Fallbrook Village News

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Fallbrook Fire holds Open House B-1

Elvis seen at Silvergate B-5

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Volume 20, Issue 43

Visitors sample wine & a bite

Grand Tradition will no longer host Fourth of July fireworks Tom Ferrall Staff Writer

Shane Gibson photo Christina Pitkin of El Jardin Mexican Restaurant serves samplings of chicken enchiladas inside Weichert Realty/Murphy & Murphy to participating guests of the Oct. 21 Wine & a Bite Art Walk through downtown Fallbrook. See more photos on page C-1.

Bonsall High wins rematch

The Grand Tradition, which has presented a Fourth of July fireworks show for the past 13 years, will no longer host the pyrotechnics. Don McDougal, CEO of the Grand Tradition, made the announcement during the Fallbrook Community Forum meeting Oct. 20. “Primarily it was the safety concerns,” said McDougal of the decision to discontinue the fireworks. “We have a lot of housing nearby, and we’ve had some complaints about the fallout and the noise.” One home owner brought evidence of the fallout to McDougal following this year’s show. “When a shell explodes, that shell drifts depending on the wind,” said McDougal. “I had a neighbor that brought a bag of all this fallout that was on her roof and in her yard.” McDougal said the Grand Tradition worked with the fire department every year in keeping the show safe. “The fire department was always there,” said McDougal. “They’d go around and check all the houses to make sure there were not any embers.”

see TRADITION, page A-8

see DD, page A-10


Buyers waiting for attorney to provide tab for Fallbrook Golf Club

Announcements �������������������������A-2 Business ������������������������������������C-10 Business Directory ���������������������C-8 Classifieds ������������������������������������D-6 Dining & Food ������������������������������B-8 Education ��������������������������������������D-4 Entertainment ������������������������������B-4 Health & Fitness ��������������������������B-2 Home & Garden �������������������������C-2 Legals.............................................D-7 Obituaries �������������������������������������D-5 Opinion �����������������������������������������A-4 Real Estate �����������������������������������C-2 Sheriff’s Log ���������������������������������C-2 Sports.............................................D-1 Wine................................................B-6

Tom Ferrall Staff Writer

expected acquisition. Part of the land is within the pre-approved mitigation area for the draft North County Multiple Species Conservation Program. The least Bell’s vireo bird species has been observed on the property. The golf course also has mature trees. “They’ve been pruned and groomed over the years,” Enriquez said. Enriquez noted that many portions of the 118 acres are relatively flat. “That area has the potential for active recreation,” he said. “It also has the potential to build a trail through it.” The entirety of the land expected to be purchased Dec. 14 is within the boundaries of the former golf course which opened in 1963 and closed in August 2014. The planned Dec. 14 purchase would acquire the area where six holes once challenged golfers. “Its location leads to a lot of opportunities from a park perspective,” Enriquez said. “The acquisition has a lot of potential to meet multiple needs of

Jade and Julie Work, the Fallbrook couple who as Gird Valley, Inc., have been working to purchase Fallbrook Golf Club from Jack Lamberson, are ready to complete the deal but are waiting to receive the final bill from attorney Ronald Richards. Richards’ D-Day Capital, LLC, owns the notes on the 116-acre Gird Valley property. D-Day Capital had its trustee, Chicago Title Company, serve Lamberson with a notice of default on Sept. 1, stating he owed $53,208.24 in past due payments. D-Day Capital also recorded a lis pendens (notice of pending legal action) against the property. While D-Day Capital was taking the first steps in the foreclosure process, Lamberson reached a deal with the Works, longtime Fallbrook residents who want to preserve the property from development. Beverly Hillsbased Richards is well known for working with developers. Richards, Lamberson and Jade Work and lawyers from all sides appeared before Vista Superior Court Judge Earl H. Maas III on Oct. 14. It was the parties’ second appearance of the month before the judge. “We’re trying to close,” said Jade Work on Monday, Oct. 24. “We’re waiting for D-Day Capital to submit all the paper work to the title company and then we can close. The judge made a ruling that asked D-Day Capital to supply a payoff demand (statement) and to release the lis pendens once it’s paid in full.”

see PARK, page A-8

see GOLF, page A-8

Lady Legionnaire Daisy Cruz keeps the ball in play against River Valley, Oct. 18. Bonsall won the match 3-1 at home. See more coverage on page D-1.

Shane Gibson photo

Supervisors set Dec. 14 hearing to acquire former golf course land for river park Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent

Village News


760.731.1333 936 E. Mission Rd, Fallbrook

By Tom Ferrall Staff Writer

Members of the Sycamore Ranch community hosted a meeting with Bonsall Unified School District (BUSD) officials Oct. 20 in the club house of the Golf Club of California to discuss Measure DD. Those in attendance learned – much to their dismay – they are going to have a high school as a neighbor whether DD passes or fails. The BUSD announced earlier this year that it had selected the Gird Road site as the future home for the new Bonsall High School. The decision was made after an Optimal High School Site Study evaluated 12 sites based on uniform criteria and identified the Gird Road property as the most favorable. Measure DD, which would raise property taxes at a rate of $60 per $100,000 of assessed value, authorizes $58 million in bonds to help construct and equip the new school. At the start of the Oct. 20 meeting, Sycamore Ranch resident Peter Kunasz, who helped organize the assembly, polled the audience and asked if anyone was in favor of DD. When no one in the audience raised their hand, Kunasz said, “Good, we’ll avoid any confrontations then.” Some in the audience thought if Measure DD was defeated, the high school wouldn’t be built. During


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October 27, 2016

Some Sycamore Ranch residents not in favor of DD or future high school

a nd


Part of the former San Luis Rey Downs golf course will become part of the future San Luis Rey River Park if the San Diego County Board of Supervisors approves the acquisition of that land at the county supervisors’ Dec. 14 meeting. The supervisors voted 5-0 Oct. 19 to set the Dec. 14 hearing date to acquire 118 acres of the former golf course from San Luis Rey Downs Enterprises, LLC, for the appraised value of $5,885,000. “It is our goal to acquire over 1,000 acres for the river park, and we’re on our way to do that,” said Supervisor Bill Horn. “We’re really excited about it,” said county Department of Parks and Recreation district manager Jake Enriquez. “It’s a nice acquisition for the park.” The San Luis Rey River Park will encompass approximately 1,600 acres, and the linear park will stretch for approximately nine miles between the Bonsall Bridge

and Interstate 15. Land will be acquired only from willing sellers, so the exact boundaries have not yet been determined. The county has already purchased more than 500 acres from willing sellers, and approximately 850 acres are expected to be acquired as part of the California Department of Transportation mitigation requirements for the widening of State Route 76. The county and Caltrans have worked together to coordinate the plans for the river park with the plans to widen Highway 76. The river park will include open space areas such as walking, bicycling, and equestrian trails along with staging areas. The open space portion will also include habitat preservation and will protect the San Luis Rey River which is almost entirely riparian. The park will also provide active recreation facilities such as ball fields, play areas, and picnic facilities. “It has the potential for both. It’s got some nice riparian and river habitat,” Enriquez said of the

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