Temecula Valley News

Page 1

Grown men Take Pride in adult basketball league, B-1

Shakespeare in the Vines’ 2017 summer season continues with ‘Macbeth’, C-3





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Serving Temecula , Murrieta , L ake E lsinore , M enifee , Wildomar , H emet, San Jacinto and the surrounding communities August 11 – 17, 2017

Local Capt. Lisa McConnell appointed Temecula police chief


Volume 17, Issue 32

High-flying and freestyling at Temecula’s Off Road Nights

TEMECULA – City Manager Aaron Adams announced that Lt. Lisa McConnell has been promoted to captain and appointed as Temecula chief of police effective Aug. 1. see page A-3

Local San Jacinto financial advisors report small investment gains Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM

After a lengthy review of the city’s $20 million investment portfolios, the San Jacinto City Council learned they have made only small gains in the marketplace as reported by their two financial advisory firms. see page A-6

Business Rotary Club of Lake Elsinore welcomes new president LAKE ELSINORE – The Rotary Club of Lake Elsinore welcomed a new president for the 20182019 year. Rick Morsch, owner of Morsch Engineering Company in Lake Elsinore, assumed the new role this month and has emphasized his focus will be on community service. see page B-6

Entertainment ‘Galway Downs, A Legend Reborn’ Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM

Only seven years after the Southern California Equestrian Center just on the edge of Temecula’s Wine Country was saved from bankruptcy by local businessman Ken Smith, Galway Downs has “jumped” back to its historical roots as an internationally known equestrian event center. see page C-2

INDEX Local ................................A-1 Sports ..............................B-1 Health .............................. B-4 Education.........................B-5 Business ...........................B-6 Entertainment.................C-1 Calendar of Events..........C-4 Wine Country .................C-5 Dining ..............................C-6 Real Estate ......................D-1 Home & Garden..............D-1 Pets...................................D-5 Business Directory..........D-5 Opinion ...........................D-6 Faith.................................D-6 Blotter...............................D-6 Classifieds........................D-7

Freestyle motocross riders perform stunts during a demonstration at the Temecula Off Road Nights event at Promenade Mall, Aug. 5. See more photos on page C-2. Shane Gibson photo

Southwest Juvenile Courthouse holds ribbon cutting Kim Harris VALLEYEDITOR@REEDERMEDIA.COM

A large group of dignitaries and interested residents attended a ribbon cutting at the Southwest Juvenile Courthouse, the 15th and newest courthouse in Riverside County. Riverside County 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington, the Riverside County Superior Court and the Economic Development Agency announced the ribbon cutting of the new courthouse, which is the first courthouse built in the county in more than 15 years. The event was held Aug. 2. Speakers at the ribbon cutting were Washington and Honorable Mark A. Cope, past presiding judge of the Riverside County Superior Court. The new Southwest Juvenile courthouse is 14,381 square feet and fills a “critical need” for the

see COURTHOUSE, page A-4

People gather outside the newly completed Southwest Juvenile Courthouse for a ribbon cutting, Aug. 2. Shane Gibson photo

Murrieta police to test GoPro body cameras Will Fritz VALLEYSTAFF@REEDERMEDIA.COM

Murrieta Police Department has begun exploring the use of police body cameras, falling in step with nearly a third of law enforcement agencies across the country. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 32 percent of U.S. police agencies were using body cameras in 2013. The department received five GoPro test units, July 6, Murrieta Police Department Capt. Robert Firmes said. The test units were offered to the department free of charge for a 45-day trial period, though the department asked for and was granted an extension. “They said that they would extend that time, but they didn’t give me a deadline yet,” Firmes said. “So it’s not indefinite, but they’re flexible with how long we can keep them.” Murrieta Police Department Capt. Robert Firmes holds up a GoPro body camera test unit.

Will Fritz photo

see CAMERAS, page A-6

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