Bold cuisine at Brooktown B-7
Water features are relaxing C-8
Stringing it together D-4
Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall
a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f
a nd
Pau m a
September 14, 2017
Water and sewer rates restructured and expected to rise next year
D e L u z , R a i n b ow, C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,
A salute before kickoff
FALLBROOK – Water and sewer rates are likely to increase for Fallbrook Public Utility District customers beginning with January bills. Some customers will likely see bigger increases than others depending on their usage, some customers could see decreases on set fees, and various service charges will likely change – some increases, and some decreases. At this point, the rates are proposed. The FPUD board has not yet voted on the restructured rates as District legal counsel reviews them. They will probably go to the board for a vote at the December board of directors meeting. The reason for the restructured rates is that FPUD’s financial consultant conducted a comprehensive cost-of-service study earlier this year. Rate studies help public agencies appropriately structure rates and fees to correspond with the cost of providing service, which is a requirement of Proposition 218, which was passed by voters in 1996. Prop. 218 requires that public utilities charge customers only what it costs to provide the service. It prohibits government agencies from allowing some customers to subsidize other customers. Utilities that do not develop their rates using a cost-of-service study are exposed to litigation.
USPS Residential Customer
FRHD to host two community forums on public meeting space, urgent care services Sept. 27 and 28
see FORUMS, page A-11
Village News
Volume 21, Issue 36
FALLBROOK – The Fallbrook Regional Health District, which recently voted unanimously to sell the former Fallbrook Hospital, will host two separate community forums to discuss potential uses for public meeting space and an open dialog about urgent care services. The community forum on public meeting space will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 27 followed by the urgent care services community forum on Thursday, Sept. 28. Both meetings will happen from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Fallbrook Library, 124 S. Mission Road. For more information on the community forums, contact “During our recent public meetings on the sale of the former hospital, two questions often came up: ‘Can the district create a public meeting space?’ and ‘Can we expand urgent care services beyond what’s already being provided?’” said executive director Bobbi Palmer. “The Fallbrook Regional Health District wants these two community forums to serve as an open dialog to revisit both topics and allow us drill down to some more specifics.”
see WATER, page A-11
Announcements �������������������������A-2 Business ������������������������������������C-10 Business Directory ������������������C-11 Calendar........................................A-2 Classifieds ������������������������������������B-5 Dining & Food ������������������������������B-7 Education.......................................B-4 Entertainment ������������������������������D-4 Health & Fitness ��������������������������B-2 Home & Garden ������������������������C- 2 Legals.............................................B-6 Obituaries �������������������������������������A-8 Opinion �����������������������������������������A-5 Real Estate �����������������������������������C-2 Sheriff’s Log ���������������������������������A-8 Sports.............................................D-1 Wine................................................D-6
50¢ Sales tax included at news stand
Party in the Square! to debut Sept. 23 Tom Ferrall Staff Writer
Shane Gibson photo Fallbrook High School JROTC Color Guard members present the colors at Fallbrook Stadium prior to kickoff of the Warriors’ home opener of the 2017 football season. See coverage of the game on page D-2.
Visitor-friendly signage is finally in Fallbrook’s future
Tom Ferrall Staff Writer
Finding downtown Fallbrook is often a problem for first-time visitors and for years – 10 to be exact – town leaders have been trying to get approval to put up way-finding and directional signs. “The goal was very simple – to have directional signs coming into town – but the policies of the county (of San Diego) didn’t allow it in practical ways,” explained longtime resident and community advocate Vince Ross at a recent Fallbrook community forum meeting. Ross made the comments while introducing Lila MacDonald, the CEO of the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce, who announced at the meeting that the goal of putting up helpful signage in town was finally going to be achieved. “It’s taken a long time and the reason it’s getting done now is because the community rallied together and collaborated under the leadership of the chamber of commerce,” said MacDonald. “I’m very excited. It’s like one of those big things where you go, ‘wow, we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.’” MacDonald, who made several trips to county offices to get approvals and the necessary permits, noted that laws have been updated over the years and that the county is trying to streamline the
see SIGNAGE, page A-11 An example of the new wayfinding signs that will be going up around Fallbrook. Courtesy photo
T h e F a l l b r o o k Vi l l a g e Association (FVA) continues to come up with events in an effort to attract people to downtown Fallbrook. During the summer, FVA hosted three Party Off the Grid events and three Fallbrook Summer Nights parties. All six events featured live musical entertainment, although the Party Off the Grid gatherings were mini versions of Fallbrook Summer Nights. Now, FVA is set to present its first Party in the Square!, a fundraising event that will be held in the Vince Ross Village Square Saturday, Sept. 23 from 7 to 10 p.m. The San Diego band Cardinal Moon will provide the tunes, and food and beverages – including wine and beer – will be available. FVA is collaborating with fellow
see PARTY, page A-10
North County Fire Protection District special meeting on revenue measure likely this month Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent
The North County Fire Protection District board will likely have a special meeting later this month regarding a potential revenue measure. NCFPD staff issued request for proposals for a revenue measure feasibility analysis and public opinion survey in May, and during the June 27 regular meeting, the board voted 3-1, with Ken Munson opposed and Ruth Harris absent, to authorize a contract with David Taussig and Associates. The Aug. 22 board meeting created an ad
see REVENUE, page A-11