Temecula Valley News

Page 1

HS Baseball: Great Oak welcomes new head coach, B-2


Hemet San Jacinto Valley residents enjoy Health Fair, B-4


MSJC Art Exhibit presents ‘Kaleeka Bond – A Group of One’, C-2



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Local Lake Elsinore to join Temecula in JPA for electricity


Volume 17, Issue 42

Guests find scares at every turn at Sinister Valley Haunted House


Lake Elsinore City Council approved a joint power agreement with the city of Temecula that will bring in 1.5 megawatts of solar power to the city’s parks, streetlights and other facilities, saving the city millions of dollars in electric bills in the next 20 years. see page A-3

Local Hemet’s Measure U tax helps reduce violent crime Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM

Violent crimes in the city of Hemet are down from 2016 with some reduction in property crime, partially due to new police department hires and equipment made possible through Measure U funding, Hemet Police Chief Dave Brown said. see page A-7

Thrill seekers meet scary characters through the Sinister Valley Haunted House maze at Vail Headquarters in Temecula.

Education Hine Subaru donates books to local school Paul Bandong PBANDONG@REEDERMEDIA.COM

Bill Brumbaugh, general manager, and Kevin Ohler, marketing manager, both from John Hine Subaru in Temecula were on hand at Friday’s assembly at E. Hale Curran Elementary School in Murrieta to make a special “Subaru Loves Learning” presentation to Principal Pamela Roden. see page B-6

Business Temecula offers 3 events for National Pro Bono Week Kim Harris VALLEYEDITOR@REEDERMEDIA.COM

National Pro Bono Week is here and to celebrate the Temecula Library is offering three events for those interested in learning how to represent themselves in certain legal situations. see page B-7

INDEX Local ..................................... A-1 Sports ................................... B-1 Health ................................... B-4 Education.............................. B-6 Business ................................ B-7 Entertainment...................... C-1 Calendar of Events .............. C-4 Dining.................................... C-5 Wine Country ...................... C-6 Pets........................................ C-7 Real Estate ........................... D-1 Home & Garden................... D-1 Business Directory............... D-5 Opinion ................................ D-6 Blotter.................................... D-6 Classifieds............................. D-7


Mist rises up from the ground, doors and boxes shake, an animatronic lion growls from nearby and

a nefarious voice warns visitors to turn back. These are just some of the sights and sounds that greet people as they first enter the Sinister Valley Haunted House at Vail Ranch

Headquarters in Temecula. The house is filled with several rooms, each providing a distinctly scary experience. Sinister Valley is the idea of Chris O’Keefe and his friend Jus-

Shane Gibson photo

tin Fisher. The two friends are both veteran scare enthusiasts who had been using O’Keefe’s Murrieta home as a haunted house every see HAUNTED, page A-4

Alexis Brown represents Temecula in Miss California Teen USA Stephanie Lai VALLEYSTAFF@REEDERMEDIA.COM

Temecula local Alexis K. Brown has been chosen by the producers of Miss California USA and Miss California Teen USA to represent Temecula in the upcoming state pageant. The winner will go on to compete at the national Miss USA competition which is televised live on FOX. Raised in Temecula for over 15 years, Brown has strong roots to the city where she attended Paloma Elementary School, Margarita Middle School and graduated from Chaparral High School in 2013. Throughout high school, Brown was an active member of her school’s chamber choir and peer leaders. Since then, she has embarked in a modeling career, including working for Victoria’s Secret PINK and Berta Bridal. “Pageants and modeling really came hand in hand for me,” Brown said. “My mom originally introduced me to pageants as a hobby and never knew how hard I’d latch on it.”

This year, Brown will be graduating with honors from California State University San Bernardino with her bachelor’s degree in chemistry. After a placing in the top 20 at Miss California USA 2016, the aspiring physician will be representing Temecula in December. Her involvement with Angel Drive, Goodwill and Project T.O.U.C.H. allows her to giving back to her community. She is currently hosting the Winter Warm-Up Drive with Project T.O.U.C.H. in Temecula. Anyone can participate by donating coats and winter clothing. The drop off location is at the Temeku Hills Master Association office. “My community has always supported me during my career in pageants over the last 15 years, and I am forever grateful. Temecula holds a special place in my heart because these are my beginnings,” she said. To prepare for the upcoming pageant, she said her goal is to stay

see BROWN, page A-3

Alexis Brown has been involved in pageantry since she was 6-yearsold and hopes to win the 2018 Miss California USA. The winner of Miss California USA will go on to compete in Miss USA. Shane Gibson photo

Local nonprofits receive federal grant funding during Wildomar city council meeting Alex Groves AGROVES@REEDERMEDIA.COM

The Assistance League of Temecula Valley is one of three nonprofit groups in the area that received federal funding during a Wildomar City Council meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 11. The $9,000 in funds it received will go to Operation School Bell, which seeks to help students from kindergarten through high school obtain school-appropriate clothing. Alex Groves photo

The Wildomar City Council discussed at their Oct. 11 meeting, how to dole out the federal funding it received for the 2018-2019 fiscal year among four nonprofits that had applied. Four community groups requested $60,750 in federal Community Development Block Grants received through the city, but the council was only authorized to give 14 percent of its $147,699 in funding, or $20,677, to those groups. With Councilmember Dustin Nigg absent, the council voted 4-0 to give $9,000 to the Assistance

League of Temecula Valley, $9,000 to Helping Our People of Elsinore and $2,677 to Rancho Damacitas Children and Family Services. The Assistance League of Temecula Valley sought funds for Operation School Bell, which provides low-income grade school students with the chance to buy schoolappropriate clothing and shoes. The group, Helping Our People of Elsinore, provides food pantry services to those living in Lake Elsinore Unified School District boundaries. Rancho Damacitas Children and Family Services will use its fund for the SOAR

see NONPROFITS, page A-7

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