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The Great Gatsby entertains B-1

Combating fire blight C-10

Weber earns national recognition D-4

Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall

a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f

a nd

Pau m a


November 9, 2017

Teen taken into custody after posting school threat

D e L u z , R a i n b ow, C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,

Volume 21, Issue 44

95-year-old Navy veteran Noland still going strong

Tom Ferrall Staff Writer

Deputies from the Sheriff ’s Fallbrook substation took a 15-year-old male suspect into custody Sunday, Nov. 5, for posting a threat that implied there would be a gun on the Fallbrook High School campus Monday, Nov. 6. According to a report by Sgt. Jeff Schmidt of the San County Sheriff ’s Department, school officials contacted the Fallbrook substation Nov. 5 regarding a social media post of a picture of a handgun and a warning to not attend school the following morning. Fallbrook deputies, in coordination with Fallbrook High School staff and the initial reporting party, were able to identify the suspect. Deputies contacted the 15-year old suspect at his residence and took him into custody without incident. Although the suspect indicated the post was only meant as a joke, based upon the severity of the crime, he was booked at Juvenile Hall. Lt. Mark Moreno of the Fallbrook substation said the suspect was charged with “criminal threats,” which can be prosecuted as a felony.

see THREAT, page A-10


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50¢ Sales tax included at news stand

SANDAG and SCTCA release draft regional tribal transportation strategy Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent

Retired Navy veteran Howard Noland, 95, resides in Fallbrook’s Morro Hills neighborhood [inset] Howard Noland, age 20 in this photo, served as a Navy hospital corpsman. Tom Ferrall Staff Writer Howard Delos Noland, a 95-yearold Navy veteran and Fallbrook resident, had a question when his son, Chuck Noland, introduced him to a newspaper writer. “Is this for my obituary?” asked Howard with a twinkle in his eye as he strode straight and strong to a chair in the living room of his hilltop home in Morro Hills for an afternoon visit. Chuck Noland couldn’t be

prouder of his pop, who served in the Navy for 23 years and as a hospital corpsman aided injured Marines in World War II. The son also marvels at his father’s strength at age 95. “The physical therapists say they’ve never seen an 85-year-old man as strong and in as good of shape as he is at 10 years older,” said Chuck, noting that his father wakes up each day at 6:30 a.m. and promptly makes his bed, making sure the corners are tight. Up until a year ago, Howard would exercise by walking the hills

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in his neighborhood. At the request of Chuck, who feared his father might take a tumble, Howard now does daily laps in the house. Howard Noland, born in 1922, said he wasn’t expecting to see 1978 let alone 2017. “My dad died in 1950,” said Howard. “He was an old man – 55 years old. All of the men on my dad’s side never saw 56.” Howard’s longevity may be attributed to his being engaged in

see VETERAN, page A-12

Cavanh, Cifuentes, Denny and Porter honored as Students of the Month

The San Diego Association of Governments and the Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association have collaborated on a draft tribal transportation strategy. The draft strategy was discussed during the Oct. 27 meeting of SANDAG’s Borders Committee. The draft allows for comments, and a refined version will be considered for approval by the SCTCA in December and by the SANDAG board in January. Submittal to the California Department of Transportation, which may provide funding assistance, is expected to occur in early 2018. “This is the first comprehensive inventory of tribal transportation needs in the region,” said SANDAG tribal liaison Jane Clough. In the past two Regional Transportation Plan cycles tribal projects have been included in the addendum portion of the RTP but utilized individual tribal plans. “Tribal nations traditionally have worked one on one with the Bureau of Indian Affairs,” Clough

see SANDAG, page A-11

Protesters take on gas tax increase at Temecula Duck Pond Alex Groves Staff Writer

place. He’s one of the top students I’ve ever taught.” Cavanh, as did all the recipients, thanked his teachers, his family, the Student of the Month committee and the community leaders in the audience. “Both of these teachers not only care about their students’ lives academically, but they truly care about our personal lives out of school,” said Cavanh. “Without these two amazing teachers, I wouldn’t be at the place I am today in our school.” Cavanh thanked his father, a 30year Marine currently stationed in the Middle East, and his mother, who was in attendance, for allowing him to stay in Fallbrook so he could graduate with the class of 2018. He added that he plans to attend Palomar

The Temecula Duck Pond became the backdrop for a protest against a 12 cent per gallon increase to a gasoline excise tax, Saturday, Nov. 4. A handful of protesters showed up waving signs with phrases such as “#GasTaxtrophe” and were met with the occasional honking of a horn from a passing vehicle. Protester Rick Reiss of Temecula said Saturday’s event was about spreading a message that the tax and similar taxes were unneeded and unwanted. “The government just keeps taking and taking and taking,” he said. “And there seems to be no accountability, especially from the government we have up in Sacramento. They just seem to be very imperious and arrogant in the way that they tax and spend.” Reiss said he believes the increase in gas prices is likely to particularly impact Temecula, as the area is considered a “commuter town.” “A lot of people commute to jobs to San Diego, Orange County, LA,” he said. “This hurts people in the pocket.” Nam-Yong Horn, a longtime Republican activist, was among the protesters Saturday. She said she believed the tax would end up hurting people in difficult financial straits. “I think most people are struggling,” Horn said. “You’ve got to have two, three jobs to feed your kid or have a place to live and all that. In my opinion, raising (the) gas tax is not the way to go.” Bob Kowell of Murrieta said he anticipates an increase not just at the pump, but also in grocery and retails stores. Kowell said his wife had noticed an increase in the price of items during a recent shopping trip.

see STUDENTS, page A-12

see PROTEST, page A-10

The Students of the Month for November are, left to right, Kaipo Cavanh, Sydney Porter, Jessica Denny and Brian Cifuentes. Tom Ferrall Staff Writer The celebratory Student of the Month breakfast was held at North Coast Church for the first time Nov. 2, and the honorees for the month of November – Kaipo Cavanh, Jessica Denny and Sydney Porter of Fallbrook Union High School and Brian Cifuentes of Ivy High School – made the first group of students to be saluted at the impressive new venue a special one Officials and faculty from both schools, as well as an impressive number of Marines from Camp Pendleton, joined family, friends and members of the community in recognizing Cavanh, Denny, Porter and Cifuentes for their inspiring achievements. The first student to be honored was Cavanh, who was nominated for the award by teachers Alana Milton

and Colette Hill. “If you’ve ever met Kaipo or talked to him, the first thing you notice right away is his smile and his enthusiasm,” said Milton, noting that Cavanh’s “huge personality” helped him be elected the school’s pep commissioner. “He’s dedicated to making Fallbrook High better, more spirited and more friendly. “He works all the time to include more students on campus,” continued Milton. “He tries to get more students into activities and tries really hard to get our school to have an inclusive culture. He’s done that by joining clubs he may not have joined otherwise.” Hill called Cavanh her “righthand man” and echoed Milton’s comments about his caring nature. “He’s got so many virtues and done so many things,” said Hill. “He makes Fallbrook a better place, and Fallbrook High School a better

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