduates at the start of Noli Indian School’s commencement. [Left] Teacher Jacquelin Phillips takes a selfie with the 11 Noli Indian School seniors before commencement begins on June 4. Valley News/MSJC courtesy photos

Suspect arrested after extensive search in Anza neighborhood


Diane Sieker Staff Writer

deputies begin their search for a suspect at a property in Anza

A search for a 29-year-old male suspect led Riverside County Sheriff’s deputies to deploy K-9 teams and less-lethal weapons as they canvassed an Anza neighborhood Saturday, June 8. At 12:06 p.m., deputies responded to the 38000 block of Bahrman Road in Anza for a

restraining order violation. The reporting party stated that a family member was at the location against the restraining order and was physical with a female. When deputies arrived, the

suspect had left the scene, according to Riverside County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Sergeant Wenndy BritoGonzalez. Sheriff’s deputies quickly

D-1 Anza Valley Outlook • • June 14, 2024 Your Source For Reputable Local News WITH CONTENT FROM June 14 – 20, 2024 Volume 24, Issue 24 Legal Advertising Deadline: Fridays at 3pm for following week’s publication. To advertise call our o ce at 951-763-5510 or email Run your legal notices in the Anza Valley Outlook, adjudicated for Riverside County. D Section
Riverside Sheriff’s Saturday, June 8. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo organized a search for the suspect. A Sheriff’s Department helicopter orbited the area as K-9 units deployed. Witnesses reported that Diane Sieker Staff Writer
This summer, 10-year-old Elijah Mendez from Hamilton Elementary will join other
Mendez to take part in Envision’s NYLF Pathways to STEM: Residential Program
Outlook/Courtesy photo Diane Sieker Staff Writer The Hamilton Museum and Ranch Foundation will hold a volunteer and member appreciation dinner Monday, June 17, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.. The event is open to the public. “Join us as we celebrate just how wonderful our Hamilton Museum and Ranch Foundation volunteers and members truly are,” said organizer Annika Knöppel. Dinner will feature a menu crafted by chef Alexander Calapodis, including Greek salad, pastichio (Greek lasagna) and baklava. “Not a member of the Hamilton Museum and Ranch Foundation? No problem,” said Knöppel. “Become a member online at https://www.hamiltonmuseum. org.” Seating is limited. Diners are encouraged to RSVP by Friday, June 14 by contacting Allison Rencke at 951-663-5452 by text or email The Hamilton Museum and Ranch Foundation is located at 39991 Contreras Road in Anza. Diane Sieker can be reached by email at dsieker@reedermedia. com Hamilton Museum to host Volunteer and Member Appreciation Dinner June 17 The Hamilton Museum and Ranch Foundation, where Anza history lives on, will hold a volunteer and member appreciation dinner June 17. Anza Valley Outlook/Courtesy photo outstanding students from across the nation to take part in a unique academic and career-oriented development program on the see MENDEZ, page D-3 see SUSPECT, page D-4
Hamilton Elementary fifth grade student Elijah Mendez has been nominated to take part in Envision’s National Youth Leadership Forum Pathways to STEM: Residential Program this summer. Anza Valley


If you have an upcoming community event, email it to, put “attention events” in the subject line. Readers should call ahead on some listed events for the latest updates.

Regular Happenings

Anza Community Hall Swap

Meet - Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. $15 for a spot with membership. $18 for a spot without membership. Vendors wanted. The hall is located at 56630 Highway 371 in Anza. See membership information under “Organizations.”

ONGOING – Anza Electric

Cooperative and F.I.N.D. Food Bank offers a free mobile food pantry the second Saturday of every month at the AEC office,

58470 Highway 371, from 10:3011:30 a.m. All are welcome. CalFresh application assistance and free community health services are also available. Bring your own reusable bags to take food home. Volunteers welcome. For more information, contact the AEC office at 951-763-4333.

Friends of Anza Valley Community Library – Anza Valley Community Library is located at Hamilton High School, 57430 Mitchell Road. The library is open to the public, but not during school hours. Hours are 4-7 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and 12-4 p.m. on Sunday. Closed Monday through Wednesday.

Hamilton High School – Find out what is happening using Hamilton’s online calendar at events/calendar.

Hamilton Museum – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Open Wednesdays and Saturdays at 39991 Contreras Road in Anza. For more information, call 951-763-1350 or visit www.hamiltonmuseum. org. Find them on Facebook at “Hamilton-Museum-and-RanchFoundation.”






TONY AULT, Staff Writer

DIANE SIEKER, Staff Writer









FOREST RHODES, Production Assistant


Digital Services


Backcountry Horsemen

Redshank Riders – Meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. Locations change, so please contact Mike by email at or by calling 951-760-9255.

Health, exercise, resources and recovery meetings

Fit after 50 – 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesday and Friday mornings at Anza Community Hall. Free. Wear comfortable clothes and supportive shoes. Call or text instructor Teresa Hoehn at 951751-1462 for more information.

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – 6 p.m. Every Tuesday at Shepherd Of The Valley Church, 56095 Pena Road in Anza. Open participation.

Veterans’ Gathering Mondays – 9-11 a.m. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 39075 Contreras Road in Anza. Men and women veterans come to share and help each other deal with posttraumatic stress disorder and other difficulties. Call John Sheehan at 951-923-6153. If you need an advocate to help with VA benefits, call Ronnie Imel at 951-659-9884.

The Most Excellent Way – A Christ-centered recovery program for all kinds of addiction meets Fridays from 7-8:30 p.m. and Tuesdays from 8-10 a.m. Program is court approved; child care is provided. Transportation help is available. The group meets at 58050 Highway 371; the cross street is Kirby Road in Anza.

AA Men’s Meeting – 7 p.m. Meetings take place Thursdays at 39551 Kirby Road in Anza, south of Highway 371.

Alcoholics Anonymous – 8 p.m. Wednesday evenings at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 56095 Pena Road in Anza. For more information, call 951-763-4226.

Bereaved Parents of the USA – The Aguanga-Anza Chapter of BPUSA will hold its meetings at 6 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 49109 Lakeshore Blvd. in Aguanga. For more information, contact chapter leader Linda Hardee at 951-551-

2826. Free Mobile Health Clinic –Open every third Wednesday of the month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. No appointment is needed. Uninsured may only be seen in the Anza Community Hall’s parking lot or inside the hall.

Medication Assistance and Treatment for Opioid Dependence – Get treatment for heroin addiction. Transportation to the clinic is provided. For more information, contact Borrego Health’s Anza Community Health Center, 58581 Route 371, Anza. For more information, 951-7634759.

Food ministries

F.U.N. Group weekly food ministry – Deliveries arrive by noon Thursdays at the Anza Community Hall. To order a paid box and help feed those who can’t afford to pay, drop off payment and cash donations by Thursday at 1:30 p.m., to ERA Excel Realty, 56070 Highway 371 in Anza. Pay inside or drop off during the day in the red box outside. To drop it off, put name and request on an envelope with payment inside. A $30 box has about $100 worth of food and feeds six people. Half boxes are available for $15. Food is delivered once a week to those who cannot find a ride. For more information, call Bill Donahue at 951-288-0903.

Living Hope Christian Fellowship Community Dinner – Dinners at 1 p.m. are held the last Sunday of the month at the Anza Community Hall. All are welcome. Donations of time, money, etc. are always welcome. Food for the Faithful – 8 a.m. The food bank hands out food the last Friday of the month until the food is gone. The clothes closet will be open too. Emergency food handed out as needed at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. FFF is a nondenominational nonprofit. All in need are welcome; call Esther Barragan at 951-763-5636.

Bible studies The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Anza’s Sunday Sacrament is at 10 a.m.; Sunday School is 11 a.m. Priesthood/Relief Society meets at noon; Wednesday, Boy Scouts gathers 6 p.m. and Youth Night is 7 p.m. For more information, call Ruiz at 951-445-7180 or Nathan at 760-399-0727. The Wednesday Genealogy/Family History Class, 5-8 p.m., is open to the public at 39075 Contreras Road in Anza. Native Lighthouse Fellowship – 10 a.m. The group meets the first Saturday of the month, and breakfast is served. All are welcome to fellowship together at the “Tribal Hall” below the casino in Anza. For more information, call Nella Heredia at 951-7630856.

Living Hope Bible Study 8-10 a.m. Tuesdays at Living Hope Christian Fellowship, 58050 Highway 371, Anza. All are welcome. For more information, call Pastor Kevin at 951-763-1111. Anza RV Clubhouse – 7 p.m., the second Wednesday of the Month, Pastor Kevin officiates at 41560 Terwilliger Road in Anza.

Monthly Christian Men’s Breakfast – 9 a.m. Breakfast takes place the 4th Saturday of each month and rotates to

different locations. Contact Jeff Crawley at 951-763-1257 for more information.

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church – 10 a.m. Weekly Wednesday Bible study takes place at 56095 Pena Road in Anza. Call 951-763-4226 for more information.

Valley Gospel Chapel – 7 a.m. Saturday Men’s Study meets weekly with breakfast usually served at 43275 Chapman Road in the Terwilliger area of Anza. For more information, call 951763-4622.

Anza First Southern Baptist Church – Begin your week with Sunday School for all ages at 9 a.m., followed by Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. On Sunday nights, the church has prayer on the 1st and 4th Sundays from 6-7 p.m. and Bible study on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays from 6-8 p.m. On Monday evenings, from 6-8 p.m., the youth group (6 to 12 grade) meets for games and Bible study. Anza Baptist Church also offers Men’s and Women’s Ministries, a Homeschool Support Group, Summer Vacation Bible School and a Seniors’ Ministry. The church office is open Wednesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The church is located at 39200 Rolling Hills Road in Anza. For more information, contact the church at 951-763-4937 or visit

Clubs Anza Valley VFW Post 1873, Capt. John Francis Drivick III Post – The Ladies’ and Men’s Auxiliaries are located at 59011 Bailey Road in Anza. Mail P.O. Box 390433. Request monthly newsletter and or weekly menu by email at vfw1873anzaca@ For more information, call 951-763-4439 or visit http:// High Country 4-H Club – 4 p.m. Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month, except February, at Anza Community Hall. 4-H Club is for youth 5 to 19 years old offering a variety of projects. High Country 4-H Club is open to children living in the Anza, Aguanga and surrounding areas. For more information, call Allison Renck at 951-663-5452.

Anza Valley Artists Meetings – Meetings at 1 p.m. are the third Saturday of each month at various locations. Share art, ideas and participate in shows. Guest speakers are always needed. For more information, call president Rosie Grindle at 951-928-1248. Find helpful art tips at www.

Anza Quilter’s Club –Meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 56095 Pena Road, Anza. For more information see our Facebook page or contact Pat Sprint at or Ellen Elmore at luvtoquilt2@

Anza Valley Lions Club

The Anza Valley Lions Club has been reinstated and is open to all men and women who want to work together for the betterment of the community. The group is working on securing a new venue for meetings. Meetings and events are posted on the Anza Lions Club of Anza Valley Facebook page at www.facebook.

com/LionsofAnzaValley. For more information, email president Greg Sandling at President. or Chris Skinner at Secretary.AnzaLions@

Civil Air Patrol – Squadron 59 is looking for new members of all ages. For more information, call squadron commander Maj. Dennis Sheehan from the Anza area at 951-403-4940. To learn more and see the club’s meeting schedule, visit

Fire Explorer Program – 6 p.m. The program meets every second, third and fourth Tuesday of the month at Fire Station 29 on state Route 371 in Anza. Call 951763-5611 for information.

Anza Thimble Club – The club meets the 1st Thursday of the month at the Anza Community Hall, 43275 Chapman Road in Anza. The social hour is 11:30 a.m., and lunch is served at noon. Contact Carol Wright at 951-7632884 for more information.

Organizations Terwilliger Community Association – 6 p.m. Second Monday of the month at VFW Post 1873, 59011 Bailey Road, in Anza. Potluck dinner open to all. For more information, call Tonie Ford at 951-763-4560.

From the Heart Christian Women’s Ministries – Noon. Monthly luncheon and guest speaker are held the second Saturday of each month. The $5 charge covers lunch at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 56095 Pena Road, Anza. From the Heart helps the area’s neediest children and invites all women and men to join in their mission. Donate or help with the rummage sales twice a year to raise funds for the cause or other events. For more information, call president Christi James at 951-595-2400.

Anza Community Hall – 7 p.m. General membership meetings are held the fourth Thursday of the month. Single memberships are $30 and include discounts to events for one person and 1 vote in elections and meetings. Family memberships are $50 and include discounts for a family up to 5 members and 1 vote in elections and meetings. Business memberships are $50 and allows an employer to receive discounts for up to 5 people, including themselves, and includes 1 vote on elections and meetings. No government funds are allocated for the Hall, which pays its bills through memberships and swap meets. Mail membership to: Anza Community Building Inc. at P.O. Box 390091, Anza, CA 92539. The hall is located at 56630 Highway 371 in Anza. For more information, call 951-282-4267 or email or visit www.anzacommunitybuilding. org

Anza Civic Improvement League – 9 a.m. meets the first Saturday of each month at the Little Red Schoolhouse. The league maintains Minor Park and the Little Red School House, which are both available to rent for events. No government funds are allowed; the membership pays the bills – $10 a person, $18 family or $35 business membership. For more information, visit www.

Serving Anza, Aguanga, Garner Valley, Sage, and surrounding Southwest Riverside County communities. OUR E-MAIL ADDRESSES: Anza Valley Outlook and Valley News Published weekly Mail to Corporate Office 111 W. Alvarado St. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (951) 763-5510 FAX (760) 723-9606 Corporate Office: (760) 723-7319
ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK (ISSN 08836124) is a legally adjudicated paper, AKA AMERICAN OUTLOOK, is published weekly by the The Village News, Inc., 111 W. Alvarado St., Fallbrook, CA 92028. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Anza Valley Outlook, P.O. Box 391353, Anza, CA 92539. ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF OPINIONS OR INFORMATION OR ERRORS PRINTED IN THIS PAPER, OR FOR ANY JOB, SERVICE OR SALES ITEM. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK OUT ALL ADS. Anza Valley Outlook is a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anza, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, March 14, 1986; Case Number 176045. ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 391353, Anza, CA 92539 PHONE: (760) 723-7319 PHONE: (951) 763-5510 FAX: (760) 723-9606 Copyright Valley News, 2024 A Village News Inc. publication Julie Reeder, President The opinions expressed in Valley News do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Valley News staff. Advertising Policy: Acceptance of an advertisement by Valley News does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of its sponsors or the products offered. We will not knowingly publish advertisements that are fraudulent, libelous, misleading or contrary to the policies of Valley News. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement we find unsuitable. Please direct all advertising inquiries and correspondence to the address below. Letters to the Editor: Please submit all correspondence to our corporate office by e-mail to or by fax to (760) 723-9606. All correspondence must be dated, signed and include the writer’s full address and phone number in order to be considered for publication. All letters are submitted to editing to fit the the publication’s format. Back Issues Available: A limited number of previous issues of Valley News and Anza Valley Outlook (prior to current week) are available for $1.50 each, plus $1.00 postage and handling ($2.50 total cost). Call (760) 723-7319 to order.
Copy Editor
Sports Editor
Find more area stories on D-2 Anza Valley Outlook • • June 14, 2024

Sheriff’s Blotter

The Anza Valley Outlook

Sheriff’s Blotter is a list of calls that allows residents to see what law enforcement activity is occurring in their communities.

The Sheriff’s Blotter data is obtained from the official calls for service records kept by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. However, calls where the release of the information could cause harm to an individual or jeopardize the investigation of a criminal case are excluded.

All calls listed are for service within the Sheriff’s Department jurisdiction in the unincorporated areas of Anza, Lake Riverside Estates, Cahuilla and Aguanga from June 3 through June 9. June 3 Follow-up - address withheld,

from page D-1

campus of Occidental College in Los Angeles.

Fifth grader Mendez has been nominated to take part in the National Youth Leadership Forum Pathways to STEM: Residential Program, one of the Envision by WorldStrides’ family of programs that enable students to explore their interests and experience learning beyond the classroom.

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM education in elementary school is an interdisciplinary approach that combines these subjects into projects that are relevant to real life, helping students develop skills that are important for their future careers, such as problem solving, creativity, and collaboration. Mendez was nominated to attend this forum by his Hamilton Elementary teacher, Mrs. Victoria Freeman. In addition to receiving multiple awards for his hard work and dedication this past year - including Student of the Month, PBIS, PRO Award, PE

Anza, handled by deputy Public disturbance - 4100 block Terwilliger Rd., Anza, handled by deputy Suspicious person - 5600 block St. Hwy. 371, Anza, handled by deputy Civil dispute - 5900 block Everett Rd., Anza, handled by deputy June 5 Public disturbance - 3900 block Pioneer Wy., Anza, handled by deputy Vandalism - 5600 block Cahuilla Rd., Anza, unfounded Follow-up - address withheld, Anza, handled by deputy Assist other department - 5600 block St. Hwy. 371, Anza, handled by deputy Suicide threat - address withheld, Anza, unfounded Public disturbance - 5000 block Bradford Rd., Anza,

Award, ELA Award, and the Outstanding Perfect Attendance Award - Mendez is also passionate about sports and plays football, basketball and loves wrestling. Mendez is looking forward to this experience and is thrilled to learn more about Engineering, Medicine and Forensic Science, according to his teacher.

“I am excited for Elijah Mendez to meet, work and collaborate with fellow high-aspiring students from other cities and schools,” said Dr. Jan Sikorsky, Vice President, Education for Envision. “NYLF Pathways to STEM: Residential Program is a wonderful opportunity for ambitious young students to explore their interests outside the classroom and discover how to innovate and think creatively through handson immersive learning. Our students are challenged with realworld simulations and problems, working together to develop unique solutions and projects to bring life to their studies and career interests.”

For over 35 years, Envision by WorldStrides has empowered

handled by deputy

Harassing phone calls - address withheld, Anza, handled by deputy

Unknown trouble - address undefined, Anza, handled by deputy

June 6

Battery - 3800 block Contreras Rd., Anza, report taken Public disturbance - 5800 block Burnt Valley Rd., Anza, handled by deputy Parking violation - address undefined, Anza, report taken Trespassing - address undefined, Anza, handled by deputy

Vandalism - 5900 block Everett Rd., Anza, handled by deputy Fraud - 1000 block Roan Wy./ Crazy Horse Canyon Dr., Lake Riverside, handled by deputy

Public assist - 3800 block Manzanita Mountain Ln., Anza, handled by deputy

Follow-up - address withheld, Anza, handled by deputy

extraordinary students to become their best selves through programs that enable them to discover their passion, explore a career, and positively impact their world. In 2018, Envision became part of the WorldStrides family. As the largest

Together, we can keep Anza Electric Co-op strong and moving forward. Vote D.F. “Pebbles” Lewis for Board of Directors!

– Thank you, D.F. “Pebbles” Lewis

June 7

Alarm call - 5600 block St. Hwy. 371, Anza, handled by deputy

June 8

Assist other departmentaddress undefined, Aguanga, handled by deputy

Assist other department - 5900

block St. Hwy. 371, Anza, handled by deputy

Public disturbance - 4100 block Terwilliger Rd., Anza, handled by deputy

Check the welfare - 5900 block St. Hwy. 371, Anza, handled by deputy

Public assist - 5600 block St. Hwy. 371 Anza, handled by deputy

June 9

Alarm call - 4200 block

Rambling Ln., Lake Riverside, handled by deputy

Unattended death - address withheld, Lake Riverside, report taken

provider of educational travel and experiences in the United States, WorldStrides works with over 50,000 educators each year to help more than 550,000 students see the world - and themselves - in new ways.

Suspicious vehicle - 3900 block Pioneer Wy., Anza, handled by deputy

Assault w/ deadly weapon - address undefined, Anza, unfounded

Assist other departmentAddress undefined, Anza, handled by deputy No assumption of criminal guilt or affiliation should be drawn from the content provided in the Sheriff’s Blotter. Residents with information regarding any crimes are encouraged to contact the Hemet Sheriff’s Station at 951-791-3400. Criminal activity can also be reported through the We-Tip Crime Reporting Hotline, 909987-5005 or Diane Sieker can be reached by email at dsieker@reedermedia. com

For more information about Envision by WorldStrides’ family of programs, visit www.

Diane Sieker can be reached by email at dsieker@reedermedia. com

Hi Neighbors, I am D.F. “Pebbles” Lewis, and like many of you, I’ve called Anza home for a long time – 35 years to be exact! As a small business owner here, I’ve seen first hand the importance of a strong,reliable internet connection and a ordable electricity. That’s why I’m excited to announce my candidacy for the Board of Directors at Anza Co-op!

For decades, I’ve been actively involved in our community, and I understand the needs and challenges we face. As a member of the Board, I’ll bring my business experience and dedication to ensuring Anza Electric Co-op continues to provide us with the essential services we rely on.

Here’s what I stand for:

• A ordable & Reliable Utilities: Keeping your electricity and internet costs down while ensuring top-notch service.

• Community Focus: Prioritizing the needs and voices of Anza residents.

• Transparency & Open Communication: Working for you and keeping you informed.

I’m passionate about making Anza an even better place to live and work. I believe my experience and commitment make me a strong candidate for the Board. Join me!

• Spread the Word: Tell your friends and neighbors about my candidacy.

D-3 June 14, 2024 • • Anza Valley Outlook ANZA LOCAL
A Familiar Face, A Strong Voice for Anza Electric Co-op!
The Sheriff’s Blotter enables residents to know what criminal activity is occurring in their communities. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo MENDEZ

deputies were seen bearing lethal and less-lethal weapons, according to residents. Bahrman Road was closed as the area was carefully searched.

Witnesses heard shots fired, later identified as less-lethal rounds deployed against the suspect, according to a family member at the scene.

The male was taken into custody at approximately 2 p.m., suffering from less-lethal round and K-9 wounds, according to a family member. He was assisted by deputies and treated by paramedics who transported him for further medical care.

The suspect was booked into the Cois Byrd Detention Center for obstruction, domestic violence, violation of a domestic violence restraining order, criminal threats, stalking, attempted murder, and violation of probation. His next court date was set on Wednesday, June 12.

Residents with information regarding any crimes are encouraged to contact the Hemet Sheriff’s Station at 951-791-3400.

Criminal activity can also be reported through the We-Tip Crime Reporting Hotline, 909-987-5005 or

Diane Sieker can be reached by email at dsieker@reedermedia. com

D-4 Anza Valley Outlook • • June 14, 2024 ANZA LOCAL
Subscribe online at: WWW.MYVALLEYNEWS.COM/SUBSCRIBE Mail this completed form and payment to: Valley News, 111 W. Alvarado Street, Fallbrook, CA 92028 Or Call 951-763-5510 to Subscribe by Phone Mail-In Subscription Form Receive Valley News mailed to you every week plus full access to all online content *Subscription will continue to renew until cancelled by customer. Renewals will not be charged until the last paid subscription period expires. This agreement remains until cancelled by Village News, Inc. NEVER MISS A MOMENT  New Subscriber  Renewal Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City:_______________________ State:________ Zip: Phone: _____________________________________________ Email: Print Subscription (Choose One) All print subscriptions include full access to all online content  $89.95 one year  $7.99 per month (Credit card only)  $145.95 two years  $195.95 three years Online Only Subscription (Choose One)  $69.95 one year  $6.99 per month (Credit card only)  Visa  Mastercard  Check Cardnumber: _________________________________________ Exp Date:________ CVV:________ Billing Zip Code: Signature: ___________________________________________ SUSPECT from page D-1
Saturday, June 8.
Paramedics arrive to
the suspect for injuries
when he was apprehended and taken into custody A Riverside County Sheriff’s helicopter orbits the area to aid in the search for a suspect in Anza Saturday, June 8. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photos
8.The suspect is taken into custody and treated for injuries sustained during the chase Saturday, June 8.
Deputies and K-9 officers discuss the search for a suspect in Anza Saturday,
D-5 June 14, 2024 • • Anza Valley Outlook Business Owners/Managers... Is the world of Digital / Social Media overwhelming? Let us help you increase your customers. We’ll make it easy for you – and a ordable! Give us a call at 951-763-5510, or go to We already reach an audience of over 300,000 local readers.* What could that do for your business? Online Services • Reputation Management • Social Media Management • Social Media Marketing • Website Design • SEO • SEM • Lead Generation Online • • • *With our print and online products. THE GREATER SOUTHWEST VALLEY ConstructionBusinesses,Planned Mighty Foundation Restores HikingAdventures Temecula Wine Country HowToDo Day Southwest Riverside ManyHappy,Healthy Long-Awaited Launch Youhavecancer...What to expect RESOURCE GUIDE UnderstandingYour Diagnosis Cancer and Your Finances Provider Resource Guide SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY CANCER SERVICES Coping with Emotions Treatment Options SOUTHWEST Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce Celebrates Yearspg James Orrin Fallbrook’s pg Heron’s Sommers 128 Farmer’s Life in Fallbrook Assessor Dronenburg Embraces Community Area Local Parks NonprofitOrganizations Clubs Village Reeder Publication POSTAGE HEMET, A NZA ALLEY UTLOOK USPS POSTAL CUSTOMER Your For Reputable News November Local Local Local #drop_your_horse_ trians feeds Anza equestrians take part in horsehead photo challenge applications, TwitFacebook, identify content #drop_your_horse_head_challenge veteran League’s meeting. seems helping Karl Kurtz runs forACIL board Outlook/Diane items, Ribbonwood where gourd gourmet show Saturday. bestsellers soaps hand-painted Wood making several spiration Anza swap meet vendor: Lori Jo Wood offers creative handiwork hand-crafted Community Outlook/Courtesy processedresearched scratch attractive. fascination gourds daughter when 4-years-old, decorative KURTZ, AVO-4 AnzaValley fundraiser fire victim turkey fundraiser collect assist Perez family, students, Sacred Heart church to Christmas boutique boutique funds disperse High Country 4-H Club goes virtual been COVID-19; purposechildren, County virtual. than overcome technological obstacles ISITTHENEW A Your Source Local News & Advertising $1.00 ERVING ENIFEE ILDOMAR ACINTOANDTHESURROUNDINGCOMMUNITIES increaseElsinoreexperiences drags Outlook ...............................B-4 Directory...............C-8 ............................C-6 .....................................C-8 ..................................C-3 ....................................A-1 Opinion.................................C-7 ...................................C-1 INDEX Local Local CIF-SS greenlighthigh school push later C-1 Education Hell’s Motorsports Elsinore, protest, including school Riverside entertainment-related Monday, “The Riverside establishments Gregory Rivletter. music, permitted current health Freedom Protest Rally 2020 draws crowd in Murrieta Diamond managed Health Department. County warns businesses against concerts and gatherings, new COVID-19 cases reported News/Shane Temecula roadway while move Watson, Community council, reopened estimate Town Temecula again modifies Old Town street closure plan, will reopen roadway to traffic News/Will page CLOSURE, Wildomarbegins cannabis business application process cannabis opened application What ‘defund police’mean? months, consciousness divisive Schools stayclosedin COVID-19 counties coronavirusmonitoring including Local Youngadultsexperiencetheir rstjobs many coping working coronavirus adults experiencing 20, ILLAGE N EWS Residential Customer Fallbrook chambercancels AvocadoFestival events coronavirus Friday, festival, Desmondhopesto expandsupportive housinginNorth County,not shelters include housing County, Supervisor Desmond Desmond, hearts community FUESDgrants superintendent emergencypowers governing teleconference March powers district’s superintendent coronavirus district’s superintendent Managing throughout COVID-19 Temecula Hospital, have exhibiting symptoms cough shortness screened “Our said, taking monitoringcommunity. responding recommendations health statement PPE photo, congressman conference Democrat CampaNovember District California Hunter. Hospitalsprepareforpandemic McFarlane, nurse Valley outside department, throughout pandemic. Issa advances to runo in California House race Rep. district advancing Wednesday, California’s conservative against AmmarCampa-Najjar, defeating lawmaker indictment corruption Hunter before pleading misspending campaignUpdated place percentage fellow California’s primary commentator, They Donald Jones. trying vowed happen.momentum supporters ghting November, Fallbrookbusinessespreparingfortheunknown effects varying began coronavirus members public PANDEMIC, page UNKNOWN, Harry’s reports virus Subscribe at: WWW.VILLAGENEWS.COM/SUBSCRIBE your favorite News up location temporarily closed of SpringstartsThursday,March19 Announcements...................A-2 .................................C-8 BusinessDirectory Calendar.................................A-2 Classifieds..............................B-7 ......................................D-4 ................................B-8 Entertainment........................B-4 ....................B-2 Legals......................................B-6 ...............................B-7 ...................................D-6 .............................C-2 ...........................B-7 ......................................D-1 .........................................D-5 thisweek 2020 VILLAGE NEWS Fallbrook Bonsall COMMUNITIES $1.00 CANCELED, EMERGENCY, A-4 DESMOND, A-5

CLERK. LEGAL: 4128 PUBLISHED: June 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number:R-202406079 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GORILLA LANDSCAPING 20177 Bryant St, Wildomar, CA 92595 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1795, Fallbrook, CA 92088 County: Riverside Amador --Torres, P.O. Box 1795, Fallbrook, CA 92088 This business is conducted by an Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is




D-6 Anza Valley Outlook • • June 14, 2024 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-202405911 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: EVEN PAR EVENTS 32054 Meadow Wood Lane, Lake Elsinore, CA 92532 County: Riverside Noelani Nell Kozlowski, 32054 Meadow Wood Lane, Lake Elsinore, CA 92532 This business is conducted by an Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Noelani Nell Kozlowski Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 05/02/2024 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4123 PUBLISHED: May 24, 31, June 7, 14 2024 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-202406213 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AMG SUPER DISCOUNTS 211 Spinnaker St, San Jacinto, CA 92583 County: Riverside Marcos Francisco Gonzales, 211 Spinnaker St, San Jacinto, CA 92583 This business is conducted by an Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Marcos Francisco Gonzales Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 05/09/2024 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4122 PUBLISHED: May 24, 31, June 7, 14 2024 WE BUILD YOUR Digital Marketing for Today’s World 951-763-5510 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-202406887 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LUCIA SMALL FAMILY HOME 30276 Cascade Range St, Menifee, CA 92585 County: Riverside a. Lucia Wanjiru Wamutitu, 30276 Cascade Range St, Menifee, CA 92585 b. Samuel Kanyoro Muhungi, 30276 Cascade Range St, Menifee, CA 92585 This business is conducted by a General Partnership Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 5/24/2024 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Samuel Kanyoro Muhungi Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 04/25/2024 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4126 PUBLISHED: May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 2024 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-202406619 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: EMC CUSTOM PRINTS 26798 Silver Oaks Dr, Murrieta, CA 92563 County: Riverside a. Phoeuth Em, 26798 Silver Oaks Dr, Murrieta, CA 92563 b. Fanessa Ada Em, 26798 Silver Oaks Dr, Murrieta, CA 92563 This business is conducted by a Married Couple Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Alissa Lynn Boulton Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 04/25/2024 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4124 PUBLISHED: May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 2024 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-202406805 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: UP & UP JUNK REMOVAL 3534 Hillside Ave, Norco, CA 92860 County: Riverside Joaquin D Castellanos, 3534 Hillside Ave, Norco, CA 92860 This business is conducted by an Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Joaquin D Castellanos Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 04/25/2024 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4125 PUBLISHED: May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 2024 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R:202406904 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CINEMA CULTURAS 920 Via Cartago #29, Riverside, CA 92507 Mailing address: PO Box 51954, Riverside, CA 92517 County: Riverside Maria Concepcion Martinez, PO Box 51954, Riverside, CA 92517 This business is conducted by an Individual Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 9-1-2014 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars (1,000). Registrant: Maria Concepcion Martinez Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 05/24/2024 NOTICE-IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL,
COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4133 PUBLISHED: June 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number:R-202406734 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: THE RIFE AGENCY 34008 Parador St, Temecula, CA 92592 County: Riverside a. Justin Rife, 34008 Parador St, Temecula, CA 92592 b. Myla Rife, 34008 Parador St, Temecula, CA 92592 This business is conducted by a Married Couple Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars (1,000). Registrant: Justin Rife Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 05/22/2024 NOTICE-IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY
guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars (1,000). Registrant:
Statement was filed
County Clerk
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number:R-202405725 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CFI-CLASSIC AUTO 41805 Jojoba Hills Cir, Aguanga, CA 92536 Mailing address: P.O. Box 728, Temecula CA 92593 County: Riverside Deanne Paula Vigliotti, P.O. Box 728, Temecula, CA 92593 This business is conducted by an Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars (1,000). Registrant: Deanne Vigliotti Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 04/30/2024 NOTICE-IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4732 PUBLISHED: June 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024 ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK LEGAL NOTICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-202407542 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JMT ELECTRICAL SERVICES 42786 Camelot Rd, Temecula, CA 92592 County: Riverside J.M.T Electrical Services LLC, 42786 Camelot Rd, Temecula, CA 92592 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company This LLC is registered in the state of CA Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 5/29/2024 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars (1,000). Registrant: John Thomas, CEO Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 06/10/2024 NOTICE-IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4137 PUBLISHED: June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 2024 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-202407287 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 1. BRUTUS’ CHOICE PET TREATS 2. BRUTUS’ CHOICE 28763 Cloud Way, Murrieta, CA 92563 Mailing address: 28763 Cloud Way, Murrieta, CA 92563 County: Riverside Ayia Alfagir, 28763 Cloud Way, Murrieta, CA 92563 This business is conducted by an Individual Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 02/07/2024 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars (1,000). Registrant: Ayia Alfagir Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 06/04/2024 NOTICE-IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 4136 PUBLISHED: June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 2024 EASY • CONVENIENT • LOW COST LEGAL ADVERTISING Call us for information on all Riverside County legal notices. We are happy to assist and answer your questions. Call us at 951-763-5510 or email
Amador Torres
with the

Legal Advertising

D-7 June 14, 2024 • • Anza Valley Outlook Notice To Readers: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. You can check the status of your licensed contractor at www.cslb. or 800-321-CSLB. Unlicensed contractors taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. n Application Order for Publication of Summons/Citation ..........$400 for 4 Weeks n Notice of Petition to Administer Estate ....................................$300 for 3 Weeks n Order to Show Cause for Change of Name................................. $90 for 4 Weeks n Fictitious Business Name Statement ..........................................$58 for 4 Weeks (Each additional name after two $3.00 each) n Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name Statement ..............$48 for 4 Weeks n Notice of Sale of Abandoned Property .......................................$80 for 2 Weeks
Deadline: Fridays at 3pm for following week’s publication. Run your legal notices in the Anza Valley Outlook, adjudicated for Riverside County. To advertise call our office at 951-763-5510 or email AnzA VAlley OUTLOOK ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK LEGAL NOTICES ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: CVMV 2403156 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner: BREEANNA ELIZABETH DAOUD Filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: a. BREEANNA ELIZABETH DAOUD b. GERIOUS AVERY DAOUD c. LEEANNA MARIE-NAWALL DAOUD d. NEKODA LIOR DAOUD Proposed Name: a. BREEANNA ELIZABETH CHRISTENSEN b. GERIOUS AVERY CHRISTENSEN c. LEEANNA MARIE-NAWAL CHRISTENSEN d. NEKODA JONES LIOR CHRISTENSEN THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 6-12-2024 Time: 8:00 AM Dept: MV2 The address of the court: Moreno Valley Branch, 13800 Heacock Avenue D201, Moreno Valley, CA 92553-3338 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Anza Valley Outlook Date: 4-30-2024 Signed: Samra Furbush, Judge of the Superior Court LEGAL: 4127 PUBLISHED: May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 2024 CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: CVCO 2403454 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner: NEHA HARISH SHARMA Filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: NEHA HARISH SHARMA Proposed Name: NEHAA SHARMA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date:7/17/24 Time: 8 a.m. Dept: C2 The address of the court: 4050 Main St, Riverside, CA 92501 A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Anza Valley Outlook Date: 05/28/24 Signed: Tamera L. Wagner, Judge of the Superior Court LEGAL: 4131 PUBLISHED: June 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: CVCO 2403458 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner: HARISH SUDARSHAN SHARMA Filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: HARISH SUDARSHAN SHARMA Proposed Name: HARIISH S SHARMA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date:7/17/24 Time: 8 a.m. Dept:C2 The address of the court: 4050 Main St, Riverside, CA 92501 A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Anza Valley Outlook Date: 05/28/24 Signed: Tamera L. Wagner, Judge of the Superior Court LEGAL: 4130 PUBLISHED: June 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024 CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF HEARING ON WATER ASSESSMENTS CHARGES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the General Manager of the Pinyon Pines County Water District as follows: (1) FILING OF REPORT. A written report has been prepared and filed with the secretary concerning the proposed Water Standby Assessments for the fiscal year 2024 - 2025 pursuant to Resolution #132 (2) DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AND PROPOSED ASSESSMENT. This report contains a description of each parcel of land and the amount of the assessment proposed to be levied for said fiscal year on each parcel as follows: (a) Thirty dollars ($30) per year for each acre of land or parcel of land less than one acre for all lands within the boundaries of Pinyon Pines County Water District. (b) Such water standby charge shall not apply to any parcel of land less than one and one-quarter acres (1 1/4) on which an active service connection exists thereon on or before July 1, 2024 (c) With respect to tracts of one and one-quarter acres (1 1/4) or more, one and one-quarter (1 1/4) acres of land shall be exempted from the water standby charge for each active service connection which exists thereon on or before July 1, 2024. No billing for such assessment shall be rendered, instead the amount of the assessment shall be added to the county tax roll and shall be collected together with general taxes. (3) INSPECTION OF REPORT. This report is available for inspection by calling the District at (760) 349-3261. (4) HEARING ON REPORT. A hearing on said report will be held before the Board of Directors at 9:00 am on July 7th 2024 at 63701 Vallecito Lane Mountain Center CA. Directors shall hear and consider all objections or protests, if any, to said report and upon conclusion of the hearing, the Board may adopt, revise, change, reduce or modify any assessment or overrule any or all objections. This Notice is given pursuant to Sections 31032.1 through 31032.9 of the Water Code of the State of California. Thomas Huss General Manager/Secretary of the Pinyon Pines County Water District and for the Board of Directors thereof June 14, 21, 2024 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to Sections 21700-21716 of the Business & Professions Code, Section 2328 of the UCC, Section 535 of the Penal Code and provisions of the Civil Code. Any vehicles sold will be under Section 3071 of motor vehicle code. The Online bidding starts on 06/15/2024 and ends at06/19/2024 at 9:00AM. Full access to this auction can be viewed at The undersigned will be sold by competitive bidding at BID13 on or after the 06/15/2024 at 9:00AM or later, on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at: Cajalco-Temescal Storage Center 20310 Temescal Canyon Rd. Corona, CA 92881 County of Riverside State of California Unit sold appear to contain: Misc. furniture, household goods, and boxes Belonging to: A0145 Opal Salone C0196 Alikialani Arreguin Ayon Escobar F0130 Marlon H Jackson Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase in CASH ONLY. All purchased items sold as is and must be removed at the time of sale. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Bid 13 HST License #864431754 Published June 14, 2024 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: CVCO 2402981TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner: LUIS ARTURO HERNANDEZ Filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: LUIS ARTURO HERNANDEZ Proposed Name: LEWIS CAPALDI HERNANDEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date:6/26/24 Time: 8:00 a.m. Dept: C2 The address of the court: 505 Buena Vista Ave #201, Corona Court House, Corona, CA 92882 A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Anza Valley Outlook Date: May 08, 2024 Signed: Tamera L. Wagner, Judge of the Superior Court LEGAL: 4135 PUBLISHED: June 14, 21,28, July 5, 2024 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: CVSW 2405859 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner: ALEXANDRA CONNELLY, TUCKER CONNELLY Filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: a. ALEXANDRA PAULA CONNELLY b. TUCKER GARRETT CONNELLY Proposed Name: a. ALEXANDRA PAULA ATKINSON b. TUCKER GARRETT ATKINSON THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date:10/17/2024 Time: 8:00 a.m. Dept: S101 The address of the court: 30755-D Auld Rd, Murrieta, CA 92563 A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Anza Valley Outlook Date: Jun 05, 2024 Signed: Belinda A. Handy, Judge of the Superior Court LEGAL: 4134 PUBLISHED: June 14, 21,28, July 5, 2024 CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE TO SELL PROPERTY AnzA VAlley OUTLOOK Ready to grow your business? 951.763.5510 Advertising works – call us today and find out how.
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