Lawful fun at Summer Nights B-1
Scavengers discover Fallbrook C-1
Bonsall horses win at Del Mar D-2
Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall
a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f
a nd
Pau m a
August 4, 2016
FUHSD trustees consider options in bond proposal
D e L u z , R a i n b ow , C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,
50¢ Sales tax included at news stand
Volume 20, Issue 31
REINS riders put on a show
Andrea Verdin Staff Writer
The Fallbrook Union High School District (FUHSD) board of trustees discussed drafts of a potential Proposition 39 bond resolution that could be put on the November ballot for San Diego County voters to consider. The board has been considering a bond for facilities infrastructure and modernization, in addition to new construction. Instead of asking for a tax
see BOND, page A-11
LAFCO annexes Chandler Ranch into NCFPD Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent
San Diego County’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved the annexation of Chandler Ranch into the North County Fire Protection District (NCFPD). The 7-0 LAFCO board vote Aug. 1, with Bill Horn absent, annexed approximately 77 1/2 acres into the NCFPD boundaries while detaching that area from the San Diego County Regional Fire Authority (SDCRFA) territory. The land is adjacent to what had
REINS Fun Day Horse Show volunteers help lead Alexis Grant, 3, and her therapeutic horse around the arena during the July 31 event in Fallbrook. See more photos on page D-1.
Reeder Media wins 10 journalism awards
see ANNEX, page A-10
thisweek Announcements �������������������������A-2 Business ������������������������������������C-10 Classifieds ������������������������������������D-6 Dining & Food ������������������������������B-8 Education ��������������������������������������D-4 Entertainment ������������������������������B-4 Health & Fitness ��������������������������B-2 Home & Garden �������������������������C-2 Legals.............................................D-7 Obituaries �������������������������������������D-5 Opinion �����������������������������������������A-5 Real Estate �����������������������������������C-2 Sports.............................................D-1 Batman leads the participants of the Heroes Walk for Life Lucette Moramarco photo fundraiser in the walk around Live Oak Park in part of the photo essay that won first place for Lucette Moramarco in the Society of Professional Journalist’s contest.
FALLBROOK – The Society of Dec. 10, 2015 holiday issue of the Professional Journalists (SPJ), San Village News. Photojournalist Nathalie Taylor Diego Pro Chapter, presented 10 awards to Reeder Media/Village brought home a second place News Inc. at a recognition dinner award in Feature Photo, for a held July 21 at the Kona Kai Resort photo she took to accompany her article “Tea Lane – A culinary Spa & Marina in San Diego. The annual event recognizes window to the Victorian era” about outstanding work by writers, the restaurant in Jackson Square, photographers, videographers, which ran Dec. 10, 2015. Assistant editor Lucette and graphic artists published in Moramarco both San Diego was awarded and Riverside “Being recognized for first place counties. Village News our efforts shows that we for her Photo staff earned are providing a valuable Essay, “Heroes five awards service to our readers in Walk for Life at Live Oak with four of a responsible manner, Park to benefit them in the All Media Design, something everyone on staff F a l l b r o o k Photography strives to do. I am really P r e g n a n c y Resource & Headlines proud of their efforts.” Center”, which division. Page captures the designer Forest – Julie Reeder, Publisher action-packed Rhodes won twice in the Feature design, single activities of the center’s fundraiser. page, nondaily category. He took The photos ran in the Oct. 15, first place with a colorful depiction 2015 issue. In Nondaily Reporting and of the “The magical, changeable nature of hydrangeas”, published Writing, Moramarco earned a second place in the Feature Story July 23, 2015. Rhodes also took honorable category with “Rainbow service mention (third place) with “Put station, stopping by on a trip to the some new twists on hot chocolate see AWARDS, page A-10 for the holidays”, published in the
Supervisors renew agreement with SDG&E for firefighting helicopter Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent
Village News
Shane Gibson photo
In 2009, San Diego Gas & Electric brought a helicopter to San Diego County which was capable of fighting fires as well as for SDG&E construction use, and SDG&E made the helicopter available to the County of San Diego for regional fire protection purposes. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved an agreement with SDG&E in 2009, and in 2010 the agreement was extended through the end of 2015. SDG&E recently leased a Sikorsky S-64 Helitanker from Erickson, Inc., and on July 19 the Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to authorize the director of the county’s Department of Purchasing and Contracting to enter into negotiations with SDG&E for a
new agreement which, contingent upon mutually agreeable terms, would be for 12 months with five one-year renewal options through 2022. Under the agreement SDG&E will cover the costs to operate the helicopter during the first two flight hours of any new fire and the county will cover the next two flight hours, although in many cases the state or Federal government may provide reimbursement for the cost of fighting wildfires. The helicopter will be available to all city fire departments and fire protection districts as well as to the San Diego County Regional Fire Authority. “San Diego has never been in better shape,” said Supervisor Ron Roberts. “We’ve never had better working partnerships.” “Fire preparedness is one of my
top priorities,” said Supervisor Bill Horn. “The drought, the speed of wildfires, and the terrain in San Diego County make air support for our firefighters an absolute necessity. I am thankful for our continued partnership with SDG&E and this incredible Helitanker that will protect lives and property.” The Sikorsky has a payload capacity of 2,600 gallons, which equates to 20,000 to 30,000 gallons per hour and 70,000 to 80,000 gallons on one fuel load. “It is truly a beast in the sky,” said Ron Roberts. “It comes complete with a specially trained crew.” The Helitanker can stay in the air for 2 1/2 hours before refueling. Less than a minute is required to refill the water tank. “We don’t have a fixed timeframe
for fire season,” said SDG&E vicepresident Frank Urtasun. Urtasun noted that a day earlier the Helitanker was used to drop more than 14,000 gallons of water in the Barona area. “It’s already paying off,” he said. The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, which is a City of San Diego agency, will provide contract management, operational oversight, and dispatch. The Helitanker is owned, flown, and maintained by Erickson, Inc., and the charge for flight time is $7,500 per hour. Usage and reimbursement will determine the county’s actual cost, but the maximum anticipated annual amount is $150,000. “This is one piece of a very important plan to make sure the county is prepared,” said Supervisor Dave Roberts. “I am just really, really pleased.”