Temecula Valley News

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Local athletes impressing at Rio Olympics, B-1

Bridal showers are perfect with Fazeli Cellars, C-6





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Serving Temecula , Murrieta , L ake E lsinore , M enifee , Wildomar , H emet, San Jacinto and the surrounding communities August 19 – 25, 2016


Menifee acknowledges local heroism


Volume 16, Issue 34

Time flies when you’re having fun


A community contributor and former boy scout’s instincts kicked in when a young child was struggling to stay afloat at the Menifee Lakes Beach and Swim Club swimming pool. see page A-3


Optimism and opportunity in San Jacinto Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM

San Jacinto Mayor Andrew Kotyuk praised the city staff, local businesses, schools and the residents of the city for persevering in recent hard economic times and optimistically foresees a highly favorable future for San Jacinto and all its residents. see page A-4

Ralph Heitz, 95, smiles after a 40-minute flight around southwest Riverside County, Aug. 11. The flight plan included a fly over Atria Park senior living in Temecula where Ralph and his wife Evelyn live. Inset: Craig Anderson pilots his 1975 Cessna off the runway at French Valley Airport Shane Gibson photos with his special passenger and retired WWII pilot Ralph Heitz, Aug. 11.


Ralph Heitz, a 95-year-old Atria Park of Vintage Hills resident, was able to fulfill a long-awaited dream Thursday, Aug. 11. In late June,


LE challenges city to live healthy lifestyle

Heitz walked into the office of Atria Park’s Life Guidance Director, Stephanie Oden, and asked her if she knew where the French Valley airport was. “I want to fly,” he told her. To this, Oden simply responded, “I can

make that happen.” During the turmoil of World War II, Heitz served as a Sergeant on a B12 bomber plane. Due to Heitz’s advanced Alzheimer’s, it was difficult for him to recollect his experiences of that phase of his life,


The city of Murrieta has settled a lawsuit with Kathleen Smith, the woman who alleged she was sexually assaulted by councilman and former mayor Harry Ramos, according to documentation obtained by Valley News. The settlement in the amount of $99,000, significantly lower than the initial $1 million Smith and her attorneys originally requested in the lawsuit, releases both Ramos and the city of Murrieta from any further legal action regarding her allegations, including any future claims, complaints or charges. Smith, who is now on disability and no longer works, will also be responsible for her own medical bills resulting from any necessary treatment stemming from the alleged incident. She is also

see page B-3


Museum preserves city’s legacy Jacob Preal JPREAL@REEDERMEDIA.COM

see page C-1

see HEITZ, page A-3

City settles lawsuit involving former mayor’s alleged inappropriate conduct

Stephanie Lai VALLEYSTAFF@REEDERMEDIA.COM Meeting from once to several times a month, Healthy LE is a Lake Elsinore program that provides the community with the challenge of getting active.

Empty land is sprawled outward in all directions. A blank, cloudless stretch of blue meeting its outer rim where the mountain intersects the sky in a sphere of open opportunity.

but he was able to offer, “I live for that time when I get back up in the air … I love the freedom.” When it finally became time for Heitz to fly the 1975 Cessna 172

A lawsuit involving Murrieta Councilman Harry Ramos’ alleged sexual misconduct has been settled.

Shane Gibson photo

see RAMOS, page A-5

Hemet business concerns on Florida Avenue median strip forwarded to Caltrans Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM


RWQCB rescinds waste discharge order Joe Naiman JNAIMAN@REEDERMEDIA.COM

The Regional Water Quality Control Board rescinded the specific waste discharge order for the Vail Lake RV Resort on-site wastewater treatment system. see page D-2

Caltrans plans to build a raised center median from Acacia Street to Valle Vista on Florida Avenue in 2018 came as a “complete surprise” to Hemet City Engineer Steven Latino. Caltrans already had a plan laid out for the cement median strips with long left lane turns and limited breaks on some of the less used side streets connecting to Florida Avenue (Highway 74). It would have cut off a number of businesses in one direction and made it even more difficult for delivery trucks to access the businesses. Latino and the city staff have since convinced

see MEDIAN, page A-6

Hemet businessmen study the photographic view of where the Caltrans raised median is scheduled to run the length of Florida Avenue Acacia to Valle Vista. City officials were seeking input from local businessmen and residents on what they would like to see in the $11 million project during a meeting held Tuesday, Aug. 9, at the Golden Village Palms RV Park. Tony Ault photo

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