Anza Events Calendar, A-2
Fair Day brings fun to Hemet Harvest Festival, B-1
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Your Source For Reputable Local News
October 28 – November 3, 2016
Volume 16, Issue 44
The Anza Phantom Artist’s latest Will you answer the cry? Get artwork howls at the moon out and vote! Local
The Anza Phantom Artist has done it again the AVO has an exclusive preview of the next Anza sign. It is not quite done yet; the finishing touches are being added and soon it will appear on the scene. Can you guess who this is for? Watch for its appearance along a local roadway soon. If you have not heard, the reason the Phantom’s Anza signs have a rearing horse on them it is because he/she wanted to remember the herd of free roaming wild horses that once roamed in the southeastern part of the valley around Coyote Canyon Road were the Anza Borrego park lands roll up to meet us. Many remember them, though I believe sometime around 2003 they were removed to Montana then some were returned – not our horses but a small herd of wild horses. The past owner of the AVO, Carl Long, who died in the fall of 2010, housed these horses and cared for them at his ranch for many years. They are in someone else’s care now, but none roam free like they use too.
For those of you old enough to have voted before, there is nothing like the thrill you get when the candidates and issues you supported and voted for win. This is especially true for a presidential election. see page A-3
Special Deputy Frank Hamilton Highway 371 dedication postponed Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM
The Special Deputy Frank Hamilton Highway dedication planned Thursday, Oct. 21, was postponed by the Riverside County Sheriff’s office and will be rescheduled for a later date.
A Random Act of Kindness I was just thinking about how what the Anza Phantom Artist is doing for the community is an example of “A Random Act of Kindness.” I checked the Phantom’s Facebook site here and there and found two more signs have been placed; one for Hill Street up at the end of town and one down in Wilson Valley close to the dog training and boarding place, on Gene Road.
see page A-5
Supervisors approve rezone, conditional use permit for Anza/79 property
The Anza Phantom Artist’s latest artwork howls at the moon.
Phantom Artist photo
see ARTIST, page A-4
AVA’s announces new leader, President Rosie Grindle
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved a rezone and a conditional use permit for a 7.61-acre property at the northwest corner of Anza Road and State Route 79.
Anza Valley Outlook
see page B-3
Graffiti strikes the VFW sign I also saw a post made after the VFW sign had been vandalized with graffiti. The artist fixed it so fast I thought perhaps it would fuel the wrong kind of fire to publish the defaced photos of it so I never did.
Anza Valley Artists have chosen a new leader in President Rosie Grindle. You may have seen Grindle around town, her big smile is hard to miss even under her cowboy hat she often wears. Five years ago, she moved to Anza to pursue a few things she loves best; horses and art. It is these passions that merge reflected in her art. Most of her artwork encompasses horses and western themes. But her life once was spent in the service of others solely as a custodian of some of Riverside County’s most prized public places. She served as a park ranger over Lake Skinner, Bogart Park, Gilman
Springs Ranch and two museums just to name a few. The last few years she spent at headquarters. All those years while pursuing her career, she had it in the back of her mind to actively pursue her painting when she retired. She joined the Anza Valley Artists right after she moved to Anza in December 2011 and the Redshank Riders too. There were only eight members in the AVA back then and Grindle served as VP for three of those five years. She is very excited at all the new members and how the group has grown in size and talent. She says each has a unique talent and story to share. During her career as a park ranger, many
see GRINDLE, page B-2
Ricardo Breceda, famed sculptor and Rosie Grindle this spring at Breceda’s reception and art show. Jill Roberts photo
Renaissance Faire termed ‘Awesome’ helping High Country Boys & Girls Club Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM
Helping make the annual Renaissance Faire High Country Boys & Girls Club fundraiser a success Oct. 15 were from left Maria Stinnett, ERA Realtor Robyn Garrison and Marilyn Gilbert. Garrison coordinated the special event while Stinnett and ERA Realty staff member Gilbert showed their musical talents by leading the singing at the festival. Tony Ault photo
The planned Anza High County Boys & Girls Club complex took a step closer to reality Oct. 15 with hundreds of residents and visitors enjoying the annual Renaissance Faire fundraiser off Highway 371 and Kirby Road. “What can I say,” said Renaissance Faire promoter Robyn Garrison, “Awesome, it was awesome. We had more vendors participating this year than last and almost all the churches.” It was the second year the Renaissance Faire has been held to help raise money to build the High County Boys & Girls club facility. Offering fun and games to the
Anza boys and girls and their parents were bagpipers, archery range, music by the Hamilton K-8 band, staged stick fights, costume contests, game quests for the youngsters, delicious barbecue food by the Fun Club and churches, bounce houses and a very special opening ceremony conducted by Anza VFW Post 1873 honoring the flag and VFW member Michael Mosley who was given the Thimble Club’s Quilt of Valor for his dedicated service in the U.S. Navy. Particularly enjoying the festivities were the honored Renaissance Faire Queen Teri Crutchfield and Princess America Daniels who were escorted throughout the faire by their royal court.